blob: 27bc4f868f9fd74fc3ec88067d4057e0c120ad2b [file] [log] [blame]
* merge.c : routines for performing a MERGE server requests
* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
* you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
* are also available at
* If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
* newer version instead, at your option.
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
* individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
* history and logs, available at
* ====================================================================
#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_hash.h>
#include <apr_want.h>
#include <ne_xml.h>
#include <ne_request.h>
#include "svn_string.h"
#include "svn_error.h"
#include "svn_path.h"
#include "svn_ra.h"
#include "ra_dav.h"
static const struct ne_xml_elm merge_elements[] =
{ "DAV:", "updated-set", ELEM_updated_set, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "merged-set", ELEM_merged_set, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "ignored-set", ELEM_ignored_set, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "href", NE_ELM_href, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "merge-response", ELEM_merge_response, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "checked-in", ELEM_checked_in, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "response", NE_ELM_response, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "propstat", NE_ELM_propstat, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "status", NE_ELM_status, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "responsedescription", NE_ELM_responsedescription, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "prop", NE_ELM_prop, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "resourcetype", ELEM_resourcetype, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "collection", ELEM_collection, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "baseline", ELEM_baseline, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "version-name", ELEM_version_name, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "creationdate", ELEM_creationdate, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "creator-displayname", ELEM_creator_displayname, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ NULL }
enum merge_rtype {
RTYPE_UNKNOWN, /* unknown (haven't seen it in the response yet) */
RTYPE_REGULAR, /* a regular (member) resource */
RTYPE_COLLECTION, /* a collection resource */
RTYPE_BASELINE /* a baseline resource */
typedef struct {
apr_pool_t *pool;
/* any error that may have occurred during the MERGE response handling */
svn_error_t *err;
/* the BASE_HREF contains the merge target. as resources are specified in
the merge response, we make their URLs relative to this URL, thus giving
us a path for use in the commit callbacks. */
const char *base_href;
apr_size_t base_len;
svn_revnum_t rev; /* the new/target revision number for this commit */
svn_boolean_t response_has_error;
int response_parent; /* what element did DAV:response appear within? */
int href_parent; /* what element is the DAV:href appearing within? */
svn_stringbuf_t *href; /* current response */
int status; /* HTTP status for this DAV:propstat */
enum merge_rtype rtype; /* DAV:resourcetype of this resource */
svn_stringbuf_t *vsn_name; /* DAV:version-name for this resource */
svn_stringbuf_t *vsn_url; /* DAV:checked-in for this resource */
svn_stringbuf_t *committed_date; /* DAV:creationdate for this resource */
svn_stringbuf_t *last_author; /* DAV:creator-displayname for this resource */
/* We only invoke set_prop() on targets listed in valid_targets.
Some entities (such as directories that have had changes
committed underneath but are not themselves targets) will be
mentioned in the merge response but not appear in
valid_targets. */
apr_hash_t *valid_targets;
/* Client callbacks */
svn_ra_set_wc_prop_func_t set_prop;
void *cb_baton; /* baton for above */
} merge_ctx_t;
static void add_ignored(merge_ctx_t *mc, const char *cdata)
/* ### the server didn't check in the file(!) */
/* ### remember the file and issue a report/warning later */
static svn_boolean_t okay_to_bump_path (const char *path,
apr_hash_t *valid_targets,
apr_pool_t *pool)
svn_stringbuf_t *parent_path;
enum svn_recurse_kind r;
/* Easy check: if path itself is in the hash, then it's legit. */
if (apr_hash_get (valid_targets, path, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING))
return TRUE;
/* Otherwise, this path is bumpable IFF one of its parents in in the
hash and marked with a 'recursion' flag. */
parent_path = svn_stringbuf_create (path, pool);
do {
svn_path_remove_component (parent_path);
r = (enum svn_recurse_kind) apr_hash_get (valid_targets,
if (r == svn_recursive)
return TRUE;
} while (! svn_path_is_empty (parent_path));
/* Default answer: if we get here, don't allow the bumping. */
return FALSE;
static svn_error_t *bump_resource(merge_ctx_t *mc,
const char *path,
char *vsn_url)
svn_stringbuf_t *path_str;
svn_string_t vsn_url_str;
/* no sense in doing any more work if there's no property setting
function at our disposal. */
if (mc->set_prop == NULL)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* Only invoke a client callback on PATH if PATH counts as a
committed target. The commit-tracking editor built this list for
us, and took care not to include directories unless they were
directly committed (i.e., received a property change). */
if (! okay_to_bump_path (path, mc->valid_targets, mc->pool))
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* set up two string values around the path and vsn_url. */
path_str = svn_stringbuf_create (path, mc->pool); = vsn_url;
vsn_url_str.len = strlen(vsn_url);
/* store the version URL */
return (*mc->set_prop)(mc->cb_baton, path,
SVN_RA_DAV__LP_VSN_URL, &vsn_url_str,
static svn_error_t * handle_resource(merge_ctx_t *mc)
const char *relative;
if (mc->response_has_error)
/* ### what to do? */
/* ### return "no error", presuming whatever set response_has_error
### has already handled the problem. */
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
if (mc->response_parent == ELEM_merged_set)
/* ### shouldn't have happened. we told the server "don't merge" */
/* ### need something better than APR_EGENERAL */
return svn_error_createf(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, mc->pool,
"Protocol error: we told the server to not "
"auto-merge any resources, but it said that "
"\"%s\" was merged.", mc->href->data);
if (mc->response_parent != ELEM_updated_set)
/* ### unknown parent for this response(!) */
/* ### need something better than APR_EGENERAL */
return svn_error_createf(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, mc->pool,
"Internal error: there is an unknown parent "
"(%d) for the DAV:response element within the "
"MERGE response", mc->response_parent);
#if 0
/* ### right now, the server isn't sending everything for all resources.
