blob: 47dd661a6e0e95e16919ad68343965fd0752dc92 [file] [log] [blame]
* Fixed Bugs:
* updates over dav now work.
* dav can now checkout arbitrary revisions.
* python tests run over dav.
* mod_dav cleaning up txns properly
* log messages are being escaped
* automated database maintenance/backup
* 'svnadmin setlog'
* works with svn now.
* trailing url slashes no longer a problem.
* 'svn diff' is now recursive
* Almost Completed:
* rewriting authentication system (#456): sussman
* rewriting anchor/target (dav's "BIG HACK", #442): cmpilato
* rewriting mod_dav prop system (and mod_dav_svn) (#382): gstein
* Dev-list Debates (that may turn into tasks):
* SVN vs .svn
* behaviors of 'svn status'
* 'svn revert' can replace 'unadd' and 'undelete'
* anchor/target issues.
* Backlogged patches to evaluate/discuss/commit:
* Kevin: update fixes (part of anchor/target discussion)
* Mo: update fixes (part of anchor/target discussion)
* Mo: use latest autoconf/libtool
* Mo: `make check` fixes for builddir != subdir
* Mo: implement 'svn patch' subcommand
* Dominick: "--program-prefix/suffix' patch (part of SVN/.svn discussion)
* C. Scott: new date parser
* C. Scott: 'make PREINSTALL=' allows installation on case-insensitive fs
(part of SVN/.svn discussion)
* ?: examine FreeBSD port
* Dale: ra_dav enhancement: http proxy support
* Garrett: svn_path_canonicalize operation with urls