blob: 2fe91b86f12b2cd311429d09a5b2538f5f3a61a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* svn_ra.h : structures related to repository access
* ====================================================================
* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 CollabNet. All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
* you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
* are also available at
* If newer versions of this license are posted there, you may use a
* newer version instead, at your option.
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
* individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision
* history and logs, available at
* ====================================================================
#ifndef SVN_RA_H
#define SVN_RA_H
#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_tables.h>
#include "svn_error.h"
#include "svn_delta.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/* Misc. declarations */
/* This is a function type which allows the RA layer to fetch working
copy (WC) properties.
The BATON is provided along with the function pointer and should
be passed back in. This will be the CALLBACK_BATON or the CLOSE_BATON
as appropriate.
PATH is relative to the "root" of the session, defined by the REPOS_URL
passed to the RA->open() vtable call.
NAME is the name of the property to fetch. If the property is present,
then it is returned in VALUE. Otherwise, *VALUE is set to NULL.
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_ra_get_wc_prop_func_t) (void *baton,
const char *relpath,
const char *name,
const svn_string_t **value,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/* This is a function type which allows the RA layer to store working
copy (WC) properties.
See the comments for svn_ra_get_wc_prop_func_t to for BATON, PATH, and
The VALUE is the value that will be stored for the property.
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_ra_set_wc_prop_func_t) (void *baton,
const char *path,
const char *name,
const svn_string_t *value,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/* A function type for retrieving the youngest revision from a repos. */
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_ra_get_latest_revnum_func_t)
(void *session_baton,
svn_revnum_t *latest_revnum);
/* The update Reporter */
/* A vtable structure which allows a working copy to describe a
subset (or possibly all) of its working-copy to an RA layer. */
typedef struct svn_ra_reporter_t
/* Describe a working copy PATH as being at a particular REVISION;
this will *override* any previous set_path() calls made on parent
paths. PATH is relative to the URL specified in open(). */
svn_error_t *(*set_path) (void *report_baton,
const char *path,
svn_revnum_t revision);
/* Describing a working copy PATH as missing. */
svn_error_t *(*delete_path) (void *report_baton,
const char *path);
/* WC calls this when the state report is finished; any directories
or files not explicitly `set' above are assumed to be at the
baseline revision originally passed into do_update(). */
svn_error_t *(*finish_report) (void *report_baton);
/* If an error occurs during a report, this routine should cause the
filesystem transaction to be aborted & cleaned up. */
svn_error_t *(*abort_report) (void *report_baton);
} svn_ra_reporter_t;
/*** Authentication ***/
/* This is the 2nd draft of client-side authentication; in the first
draft, the client presumed to be in control of selecting auth
methods and then "pushing" data at the RA layer. In this draft,
the RA layer is presumed to be in control; as server challenges are
made, it "pulls" data from the client via callbacks. */
/* List all known authenticator objects (protocols) here. */
enum svn_ra_auth_method
/* ### someday add other protocols here: PRIVATE_KEY, CERT, etc. */
/* Authenticators: these are small "protocol" vtables that are
implemented by libsvn_client, but are driven by the RA layer.
(Because they're related to authentication, we define them here in
The RA layer is challenged by the server, and then fetches one of
these vtables in order to retrieve the necessary authentication
info from the client. */
/* A protocol which only needs a username. (used by ra_local)
(matches type svn_ra_auth_username above.) */
typedef struct svn_ra_username_authenticator_t
/* Get a username from the client. */
svn_error_t *(*get_username) (char **username,
void *auth_baton,
svn_boolean_t force_prompt,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/* Store a username in the client. */
svn_error_t *(*store_username) (const char *username,
void *auth_baton);
} svn_ra_username_authenticator_t;
/* A protocol which needs a username and password (used by ra_dav)
(matches type svn_ra_auth_simple_password above.) */
typedef struct svn_ra_simple_password_authenticator_t
/* Get a username and password from the client. If FORCE_PROMPT is
set, then a prompt will be displayed to the user automatically
(rather than looking for cached info from command-line or file.)
*USERNAME and *PASSWORD will not only be returned to the RA
layer, but libsvn_client will also cache them in the AUTH_BATON. */
svn_error_t *(*get_user_and_pass) (char **username,
char **password,
void *auth_baton,
svn_boolean_t force_prompt,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/* If any authentication info has been cached in AUTH_BATON (as a
result of calling get_user_and_pass), ask the client to store it
in the working copy.
If this routine is NULL, that means the client is unable (or
unwilling) to store auth data. */
svn_error_t *(*store_user_and_pass) (void *auth_baton);
} svn_ra_simple_password_authenticator_t;
/* A collection of callbacks implemented by libsvn_client which allows
an RA layer to "pull" information from the client application, or
possibly store information. libsvn_client passes this vtable to
Each routine takes a CALLBACK_BATON originally provided with the
vtable. */
typedef struct svn_ra_callbacks_t
/* Open a unique temporary file for writing in the working copy.
This file will be automatically deleted when FP is closed. */
svn_error_t *(*open_tmp_file) (apr_file_t **fp,
void *callback_baton);
/* Retrieve an AUTHENTICATOR/AUTH_BATON pair from the client,
which represents the protocol METHOD. */
svn_error_t *(*get_authenticator) (void **authenticator,
void **auth_baton,
enum svn_ra_auth_method method,
void *callback_baton,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/*** The following items may be set to NULL to disallow the RA layer
to perform the respective operations of the vtable functions.
Perhaps WC props are not defined or are in invalid for this
session, or perhaps the commit operation this RA session will
perform is a server-side only one that shouldn't do post-commit
processing on a working copy path. ***/
/* Fetch working copy properties.
### we might have a problem if the RA layer ever wants a property
### that corresponds to a different revision of the file than
### what is in the WC. we'll cross that bridge one day... */
svn_ra_get_wc_prop_func_t get_wc_prop;
/* Set working copy properties. */
svn_ra_set_wc_prop_func_t set_wc_prop;
} svn_ra_callbacks_t;
/* The RA Library */
/* A vtable structure which encapsulates all the functionality of a
particular repository-access implementation.
Note: libsvn_client will keep an array of these objects,
representing all RA libraries that it has simultaneously loaded
into memory. Depending on the situation, the client can look
through this array and find the appropriate implementation it
needs. */
typedef struct svn_ra_plugin_t
/* The proper name of the ra library, (e.g. "ra_dav" or "ra_local") */
const char *name;
/* Short doc string printed out by `svn -v` */
const char *description;
/* The vtable hooks */
/* Open a repository session to REPOS_URL. Return an opaque object
representing this session in *SESSION_BATON, allocated in POOL.
CALLBACKS/CALLBACK_BATON is a table of callbacks provided by the
client; see svn_ra_callbacks_t above.
All RA requests require a session_baton; they will continue to
use POOL for memory allocation. */
svn_error_t *(*open) (void **session_baton,
svn_stringbuf_t *repos_URL,
const svn_ra_callbacks_t *callbacks,
void *callback_baton,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/* Close a repository session. This frees any memory used by the
session baton. (To free the session baton itself, simply free
the pool it was created in.) */
svn_error_t *(*close) (void *session_baton);
/* Get the latest revision number from the repository. This is
useful for the `svn status' command. :) */
svn_error_t *(*get_latest_revnum) (void *session_baton,
svn_revnum_t *latest_revnum);
/* Get the latest revision number at time TIME. */
svn_error_t *(*get_dated_revision) (void *session_baton,
svn_revnum_t *revision,
apr_time_t tm);
/* Set *EDITOR and *EDIT_BATON to an editor for committing changes
to the repository, using LOG_MSG as the log message. The
revisions being committed against are passed to the editor
functions, starting with the rev argument to open_root. The path
root of the commit is in the SESSION_BATON's url.
These three functions all share CLOSE_BATON:
* GET_FUNC is used by the RA layer to fetch any WC properties
during the commit.
* SET_FUNC is used by the RA layer to set any WC properties,
after the commit completes.
* CLOSE_FUNC is used by the RA layer to bump the revisions of
each committed item, after the commit completes. It may be
called multiple times.
Any of these functions may be null.
After the editor's close_edit function returns successfully,
*NEW_REV holds either the new revision, or SVN_INVALID_REVNUM if
the commit was a no-op (i.e. nothing was committed);
*COMMITTED_DATE holds the repository-side date, or NULL if the
date is unavailable; *COMMITTED_AUTHOR holds the repository-side
author (i.e., the one recorded as the author of the commit in the
repository), or NULL if the author is unavailable. Allocate the
latter two in the session. Any of NEW_REV, COMMITTED_DATE, or
COMMITTED_AUTHOR may be null, in which case not touched.
svn_error_t *(*get_commit_editor) (void *session_baton,
const svn_delta_editor_t **editor,
void **edit_baton,
svn_revnum_t *new_rev,
const char **committed_date,
const char **committed_author,
svn_stringbuf_t *log_msg);
/* Push the contents of PATH at REVISION into an existing STREAM;
PATH is interpreted relative to the url in SESSION_BATON.
If REVISION is SVN_INVALID_REVNUM (meaning 'head') and
*FETCHED_REV is not NULL, then this function will set
*FETCHED_REV to the actual revision that was retrieved. (Some
callers want to know, and some don't.)
If PROPS is non NULL, it will contain the properties of the file.
This means *all* properties: not just ones controlled by the
user and stored in the repository fs, but non-tweakable ones
generated by the SCM system itself (e.g. 'wcprops', 'entryprops',
### The parsing of props will be be cleaned up/factorized soon.
svn_error_t *(*get_file) (void *session_baton,
const char *path,
svn_revnum_t revision,
svn_stream_t *stream,
svn_revnum_t *fetched_rev,
apr_hash_t **props);
/* Check out revision REVISION of the url specified in
SESSION_BATON, using EDITOR and EDIT_BATON to create the working
copy. If RECURSE is non-zero, create the full working tree, else
just its topmost directory. */
svn_error_t *(*do_checkout) (void *session_baton,
svn_revnum_t revision,
svn_boolean_t recurse,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *editor,
void *edit_baton);
/* Ask the network layer to update a working copy.
The client initially provides an UPDATE_EDITOR/BATON to the RA
layer; this editor contains knowledge of where the change will
begin in the working copy (when open_root() is called).
In return, the client receives a REPORTER/REPORT_BATON. The
client then describes its working-copy revision numbers by making
calls into the REPORTER structure; the RA layer assumes that all
paths are relative to the URL used to create SESSION_BATON.
When finished, the client calls REPORTER->finish_report(). The RA
layer then drives UPDATE_EDITOR to update the working copy.
UPDATE_TARGET is an optional single path component will restrict
the scope of things affected by the update to an entry in the
directory represented by the SESSION_BATON's URL, or NULL if the
entire directory is meant to be updated.
The working copy will be updated to REVISION_TO_UPDATE_TO, or the
"latest" revision if this arg is invalid. */
svn_error_t *(*do_update) (void *session_baton,
const svn_ra_reporter_t **reporter,
void **report_baton,
svn_revnum_t revision_to_update_to,
svn_stringbuf_t *update_target,
svn_boolean_t recurse,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *update_editor,
void *update_baton);
/* Ask the network layer to 'switch' a working copy to a new
SWITCH_URL; it's another form of do_update().
[Please note: this function cannot be used to switch a single
file, only a working copy directory. The main caller of this
routine, svn_client_switch, uses get_file and svn_wc_install_file
to switch a single file.
The client initially provides an UPDATE_EDITOR/BATON to the RA
layer; this editor contains knowledge of where the change will
begin in the working copy (when open_root() is called).