### just skip this requirement. */
if (mc->href->len == 0
|| mc->vsn_name->len == 0
|| mc->vsn_url->len == 0
|| mc->rtype == RTYPE_UNKNOWN)
/* one or more properties were missing in the DAV:response for the
resource. */
return svn_error_createf(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, mc->pool,
"Protocol error: the MERGE response for the "
"\"%s\" resource did not return all of the "
"properties that we asked for (and need to "
"complete the commit).", mc->href->data);
if (mc->rtype == RTYPE_BASELINE)
/* cool. the DAV:version-name tells us the new revision */
mc->rev = SVN_STR_TO_REV(mc->vsn_name->data);
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* a collection or regular resource */
if (mc->href->len < mc->base_len)
/* ### need something better than APR_EGENERAL */
return svn_error_createf(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, mc->pool,
"A MERGE response for \"%s\" is not a child "
"of the destination (\"%s\")",
mc->href->data, mc->base_href);
/* given HREF of the form: BASE "/" RELATIVE, extract the relative portion */
if (mc->base_len == mc->href->len)
relative = "";
relative = mc->href->data + mc->base_len + 1;
/* bump the resource */
return bump_resource(mc, relative, mc->vsn_url->data);
static int validate_element(void *userdata, ne_xml_elmid parent, ne_xml_elmid child)
if ((child == ELEM_collection || child == ELEM_baseline)
&& parent != ELEM_resourcetype) {
/* ### technically, they could occur elsewhere, but screw it */
switch (parent)
case NE_ELM_root:
if (child == ELEM_merge_response)
return NE_XML_VALID;
case ELEM_merge_response:
if (child == ELEM_updated_set
|| child == ELEM_merged_set
|| child == ELEM_ignored_set)
return NE_XML_VALID;
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* any child is allowed */
case ELEM_updated_set:
case ELEM_merged_set:
if (child == NE_ELM_response)
return NE_XML_VALID;
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* ignore if something else was in there */
case ELEM_ignored_set:
if (child == NE_ELM_href)
return NE_XML_VALID;
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* ignore if something else was in there */
case NE_ELM_response:
if (child == NE_ELM_href
|| child == NE_ELM_status
|| child == NE_ELM_propstat)
return NE_XML_VALID;
else if (child == NE_ELM_responsedescription)
/* ### I think we want this... to save a message for the user */
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* valid, but we don't need to see it */
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* ignore if something else was in there */
case NE_ELM_propstat:
if (child == NE_ELM_prop || child == NE_ELM_status)
return NE_XML_VALID;
else if (child == NE_ELM_responsedescription)
/* ### I think we want this... to save a message for the user */
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* valid, but we don't need to see it */
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* ignore if something else was in there */
case NE_ELM_prop:
if (child == ELEM_checked_in
|| child == ELEM_resourcetype
|| child == ELEM_version_name
|| child == ELEM_creationdate
|| child == ELEM_creator_displayname
/* other props */)
return NE_XML_VALID;
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* ignore other props */
case ELEM_checked_in:
if (child == NE_ELM_href)
return NE_XML_VALID;
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* ignore if something else was in there */
case ELEM_resourcetype:
if (child == ELEM_collection || child == ELEM_baseline)
return NE_XML_VALID;
return NE_XML_DECLINE; /* ignore if something else was in there */
static int start_element(void *userdata, const struct ne_xml_elm *elm,
const char **atts)
merge_ctx_t *mc = userdata;
switch (elm->id)
case NE_ELM_response:
mc->response_has_error = FALSE;
/* for each response (which corresponds to one resource), note that we
haven't seen its resource type yet */
mc->rtype = RTYPE_UNKNOWN;
/* and we haven't seen these elements yet */
mc->href->len = 0;
mc->vsn_name->len = 0;
mc->vsn_url->len = 0;
case ELEM_ignored_set:
case ELEM_checked_in:
/* if we see an href "soon", then its parent is ELM */
mc->href_parent = elm->id;
case ELEM_updated_set:
case ELEM_merged_set:
mc->response_parent = elm->id;
case NE_ELM_propstat:
/* initialize the status so we can figure out if we ever saw a
status element in the propstat */
mc->status = 0;
case ELEM_resourcetype:
/* we've seen a DAV:resourcetype, so it will be "regular" unless we
see something within this element */
mc->rtype = RTYPE_REGULAR;
case ELEM_collection:
case ELEM_baseline:
mc->rtype = RTYPE_BASELINE;
/* one of: NE_ELM_href, NE_ELM_status, NE_ELM_prop,
ELEM_version_name */
return 0;
static int end_element(void *userdata, const struct ne_xml_elm *elm,
const char *cdata)
merge_ctx_t *mc = userdata;
switch (elm->id)
case NE_ELM_href:
switch (mc->href_parent)
case ELEM_ignored_set:
add_ignored(mc, cdata);
case NE_ELM_response:
/* we're now working on this href... */
svn_ra_dav__copy_href(mc->href, cdata);
case ELEM_checked_in:
svn_ra_dav__copy_href(mc->vsn_url, cdata);
case NE_ELM_responsedescription:
/* ### I don't think we'll see this right now, due to validate_element */
/* ### remember this for error messages? */
case NE_ELM_status:
ne_status hs;
if (ne_parse_statusline(cdata, &hs) != 0)
mc->response_has_error = TRUE;
mc->status = hs.code;
if (hs.code != 200)
/* ### create an error structure? */
mc->response_has_error = TRUE;
if (mc->response_has_error && mc->err == NULL)
/* ### fix this error value */
mc->err = svn_error_create(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, mc->pool,
"The MERGE property response had an "
"error status.");
case NE_ELM_propstat:
/* ### does Neon have a symbol for 200? */
if (mc->status == 200 /* OK */)
/* ### what to do? reset all the data? */
/* ### else issue an error? status==0 means we never saw one */
case NE_ELM_response:
svn_error_t *err;
/* the end of a DAV:response means that we've seen all the information
related to this resource. process it. */
err = handle_resource(mc);
if (err != NULL)
/* ### how best to handle this error? for now, just remember the
### first one found */
if (mc->err == NULL)
mc->err = err;
case ELEM_checked_in:
/* When we leave a DAV:checked-in element, the parents are DAV:prop,
DAV:propstat, then DAV:response. If we see a DAV:href "on the way
out", then it is going to belong to the DAV:response. */
mc->href_parent = NE_ELM_response;
case ELEM_version_name:
svn_stringbuf_set(mc->vsn_name, cdata);
case ELEM_creationdate:
svn_stringbuf_set(mc->committed_date, cdata);
case ELEM_creator_displayname:
svn_stringbuf_set(mc->last_author, cdata);
/* one of: ELEM_updated_set, ELEM_merged_set, ELEM_ignored_set,
NE_ELM_prop, ELEM_resourcetype, ELEM_collection, ELEM_baseline */
return 0;
svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__merge_activity(
svn_revnum_t *new_rev,
const char **committed_date,
const char **committed_author,
svn_ra_session_t *ras,
const char *repos_url,
const char *activity_url,
apr_hash_t *valid_targets,
apr_pool_t *pool)
merge_ctx_t mc = { 0 };
const char *body;
mc.pool = pool;
mc.base_href = repos_url;
mc.base_len = strlen(repos_url);
mc.valid_targets = valid_targets;
mc.set_prop = ras->callbacks->set_wc_prop;
mc.cb_baton = ras->callback_baton;
mc.href = MAKE_BUFFER(pool);
mc.vsn_name = MAKE_BUFFER(pool);
mc.vsn_url = MAKE_BUFFER(pool);
mc.committed_date = MAKE_BUFFER(pool);
mc.last_author = MAKE_BUFFER(pool);
body = apr_psprintf(pool,
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
"<D:merge xmlns:D=\"DAV:\">"
"</D:merge>", activity_url);
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__parsed_request(ras, "MERGE", repos_url, body, 0,
merge_elements, validate_element,
start_element, end_element, &mc,
pool) );
/* is there an error stashed away in our context? */
if (mc.err != NULL)
return mc.err;
/* return some commit properties to the caller. */
if (new_rev)
*new_rev = mc.rev;
if (committed_date)
*committed_date = mc.committed_date->len
? apr_pstrdup(ras->pool, mc.committed_date->data)
if (committed_author)
*committed_author = mc.last_author->len
? apr_pstrdup(ras->pool, mc.last_author->data)
return NULL;
* local variables:
* eval: (load-file "../../tools/dev/svn-dev.el")
* end: