blob: b9ce622fff9acd2ab2232f6b981d8615109e8103 [file] [log] [blame]
# -- infrastructure for generating makefiles, dependencies, etc.
import os, sys
import string, glob, re
import fileinput
import ConfigParser
__all__ = ['MakefileGenerator', 'MsvcProjectGenerator']
class _GeneratorBase:
# Derived classes should define a class attribute named _extension_map.
# This attribute should be a dictionary of the form:
# { (target-type, file-type): file-extension ...}
# where: target-type is 'exe', 'lib', ...
# file-type is 'target', 'object', ...
def __init__(self, fname):
self.parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(_cfg_defaults)
self.targets = { }
self.includes = [ ]
self.install = { } # install area name -> targets
self.test_progs = [ ]
self.test_deps = [ ]
self.fs_test_progs = [ ]
self.fs_test_deps = [ ]
self.file_deps = [ ]
self.target_dirs = { }
self.manpages = [ ]
self.infopages = [ ]
# PASS 1: collect the targets and some basic info
errors = 0
self.target_names = _filter_targets(self.parser.sections())
for target in self.target_names:
target_ob = _Target(target,
self.parser.get(target, 'path'),
self.parser.get(target, 'install'),
self.parser.get(target, 'type'),
except GenError, e:
print e
errors = 1
self.targets[target] = target_ob
itype = target_ob.install
if self.install.has_key(itype):
self.install[itype] = [ target_ob ]
self.target_dirs[target_ob.path] = None
if errors:
raise GenError('Target generation failed.')
class MsvcProjectGenerator(_GeneratorBase):
_extension_map = {
('exe', 'target'): '.exe',
('exe', 'object'): '.obj',
('lib', 'target'): '.dll',
('lib', 'object'): '.obj',
def __init__(self, fname, oname):
_GeneratorBase.__init__(self, fname)
def write(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class MakefileGenerator(_GeneratorBase):
_extension_map = {
('exe', 'target'): '',
('exe', 'object'): '.o',
('lib', 'target'): '.la',
('lib', 'object'): '.lo',
def __init__(self, fname, oname):
_GeneratorBase.__init__(self, fname)
self.ofile = open(oname, 'w')
self.ofile.write('# DO NOT EDIT -- AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED\n\n')
def write(self):
errors = 0
for target in self.target_names:
target_ob = self.targets[target]
path = target_ob.path
bldtype = target_ob.type
objext = target_ob.objext
tpath = target_ob.output
tfile = os.path.basename(tpath)
if target_ob.install == 'test' and bldtype == 'exe':
if self.parser.get(target, 'testing') != 'skip':
if target_ob.install == 'fs-test' and bldtype == 'exe':
if self.parser.get(target, 'testing') != 'skip':
s_errors = target_ob.find_sources(self.parser.get(target, 'sources'))
errors = errors or s_errors
objects = [ ]
for src in target_ob.sources:
if src[-2:] == '.c':
objname = src[:-2] + objext
self.file_deps.append((src, objname))
print 'ERROR: unknown file extension on', src
errors = 1
retreat = _retreat_dots(path)
libs = [ ]
deps = [ ]
for lib in string.split(self.parser.get(target, 'libs')):
if lib in self.target_names:
tlib = self.targets[lib]
# link in the library by simply referring to the .la file
### hmm. use join() for retreat + ... ?
libs.append(retreat + os.path.join(tlib.path, lib + '.la'))
# something we don't know, so just include it directly
for man in string.split(self.parser.get(target, 'manpages')):
for info in string.split(self.parser.get(target, 'infopages')):
targ_varname = string.replace(target, '-', '_')
ldflags = self.parser.get(target, 'link-flags')
add_deps = self.parser.get(target, 'add-deps')
objnames = string.join(map(os.path.basename, objects))
'%s_DEPS = %s %s\n'
'%s_OBJECTS = %s\n'
'%s: $(%s_DEPS)\n'
'\tcd %s && $(LINK) -o %s %s $(%s_OBJECTS) %s $(LIBS)\n\n'
% (targ_varname, string.join(objects + deps), add_deps,
targ_varname, objnames,
tpath, targ_varname,
path, tfile, ldflags, targ_varname, string.join(libs))
custom = self.parser.get(target, 'custom')
if custom == 'apache-mod':
# special build, needing Apache includes
self.ofile.write('# build these special -- use APACHE_INCLUDES\n')
for src in target_ob.sources:
if src[-2:] == '.c':
self.ofile.write('%s%s: %s\n\t$(COMPILE_APACHE_MOD)\n'
% (src[:-2], objext, src))
elif custom == 'swig-py':
self.ofile.write('# build this with -DSWIGPYTHON\n')
for src in target_ob.sources:
if src[-2:] == '.c':
self.ofile.write('%s%s: %s\n\t$(COMPILE_SWIG_PY)\n'
% (src[:-2], objext, src))
for g_name, g_targets in self.install.items():
self.target_names = [ ]
for i in g_targets:
self.ofile.write('%s: %s\n\n' % (g_name, string.join(self.target_names)))
cfiles = [ ]
for target in self.targets.values():
# .la files are handled by the standard 'clean' rule; clean all the
# other targets
if target.output[-3:] != '.la':
self.ofile.write('CLEAN_FILES = %s\n\n' % string.join(cfiles))
for area, inst_targets in self.install.items():
# get the output files for these targets, sorted in dependency order
files = _sorted_files(inst_targets)
if area == 'apache-mod':
self.ofile.write('install-mods-shared: %s\n' % (string.join(files),))
la_tweaked = { }
for file in files:
# cd to dirname before install to work around libtool 1.4.2 bug.
dirname, fname = os.path.split(file)
base, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
name = string.replace(base, 'libmod_', '')
self.ofile.write('\tcd %s ; $(INSTALL_MOD_SHARED) -n %s %s\n'
% (dirname, name, fname))
if ext == '.la':
la_tweaked[file + '-a'] = None
for t in inst_targets:
for dep in t.deps:
bt = dep.output
if bt[-3:] == '.la':
la_tweaked[bt + '-a'] = None
la_tweaked = la_tweaked.keys()
s_files, s_errors = _collect_paths(self.parser.get('static-apache',
errors = errors or s_errors
# Construct a .libs directory within the Apache area and populate it
# with the appropriate files. Also drop the .la file in the target dir.
self.ofile.write('\ninstall-mods-static: %s\n'
'\t$(MKDIR) %s\n'
% (string.join(la_tweaked + s_files),
os.path.join('$(APACHE_TARGET)', '.libs')))
for file in la_tweaked:
dirname, fname = os.path.split(file)
base = os.path.splitext(fname)[0]
self.ofile.write('\t$(INSTALL_MOD_STATIC) %s %s\n'
'\t$(INSTALL_MOD_STATIC) %s %s\n'
% (os.path.join(dirname, '.libs', base + '.a'),
base + '.a'),
os.path.join('$(APACHE_TARGET)', base + '.la')))
# copy the other files to the target dir
for file in s_files:
self.ofile.write('\t$(INSTALL_MOD_STATIC) %s %s\n'
% (file, os.path.join('$(APACHE_TARGET)',
elif area != 'test' and area != 'fs-test':
area_var = string.replace(area, '-', '_')
self.ofile.write('install-%s: %s\n'
'\t$(MKDIR) $(%sdir)\n'
% (area, string.join(files), area_var))
for file in files:
# cd to dirname before install to work around libtool 1.4.2 bug.
dirname, fname = os.path.split(file)
self.ofile.write('\tcd %s ; $(INSTALL_%s) %s %s\n'
% (dirname,
os.path.join('$(%sdir)' % area_var, fname)))
# generate .dsp files for each target
#for t in inst_targets:
# t.write_dsp()
# pass
self.includes, i_errors = _collect_paths(self.parser.get('includes',
errors = errors or i_errors
self.ofile.write('install-include: %s\n'
'\t$(MKDIR) $(includedir)\n'
% (string.join(self.includes),))
for file in self.includes:
self.ofile.write('\t$(INSTALL_INCLUDE) %s %s\n'
% (os.path.join('$(top_srcdir)', file),
self.ofile.write('\n# handy shortcut targets\n')
for name, target in self.targets.items():
self.ofile.write('%s: %s\n' % (name, target.output))
scripts, s_errors = _collect_paths(self.parser.get('test-scripts',
errors = errors or s_errors
fs_scripts, fs_errors = _collect_paths(self.parser.get('fs-test-scripts',
errors = errors or fs_errors
# get all the test scripts' directories
script_dirs = map(os.path.dirname, scripts + fs_scripts)
# remove duplicate directories
build_dirs = self.target_dirs.copy()
for d in script_dirs:
build_dirs[d] = None
self.ofile.write('BUILD_DIRS = %s\n' % string.join(build_dirs.keys()))
self.ofile.write('FS_TEST_DEPS = %s\n\n' %
string.join(self.fs_test_deps + fs_scripts))
self.ofile.write('FS_TEST_PROGRAMS = %s\n\n' %
string.join(self.fs_test_progs + fs_scripts))
self.ofile.write('TEST_DEPS = %s\n\n' %
string.join(self.test_deps + scripts))
self.ofile.write('TEST_PROGRAMS = %s\n\n' %
string.join(self.test_progs + scripts))
self.ofile.write('MANPAGES = %s\n\n' % string.join(self.manpages))
self.ofile.write('INFOPAGES = %s\n\n' % string.join(self.infopages))
if errors:
raise GenError("Makefile generation failed.")
def write_depends(self):
# Find all the available headers and what they depend upon. the
# include_deps is a dictionary mapping a short header name to a tuple
# of the full path to the header and a dictionary of dependent header
# names (short) mapping to None.
# Example:
# { 'short.h' : ('/path/to/short.h',
# { 'other.h' : None, 'foo.h' : None }) }
# Note that this structure does not allow for similarly named headers
# in per-project directories. SVN doesn't have this at this time, so
# this structure works quite fine. (the alternative would be to use
# the full pathname for the key, but that is actually a bit harder to
# work with since we only see short names when scanning, and keeping
# a second variable around for mapping the short to long names is more
# than I cared to do right now)
include_deps = _create_include_deps(self.includes)
for d in self.target_dirs.keys():
hdrs = glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*.h'))
if hdrs:
more_deps = _create_include_deps(hdrs, include_deps)
for src, objname in self.file_deps:
hdrs = [ ]
for short in _find_includes(src, include_deps):
self.ofile.write('%s: %s %s\n' % (objname, src, string.join(hdrs)))
class _Target:
def __init__(self, name, path, install, type, extmap): = name
self.deps = [ ] # dependencies (list of other Target objects)
self.path = path
self.type = type
if type == 'exe':
if not install:
install = 'bin'
elif type == 'lib':
if not install:
install = 'lib'
elif type == 'doc':
raise GenError('ERROR: unknown build type: ' + type)
if type == 'exe' or type == 'lib':
tfile = name + extmap[(type, 'target')]
self.objext = extmap[(type, 'object')]
self.install = install
self.output = os.path.join(path, tfile)
def find_sources(self, patterns):
if not patterns:
patterns = _default_sources[self.type]
self.sources, errors = _collect_paths(patterns, self.path)
return errors
def write_dsp(self):
if self.type == 'exe':
template = open('build/win32/exe-template', 'rb').read()
template = open('build/win32/dll-template', 'rb').read()
dsp = string.replace(template, '@NAME@',
cfiles = [ ]
for src in self.sources:
cfiles.append('# Begin Source File\x0d\x0a'
'# End Source File\x0d\x0a' % os.path.basename(src))
dsp = string.replace(dsp, '@CFILES@', string.join(cfiles, ''))
dsp = string.replace(dsp, '@HFILES@', '')
fname = os.path.join(self.path, + '.dsp-test')
open(fname, 'wb').write(dsp)
class GenError(Exception):
_cfg_defaults = {
'sources' : '',
'link-flags' : '',
'libs' : '',
'manpages' : '',
'infopages' : '',
'custom' : '',
'install' : '',
'testing' : '',
'add-deps' : '',
_default_sources = {
'lib' : '*.c',
'exe' : '*.c',
'doc' : '*.texi',
_predef_sections = [
def _filter_targets(t):
t = t[:]
for s in _predef_sections:
if s in t:
return t
def _collect_paths(pats, path=None):
errors = 0
result = [ ]
for pat in string.split(pats):
if path:
pat = os.path.join(path, pat)
files = glob.glob(pat)
if not files:
print 'ERROR:', pat, 'not found.'
errors = 1
return result, errors
def _retreat_dots(path):
"Given a relative directory, return ../ paths to retreat to the origin."
parts = string.split(path, os.sep)
return (os.pardir + os.sep) * len(parts)
def _find_includes(fname, include_deps):
hdrs = _scan_for_includes(fname, include_deps.keys())
return _include_closure(hdrs, include_deps).keys()
def _create_include_deps(includes, prev_deps={}):
shorts = map(os.path.basename, includes)
# limit intra-header dependencies to just these headers, and what we
# may have found before
limit = shorts + prev_deps.keys()
deps = prev_deps.copy()
for inc in includes:
short = os.path.basename(inc)
deps[short] = (inc, _scan_for_includes(inc, limit))
# keep recomputing closures until we see no more changes
while 1:
changes = 0
for short in shorts:
old = deps[short]
deps[short] = (old[0], _include_closure(old[1], deps))
if not changes:
ok = old[1].keys()
nk = deps[short][1].keys()
changes = ok != nk
if not changes:
return deps
def _include_closure(hdrs, deps):
new = hdrs.copy()
for h in hdrs.keys():
return new
_re_include = re.compile(r'^#\s*include\s*[<"]([^<"]+)[>"]')
def _scan_for_includes(fname, limit):
"Return a dictionary of headers found (fnames as keys, None as values)."
# note: we don't worry about duplicates in the return list
hdrs = { }
for line in fileinput.input(fname):
match = _re_include.match(line)
if match:
h =
if h in limit:
hdrs[] = None
return hdrs
def _sorted_files(targets):
"Given a list of targets, sort them based on their dependencies."
# we're going to just go with a naive algorithm here. these lists are
# going to be so short, that we can use O(n^2) or whatever this is.
# first we need our own copy of the target list since we're going to
# munge it.
targets = targets[:]
# the output list of the targets' files
files = [ ]
# loop while we have targets remaining:
while targets:
# find a target that has no dependencies in our current targets list.
for t in targets:
for d in t.deps:
if d in targets:
# no dependencies found in the targets list. this is a good "base"
# to add to the files list now.
# don't consider this target any more
# break out of search through targets
# we went through the entire target list and everything had at least
# one dependency on another target. thus, we have a circular dependency
# tree. somebody messed up the .conf file, or the app truly does have
# a loop (and if so, they're screwed; libtool can't relink a lib at
# install time if the dependent libs haven't been installed yet)
raise CircularDependencies()
return files
class CircularDependencies(Exception):