blob: 4e95bad48fcfe127ea1092e6dcfddfb32c97665b [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
@rem **************************************************************************
@rem * Support for OpenSSL and zlib
@rem *
@rem * Edit and uncomment the following lines to add zlib and OpenSSL
@rem * support to the Meon libraries:
@rem *
@rem set OPENSSL_SRC=..\..\common\openssl
@rem set ZLIB_SRC=..\..\common\zlib113-win32
@rem *
@rem * NOTE: The paths should be relative to the Neon directory, ..\..\neon
@rem **************************************************************************
set exitcode=0
if "%2" == "rebuild" goto clean
if not "%2" == "" goto pIIerr
set target=ALL
goto mode
set target=CLEAN ALL
if "%1" == "release" goto release
if "%1" == "debug" goto debug
goto pIerr
@rem **************************************************************************
@echo nmake /f neon.mak %target% EXPAT_SRC=..\expat-lite
nmake /nologo /f neon.mak %target% EXPAT_SRC=..\expat-lite
if not errorlevel 0 goto err
goto end
@rem **************************************************************************
@echo nmake /f neon.mak %target% EXPAT_SRC=..\expat-lite DEBUG_BUILD=Aye
nmake /nologo /f neon.mak %target% EXPAT_SRC=..\expat-lite DEBUG_BUILD=Aye
if not errorlevel 0 goto err
goto end
@rem **************************************************************************
echo error: Second parameter should be "release" or "debug"
goto err
@rem **************************************************************************
echo error: First parameter should be "rebuild" or empty
goto err
@rem **************************************************************************
set exitcode=1
exit %exitcode%