In return, the client receives a REPORTER/REPORT_BATON. The
client then describes its working-copy revision numbers by making
calls into the REPORTER structure; the RA layer assumes that all
paths are relative to the URL used to create SESSION_BATON.
When finished, the client calls REPORTER->finish_report(). The RA
layer then drives UPDATE_EDITOR to update the working copy.
UPDATE_TARGET is an optional single path component will restrict
the scope of things affected by the update to an entry in the
directory represented by the SESSION_BATON's URL, or NULL if the
entire directory is meant to be updated.
The working copy will be updated to REVISION_TO_UPDATE_TO, or the
"latest" revision if this arg is invalid. */
svn_error_t *(*do_switch) (void *session_baton,
const svn_ra_reporter_t **reporter,
void **report_baton,
svn_revnum_t revision_to_update_to,
svn_stringbuf_t *update_target,
svn_boolean_t recurse,
svn_stringbuf_t *switch_url,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *update_editor,
void *update_baton);
/* Ask the network layer to describe the status of a working copy
with respect to the HEAD revision of the repository.
The client initially provides an STATUS_EDITOR/BATON to the RA
layer; this editor contains knowledge of where the change will
begin in the working copy (when open_root() is called).
In return, the client receives a REPORTER/REPORT_BATON. The
client then describes its working-copy revision numbers by making
calls into the REPORTER structure; the RA layer assumes that all
paths are relative to the URL used to create SESSION_BATON.
When finished, the client calls REPORTER->finish_report(). The RA
layer then drives STATUS_EDITOR to report, essentially, what
would would be modified in the working copy were the client to
call do_update(). STATUS_TARGET is an optional single path
component will restrict the scope of the status report to an
entry in the directory represented by the SESSION_BATON's URL, or
NULL if the entire directory is meant to be examined. */
svn_error_t *(*do_status) (void *session_baton,
const svn_ra_reporter_t **reporter,
void **report_baton,
svn_stringbuf_t *status_target,
svn_boolean_t recurse,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *status_editor,
void *status_baton);
/* Ask the network layer to perform a merge of the differences
the working copy. Return a *REPORTER object (and *REPORT_BATON)
that the caller can use to describe the working copy target.
START_PATH and END_PATH are relative to the *SESSION_BATON's URL.
When the callers has finished describing his working copy via the
FINISH_EDITOR/FINISH_EDIT_BATON to actually perform the merge.
MERGE_TARGET, also relative to the *SESSION_BATON's URL,
describes the filesystem path associated with the working copy
target. */
svn_error_t *(*do_merge) (void *session_baton,
const svn_ra_reporter_t **reporter,
void **report_baton,
const char *start_path,
svn_revnum_t start_revision,
const char *end_path,
svn_revnum_t end_revision,
const char *merge_target,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *setup_editor,
void *setup_edit_baton,
const svn_delta_edit_fns_t *finish_editor,
void *finish_edit_baton);
/* Invoke RECEIVER with RECEIVER_BATON on each log message from
START to END. START may be greater or less than END; this just
controls whether the log messages are processed in descending or
ascending revision number order.
If START or END is SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, it defaults to youngest.
If PATHS is non-null and has one or more elements, then only show
revisions in which at least one of PATHS was changed (i.e., if
file, text or props changed; if dir, props changed or an entry
was added or deleted). Each path is an svn_stringbuf_t *,
relative to the session's common parent.
If DISCOVER_CHANGED_PATHS, then each call to receiver passes a
`const apr_hash_t *' for the receiver's CHANGED_PATHS argument;
the hash's keys are all the paths committed in that revision.
Otherwise, each call to receiver passes null for CHANGED_PATHS.
If any invocation of RECEIVER returns error, return that error
immediately and without wrapping it.
See also the documentation for `svn_log_message_receiver_t'. */
svn_error_t *(*get_log) (void *session_baton,
const apr_array_header_t *paths,
svn_revnum_t start,
svn_revnum_t end,
svn_boolean_t discover_changed_paths,
svn_log_message_receiver_t receiver,
void *receiver_baton);
/* Yoshiki Hayashi <> points out that a more
generic way to support 'discover_changed__paths' in logs would be
to have these two functions:
svn_error_t *(*get_rev_prop) (void *session_baton,
svn_string_t **value,
svn_string_t *name,
svn_revnum_t revision);
svn_error_t *(get_changed_paths) (void *session_baton,
apr_array_header_t **changed_paths,
svn_revnum_t revision);
Although log requests are common enough to deserve special
support (to optimize network usage), these two more generic
functions are still good ideas. Don't want to implement them
right now, as am concentrating on the log functionality, but we
will probably want them eventually, hence this start block. */
/* Set *KIND to node kind associated with PATH at REVISION. If PATH
does not exist under REVISION, set *KIND to svn_node_none. PATH
is relative to the session's parent URL. */
svn_error_t *(*check_path) (svn_node_kind_t *kind,
void *session_baton,
const char *path,
svn_revnum_t revision);
} svn_ra_plugin_t;
/* svn_ra_init_func_t :
libsvn_client will be reponsible for loading each RA DSO it needs.
However, all "ra_FOO" implementations *must* export a function named
`svn_ra_FOO_init()' of type `svn_ra_init_func_t'.
When called by libsvn_client, this routine adds an entry (or
entries) to the hash table for any URL schemes it handles. The hash
value must be of type (svn_ra_plugin_t *). POOL is a pool for
allocating configuration / one-time data.
This type is defined to use the "C Calling Conventions" to ensure that
abi_version is the first parameter. The RA plugin must check that value
before accessing the other parameters.
### need to force this to be __cdecl on Windows... how??
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_ra_init_func_t) (int abi_version,
apr_pool_t *pool,
apr_hash_t *hash);
/* The current ABI (Application Binary Interface) version for the
RA plugin model. This version number will change when the ABI
between the SVN core (e.g. libsvn_client) and the RA plugin changes.
An RA plugin should verify that the passed version number is acceptable
before accessing the rest of the parameters, and before returning any
It is entirely acceptable for an RA plugin to accept multiple ABI
versions. It can simply interpret the parameters based on the version,
and it can return different plugin structures.
--- ---------- ------------------------------------------------
1 2001-02-17 Initial revision.
/** Public RA implementations: ADD MORE HERE as necessary. **/
svn_error_t * svn_ra_dav_init (int abi_version,
apr_pool_t *pool,
apr_hash_t *hash);
svn_error_t * svn_ra_local_init (int abi_version,
apr_pool_t *pool,
apr_hash_t *hash);
/*** Public Interfaces ***/
/* Every user of the RA layer *must* call this routine and hold on to
the RA_BATON returned. This baton contains all known methods of
accessing a repository, for use within most svn_client_* routines. */
svn_error_t * svn_ra_init_ra_libs (void **ra_baton, apr_pool_t *pool);
/* Return an ra vtable-LIBRARY (already within RA_BATON) which can
handle URL. A number of svn_client_* routines will call this
internally, but client apps might use it too.
For reference, note that according to W3 RFC 1738, a valid URL is
of the following form:
Common URLs are as follows:
Of interest is the file URL schema, which takes the form
file://<host>/<path>, where <host> and <path> are optional. The `/'
between <host> and <path> is NOT part of path, yet the RFC doesn't
specify how <path> should be formatted. SVN will count on the
portability layer to be able to handle the specific formatting of
the <path> on a per-system basis. */
svn_error_t *svn_ra_get_ra_library (svn_ra_plugin_t **library,
void *ra_baton,
const char *URL,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/* Return a *DESCRIPTIONS string (allocated in POOL) that is a textual
list of all available RA libraries. */
svn_error_t *svn_ra_print_ra_libraries (svn_stringbuf_t **descriptions,
void *ra_baton,
apr_pool_t *pool);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* SVN_RA_H */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
* local variables:
* eval: (load-file "../../tools/dev/svn-dev.el")
* end: