blob: 0f32ef8f5e505fc4015bdc765eaad1c755f4382e [file] [log] [blame]
* log.c : routines for requesting and parsing log reports
* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
* you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
* are also available at
* If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
* newer version instead, at your option.
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
* individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
* history and logs, available at
* ====================================================================
#include <apr_want.h> /* for strcmp() */
#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_tables.h>
#include <apr_strings.h>
#include <apr_portable.h>
#include <ne_basic.h>
#include <ne_utils.h>
#include <ne_basic.h>
#include <ne_207.h>
#include <ne_props.h>
#include <ne_xml.h>
#include "svn_error.h"
#include "svn_pools.h"
#include "svn_delta.h"
#include "svn_io.h"
#include "svn_ra.h"
#include "svn_path.h"
#include "svn_xml.h"
#include "ra_dav.h"
/*** Code ***/
/* Userdata for the Neon XML element callbacks. */
struct log_baton
/* Allocate log message information.
* NOTE: this pool may be cleared multiple times as log messages are
* received.
apr_pool_t *subpool;
/* Information about each log item in turn. */
svn_revnum_t revision;
const char *author;
const char *date;
const char *msg;
/* Keys are the paths changed in this commit, allocated in SUBPOOL;
the table itself is also allocated in SUBPOOL. If this table is
NULL, no changed paths were indicated -- which doesn't mean no
paths were changed, just means that this log invocation didn't
ask for them to be reported. */
apr_hash_t *changed_paths;
/* Client's callback, invoked on the above fields when the end of an
item is seen. */
svn_log_message_receiver_t receiver;
void *receiver_baton;
/* If `receiver' returns error, it is stored here. */
svn_error_t *err;
/* Prepare LB to start accumulating the next log item, by wiping all
* information related to the previous item and clearing the pool in
* which they were allocated. Do not touch any stored error, however.
static void
reset_log_item (struct log_baton *lb)
lb->revision = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
lb->author = NULL;
lb->date = NULL;
lb->msg = NULL;
lb->changed_paths = NULL;
svn_pool_clear (lb->subpool);
* This implements the `ne_xml_validate_cb' prototype.
static int
log_validate(void *userdata, ne_xml_elmid parent, ne_xml_elmid child)
/* ### todo */
return NE_XML_VALID;
* This implements the `ne_xml_startelm_cb' prototype.
static int
log_start_element(void *userdata,
const struct ne_xml_elm *elm,
const char **atts)
/* ### todo */
return NE_XML_VALID;
* This implements the `ne_xml_endelm_cb' prototype.
static int
log_end_element(void *userdata,
const struct ne_xml_elm *elm,
const char *cdata)
struct log_baton *lb = userdata;
switch (elm->id)
case ELEM_version_name:
lb->revision = SVN_STR_TO_REV (cdata);
case ELEM_creator_displayname:
lb->author = apr_pstrdup (lb->subpool, cdata);
case ELEM_log_date:
lb->date = apr_pstrdup (lb->subpool, cdata);
case ELEM_added_path:
case ELEM_deleted_path:
case ELEM_changed_path:
char *path = apr_pstrdup (lb->subpool, cdata);
char action;
/* See documentation for `svn_repos_node_t' in svn_repos.h,
and `svn_log_message_receiver_t' in svn_types.h, for more
about these action codes. */
if (elm->id == ELEM_added_path)
action = 'A';
else if (elm->id == ELEM_deleted_path)
action = 'D';
action = 'U';
if (lb->changed_paths == NULL)
lb->changed_paths = apr_hash_make(lb->subpool);
apr_hash_set(lb->changed_paths, path, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING,
(void *) ((int) action));
case ELEM_comment:
lb->msg = apr_pstrdup (lb->subpool, cdata);
case ELEM_log_item:
/* ### Naive call for now. We still need to arrange things so
that last_call gets passed properly, which will
be... interesting. Well, not so bad, just need to put an
attribute on the end element of the last item. This is a
change to mod_dav_svn too. */
svn_error_t *err = (*(lb->receiver))(lb->receiver_baton,
reset_log_item (lb);
if (err)
lb->err = err; /* ### Wrap an existing error, if any? */
return NE_XML_INVALID; /* ### Any other way to express an err? */
case ELEM_log_report:
/* ### todo: what to do here? We're (hopefully) going to handle
the whole last_call thing another way, so maybe the end of
the report means nothing... */
/* Yo -- we're going to take Greg's suggestion of treating
log_receivers the way we treat delta windows -- last call
is indicated by a special call with NULL (or, in this case,
SVN_INVALID_REVNUM), instead of combining the last_call
indicator with the previous, contentful call. */
return NE_XML_VALID;
svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__get_log(void *session_baton,
const apr_array_header_t *paths,
svn_revnum_t start,
svn_revnum_t end,
svn_boolean_t discover_changed_paths,
svn_log_message_receiver_t receiver,
void *receiver_baton)
/* The Plan: Send a request to the server for a log report.
* Somewhere in mod_dav_svn, there will be an implementation, R, of
* the `svn_log_message_receiver_t' function type. Some other
* function in mod_dav_svn will use svn_repos_get_logs() to loop R
* over the log messages, and the successive invocations of R will
* collectively transmit the report back here, where we parse the
* report and invoke RECEIVER (which is an entirely separate
* instance of `svn_log_message_receiver_t') on each individual
* message in that report.
int i;
svn_ra_session_t *ras = session_baton;
svn_stringbuf_t *request_body = svn_stringbuf_create("", ras->pool);
struct log_baton lb;
/* ### todo: I don't understand why the static, file-global
variables shared by update and status are called `report_head'
and `report_tail', instead of `request_head' and `request_tail'.
Maybe Greg can explain? Meanwhile, I'm tentatively using
"request_*" for my local vars below. */
static const char log_request_head[]
= "<S:log-report xmlns:S=\"" SVN_XML_NAMESPACE "\">" DEBUG_CR;
static const char log_request_tail[] = "</S:log-report>" DEBUG_CR;
static const struct ne_xml_elm log_report_elements[] =
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "log-report", ELEM_log_report, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "log-item", ELEM_log_item, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "date", ELEM_log_date, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "added-path", ELEM_added_path, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "deleted-path", ELEM_deleted_path, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "changed-path", ELEM_changed_path, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "version-name", ELEM_version_name, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "creator-displayname", ELEM_creator_displayname,
{ "DAV:", "comment", ELEM_comment, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ NULL }
/* Construct the request body. */
svn_stringbuf_appendcstr(request_body, log_request_head);
apr_psprintf(ras->pool, "<S:start-revision>%ld"
"</S:start-revision>", start));
apr_psprintf(ras->pool, "<S:end-revision>%ld"
"</S:end-revision>", end));
if (discover_changed_paths)
for (i = 0; i < paths->nelts; i++)
const char *this_path = (((svn_stringbuf_t **)paths->elts)[i])->data;
/* ### todo: want to xml-escape the path, but can't use
apr_xml_quote_string() here because we don't use apr_util
yet. Should use svn_xml_escape_blah() instead? */
"<S:path>%s</S:path>", this_path));
svn_stringbuf_appendcstr(request_body, log_request_tail);
lb.receiver = receiver;
lb.receiver_baton = receiver_baton;
lb.subpool = svn_pool_create (ras->pool);
reset_log_item (&lb);
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__parsed_request(ras,
0, /* ignored */
ras->pool) );
svn_pool_destroy (lb.subpool);
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
* local variables:
* eval: (load-file "../../tools/dev/svn-dev.el")
* end: