blob: 51f404a4ccba6867fa18aeba5f45a47cc39a8973 [file] [log] [blame]
* fetch.c : routines for fetching updates and checkouts
* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
* you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
* are also available at
* If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
* newer version instead, at your option.
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
* individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
* history and logs, available at
* ====================================================================
#include <apr_want.h> /* for strcmp() */
#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_tables.h>
#include <apr_strings.h>
#include <apr_portable.h>
#include <ne_basic.h>
#include <ne_utils.h>
#include <ne_basic.h>
#include <ne_207.h>
#include <ne_props.h>
#include <ne_xml.h>
#include <ne_request.h>
#include "svn_error.h"
#include "svn_pools.h"
#include "svn_delta.h"
#include "svn_io.h"
#include "svn_ra.h"
#include "svn_path.h"
#include "svn_xml.h"
#include "svn_dav.h"
#include "ra_dav.h"
#define CHKERR(e) \
do { \
if ((rb->err = (e)) != NULL) \
return 1; \
} while(0)
typedef struct {
/* the information for this subdir. if rsrc==NULL, then this is a sentinel
record in fetch_ctx_t.subdirs to close the directory implied by the
parent_baton member. */
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc;
/* the directory containing this subdirectory. */
void *parent_baton;
} subdir_t;
typedef struct {
apr_pool_t *pool;
/* these two are the handler that the editor gave us */
svn_txdelta_window_handler_t handler;
void *handler_baton;
/* if we're receiving an svndiff, this is a parser which places the
resulting windows into the above handler/baton. */
svn_stream_t *stream;
} file_read_ctx_t;
typedef struct {
svn_error_t *err; /* propagate an error out of the reader */
int checked_type; /* have we processed ctype yet? */
ne_content_type ctype; /* the Content-Type header */
void *subctx;
} custom_get_ctx_t;
#define POP_SUBDIR(sds) (((subdir_t **)(sds)->elts)[--(sds)->nelts])
#define PUSH_SUBDIR(sds,s) (*(subdir_t **)apr_array_push(sds) = (s))
/* setting properties requires svn_stringbuf_t; this helps out */
typedef struct {
svn_stringbuf_t *name;
svn_stringbuf_t *value;
} vsn_url_helper;
typedef svn_error_t * (*prop_setter_t)(void *baton,
svn_stringbuf_t *name,
svn_stringbuf_t *value);
typedef struct {
/* The baton returned by the editor's open_root/open_dir */
void *baton;
/* Should we fetch properties for this directory when the close tag
is found? */
svn_boolean_t fetch_props;
/* The version resource URL for this directory. */
const char *vsn_url;
/* A buffer which stores the relative directory name. We also use this
for temporary construction relative file names. */
svn_stringbuf_t *pathbuf;
} dir_item_t;
typedef struct {
svn_ra_session_t *ras;
apr_file_t *tmpfile;
svn_boolean_t fetch_content;
svn_boolean_t fetch_props;
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *editor;
void *edit_baton;
apr_array_header_t *dirs; /* stack of directory batons/vsn_urls */
#define TOP_DIR(rb) (((dir_item_t *)(rb)->dirs->elts)[(rb)->dirs->nelts - 1])
#define PUSH_BATON(rb,b) (*(void **)apr_array_push((rb)->dirs) = (b))
void *file_baton;
svn_stringbuf_t *namestr;
svn_stringbuf_t *cpathstr;
svn_stringbuf_t *href;
vsn_url_helper vuh;
svn_error_t *err;
} report_baton_t;
static const char report_head[] = "<S:update-report xmlns:S=\""
"\">" DEBUG_CR;
static const char report_tail[] = "</S:update-report>" DEBUG_CR;
static const struct ne_xml_elm report_elements[] =
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "update-report", ELEM_update_report, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "target-revision", ELEM_target_revision, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "open-directory", ELEM_open_directory, 0 },
/* ### Sat 24 Nov 2001: after all clients have upgraded, change the
"replace-" elements here to "open-" and upgrade the server. -kff */
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "replace-directory", ELEM_open_directory, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "add-directory", ELEM_add_directory, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "open-file", ELEM_open_file, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "replace-file", ELEM_open_file, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "add-file", ELEM_add_file, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "delete-entry", ELEM_delete_entry, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "fetch-props", ELEM_fetch_props, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "remove-prop", ELEM_remove_prop, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "fetch-file", ELEM_fetch_file, 0 },
{ SVN_XML_NAMESPACE, "prop", ELEM_prop, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "version-name", ELEM_version_name, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "creationdate", ELEM_creationdate, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "creator-displayname", ELEM_creator_displayname, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ "DAV:", "checked-in", ELEM_checked_in, 0 },
{ "DAV:", "href", NE_ELM_href, NE_XML_CDATA },
{ NULL }
static svn_stringbuf_t *my_basename(const char *url, apr_pool_t *pool)
/* ### be nice to lose the stringbuf portion */
return svn_stringbuf_create(svn_path_basename(url, pool), pool);
/* ### fold this function into store_vsn_url; not really needed */
static const char *get_vsn_url(const svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc)
return apr_hash_get(rsrc->propset,
static svn_error_t *simple_store_vsn_url(const char *vsn_url,
void *baton,
prop_setter_t setter,
vsn_url_helper *vuh)
svn_error_t *err;
/* store the version URL as a property */
svn_stringbuf_set(vuh->value, vsn_url);
err = (*setter)(baton, vuh->name, vuh->value);
if (err)
return svn_error_quick_wrap(err,
"could not save the URL of the "
"version resource");
return NULL;
static svn_error_t *store_vsn_url(const svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc,
void *baton,
prop_setter_t setter,
vsn_url_helper *vuh)
const char *vsn_url;
vsn_url = get_vsn_url(rsrc);
if (vsn_url == NULL)
return NULL;
return simple_store_vsn_url(vsn_url, baton, setter, vuh);
static svn_error_t *get_delta_base(const char **delta_base,
const char *relpath,
svn_ra_get_wc_prop_func_t get_wc_prop,
void *cb_baton,
apr_pool_t *pool)
const svn_string_t *value;
if (relpath == NULL || get_wc_prop == NULL)
*delta_base = NULL;
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
SVN_ERR( (*get_wc_prop)(cb_baton, relpath, SVN_RA_DAV__LP_VSN_URL,
&value, pool) );
*delta_base = value ? value->data : NULL;
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* helper func which maps certain DAV: properties to svn:wc:
properties. Used during checkouts and updates. */
static svn_error_t *set_special_wc_prop (const char *key,
const char *val,
prop_setter_t setter,
void *baton,
apr_pool_t *pool)
svn_stringbuf_t *skey = svn_stringbuf_create("", pool);
svn_stringbuf_t *sval = svn_stringbuf_create("", pool);
if (strcmp(key, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_VERSION_NAME) == 0)
svn_stringbuf_set(skey, SVN_PROP_ENTRY_COMMITTED_REV);
svn_stringbuf_set(sval, val);
SVN_ERR( (*setter)(baton, skey, sval) );
else if (strcmp(key, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_CREATIONDATE) == 0)
svn_stringbuf_set(skey, SVN_PROP_ENTRY_COMMITTED_DATE);
svn_stringbuf_set(sval, val);
SVN_ERR( (*setter)(baton, skey, sval) );
else if (strcmp(key, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_CREATOR_DISPLAYNAME) == 0)
svn_stringbuf_set(skey, SVN_PROP_ENTRY_LAST_AUTHOR);
svn_stringbuf_set(sval, val);
SVN_ERR( (*setter)(baton, skey, sval) );
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
static void add_props(const svn_ra_dav_resource_t *r,
prop_setter_t setter,
void *baton,
apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_hash_index_t *hi;
svn_stringbuf_t *skey;
svn_stringbuf_t *sval;
skey = svn_stringbuf_create("", pool);
sval = svn_stringbuf_create("", pool);
for (hi = apr_hash_first(pool, r->propset); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi))
const char *key;
char *val;
apr_hash_this(hi, (const void **)&key, NULL, (void *)&val);
#define NSLEN (sizeof(SVN_PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX) - 1)
if (strncmp(key, SVN_PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX, NSLEN) == 0)
/* for custom props, we strip the namespace, and just use whatever
name the user gave the property. */
svn_stringbuf_set(skey, key + NSLEN);
/* ### urk. this value isn't binary-safe... */
svn_stringbuf_set(sval, val);
(*setter)(baton, skey, sval);
#undef NSLEN
#define NSLEN (sizeof(SVN_PROP_PREFIX) - 1)
else if (strncmp(key, SVN_PROP_PREFIX, NSLEN) == 0)
/* this is one of our properties. pass it straight through. */
/* ### oops. watch out for props that the server sets, which we
### don't want reflected in the WC. we should put these into
### a server-prop namespace. */
if (strcmp(key + NSLEN, "baseline-relative-path") == 0)
svn_stringbuf_set(skey, key);
/* ### urk. this value isn't binary-safe... */
svn_stringbuf_set(sval, val);
(*setter)(baton, skey, sval);
#undef NSLEN
/* If we get here, then we have a property that is neither
in the 'svn:custom:' space, nor in the plain old 'svn:'
space. There are a few properties like this. Some of
them, like 'checked-in', 'version-controlled-configuration',
and 'getetag' seem to be handled in other places
(get_vsn_url()). For all others, we filter them here. */
set_special_wc_prop (key, val, setter, baton, pool);
static svn_error_t * fetch_dirents(svn_ra_session_t *ras,
const char *url,
void *dir_baton,
svn_boolean_t recurse,
apr_array_header_t *subdirs,
apr_array_header_t *files,
prop_setter_t setter,
vsn_url_helper *vuh,
apr_pool_t *pool)
apr_hash_t *dirents;
struct uri parsed_url;
apr_hash_index_t *hi;
/* Fetch all properties so we can snarf ones out of the svn:custom
* namspace. */
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_props(&dirents, ras->sess, url, NE_DEPTH_ONE, NULL,
NULL /* allprop */, pool) );
/* ### This question is from Karl:
* I don't understand the implementation of this function. The
* first thing we do is fetch all properties for a URL, and store
* them in a hash named `dirents'. That's where I get confused --
* sure, if url is a directory, then its entries will show up as
* properties, but couldn't there be various other properties that
* are not entries in the dir? Or is it guaranteed that the *only*
* properties we'd get above are the directory entries, and no other
* properties are possible?
* The rest of the function is just more in the same vein -- it
* makes sense if and only if that guarantee is present. But I'd
* just be very surprised to learn that entries are the *only*
* possible properties one could ever get from a successful PROPFIND
* with depth 1 on a url. Is it really true?
* Anyway, regardless of the above, svn_ra_dav__get_props() needs to
* get properly documented in ra_dav.h, along with
* svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource() and svn_ra_dav__get_one_prop().
* :-)
uri_parse(url, &parsed_url, NULL);
for (hi = apr_hash_first(pool, dirents); hi; hi = apr_hash_next(hi))
void *val;
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *r;
apr_hash_this(hi, NULL, NULL, &val);
r = val;
if (r->is_collection)
if (uri_compare(parsed_url.path, r->url) == 0)
/* don't insert "this dir" into the set of subdirs */
/* store the version URL for this resource */
SVN_ERR( store_vsn_url(r, dir_baton, setter, vuh) );
if (recurse)
subdir_t *subdir = apr_palloc(pool, sizeof(*subdir));
subdir->rsrc = r;
subdir->parent_baton = dir_baton;
PUSH_SUBDIR(subdirs, subdir);
svn_ra_dav_resource_t **file = apr_array_push(files);
*file = r;
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
static svn_error_t *custom_get_request(ne_session *sess,
const char *url,
const char *relpath,
ne_block_reader reader,
void *subctx,
svn_ra_get_wc_prop_func_t get_wc_prop,
void *cb_baton,
apr_pool_t *pool)
custom_get_ctx_t cgc = { 0 };
const char *delta_base;
ne_request *req;
svn_error_t *err;
int code;
/* See if we can get a version URL for this resource. This will refer to
what we already have in the working copy, thus we can get a diff against
this particular resource. */
SVN_ERR( get_delta_base(&delta_base, relpath, get_wc_prop, cb_baton, pool) );
req = ne_request_create(sess, "GET", url);
if (req == NULL)
return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_RA_CREATING_REQUEST, 0, NULL, pool,
"Could not create a GET request for %s",
/* we want to get the Content-Type so that we can figure out whether
this is an svndiff or a fulltext */
ne_add_response_header_handler(req, "Content-Type", ne_content_type_handler,
if (delta_base)
/* The HTTP delta draft uses an If-None-Match header holding an
entity tag corresponding to the copy we have. It is much more
natural for us to use a version URL to specify what we have.
Thus, we want to use the If: header to specify the URL. But
mod_dav sees all "State-token" items as lock tokens. When we
get mod_dav updated and the backend APIs expanded, then we
can switch to using the If: header. For now, use a custom
header to specify the version resource to use as the base. */
ne_add_request_header(req, SVN_DAV_DELTA_BASE_HEADER, delta_base);
/* add in a reader to capture the body of the response. */
ne_add_response_body_reader(req, ne_accept_2xx, reader, &cgc);
/* complete initialization of the body reading context */
cgc.subctx = subctx;
/* run the request and get the resulting status code (and svn_error_t) */
err = svn_ra_dav__request_dispatch(&code, req, sess, "GET", url, pool);
/* we no longer need this */
if (cgc.ctype.value != NULL)
/* if there was an error writing the contents, then return it rather
than Neon-related errors */
if (cgc.err)
return cgc.err;
if (err)
return err;
if (code != 200 && code != 226)
return svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_RA_REQUEST_FAILED, 0, NULL, pool,
"GET request failed for %s", url);
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
static void fetch_file_reader(void *userdata, const char *buf, size_t len)
custom_get_ctx_t *cgc = userdata;
file_read_ctx_t *frc = cgc->subctx;
if (cgc->err)
/* We must have gotten an error during the last read...
### what we'd *really* like to do here (or actually, at the
bottom of this function) is to somehow abort the read sense on banging a server for 10 megs of data
when we've already established that we, for some reason,
can't handle that data. */
if (len == 0)
/* file is complete. */
if (!cgc->checked_type)
if (!strcmp(cgc->ctype.type, "application") &&
!strcmp(cgc->ctype.subtype, "vnd.svn-svndiff"))
/* we are receiving an svndiff. set things up. */
frc->stream = svn_txdelta_parse_svndiff(frc->handler,
cgc->checked_type = 1;
if (frc->stream == NULL)
/* receiving plain text. construct a window for it. */
svn_txdelta_window_t window = { 0 };
svn_txdelta_op_t op;
svn_string_t data; = buf;
data.len = len;
op.action_code = svn_txdelta_new;
op.offset = 0;
op.length = len;
window.tview_len = len; /* result will be this long */
window.num_ops = 1;
window.ops = &op;
window.new_data = &data;
/* We can't really do anything useful if we get an error here. Pass
it off to someone who can. */
cgc->err = (*frc->handler)(&window, frc->handler_baton);
/* receiving svndiff. feed it to the svndiff parser. */
apr_size_t written = len;
cgc->err = svn_stream_write(frc->stream, buf, &written);
/* ### the svndiff stream parser does not obey svn_stream semantics
### in its write handler. it does not output the number of bytes
### consumed by the handler. specifically, it may decrement the
### number by 4 for the header, then never touch it again. that
### makes it appear like an incomplete write.
### disable this check for now. the svndiff parser actually does
### consume all bytes, all the time.
#if 0
if (written != len && cgc->err == NULL)
cgc->err = svn_error_createf(SVN_ERR_INCOMPLETE_DATA, 0, NULL,
"unable to completely write the svndiff "
"data to the parser stream (wrote %lu "
"of %lu bytes)",
(unsigned long)written,
(unsigned long)len);
static svn_error_t *simple_fetch_file(ne_session *sess,
const char *url,
const char *relpath,
svn_boolean_t text_deltas,
void *file_baton,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *editor,
svn_ra_get_wc_prop_func_t get_wc_prop,
void *cb_baton,
apr_pool_t *pool)
file_read_ctx_t frc = { 0 };
svn_string_t my_url;
svn_stringbuf_t *url_str; = url;
my_url.len = strlen(url);
url_str = svn_path_uri_encode (&my_url, pool);
SVN_ERR_W( (*editor->apply_textdelta)(file_baton,
"could not save file");
/* Only bother with text-deltas if our caller cares. */
if (! text_deltas)
SVN_ERR ((*frc.handler)(NULL, frc.handler_baton));
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
frc.pool = pool;
SVN_ERR( custom_get_request(sess, url_str->data, relpath,
fetch_file_reader, &frc,
get_wc_prop, cb_baton, pool) );
/* close the handler, since the file reading completed successfully. */
SVN_ERR( (*frc.handler)(NULL, frc.handler_baton) );
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
static svn_error_t *fetch_file(ne_session *sess,
const svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc,
void *dir_baton,
vsn_url_helper *vuh,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *editor,
apr_pool_t *pool)
const char *bc_url = rsrc->url; /* url in the Baseline Collection */
svn_error_t *err;
svn_error_t *err2;
svn_stringbuf_t *name;
void *file_baton;
name = my_basename(bc_url, pool);
SVN_ERR_W( (*editor->add_file)(name, dir_baton,
"could not add a file");
/* fetch_file() is only used for checkout, so we just pass NULL for the
simple_fetch_file() params related to fetching version URLs (for
fetching deltas) */
err = simple_fetch_file(sess, bc_url, NULL, TRUE, file_baton, editor,
NULL, NULL, pool);
if (err)
/* ### do we really need to bother with closing the file_baton? */
goto error;
/* Add the properties. */
add_props(rsrc, editor->change_file_prop, file_baton, pool);
/* store the version URL as a property */
err = store_vsn_url(rsrc, file_baton, editor->change_file_prop, vuh);
err2 = (*editor->close_file)(file_baton);
return err ? err : err2;
static svn_error_t * begin_checkout(svn_ra_session_t *ras,
svn_revnum_t revision,
const svn_string_t **activity_url,
svn_revnum_t *target_rev,
const char **bc_root)
apr_pool_t *pool = ras->pool;
svn_boolean_t is_dir;
svn_string_t bc_url;
svn_string_t bc_relative;
svn_stringbuf_t *path;
/* ### if REVISION means "get latest", then we can use an expand-property
### REPORT rather than two PROPFINDs to reach the baseline-collection */
/* Fetch the activity-collection-set from the server. */
/* ### also need to fetch/validate the DAV capabilities */
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_activity_url(activity_url, ras, ras->root.path,
pool) );
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info(&is_dir, &bc_url, &bc_relative,
target_rev, ras->sess,
ras->root.path, revision, pool) );
if (!is_dir)
/* ### eek. what to do? */
/* ### need an SVN_ERR here */
return svn_error_create(APR_EGENERAL, 0, NULL, pool,
"URL does not identify a collection.");
/* The root for the checkout is the Baseline Collection root, plus the
relative location of the public URL to its repository root. */
path = svn_stringbuf_create_from_string(&bc_url, pool);
*bc_root = path->data;
/* ### this is broken cuz it assumes bc_url has a trailing slash. */
*bc_root = apr_pstrcat(pool,,, NULL);
return NULL;
/* Helper (neon callback) for svn_ra_dav__get_file. */
static void get_file_reader(void *userdata, const char *buf, size_t len)
custom_get_ctx_t *cgc = userdata;
apr_size_t wlen;
/* The stream we want to push data at. */
svn_stream_t *stream = cgc->subctx;
/* Write however many bytes were passed in by neon. */
wlen = len;
svn_stream_write(stream, buf, &wlen);
#if 0
/* Neon's callback won't let us return error. Joe knows this is a
bug in his API, so this section can be reactivated someday. */
if (wlen != len)
/* Uh oh, didn't write as many bytes as neon gave us. */
svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_UNEXPECTED_EOF, 0, NULL,
sbaton->pool, "Error writing to svn_stream.");
/* minor helper for svn_ra_dav__get_file, of type prop_setter_t */
static svn_error_t *
add_prop_to_hash (void *baton,
svn_stringbuf_t *name,
svn_stringbuf_t *value)
apr_hash_t *ht = (apr_hash_t *) baton;
apr_hash_set(ht, name->data, name->len, value);
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__get_file(void *session_baton,
const char *path,
svn_revnum_t revision,
svn_stream_t *stream,
svn_revnum_t *fetched_rev,
apr_hash_t **props)
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc;
apr_hash_index_t *hi;
svn_stringbuf_t *url_str;
const char *final_url;
svn_ra_session_t *ras = (svn_ra_session_t *) session_baton;
/* First, create the full URL that the user wants to get. */
url_str = svn_stringbuf_create (ras->url, ras->pool);
svn_path_add_component_nts (url_str, path);
/* If the revision is invalid (head), then we're done. Just fetch
the public URL, because that will always get HEAD. */
if ((! SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(revision)) && (fetched_rev == NULL))
final_url = url_str->data;
/* If the revision is something specific, we need to create a bc_url. */
svn_revnum_t got_rev;
svn_string_t bc_url, bc_relative;
svn_stringbuf_t *final_bc_url;
SVN_ERR (svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info(NULL,
&bc_url, &bc_relative,
url_str->data, revision,
final_bc_url = svn_stringbuf_create_from_string(&bc_url, ras->pool);
svn_path_add_component_nts (final_bc_url,;
final_url = final_bc_url->data;
if (fetched_rev != NULL)
*fetched_rev = got_rev;
/* Fetch the file, shoving it at the provided stream. */
SVN_ERR( custom_get_request(ras->sess, final_url, path,
get_file_reader, stream,
ras->callback_baton, ras->pool) );
if (props)
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc, ras->sess, final_url,
NULL, NULL /* all props */,
ras->pool) );
*props = apr_hash_make(ras->pool);
for (hi = apr_hash_first(ras->pool, rsrc->propset);
hi = apr_hash_next(hi))
const void *key;
void *val;
apr_hash_this(hi, &key, NULL, &val);
/* If the property starts with "svn:custom:", then it's a
normal user-controlled property coming from the fs. Just
strip off this prefix and add to the hash. */
#define NSLEN (sizeof(SVN_PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX) - 1)
if (strncmp(key, SVN_PROP_CUSTOM_PREFIX, NSLEN) == 0)
apr_hash_set(*props, &((const char *)key)[NSLEN],
svn_string_create(val, ras->pool));
#undef NSLEN
else if (strcmp(key, SVN_RA_DAV__PROP_CHECKED_IN) == 0)
/* For files, we currently only have one 'wc' prop. */
apr_hash_set(*props, SVN_RA_DAV__LP_VSN_URL, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING,
svn_string_create(val, ras->pool));
/* If it's one of the 'entry' props, this func will
recognize the DAV name & add it to the hash mapped to a
new name recognized by libsvn_wc. */
SVN_ERR( set_special_wc_prop ((const char *) key,
(const char *) val,
add_prop_to_hash, *props,
ras->pool) );
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__do_checkout(void *session_baton,
svn_revnum_t revision,
svn_boolean_t recurse,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *editor,
void *edit_baton)
svn_ra_session_t *ras = session_baton;
svn_error_t *err;
void *root_baton;
svn_stringbuf_t *act_url_name;
svn_stringbuf_t *act_url_value;
vsn_url_helper vuh;
const svn_string_t *activity_url;
svn_revnum_t target_rev;
const char *bc_root;
subdir_t *subdir;
apr_array_header_t *subdirs; /* subdirs to scan (subdir_t *) */
apr_array_header_t *files; /* files to grab (svn_ra_dav_resource_t *) */
apr_pool_t *subpool;
/* ### use quick_wrap rather than SVN_ERR on some of these? */
/* this subpool will be used during various iteration loops, and cleared
each time. long-lived stuff should go into ras->pool. */
subpool = svn_pool_create(ras->pool);
/* begin the checkout process by fetching some basic information */
SVN_ERR( begin_checkout(ras, revision, &activity_url, &target_rev,
&bc_root) );
/* all the files we checkout will have TARGET_REV for the revision */
SVN_ERR( (*editor->set_target_revision)(edit_baton, target_rev) );
/* In the checkout case, we don't really have a base revision, so
SVN_ERR( (*editor->open_root)(edit_baton, SVN_IGNORED_REVNUM,
&root_baton) );
/* store the subdirs into an array for processing, rather than recursing */
subdirs = apr_array_make(ras->pool, 5, sizeof(subdir_t *));
files = apr_array_make(ras->pool, 10, sizeof(svn_ra_dav_resource_t *));
/* Build a directory resource for the root. We'll pop this off and fetch
the information for it. */
subdir = apr_palloc(ras->pool, sizeof(*subdir));
subdir->parent_baton = root_baton;
subdir->rsrc = apr_pcalloc(ras->pool, sizeof(*subdir->rsrc));
subdir->rsrc->url = bc_root;
PUSH_SUBDIR(subdirs, subdir);
/* ### damn. gotta build a string. */
act_url_name = svn_stringbuf_create(SVN_RA_DAV__LP_ACTIVITY_URL, ras->pool);
act_url_value = svn_stringbuf_create_from_string(activity_url, ras->pool);
/* prep the helper */ = svn_stringbuf_create(SVN_RA_DAV__LP_VSN_URL, ras->pool);
vuh.value = MAKE_BUFFER(ras->pool);
const char *url;
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc;
void *parent_baton;
void *this_baton;
int i;
/* pop a subdir off the stack */
while (1)
subdir = POP_SUBDIR(subdirs);
parent_baton = subdir->parent_baton;
if (subdir->rsrc != NULL)
url = subdir->rsrc->url;
/* sentinel reached. close the dir. possibly done! */
err = (*editor->close_directory) (parent_baton);
if (err)
return svn_error_quick_wrap(err, "could not finish directory");
if (subdirs->nelts == 0)
/* Finish the edit */
SVN_ERR( ((*editor->close_edit) (edit_baton)) );
/* Store auth info if necessary */
SVN_ERR( (svn_ra_dav__maybe_store_auth_info (ras)) );
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
if (strlen(url) > strlen(bc_root))
svn_stringbuf_t *name;
/* We're not in the root, add a directory */
name = my_basename(url, subpool);
SVN_ERR_W( (*editor->add_directory) (name, parent_baton,
"could not add directory");
/* We are operating in the root of the repository */
this_baton = root_baton;
SVN_ERR (svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc,
add_props(rsrc, editor->change_dir_prop, this_baton, subpool);
/* finished processing the directory. clear out the gunk. */
/* add a sentinel. this will be used to signal a close_directory
for this directory's baton. */
subdir = apr_pcalloc(ras->pool, sizeof(*subdir));
subdir->parent_baton = this_baton;
PUSH_SUBDIR(subdirs, subdir);
err = fetch_dirents(ras, url, this_baton, recurse, subdirs, files,
editor->change_dir_prop, &vuh, ras->pool);
if (err)
return svn_error_quick_wrap(err, "could not fetch directory entries");
/* ### use set_wc_dir_prop() */
/* store the activity URL as a property */
/* ### should we close the dir batons before returning?? */
SVN_ERR_W( (*editor->change_dir_prop)(this_baton, act_url_name,
"could not save the URL to indicate "
"where to create activities");
/* process each of the files that were found */
for (i = files->nelts; i--; )
rsrc = ((svn_ra_dav_resource_t **)files->elts)[i];
/* ### should we close the dir batons first? */
SVN_ERR_W( fetch_file(ras->sess, rsrc, this_baton, &vuh, editor,
"could not checkout a file");
/* trash the per-file stuff. */
/* reset the list of files */
files->nelts = 0;
} while (subdirs->nelts > 0);
/* ### should never reach??? */
/* Finish the edit */
SVN_ERR( ((*editor->close_edit) (edit_baton)) );
/* Store auth info if necessary */
SVN_ERR( (svn_ra_dav__maybe_store_auth_info (ras)) );
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__get_latest_revnum(void *session_baton,
svn_revnum_t *latest_revnum)
svn_ra_session_t *ras = session_baton;
/* ### should we perform an OPTIONS to validate the server we're about
### to talk to? */
/* we don't need any of the baseline URLs and stuff, but this does
give us the latest revision number */
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info(NULL, NULL, NULL, latest_revnum,
ras->sess, ras->root.path,
SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, ras->pool) );
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__maybe_store_auth_info(ras) );
return NULL;
/* ### DUMMY FUNC. To be marshalled over network like previous
routine. */
svn_error_t *svn_ra_dav__get_dated_revision (void *session_baton,
svn_revnum_t *revision,
apr_time_t timestamp)
svn_ra_session_t *ras = session_baton;
/* ### need to implement this function...
### marshal the query over and call svn_repos_dated_revision()
return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE, 0, NULL, ras->pool,
"ra_dav does not currently support date-based "
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** ### docco...
** DTD of the update report:
** ### open/add file/dir. first child is always checked-in/href (vsn_url).
** ### next are subdir elems, possibly fetch-file, then fetch-prop.
/* This implements the `ne_xml_validate_cb' prototype. */
static int validate_element(void *userdata,
ne_xml_elmid parent,
ne_xml_elmid child)
/* We're being very strict with the validity of XML elements here. If
something exists that we don't know about, then we might not update
the client properly. We also make various assumptions in the element
processing functions, and the strong validation enables those
assumptions. */
switch (parent)
case NE_ELM_root:
if (child == ELEM_update_report)
return NE_XML_VALID;
case ELEM_update_report:
if (child == ELEM_target_revision
|| child == ELEM_open_directory)
return NE_XML_VALID;
case ELEM_open_directory:
if (child == ELEM_open_directory
|| child == ELEM_add_directory
|| child == ELEM_open_file
|| child == ELEM_add_file
|| child == ELEM_fetch_props
|| child == ELEM_remove_prop
|| child == ELEM_delete_entry
|| child == ELEM_prop
|| child == ELEM_checked_in)
return NE_XML_VALID;
case ELEM_add_directory:
if (child == ELEM_add_directory
|| child == ELEM_add_file
|| child == ELEM_prop
|| child == ELEM_checked_in)
return NE_XML_VALID;
case ELEM_open_file:
if (child == ELEM_checked_in
|| child == ELEM_fetch_file
|| child == ELEM_prop
|| child == ELEM_fetch_props
|| child == ELEM_remove_prop)
return NE_XML_VALID;
case ELEM_add_file:
if (child == ELEM_checked_in
|| child == ELEM_prop)
return NE_XML_VALID;
case ELEM_checked_in:
if (child == NE_ELM_href)
return NE_XML_VALID;
case ELEM_prop:
if (child == ELEM_version_name
|| child == ELEM_creationdate
|| child == ELEM_creator_displayname
|| child == ELEM_remove_prop)
return NE_XML_VALID;
static const char *get_attr(const char **atts, const char *which)
for (; *atts != NULL; atts += 2)
if (strcmp(*atts, which) == 0)
return atts[1];
return NULL;
static void push_dir(report_baton_t *rb, void *baton, svn_stringbuf_t *pathbuf)
dir_item_t *di = (dir_item_t *)apr_array_push(rb->dirs);
memset(di, 0, sizeof(*di));
di->baton = baton;
di->pathbuf = pathbuf;
/* This implements the `ne_xml_startelm_cb' prototype. */
static int start_element(void *userdata, const struct ne_xml_elm *elm,
const char **atts)
report_baton_t *rb = userdata;
const char *att;
svn_revnum_t base;
const char *name;
svn_stringbuf_t *cpath = NULL;
svn_revnum_t crev = SVN_INVALID_REVNUM;
dir_item_t *parent_dir;
void *new_dir_baton;
svn_stringbuf_t *pathbuf;
switch (elm->id)
case ELEM_target_revision:
att = get_attr(atts, "rev");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
CHKERR( (*rb->editor->set_target_revision)(rb->edit_baton,
SVN_STR_TO_REV(att)) );
case ELEM_open_directory:
att = get_attr(atts, "rev");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
base = SVN_STR_TO_REV(att);
if (rb->dirs->nelts == 0)
pathbuf = svn_stringbuf_create(".", rb->ras->pool);
CHKERR( (*rb->editor->open_root)(rb->edit_baton, base,
&new_dir_baton) );
name = get_attr(atts, "name");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);
parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);
pathbuf = svn_stringbuf_dup(parent_dir->pathbuf, rb->ras->pool);
svn_path_add_component(pathbuf, rb->namestr);
CHKERR( (*rb->editor->open_directory)(rb->namestr,
parent_dir->baton, base,
&new_dir_baton) );
/* push the new baton onto the directory baton stack */
push_dir(rb, new_dir_baton, pathbuf);
/* Property fetching is NOT implied in replacement. */
TOP_DIR(rb).fetch_props = FALSE;
case ELEM_add_directory:
name = get_attr(atts, "name");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);
att = get_attr(atts, "copyfrom-path");
if (att != NULL)
cpath = rb->cpathstr;
svn_stringbuf_set(cpath, att);
att = get_attr(atts, "copyfrom-rev");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
crev = SVN_STR_TO_REV(att);
parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);
pathbuf = svn_stringbuf_dup(parent_dir->pathbuf, rb->ras->pool);
svn_path_add_component(pathbuf, rb->namestr);
CHKERR( (*rb->editor->add_directory)(rb->namestr, parent_dir->baton,
cpath, crev, &new_dir_baton) );
/* push the new baton onto the directory baton stack */
push_dir(rb, new_dir_baton, pathbuf);
/* Property fetching is implied in addition. */
TOP_DIR(rb).fetch_props = TRUE;
case ELEM_open_file:
att = get_attr(atts, "rev");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
base = SVN_STR_TO_REV(att);
name = get_attr(atts, "name");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);
parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);
CHKERR( (*rb->editor->open_file)(rb->namestr, parent_dir->baton, base,
&rb->file_baton) );
/* Property fetching is NOT implied in replacement. */
rb->fetch_props = FALSE;
/* Add this file's name into the directory's path buffer. It will be
removed in end_element() */
svn_path_add_component(parent_dir->pathbuf, rb->namestr);
case ELEM_add_file:
name = get_attr(atts, "name");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);
att = get_attr(atts, "copyfrom-path");
if (att != NULL)
cpath = rb->cpathstr;
svn_stringbuf_set(cpath, att);
att = get_attr(atts, "copyfrom-rev");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
crev = SVN_STR_TO_REV(att);
parent_dir = &TOP_DIR(rb);
CHKERR( (*rb->editor->add_file)(rb->namestr, parent_dir->baton,
cpath, crev, &rb->file_baton) );
/* Property fetching is implied in addition. */
rb->fetch_props = TRUE;
/* Add this file's name into the directory's path buffer. It will be
removed in end_element() */
svn_path_add_component(parent_dir->pathbuf, rb->namestr);
case ELEM_remove_prop:
name = get_attr(atts, "name");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);
/* Removing a prop. */
if (rb->file_baton == NULL)
rb->editor->change_dir_prop(TOP_DIR(rb).baton, rb->namestr, NULL);
rb->editor->change_file_prop(rb->file_baton, rb->namestr, NULL);
case ELEM_fetch_props:
if (!rb->fetch_content)
/* If this is just a status check, the specifics of the
property change are uninteresting. Simply call our
editor function with bogus data so it registers a
property mod. */
svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, SVN_PROP_PREFIX "BOGOSITY");
if (rb->file_baton == NULL)
rb->editor->change_dir_prop(TOP_DIR(rb).baton, rb->namestr, NULL);
rb->editor->change_file_prop(rb->file_baton, rb->namestr, NULL);
/* Note that we need to fetch props for this... */
if (rb->file_baton == NULL)
TOP_DIR(rb).fetch_props = TRUE; /* */
rb->fetch_props = TRUE; /* ...file. */
case ELEM_fetch_file:
/* assert: rb->href->len > 0 */
CHKERR( simple_fetch_file(rb->ras->sess2, rb->href->data,
rb->file_baton, rb->editor,
rb->ras->pool) );
case ELEM_delete_entry:
name = get_attr(atts, "name");
/* ### verify we got it. punt on error. */
svn_stringbuf_set(rb->namestr, name);
CHKERR( (*rb->editor->delete_entry)(rb->namestr,
TOP_DIR(rb).baton) );
return 0;
static svn_error_t *
add_node_props (report_baton_t *rb)
svn_ra_dav_resource_t *rsrc;
/* Do nothing if we aren't fetching content. */
if (!rb->fetch_content)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
if (rb->file_baton)
if (! rb->fetch_props)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* Fetch dir props. */
SVN_ERR (svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc,
if (! TOP_DIR(rb).fetch_props)
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* Fetch dir props. */
SVN_ERR (svn_ra_dav__get_props_resource(&rsrc,
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* This implements the `ne_xml_endelm_cb' prototype. */
static int end_element(void *userdata,
const struct ne_xml_elm *elm,
const char *cdata)
report_baton_t *rb = userdata;
switch (elm->id)
case ELEM_add_directory:
/*** FALLTHRU ***/
case ELEM_open_directory:
/* fetch node props as necessary. */
CHKERR( add_node_props (rb) );
/* close the topmost directory, and pop it from the stack */
CHKERR( (*rb->editor->close_directory)(TOP_DIR(rb).baton) );
case ELEM_add_file:
/* we wait until the close element to do the work. this allows us to
retrieve the href before fetching. */
/* fetch file */
CHKERR( simple_fetch_file(rb->ras->sess2, rb->href->data,
rb->file_baton, rb->editor,
rb->ras->pool) );
/*** FALLTHRU ***/
case ELEM_open_file:
/* fetch node props as necessary. */
CHKERR( add_node_props (rb) );
/* close the file and mark that we are no longer operating on a file */
CHKERR( (*rb->editor->close_file)(rb->file_baton) );
rb->file_baton = NULL;
/* Yank this file out of the directory's path buffer. */
case NE_ELM_href:
/* do nothing if we aren't fetching content. */
if (!rb->fetch_content)
/* record the href that we just found */
svn_ra_dav__copy_href(rb->href, cdata);
if (rb->file_baton == NULL)
CHKERR( simple_store_vsn_url(rb->href->data, TOP_DIR(rb).baton,
&rb->vuh) );
/* save away the URL in case a fetch-props arrives after all of
the subdir processing. we will need this copy of the URL to
fetch the properties (i.e. rb->href will be toast by then). */
TOP_DIR(rb).vsn_url = apr_pmemdup(rb->ras->pool,
rb->href->data, rb->href->len + 1);
CHKERR( simple_store_vsn_url(rb->href->data, rb->file_baton,
&rb->vuh) );
case ELEM_version_name:
case ELEM_creationdate:
case ELEM_creator_displayname:
/* The name of the xml tag is the property that we want to set. */
svn_stringbuf_t *tagname =
svn_stringbuf_create (elm->nspace, rb->ras->pool);
svn_stringbuf_appendcstr (tagname, elm->name);
CHKERR( set_special_wc_prop (tagname->data,
rb->file_baton ?
rb->editor->change_file_prop :
rb->file_baton ?
rb->file_baton :
rb->ras->pool) );
return 0;
static svn_error_t * reporter_set_path(void *report_baton,
const char *path,
svn_revnum_t revision)
report_baton_t *rb = report_baton;
apr_status_t status;
const char *entry;
svn_stringbuf_t *qpath = NULL;
svn_xml_escape_nts (&qpath, path, rb->ras->pool);
entry = apr_psprintf(rb->ras->pool,
"<S:entry rev=\"%ld\">%s</S:entry>" DEBUG_CR,
revision, qpath->data);
status = apr_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, entry, strlen(entry), NULL);
if (status)
(void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);
return svn_error_create(status, 0, NULL, rb->ras->pool,
"Could not write an entry to the temporary "
"report file.");
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
static svn_error_t * reporter_delete_path(void *report_baton,
const char *path)
report_baton_t *rb = report_baton;
apr_status_t status;
const char *s;
svn_stringbuf_t *qpath = NULL;
svn_xml_escape_nts (&qpath, path, rb->ras->pool);
s = apr_psprintf(rb->ras->pool,
"<S:missing>%s</S:missing>" DEBUG_CR,
status = apr_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, s, strlen(s), NULL);
if (status)
(void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);
return svn_error_create(status, 0, NULL, rb->ras->pool,
"Could not write a missing entry to the "
"temporary report file.");
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
static svn_error_t * reporter_abort_report(void *report_baton)
report_baton_t *rb = report_baton;
(void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
static svn_error_t * reporter_finish_report(void *report_baton)
report_baton_t *rb = report_baton;
apr_status_t status;
int fdesc;
svn_error_t *err;
apr_off_t offset = 0;
status = apr_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile,
report_tail, sizeof(report_tail) - 1, NULL);
if (status)
(void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);
return svn_error_create(status, 0, NULL, rb->ras->pool,
"Could not write the trailer for the temporary "
"report file.");
/* get the editor process prepped */
rb->dirs = apr_array_make(rb->ras->pool, 5, sizeof(dir_item_t));
rb->namestr = MAKE_BUFFER(rb->ras->pool);
rb->cpathstr = MAKE_BUFFER(rb->ras->pool);
rb->href = MAKE_BUFFER(rb->ras->pool);
rb-> = svn_stringbuf_create(SVN_RA_DAV__LP_VSN_URL, rb->ras->pool);
rb->vuh.value = MAKE_BUFFER(rb->ras->pool);
/* Rewind the tmpfile. */
status = apr_file_seek(rb->tmpfile, APR_SET, &offset);
if (status)
(void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);
return svn_error_create(status, 0, NULL, rb->ras->pool,
"Couldn't rewind tmpfile.");
/* Convert the (apr_file_t *)tmpfile into a file descriptor for neon. */
status = svn_io_fd_from_file(&fdesc, rb->tmpfile);
if (status)
(void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);
return svn_error_create(status, 0, NULL, rb->ras->pool,
"Couldn't get file-descriptor of tmpfile.");
err = svn_ra_dav__parsed_request(rb->ras, "REPORT", rb->ras->root.path,
NULL, fdesc,
report_elements, validate_element,
start_element, end_element, rb,
/* we're done with the file */
(void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);
if (err != NULL)
return err;
if (rb->err != NULL)
return rb->err;
/* we got the whole HTTP response thing done. now wrap up the update
process with a close_edit call. */
SVN_ERR( (*rb->editor->close_edit)(rb->edit_baton) );
/* store auth info if we can. */
SVN_ERR( svn_ra_dav__maybe_store_auth_info (rb->ras) );
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
static const svn_ra_reporter_t ra_dav_reporter = {
/* Make a generic reporter/baton for reporting the state of the
working copy during updates or status checks. */
static svn_error_t *
make_reporter (void *session_baton,
const svn_ra_reporter_t **reporter,
void **report_baton,
svn_revnum_t revision,
svn_stringbuf_t *target,
const char *dst_path,
svn_boolean_t recurse,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *editor,
void *edit_baton,
svn_boolean_t fetch_content)
svn_ra_session_t *ras = session_baton;
report_baton_t *rb;
apr_status_t status;
const char *s;
const char *msg;
/* ### create a subpool for this operation? */
rb = apr_pcalloc(ras->pool, sizeof(*rb));
rb->ras = ras;
rb->editor = editor;
rb->edit_baton = edit_baton;
rb->fetch_content = fetch_content;
/* Neon "pulls" request body content from the caller. The reporter is
organized where data is "pushed" into self. To match these up, we use
an intermediate file -- push data into the file, then let Neon pull
from the file.
Note: one day we could spin up a thread and use a pipe between this
code and Neon. We write to a pipe, Neon reads from the pipe. Each
thread can block on the pipe, waiting for the other to complete its
/* Use the client callback to create a tmpfile. */
SVN_ERR(ras->callbacks->open_tmp_file (&rb->tmpfile, ras->callback_baton));
/* ### register a cleanup on our (sub)pool which removes the file. this
### will ensure that the file always gets tossed, even if we exit
### with an error. */
/* prep the file */
status = apr_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile,
report_head, sizeof(report_head) - 1, NULL);
if (status)
msg = "Could not write the header for the temporary report file.";
goto error;
/* an invalid revnum means "latest". we can just omit the target-revision
element in that case. */
if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(revision))
s = apr_psprintf(ras->pool,
status = apr_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, s, strlen(s), NULL);
if (status)
msg = "Failed writing the target revision to the report tempfile.";
goto error;
/* A NULL target is no problem. */
if (target && target->data)
s = apr_psprintf(ras->pool,
status = apr_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, s, strlen(s), NULL);
if (status)
msg = "Failed writing the target to the report tempfile.";
goto error;
/* A NULL dst_path is also no problem; this is only passed during a
'switch' operation. If NULL, we don't mention it in the custom
report, and mod_dav_svn automatically runs dir_delta() on two
identical paths. */
if (dst_path)
svn_stringbuf_t *dst_path_str = NULL;
svn_xml_escape_nts (&dst_path_str, dst_path, ras->pool);
s = apr_psprintf(ras->pool, "<S:dst-path>%s</S:dst-path>",
status = apr_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, s, strlen(s), NULL);
if (status)
msg = "Failed writing the dst-path to the report tempfile.";
goto error;
/* mod_dav_svn will assume recursive, unless it finds this element. */
if (!recurse)
const char * data = "<S:recursive>no</S:recursive>";
status = apr_file_write_full(rb->tmpfile, data, strlen(data), NULL);
if (status)
msg = "Failed writing the target to the report tempfile.";
goto error;
*reporter = &ra_dav_reporter;
*report_baton = rb;
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
(void) apr_file_close(rb->tmpfile);
return svn_error_create(status, 0, NULL, ras->pool, msg);
svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__do_update(void *session_baton,
const svn_ra_reporter_t **reporter,
void **report_baton,
svn_revnum_t revision_to_update_to,
svn_stringbuf_t *update_target,
svn_boolean_t recurse,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *wc_update,
void *wc_update_baton)
return make_reporter (session_baton,
TRUE); /* fetch_content */
svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__do_status(void *session_baton,
const svn_ra_reporter_t **reporter,
void **report_baton,
svn_stringbuf_t *status_target,
svn_boolean_t recurse,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *wc_status,
void *wc_status_baton)
return make_reporter (session_baton,
FALSE); /* fetch_content */
svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav__do_switch(void *session_baton,
const svn_ra_reporter_t **reporter,
void **report_baton,
svn_revnum_t revision_to_update_to,
svn_stringbuf_t *update_target,
svn_boolean_t recurse,
svn_stringbuf_t *switch_url,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *wc_update,
void *wc_update_baton)
return make_reporter (session_baton,
TRUE); /* fetch_content */
* local variables:
* eval: (load-file "../../tools/dev/svn-dev.el")
* end: