blob: 47f3df30d7f7265e55e4a4422e17dd0631f9b3d5 [file] [log] [blame]
Version 0.11.1 (released 12 April 2002, revision 1682)
User-visible changes:
* completion of 'svn merge' (issue 504)
* added SVNReposName directive to mod_dav_svn
* insist on a diff binary that supports "-u"
* fix and unify pop-up $EDITOR behaviors (issues 638, 633, 615)
Developer-visible changes:
* finish rewrite of commit system to handle disjoint urls (issue 575)
* finish proxy support via config files (esp. on win32) (issue 579)
* fix svn_ra_dav__get_baseline_info and related bugs (issue 581)
* reorganization of libsvn_wc header files & API
* new to test commandline option processing
* 'make check' now more portable -- tests invoked via python, not sh
* miscellaneous bugfixes in imports, svndiff, db linkage.
Version 0.10.2 (released 25 Mar 2002, revision 1587)
User-visible changes:
* new ~/.subversion configuration directory
* proxy support via ~/.subversion/proxies file
Developer-visible changes:
* rewrite of client-side commit process partially done
* beginnings of 'svn merge'
* mod_dav_svn now generates "streamy" report responses
* stringbuf cleanups and bugfixes
* interface to svn_wc_entry_t cleaned up
* tweaks to build system and freebsd port
* miscellaneous bugfixes in path escaping, pool usage, hp-ux compilation
Version 0.10.1 (released 17 Mar 2002, revision 1537)
User-visible changes:
* New --targets command-line option for some commands.
* conflicts now create conflict-markers in files, and 3 fulltext backups.
* new 'svn resolve' command removes conflicted state (by removing backups)
Developer-visible changes:
* no more dependency on 'patch'; only on GNU diff3 and some version of 'diff'
* complete rewrite of svn_wc_entry_t interface
* begin abstracting svn_fs API by hiding implementation details
* consolidate RA layer callbacks
* start work on commit-driver rewrite
* start work on ~/.subversion/ configuration directory, and proxy support
* move a lot of svn_wc.h into private wc.h
* bugfixes relating to commits, network prop xfers, 'svn log', 'svn co -q'
* major deletion bug fixed
(see email WARNING:
Version 0.10.0 (released 08 Mar 2002, revision 1467)
User-visible changes:
* fewer out-of-memory errors: (see "memory consumption" below)
* clearer user errors:
- detailed marshalling of server errors to client
- better errors from ra_dav
- better commandline-client-specific error messages
* 'svn log' now works on single paths correctly
* show locked directories in 'svn status'
* 'svnadmin lstxns' improvements, and new --long switch
* commits show "Replacing" instead of "Deleting/Adding" (#571)
* commits show progress on postfix txdeltas.
* WARNING: existing repositories need to be upgraded;
read tools/
Developer-visible changes:
* reduced memory consumption
- new Editor interface that manages pools automatically
- conversion of most existing editors to new system
- have libsvn_fs write data to DB streamily
- reduce DB logfile growth via 'duplicate keys'
- stop using one pool for post-commit processing
- stop using one pool for sending all textdeltas
- many, many other pool-usage improvements in libsvn_wc, ra_dav, etc.
* start of work on 'svn merge": issue 504, and diff3 integration
* start of work on disjoint-url detection: issue 575
* start removing stringbuf path library funcs; use new const char * funcs
* better python 2.X detection in test suite
* svnlook uses single tempdir
* build system evolution
- upgrade to neon 0.19.[2-3]
- lots of work on FreeBSD port
* many small bugfixes:
- propedit, file merges, revert, dir_delta, keywords
- memory leaks in 'svn add', 'svn import/commit', and svnlook
- date-parsing and readonly bugs
Version 0.9 (released 15 Feb 2002, revision 1302)
User-visible changes:
* 'svn switch', for switching part of a working copy to a branch
* 'svn status -v' now shows created-rev and last-author info
* 'svn help <subcommand>' now shows proper switches
* if no log message passed to commit, $EDITOR pops up
* greatly improved/re-organized README, INSTALL, and HACKING docs
* big progress on cvs2svn repository converter
* faster retrieval of old revisions: turn off fs directory deltification
* fixed broken behaviors in 'svn diff' and 'svn log'
Developer-visible changes:
* new fs code for detecting differences and relatedness
* new cancellation editor, for event-driven users of libsvn_client
* make .svn/ area readonly
* continued development of ruby, java, and python (swig) bindings
* new config-file parser
* code reorganization and cleanup
- huge conversion of svn_stringbuf_t --> char *
- standardized on commit_info return structure
- no more 'path styles' in path library
- rewrite bootstrapping code for python test framework
- rewrite commandline app's help-system and alias-system
- feedback table replaced with notfication callback
- rewrite sorting of hashes
- svnadmin internal rewrite
- faster post-update processing
- using SVN_ERR macros where they weren't
- new svn_client_revision_t mechanism
- txdelta windows are readonly now
- pool debugging code moved to APR
- various pool-usage fixes
* build system evolution
- apr-util now required
- upgrade to neon 0.18.5
- much apr m4 macro churn
- win32 updates, no longer needs precompiled neon
- 'make check' when builddir != srcdir
* fixes for many issues, including #624, 627, 580, 598, 591,
607. 609, 590, 565
[Versions 0.8 and older are only brief summaries]
Version 0.8 (released 15 Jan 2002. revision 909)
* newline conversion and keyword substitution (#524)
* rewrite ra_local commit system to commit against HEAD (#463)
* mod_dav_svn sends svndiffs now (#518)
* code migration from libsvn_fs to libsvn_repos (#428)
Version 0.7 (released 03 Dec 2001, revision 587)
* 'svn cp/mv' completed:
- can copy from wc/repos to wc/repos.
- This how we create branches/tags.
* 'svn mkdir' [WC_PATH|REPOS_URL]
* 'svn delete' [REPOS_URL]
Version 0.6 (released 12 Nov 2001, revision 444)
* 'svn log'
* 'svn cp/mv' from wc to wc
Milestones M4/M5 (released 19 Oct 2001, revision 271)
* network layer bugfixes
* filesystem deltification
Milestone M3 (released 30 Aug 2001, revision 1)
* self-hosting begins, all history left behind in CVS repository.
Milestone M2 (released 15 May 2001)
* filesystem library (libsvn_fs)
* network layer (libsvn_ra_dav and mod_dav_svn)
Milestone M1 (released 20 Oct 2001)
* working-copy library (libsvn_wc), using XML files.
Birth (05 June 2000)
* CVS repository created.