blob: 4236dda544de227b6f5a185cceec9cdbdea82a15 [file] [log] [blame]
# a shared, automated test suite for Subversion
# Subversion is a tool for revision control.
# See for more information.
# ====================================================================
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import os
import shutil
import re
import stat
import subprocess
import time
import threading
import optparse
import xml
import urllib
import logging
import hashlib
import zipfile
import codecs
# Python >=3.0
import queue
from urllib.parse import quote as urllib_parse_quote
from urllib.parse import unquote as urllib_parse_unquote
from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
# Python <3.0
import Queue as queue
from urllib import quote as urllib_parse_quote
from urllib import unquote as urllib_parse_unquote
from urlparse import urlparse
import svntest
from svntest import Failure
from svntest import Skip
from svntest.wc import StateItem as Item
def svn_wc__min_supported_format_version():
return '1.8'
def svn_wc__max_supported_format_version():
return '1.15'
def svn_wc__is_supported_format_version(v):
major, minor = v.split('.')
return int(major) == 1 and int(minor) in range(8, 15+1)
# Write a new python script that
# 1) imports this 'svntest' package
# 2) contains a number of related 'test' routines. (Each test
# routine should take no arguments, and return None on success
# or throw a Failure exception on failure. Each test should
# also contain a short docstring.)
# 3) places all the tests into a list that begins with None.
# 4) calls svntest.main.client_test() on the list.
# Also, your tests will probably want to use some of the common
# routines in the 'Utilities' section below.
# Global stuff
default_num_threads = 5
# Don't try to use this before calling execute_tests()
logger = None
class SVNProcessTerminatedBySignal(Failure):
"Exception raised if a spawned process segfaulted, aborted, etc."
class SVNLineUnequal(Failure):
"Exception raised if two lines are unequal"
class SVNUnmatchedError(Failure):
"Exception raised if an expected error is not found"
class SVNCommitFailure(Failure):
"Exception raised if a commit failed"
class SVNRepositoryCopyFailure(Failure):
"Exception raised if unable to copy a repository"
class SVNRepositoryCreateFailure(Failure):
"Exception raised if unable to create a repository"
# Windows specifics
if sys.platform == 'win32':
windows = True
file_scheme_prefix = 'file:///'
_exe = '.exe'
_bat = '.bat'
windows = False
file_scheme_prefix = 'file://'
_exe = ''
_bat = ''
# The location of our mock svneditor script.
if windows:
svneditor_script = os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'svneditor.bat')
# This script is in the build tree, not in the source tree.
svneditor_script = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
# Username and password used by the working copies
wc_author = 'jrandom'
wc_passwd = 'rayjandom'
# Username and password used by svnrdump in dump/load cross-checks
crosscheck_username = '__dumpster__'
crosscheck_password = '__loadster__'
# Username and password used by the working copies for "second user"
# scenarios
wc_author2 = 'jconstant' # use the same password as wc_author
stack_trace_regexp = r'(?:.*subversion[\\//].*\.c:[0-9]*,$|.*apr_err=.*)'
# Set C locale for command line programs
os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
# Permission constants used with e.g. chmod() and open().
# Define them here at a central location, so people aren't tempted to
# use octal literals which are not portable between Python 2 and 3.
S_ALL_READ = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH
S_ALL_WRITE = stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH
S_ALL_EXEC = stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH
# The locations of the svn binaries.
# Use --bin to override these defaults.
def P(relpath,
if sys.platform=='win32':
return os.path.join(head, relpath + '.exe')
return os.path.join(head, relpath)
svn_binary = P('svn/svn')
svnadmin_binary = P('svnadmin/svnadmin')
svnlook_binary = P('svnlook/svnlook')
svnrdump_binary = P('svnrdump/svnrdump')
svnsync_binary = P('svnsync/svnsync')
svnversion_binary = P('svnversion/svnversion')
svndumpfilter_binary = P('svndumpfilter/svndumpfilter')
svnmucc_binary = P('svnmucc/svnmucc')
svnfsfs_binary = P('svnfsfs/svnfsfs')
entriesdump_binary = P('tests/cmdline/entries-dump')
lock_helper_binary = P('tests/cmdline/lock-helper')
atomic_ra_revprop_change_binary = P('tests/cmdline/atomic-ra-revprop-change')
wc_lock_tester_binary = P('tests/libsvn_wc/wc-lock-tester')
wc_incomplete_tester_binary = P('tests/libsvn_wc/wc-incomplete-tester')
del P
# The location of svnauthz binary, relative to the only scripts that
# import this file right now (they live in ../).
# Use --tools to overide these defaults.
svnauthz_binary = os.path.abspath('../../../tools/server-side/svnauthz' + _exe)
svnauthz_validate_binary = os.path.abspath(
'../../../tools/server-side/svnauthz-validate' + _exe
svnmover_binary = os.path.abspath('../../../tools/dev/svnmover/svnmover' + _exe)
# Where to find the libtool script created during build
libtool_script = os.path.abspath('../../../libtool')
# Location to the pristine repository, will be calculated from test_area_url
# when we know what the user specified for --url.
pristine_greek_repos_url = None
pristine_trojan_repos_url = None
# Global variable to track all of our options
options = None
# End of command-line-set global variables.
# All temporary repositories and working copies are created underneath
# this dir, so there's one point at which to mount, e.g., a ramdisk.
work_dir = "svn-test-work"
# Constant for the merge info property.
SVN_PROP_MERGEINFO = "svn:mergeinfo"
# Constant for the inheritable auto-props property.
# Constant for the inheritable ignores property.
SVN_PROP_INHERITABLE_IGNORES = "svn:global-ignores"
# Where we want all the repositories and working copies to live.
# Each test will have its own!
general_repo_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "repositories")
general_wc_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "working_copies")
# Directories used for DAV tests
other_dav_root_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "fsdavroot")
non_dav_root_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "nodavroot")
# temp directory in which we will create our 'pristine' local
# repository and other scratch data. This should be removed when we
# quit and when we startup.
temp_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'local_tmp')
# (derivatives of the tmp dir.)
pristine_greek_repos_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "repos")
pristine_trojan_repos_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "trojan")
greek_dump_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "greekfiles")
trojan_dump_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, "trojanfiles")
default_config_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(temp_dir, "config"))
# Our pristine greek-tree state.
# If a test wishes to create an "expected" working-copy tree, it should
# call main.greek_state.copy(). That method will return a copy of this
# State object which can then be edited.
greek_state = svntest.wc.State('', {
'iota' : Item("This is the file 'iota'.\n"),
'A' : Item(),
'A/mu' : Item("This is the file 'mu'.\n"),
'A/B' : Item(),
'A/B/lambda' : Item("This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
'A/B/E' : Item(),
'A/B/E/alpha' : Item("This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
'A/B/E/beta' : Item("This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
'A/B/F' : Item(),
'A/C' : Item(),
'A/D' : Item(),
'A/D/gamma' : Item("This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
'A/D/G' : Item(),
'A/D/G/pi' : Item("This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
'A/D/G/rho' : Item("This is the file 'rho'.\n"),
'A/D/G/tau' : Item("This is the file 'tau'.\n"),
'A/D/H' : Item(),
'A/D/H/chi' : Item("This is the file 'chi'.\n"),
'A/D/H/psi' : Item("This is the file 'psi'.\n"),
'A/D/H/omega' : Item("This is the file 'omega'.\n"),
# Likewise our pristine trojan-tree state (for peg revision parsing tests)
# NOTE: We don't use precooked trojan repositories.
trojan_state = svntest.wc.State('', {
'iota' : Item("This is the file 'iota'.\n"),
'@zeta' : Item("This is the file 'zeta'.\n"),
'_@theta' : Item("This is the file 'theta'.\n"),
'.@kappa' : Item("This is the file 'kappa'.\n"),
'lambda@' : Item("This is the file 'lambda'.\n"),
'@omicron@' : Item("This is the file 'omicron'.\n"),
'@' : Item(),
'@@' : Item(),
'_@' : Item(),
'.@' : Item(),
'A' : Item(),
'A/@@' : Item("This is the file 'A/@@'.\n"),
'A/alpha' : Item("This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
'A/@omega@' : Item("This is the file 'omega'.\n"),
'B' : Item(),
'B/@' : Item("This is the file 'B/@'.\n"),
'B/@beta' : Item("This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
'B/pi@' : Item("This is the file 'pi'.\n"),
'G' : Item(),
'G/_@' : Item("This is the file 'G/_@'.\n"),
'G/_@gamma' : Item("This is the file 'gamma'.\n"),
'D' : Item(),
'D/.@' : Item("This is the file 'D/.@'.\n"),
'D/.@delta' : Item("This is the file 'delta'.\n"),
'E' : Item(),
# Utilities shared by the tests
def wrap_ex(func, output):
"Wrap a function, catch, print and ignore exceptions"
def w(*args, **kwds):
return func(*args, **kwds)
except Failure as ex:
if ex.__class__ != Failure or ex.args:
ex_args = str(ex)
if ex_args:
logger.warn('EXCEPTION: %s: %s', ex.__class__.__name__, ex_args)
logger.warn('EXCEPTION: %s', ex.__class__.__name__)
return w
def setup_development_mode():
"Wraps functions in module actions"
l = [ 'run_and_verify_svn',
for func in l:
setattr(svntest.actions, func, wrap_ex(getattr(svntest.actions, func)))
def get_admin_name():
"Return name of SVN administrative subdirectory."
if (windows or sys.platform == 'cygwin') \
and 'SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK' in os.environ:
return '_svn'
return '.svn'
def wc_is_singledb(wcpath):
"""Temporary function that checks whether a working copy directory looks
like it is part of a single-db working copy."""
pristine = os.path.join(wcpath, get_admin_name(), 'pristine')
if not os.path.exists(pristine):
return True
# Now we must be looking at a multi-db WC dir or the root dir of a
# single-DB WC. Sharded 'pristine' dir => single-db, else => multi-db.
for name in os.listdir(pristine):
if len(name) == 2:
return True
elif len(name) == 40:
return False
return False
def get_start_commit_hook_path(repo_dir):
"Return the path of the start-commit-hook conf file in REPO_DIR."
return os.path.join(repo_dir, "hooks", "start-commit")
def get_pre_commit_hook_path(repo_dir):
"Return the path of the pre-commit-hook conf file in REPO_DIR."
return os.path.join(repo_dir, "hooks", "pre-commit")
def get_post_commit_hook_path(repo_dir):
"Return the path of the post-commit-hook conf file in REPO_DIR."
return os.path.join(repo_dir, "hooks", "post-commit")
def get_pre_revprop_change_hook_path(repo_dir):
"Return the path of the pre-revprop-change hook script in REPO_DIR."
return os.path.join(repo_dir, "hooks", "pre-revprop-change")
def get_pre_lock_hook_path(repo_dir):
"Return the path of the pre-lock hook script in REPO_DIR."
return os.path.join(repo_dir, "hooks", "pre-lock")
def get_pre_unlock_hook_path(repo_dir):
"Return the path of the pre-unlock hook script in REPO_DIR."
return os.path.join(repo_dir, "hooks", "pre-unlock")
def get_svnserve_conf_file_path(repo_dir):
"Return the path of the svnserve.conf file in REPO_DIR."
return os.path.join(repo_dir, "conf", "svnserve.conf")
def get_fsfs_conf_file_path(repo_dir):
"Return the path of the fsfs.conf file in REPO_DIR."
return os.path.join(repo_dir, "db", "fsfs.conf")
def get_fsfs_format_file_path(repo_dir):
"Return the path of the format file in REPO_DIR."
return os.path.join(repo_dir, "db", "format")
def ensure_list(item):
"If ITEM is not already a list, convert it to a list."
if isinstance(item, list):
return item
elif isinstance(item, bytes) or isinstance(item, str):
return [ item ]
return list(item)
def filter_dbg(lines, binary = False):
if binary:
excluded = filter(lambda line: line.startswith(b'DBG:'), lines)
excluded = map(bytes.decode, excluded)
included = filter(lambda line: not line.startswith(b'DBG:'), lines)
excluded = filter(lambda line: line.startswith('DBG:'), lines)
included = filter(lambda line: not line.startswith('DBG:'), lines)
return ensure_list(included)
# Run any binary, logging the command line and return code
def run_command(command, error_expected, binary_mode=False, *varargs):
"""Run COMMAND with VARARGS. Return exit code as int; stdout, stderr
as lists of lines (including line terminators). See run_command_stdin()
for details. If ERROR_EXPECTED is None, any stderr output will be
printed and any stderr output or a non-zero exit code will raise an
return run_command_stdin(command, error_expected, 0, binary_mode,
None, *varargs)
# Frequently used constants:
# If any of these relative path strings show up in a server response,
# then we can assume that the on-disk repository path was leaked to the
# client. Having these here as constants means we don't need to construct
# them over and over again.
_repos_diskpath1 = os.path.join('cmdline', 'svn-test-work', 'repositories')
_repos_diskpath2 = os.path.join('cmdline', 'svn-test-work', 'local_tmp',
_repos_diskpath1_bytes = _repos_diskpath1.encode()
_repos_diskpath2_bytes = _repos_diskpath2.encode()
# A regular expression that matches arguments that are trivially safe
# to pass on a command line without quoting on any supported operating
# system:
_safe_arg_re = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z\d\.\_\/\-\:\@]+$')
def _quote_arg(arg):
"""Quote ARG for a command line.
Return a quoted version of the string ARG, or just ARG if it contains
only universally harmless characters.
WARNING: This function cannot handle arbitrary command-line
arguments: it is just good enough for what we need here."""
arg = str(arg)
if _safe_arg_re.match(arg):
return arg
if windows:
# Note: subprocess.list2cmdline is Windows-specific.
return subprocess.list2cmdline([arg])
# Quoting suitable for most Unix shells.
return "'" + arg.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"
def open_pipe(command, bufsize=-1, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
"""Opens a subprocess.Popen pipe to COMMAND using STDIN,
STDOUT, and STDERR. BUFSIZE is passed to subprocess.Popen's
argument of the same name.
Returns (infile, outfile, errfile, waiter); waiter
should be passed to wait_on_pipe."""
command = [str(x) for x in command]
# Always run python scripts under the same Python executable as used
# for the test suite.
if command[0].endswith('.py'):
command.insert(0, sys.executable)
if options.valgrind:
if os.path.basename(command[0]) in options.valgrind.split(','):
valgrind = [libtool_script, '--mode=execute', 'valgrind', '--quiet']
if options.valgrind_opts is not None:
valgrind += options.valgrind_opts.split(' ')
command = valgrind + command
command_string = command[0] + ' ' + ' '.join(map(_quote_arg, command[1:]))
if not stdin:
stdin = subprocess.PIPE
if not stdout:
stdout = subprocess.PIPE
if not stderr:
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
p = subprocess.Popen(command,
close_fds=not windows)
return p.stdin, p.stdout, p.stderr, (p, command_string)
def wait_on_pipe(waiter, binary_mode, stdin=None):
"""WAITER is (KID, COMMAND_STRING). Wait for KID (opened with open_pipe)
to finish, dying if it does. If KID fails, create an error message
containing any stdout and stderr from the kid. Show COMMAND_STRING in
diagnostic messages. Normalize Windows line endings of stdout and stderr
if not BINARY_MODE. Return KID's exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
lists of lines (including line terminators)."""
if waiter is None:
kid, command_string = waiter
stdout, stderr = kid.communicate(stdin)
exit_code = kid.returncode
# We always expect STDERR to be strings, not byte-arrays.
if not isinstance(stderr, str):
stderr = stderr.decode("utf-8", 'surrogateescape')
if not binary_mode:
if not isinstance(stdout, str):
stdout = stdout.decode("utf-8", 'surrogateescape')
# Normalize Windows line endings if in text mode.
if windows:
stdout = stdout.replace('\r\n', '\n')
stderr = stderr.replace('\r\n', '\n')
# Convert output strings to lists.
stdout_lines = stdout.splitlines(True)
stderr_lines = stderr.splitlines(True)
if exit_code < 0:
if not windows:
exit_signal = os.WTERMSIG(-exit_code)
exit_signal = exit_code
if stdout_lines is not None:"".join(stdout_lines))
if stderr_lines is not None:
# show the whole path to make it easier to start a debugger
logger.warning("CMD: %s terminated by signal %d"
% (command_string, exit_signal))
raise SVNProcessTerminatedBySignal
if exit_code:"CMD: %s exited with %d" % (command_string, exit_code))
return stdout_lines, stderr_lines, exit_code
def spawn_process(command, bufsize=-1, binary_mode=False, stdin_lines=None,
"""Run any binary, supplying input text, logging the command line.
BUFSIZE dictates the pipe buffer size used in communication with the
subprocess: quoting from subprocess.Popen(), "0 means unbuffered,
1 means line buffered, any other positive value means use a buffer of
(approximately) that size. A negative bufsize means to use the system
default, which usually means fully buffered."
Normalize Windows line endings of stdout and stderr if not BINARY_MODE.
Return exit code as int; stdout, stderr as lists of lines (including
line terminators).
if stdin_lines and not isinstance(stdin_lines, list):
raise TypeError("stdin_lines should have list type")
# Log the command line
if not command.endswith('.py'):'CMD: %s %s' % (os.path.basename(command),
' '.join([_quote_arg(x) for x in varargs])))
infile, outfile, errfile, kid = open_pipe([command] + list(varargs), bufsize)
if stdin_lines:
for x in stdin_lines:
stdout_lines, stderr_lines, exit_code = wait_on_pipe(kid, binary_mode)
return exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines
def run_command_stdin(command, error_expected, bufsize=-1, binary_mode=False,
stdin_lines=None, *varargs):
"""Run COMMAND with VARARGS; input STDIN_LINES (a list of strings
which should include newline characters) to program via stdin - this
should not be very large, as if the program outputs more than the OS
is willing to buffer, this will deadlock, with both Python and
COMMAND waiting to write to each other for ever. For tests where this
is a problem, setting BUFSIZE to a sufficiently large value will prevent
the deadlock, see spawn_process().
Normalize Windows line endings of stdout and stderr if not BINARY_MODE.
Return exit code as int; stdout, stderr as lists of lines (including
line terminators).
If ERROR_EXPECTED is None, any stderr output will be printed and any
stderr output or a non-zero exit code will raise an exception."""
start = time.time()
if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
# Don't include 'bytes' since spawn_process() would raise.
assert all(isinstance(arg, (str, int)) for arg in varargs)
# Include 'unicode' since svnrdump_tests pass b''.decode().
assert all(isinstance(arg, (str, unicode, int)) for arg in varargs)
exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines = spawn_process(command,
def _line_contains_repos_diskpath(line):
# ### Note: this assumes that either svn-test-work isn't a symlink,
# ### or the diskpath isn't realpath()'d somewhere on the way from
# ### the server's configuration and the client's stderr. We could
# ### check for both the symlinked path and the realpath.
if isinstance(line, str):
return _repos_diskpath1 in line or _repos_diskpath2 in line
return _repos_diskpath1_bytes in line or _repos_diskpath2_bytes in line
for lines, name in [[stdout_lines, "stdout"], [stderr_lines, "stderr"]]:
if is_ra_type_file() or 'svnadmin' in command or 'svnlook' in command:
# Does the server leak the repository on-disk path?
# (prop_tests-12 installs a hook script that does that intentionally)
if any(map(_line_contains_repos_diskpath, lines)):
raise Failure("Repository diskpath in %s: %r" % (name, lines))
valgrind_diagnostic = False
# A valgrind diagnostic will raise a failure if the command is
# expected to run without error. When an error is expected any
# subsequent error pattern matching is usually lenient and will not
# detect the diagnostic so make sure a failure is raised here.
if error_expected and stderr_lines:
if any(map(lambda arg: re.match('==[0-9]+==', arg), stderr_lines)):
valgrind_diagnostic = True
stop = time.time()'<TIME = %.6f>' % (stop - start))
for x in stdout_lines:
for x in stderr_lines:
if (((not error_expected) and ((stderr_lines) or (exit_code != 0)))
or valgrind_diagnostic):
for x in stderr_lines:
if len(varargs) <= 5:
brief_command = ' '.join((command,) + varargs)
brief_command = ' '.join(((command,) + varargs)[:4]) + ' ...'
raise Failure('Command failed: "' + brief_command +
'"; exit code ' + str(exit_code))
return exit_code, \
filter_dbg(stdout_lines, binary_mode), \
def create_config_dir(cfgdir, config_contents=None, server_contents=None,
ssl_cert=None, ssl_url=None, http_proxy=None,
exclusive_wc_locks=None, wc_format_version=None):
"Create config directories and files"
# config file names
cfgfile_cfg = os.path.join(cfgdir, 'config')
cfgfile_srv = os.path.join(cfgdir, 'servers')
# create the directory
if not os.path.isdir(cfgdir):
# define default config file contents if none provided
if config_contents is None:
config_contents = """
password-stores =
interactive-conflicts = false
if exclusive_wc_locks:
config_contents += "exclusive-locking = true\n"
if wc_format_version:
config_contents += ("compatible-version = %s\n" % wc_format_version)
# define default server file contents if none provided
if server_contents is None:
http_library_str = ""
if options.http_library:
http_library_str = "http-library=%s" % (options.http_library)
http_proxy_str = ""
http_proxy_username_str = ""
http_proxy_password_str = ""
if options.http_proxy:
http_proxy_parsed = urlparse("//" + options.http_proxy)
http_proxy_str = "http-proxy-host=%s\n" % (http_proxy_parsed.hostname) + \
"http-proxy-port=%d" % (http_proxy_parsed.port or 80)
if options.http_proxy_username:
http_proxy_username_str = "http-proxy-username=%s" % \
if options.http_proxy_password:
http_proxy_password_str = "http-proxy-password=%s" % \
server_contents = """
""" % (http_library_str, http_proxy_str, http_proxy_username_str,
file_write(cfgfile_cfg, config_contents)
file_write(cfgfile_srv, server_contents)
if (ssl_cert and ssl_url):
trust_ssl_cert(cfgdir, ssl_cert, ssl_url)
elif cfgdir != default_config_dir:
copy_trust(cfgdir, default_config_dir)
def trust_ssl_cert(cfgdir, ssl_cert, ssl_url):
"""Setup config dir to trust the given ssl_cert for the given ssl_url
cert_rep = ''
with open(ssl_cert, 'r') as fp:
for line in fp.readlines()[1:-1]:
cert_rep = cert_rep + line.strip()
parsed_url = urlparse(ssl_url)
netloc_url = '%s://%s' % (parsed_url.scheme, parsed_url.netloc)
ssl_dir = os.path.join(cfgdir, 'auth', 'svn.ssl.server')
if not os.path.isdir(ssl_dir):
md5_name = hashlib.md5(netloc_url).hexdigest()
md5_file = os.path.join(ssl_dir, md5_name)
md5_file_contents = """K 10
V %d
K 8
V 1
K 15
V %d
""" % (len(cert_rep), cert_rep, len(netloc_url), netloc_url)
file_write(md5_file, md5_file_contents, mode='wb')
def copy_trust(dst_cfgdir, src_cfgdir):
"""Copy svn.ssl.server files from one config dir to another.
src_ssl_dir = os.path.join(src_cfgdir, 'auth', 'svn.ssl.server')
dst_ssl_dir = os.path.join(dst_cfgdir, 'auth', 'svn.ssl.server')
if not os.path.isdir(dst_ssl_dir):
for f in os.listdir(src_ssl_dir):
shutil.copy(os.path.join(src_ssl_dir, f), os.path.join(dst_ssl_dir, f))
def _with_store_pristine(args):
if '--store-pristine' in args \
or any(str(one_arg).startswith('--store-pristine=') for one_arg in args) \
or options.store_pristine is None:
return args
non_opt_args = [a for a in args if not str(a).startswith('-')]
if non_opt_args:
subcommand = non_opt_args[0]
if subcommand in ['co', 'checkout']:
return args + ('--store-pristine', options.store_pristine)
return args
def _with_config_dir(args):
if '--config-dir' in args:
return args
return args + ('--config-dir', default_config_dir)
class svnrdump_crosscheck_authentication:
def _with_auth(args):
assert '--password' not in args
if svnrdump_crosscheck_authentication in args:
args = filter(lambda x: x is not svnrdump_crosscheck_authentication, args)
auth_username = crosscheck_username
auth_password = crosscheck_password
auth_username = wc_author
auth_password = wc_passwd
args = args + ('--password', auth_password,
'--no-auth-cache' )
if '--username' in args:
return args
return args + ('--username', auth_username )
# For running subversion and returning the output
def run_svn(error_expected, *varargs):
"""Run svn with VARARGS; return exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
lists of lines (including line terminators). If ERROR_EXPECTED is
None, any stderr output will be printed and any stderr output or a
non-zero exit code will raise an exception. If
you're just checking that something does/doesn't come out of
stdout/stderr, you might want to use actions.run_and_verify_svn()."""
return run_command(svn_binary, error_expected, False,
# For running svnadmin. Ignores the output.
def run_svnadmin(*varargs):
"""Run svnadmin with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
list of lines (including line terminators)."""
use_binary = ('dump' in varargs) or ('dump-revprops' in varargs)
exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines = \
run_command(svnadmin_binary, 1, use_binary, *varargs)
if use_binary and sys.platform == 'win32':
# Callers don't expect binary output on stderr
stderr_lines = [x.replace('\r', '') for x in stderr_lines]
return exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines
# For running svnlook. Ignores the output.
def run_svnlook(*varargs):
"""Run svnlook with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
list of lines (including line terminators)."""
return run_command(svnlook_binary, 1, False, *varargs)
def run_svnrdump(stdin_input, *varargs):
"""Run svnrdump with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
list of lines (including line terminators). Use binary mode for output."""
if stdin_input:
return run_command_stdin(svnrdump_binary, 1, 1, True, stdin_input,
return run_command(svnrdump_binary, 1, True,
def run_svnsync(*varargs):
"""Run svnsync with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
list of lines (including line terminators)."""
return run_command(svnsync_binary, 1, False,
def run_svnversion(*varargs):
"""Run svnversion with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr
as list of lines (including line terminators)."""
return run_command(svnversion_binary, 1, False, *varargs)
def run_svnmover(*varargs):
"""Run svnmover with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
list of lines (including line terminators)."""
return run_command(svnmover_binary, 1, False,
def run_svnmucc(*varargs):
"""Run svnmucc with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr as
list of lines (including line terminators). Use binary mode for output."""
return run_command(svnmucc_binary, 1, True,
def run_svnauthz(*varargs):
"""Run svnauthz with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr
as list of lines (including line terminators)."""
return run_command(svnauthz_binary, 1, False, *varargs)
def run_svnauthz_validate(*varargs):
"""Run svnauthz-validate with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout,
stderr as list of lines (including line terminators)."""
return run_command(svnauthz_validate_binary, 1, False, *varargs)
def run_svnfsfs(*varargs):
"""Run svnfsfs with VARARGS, returns exit code as int; stdout, stderr
as list of lines (including line terminators)."""
return run_command(svnfsfs_binary, 1, False, *varargs)
def run_lock_helper(repo, path, user, seconds):
"""Run lock-helper to lock path in repo by username for seconds"""
return run_command(lock_helper_binary, 1, False, repo, path, user, seconds)
def run_entriesdump(path):
"""Run the entries-dump helper, returning a dict of Entry objects."""
# use spawn_process rather than run_command to avoid copying all the data
# to stdout in verbose mode.
exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines = spawn_process(entriesdump_binary,
0, False, None, path)
if exit_code or stderr_lines:
### report on this? or continue to just skip it?
return None
entries = { }
return entries
def run_entriesdump_subdirs(path):
"""Run the entries-dump helper, returning a list of directory names."""
# use spawn_process rather than run_command to avoid copying all the data
# to stdout in verbose mode.
exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines = spawn_process(entriesdump_binary,
0, False, None, '--subdirs', path)
return map(lambda line: line.strip(), filter_dbg(stdout_lines))
def run_entriesdump_tree(path):
"""Run the entries-dump helper, returning a dict of a dict of Entry objects."""
# use spawn_process rather than run_command to avoid copying all the data
# to stdout in verbose mode.
exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines = spawn_process(entriesdump_binary,
0, False, None,
'--tree-dump', path)
if exit_code or stderr_lines:
### report on this? or continue to just skip it?
return None
dirs = { }
return dirs
def run_atomic_ra_revprop_change(url, revision, propname, skel, want_error):
"""Run the atomic-ra-revprop-change helper, returning its exit code, stdout,
and stderr. For HTTP, default HTTP library is used."""
# use spawn_process rather than run_command to avoid copying all the data
# to stdout in verbose mode.
#exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines = spawn_process(entriesdump_binary,
# 0, False, None, path)
# This passes HTTP_LIBRARY in addition to our params.
return run_command(atomic_ra_revprop_change_binary, True, False,
url, revision, propname, skel,
want_error and 1 or 0, default_config_dir)
def run_wc_lock_tester(recursive, path, work_queue=False):
"Run the wc-lock obtainer tool, returning its exit code, stdout and stderr"
if work_queue:
option = "-w"
elif recursive:
option = "-r"
option = "-1"
return run_command(wc_lock_tester_binary, False, False, option, path)
def run_wc_incomplete_tester(wc_dir, revision):
"Run the wc-incomplete tool, returning its exit code, stdout and stderr"
return run_command(wc_incomplete_tester_binary, False, False,
wc_dir, revision)
def youngest(repos_path):
"run 'svnlook youngest' on REPOS_PATH, returns revision as int"
exit_code, stdout_lines, stderr_lines = run_command(svnlook_binary, None, False,
'youngest', repos_path)
if exit_code or stderr_lines:
raise Failure("Unexpected failure of 'svnlook youngest':\n%s" % stderr_lines)
if len(stdout_lines) != 1:
raise Failure("Wrong output from 'svnlook youngest':\n%s" % stdout_lines)
return int(stdout_lines[0].rstrip())
# Chmod recursively on a whole subtree
def chmod_tree(path, mode, mask):
"""For each node in the OS filesystem tree PATH, subtract MASK from its
permissions and add MODE to them."""
for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for name in dirs + files:
fullname = os.path.join(dirpath, name)
if not os.path.islink(fullname):
new_mode = (os.stat(fullname)[stat.ST_MODE] & ~mask) | mode
os.chmod(fullname, new_mode)
# For clearing away working copies
def safe_rmtree(dirname, retry=0):
"""Remove the tree at DIRNAME, making it writable first.
If DIRNAME is a symlink, only remove the symlink, not its target."""
def rmtree(dirname):
chmod_tree(dirname, S_ALL_RW, S_ALL_RW)
if os.path.islink(dirname):
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
if retry:
for delay in (0.5, 1, 2, 4):
# For creating new files, and making local mods to existing files.
def file_write(path, contents, mode='w'):
"""Write the CONTENTS to the file at PATH, opening file using MODE,
which is (w)rite by default."""
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
with open(path, mode) as f:
# Python 3: Write data in the format required by MODE, i.e. byte arrays
# to 'b' files, utf-8 otherwise."""
if 'b' in mode:
if isinstance(contents, str):
contents = contents.encode()
if not isinstance(contents, str):
contents = contents.decode("utf-8")
if isinstance(contents, str):
with, mode, "utf-8") as f:
with open(path, mode) as f:
# For making local mods to files
def file_append(path, new_text):
"Append NEW_TEXT to file at PATH"
file_write(path, new_text, 'a')
# Append in binary mode
def file_append_binary(path, new_text):
"Append NEW_TEXT to file at PATH in binary mode"
file_write(path, new_text, 'ab')
# For replacing parts of contents in an existing file, with new content.
def file_substitute(path, contents, new_contents):
"""Replace the CONTENTS in the file at PATH using the NEW_CONTENTS"""
fcontent = open(path, 'r').read().replace(contents, new_contents)
with open(path, 'w') as f:
# For setting up authz, hooks and making other tweaks to created repos
def _post_create_repos(path, minor_version = None):
"""Set default access right configurations for svnserve and mod_dav,
install hooks and perform other various tweaks according to the test
options in the SVN repository at PATH."""
# Require authentication to write to the repos, for ra_svn testing.
"[general]\nauth-access = write\n");
if options.enable_sasl:
"realm = svntest\n[sasl]\nuse-sasl = true\n")
file_append(get_svnserve_conf_file_path(path), "password-db = passwd\n")
# This actually creates TWO [users] sections in the file (one of them is
# uncommented in `svnadmin create`'s template), so we exercise the .ini
# files reading code's handling of duplicates, too. :-)
users = ("[users]\n"
"jrandom = rayjandom\n"
"jconstant = rayjandom\n")
if tests_verify_dump_load_cross_check():
# Insert a user for the dump/load cross-check.
users += (crosscheck_username + " = " + crosscheck_password + "\n")
file_append(os.path.join(path, "conf", "passwd"), users)
if options.fs_type is None or options.fs_type == 'fsfs' or \
options.fs_type == 'fsx':
# fsfs.conf file
if (minor_version is None or minor_version >= 6):
confpath = get_fsfs_conf_file_path(path)
if options.config_file is not None:
shutil.copy(options.config_file, confpath)
if options.memcached_server is not None or \
options.fsfs_compression is not None or \
options.fsfs_dir_deltification is not None and \
with open(confpath, 'r') as conffile:
newlines = []
for line in conffile.readlines():
if line.startswith('# compression ') and \
options.fsfs_compression is not None:
line = 'compression = %s\n' % options.fsfs_compression
if line.startswith('# enable-dir-deltification ') and \
options.fsfs_dir_deltification is not None:
line = 'enable-dir-deltification = %s\n' % \
newlines += line
if options.memcached_server is not None and \
line == '[memcached-servers]\n':
newlines += ('key = %s\n' % options.memcached_server)
with open(confpath, 'w') as conffile:
# format file
if options.fsfs_sharding is not None:
def transform_line(line):
if line.startswith('layout '):
if options.fsfs_sharding > 0:
line = 'layout sharded %d' % options.fsfs_sharding
line = 'layout linear'
return line
# read it
format_file_path = get_fsfs_format_file_path(path)
contents = open(format_file_path, 'rb').read()
# tweak it
new_contents = "".join([transform_line(line) + "\n"
for line in contents.split("\n")])
if new_contents[-1] == "\n":
# we don't currently allow empty lines (\n\n) in the format file.
new_contents = new_contents[:-1]
# replace it
os.chmod(format_file_path, S_ALL_RW)
file_write(format_file_path, new_contents, 'wb')
# post-commit
# Note that some tests (currently only commit_tests) create their own
# post-commit hooks, which would override this one. :-(
if options.fsfs_packing and minor_version >=6:
# some tests chdir.
abs_path = os.path.abspath(path)
"import subprocess\n"
"import sys\n"
"command = %s\n"
% repr([svnadmin_binary, 'pack', abs_path]))
# make the repos world-writeable, for mod_dav_svn's sake.
chmod_tree(path, S_ALL_RW, S_ALL_RW)
def _unpack_precooked_repos(path, template):
testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
repozip = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(testdir), "templates", template)
zipfile.ZipFile(repozip, 'r').extractall(path)
# For creating new, pre-cooked greek repositories
def unpack_greek_repos(path):
template = "" % options.fsfs_version
_unpack_precooked_repos(path, template)
_post_create_repos(path, options.server_minor_version)
# For creating blank new repositories
def create_repos(path, minor_version = None):
"""Create a brand-new SVN repository at PATH. If PATH does not yet
exist, create it."""
if not os.path.exists(path):
os.makedirs(path) # this creates all the intermediate dirs, if necessary
if options.fsfs_version is None:
if options.fs_type == "bdb":
opts = ("--bdb-txn-nosync",)
opts = ()
if minor_version is None or minor_version > options.server_minor_version:
minor_version = options.server_minor_version
opts += ("--compatible-version=1.%d" % (minor_version),)
if options.fs_type is not None:
opts += ("--fs-type=" + options.fs_type,)
exit_code, stdout, stderr = run_command(svnadmin_binary, 1, False,
"create", path, *opts)
# Copy a pre-cooked FSFS repository
assert options.fs_type == "fsfs"
template = "" % options.fsfs_version
_unpack_precooked_repos(path, template)
exit_code, stdout, stderr = run_command(svnadmin_binary, 1, False,
"setuuid", path)
# Skip tests if we can't create the repository.
if stderr:
stderr_lines = 0
not_using_fsfs_backend = (options.fs_type != "fsfs")
backend_deprecation_warning = False
for line in stderr:
stderr_lines += 1
if line.find('Unknown FS type') != -1:
raise Skip
if not_using_fsfs_backend:
if 0 < line.find('repository back-end is deprecated, consider using'):
backend_deprecation_warning = True
# Creating BDB repositories will cause svnadmin to print a warning
# which should be ignored.
if (stderr_lines == 1
and not_using_fsfs_backend
and backend_deprecation_warning):
# If the FS type is known and we noticed more than just the
# BDB-specific warning, assume the repos couldn't be created
# (e.g. due to a missing 'svnadmin' binary).
raise SVNRepositoryCreateFailure("".join(stderr).rstrip())
# Configure the new repository.
_post_create_repos(path, minor_version)
# For copying a repository
def copy_repos(src_path, dst_path, head_revision, ignore_uuid = 1,
minor_version = None):
"Copy the repository SRC_PATH, with head revision HEAD_REVISION, to DST_PATH"
# Save any previous value of SVN_DBG_QUIET
saved_quiet = os.environ.get('SVN_DBG_QUIET')
os.environ['SVN_DBG_QUIET'] = 'y'
# Do an svnadmin dump|svnadmin load cycle. Print a fake pipe command so that
# the displayed CMDs can be run by hand
create_repos(dst_path, minor_version)
dump_args = ['dump', src_path]
load_args = ['load', dst_path]
if ignore_uuid:
load_args = load_args + ['--ignore-uuid']'CMD: %s %s | %s %s' %
(os.path.basename(svnadmin_binary), ' '.join(dump_args),
os.path.basename(svnadmin_binary), ' '.join(load_args)))
start = time.time()
dump_in, dump_out, dump_err, dump_kid = open_pipe(
[svnadmin_binary] + dump_args)
load_in, load_out, load_err, load_kid = open_pipe(
[svnadmin_binary] + load_args,
stdin=dump_out) # Attached to dump_kid
load_stdout, load_stderr, load_exit_code = wait_on_pipe(load_kid, True)
dump_stdout, dump_stderr, dump_exit_code = wait_on_pipe(dump_kid, True)
#load_in is dump_out so it's already closed.
stop = time.time()'<TIME = %.6f>' % (stop - start))
if saved_quiet is None:
del os.environ['SVN_DBG_QUIET']
os.environ['SVN_DBG_QUIET'] = saved_quiet
dump_re = re.compile(r'^\* Dumped revision (\d+)\.\r?$')
expect_revision = 0
dump_failed = False
for dump_line in dump_stderr:
match = dump_re.match(dump_line)
if not match or != str(expect_revision):
logger.warn('ERROR: dump failed: %s', dump_line.strip())
dump_failed = True
expect_revision += 1
if dump_failed:
raise SVNRepositoryCopyFailure
if expect_revision != head_revision + 1:
logger.warn('ERROR: dump failed; did not see revision %s', head_revision)
raise SVNRepositoryCopyFailure
load_re = re.compile(b'^------- Committed revision (\\d+) >>>\\r?$')
expect_revision = 1
for load_line in filter_dbg(load_stdout, True):
match = load_re.match(load_line)
if match:
if != str(expect_revision):
logger.warn('ERROR: load failed: %s', load_line.strip())
raise SVNRepositoryCopyFailure
expect_revision += 1
if expect_revision != head_revision + 1:
logger.warn('ERROR: load failed; did not see revision %s', head_revision)
raise SVNRepositoryCopyFailure
def canonicalize_url(input):
"Canonicalize the url, if the scheme is unknown, returns intact input"
m = re.match(r"^((file://)|((svn|svn\+ssh|http|https)(://)))", input)
if m:
scheme =
return scheme + re.sub(r'//*', '/', input[len(scheme):])
return input
def create_python_hook_script(hook_path, hook_script_code,
"""Create a Python hook script at HOOK_PATH with the specified
if windows:
if cmd_alternative is not None:
file_write("%s.bat" % hook_path,
# Use an absolute path since the working directory is not guaranteed
hook_path = os.path.abspath(hook_path)
# Fill the python file.
file_write("" % hook_path, hook_script_code)
# Fill the batch wrapper file.
file_write("%s.bat" % hook_path,
"@\"%s\" %%*\n" % (sys.executable, hook_path))
# For all other platforms
file_write(hook_path, "#!%s\n%s" % (sys.executable, hook_script_code))
os.chmod(hook_path, S_ALL_RW | stat.S_IXUSR)
def create_http_connection(url, debuglevel=9):
"""Create an http(s) connection to the host specified by URL.
Set the debugging level (the amount of debugging output printed when
working with this connection) to DEBUGLEVEL. By default, all debugging
output is printed. """
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
# Python <3.0
import httplib
# Python >=3.0
import http.client as httplib
loc = urlparse(url)
if loc.scheme == 'http':
h = httplib.HTTPConnection(loc.hostname, loc.port)
import ssl # new in python 2.6
c = ssl.create_default_context()
c.check_hostname = False
c.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
h = httplib.HTTPSConnection(loc.hostname, loc.port, context=c)
h = httplib.HTTPSConnection(loc.hostname, loc.port)
return h
def write_restrictive_svnserve_conf(repo_dir, anon_access="none",
"Create a restrictive authz file ( no anynomous access )."
fp = open(get_svnserve_conf_file_path(repo_dir), 'w')
"anon-access = %s\n"
"auth-access = write\n"
"authz-db = authz\n" % anon_access);
if separate_groups_db:
fp.write("groups-db = groups\n")
if options.enable_sasl:
fp.write("realm = svntest\n"
"use-sasl = true\n");
fp.write("password-db = passwd\n")
def write_restrictive_svnserve_conf_with_groups(repo_dir, anon_access="none"):
"Create a restrictive configuration with groups stored in a separate file."
return write_restrictive_svnserve_conf(repo_dir, anon_access, True)
# Warning: because mod_dav_svn uses one shared authz file for all
# repositories, you *cannot* use write_authz_file in any test that
# might be run in parallel.
# write_authz_file can *only* be used in test suites which disable
# parallel execution at the bottom like so
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# svntest.main.run_tests(test_list, serial_only = True)
def write_authz_file(sbox, rules, sections=None, prefixed_rules=None):
"""Write an authz file to SBOX, appropriate for the RA method used,
with authorizations rules RULES mapping paths to strings containing
the rules. You can add sections SECTIONS (ex. groups, aliases...) with
an appropriate list of mappings.
fp = open(sbox.authz_file, 'w')
# When the sandbox repository is read only its name will be different from
# the repository name.
repo_name = os.path.basename(sbox.repo_dir.rstrip('/'))
if sbox.repo_url.startswith("http"):
default_prefix = repo_name + ":"
default_prefix = ""
if sections:
for p, r in sections.items():
fp.write("[%s]\n%s\n" % (p, r))
if not prefixed_rules:
prefixed_rules = dict()
if rules:
for p, r in rules.items():
prefixed_rules[default_prefix + p] = r
for p, r in prefixed_rules.items():
fp.write("[%s]\n%s\n" % (p, r))
if tests_verify_dump_load_cross_check():
# Insert an ACE that lets the dump/load cross-check bypass
# authz restrictions.
fp.write(crosscheck_username + " = rw\n")
if tests_verify_dump_load_cross_check() and '/' not in prefixed_rules:
# We need a repository-root ACE for the dump/load cross-check
fp.write("[/]\n" + crosscheck_username + " = rw\n")
# See the warning about parallel test execution in write_authz_file
# method description.
def write_groups_file(sbox, groups):
"""Write a groups file to SBOX, appropriate for the RA method used,
with group contents set to GROUPS."""
fp = open(sbox.groups_file, 'w')
if groups:
for p, r in groups.items():
fp.write("%s = %s\n" % (p, r))
def use_editor(func):
os.environ['SVN_EDITOR'] = svneditor_script
os.environ['SVN_MERGE'] = svneditor_script
os.environ['SVNTEST_EDITOR_FUNC'] = func
os.environ['SVN_TEST_PYTHON'] = sys.executable
def mergeinfo_notify_line(revstart, revend, target=None):
"""Return an expected output line that describes the beginning of a
mergeinfo recording notification on revisions REVSTART through REVEND."""
if target:
target_re = re.escape(target)
target_re = ".+"
if (revend is None):
if (revstart < 0):
revstart = abs(revstart)
return "--- Recording mergeinfo for reverse merge of r%ld into '%s':\n" \
% (revstart, target_re)
return "--- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r%ld into '%s':\n" \
% (revstart, target_re)
elif (revstart < revend):
return "--- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r%ld through r%ld into '%s':\n" \
% (revstart, revend, target_re)
return "--- Recording mergeinfo for reverse merge of r%ld through " \
"r%ld into '%s':\n" % (revstart, revend, target_re)
def merge_notify_line(revstart=None, revend=None, same_URL=True,
foreign=False, target=None):
"""Return an expected output line that describes the beginning of a
merge operation on revisions REVSTART through REVEND. Omit both
REVSTART and REVEND for the case where the left and right sides of
the merge are from different URLs."""
from_foreign_phrase = foreign and "\(from foreign repository\) " or ""
if target:
target_re = re.escape(target)
target_re = ".+"
if not same_URL:
return "--- Merging differences between %srepository URLs into '%s':\n" \
% (foreign and "foreign " or "", target_re)
if revend is None:
if revstart is None:
# The left and right sides of the merge are from different URLs.
return "--- Merging differences between %srepository URLs into '%s':\n" \
% (foreign and "foreign " or "", target_re)
elif revstart < 0:
return "--- Reverse-merging %sr%ld into '%s':\n" \
% (from_foreign_phrase, abs(revstart), target_re)
return "--- Merging %sr%ld into '%s':\n" \
% (from_foreign_phrase, revstart, target_re)
if revstart > revend:
return "--- Reverse-merging %sr%ld through r%ld into '%s':\n" \
% (from_foreign_phrase, revstart, revend, target_re)
return "--- Merging %sr%ld through r%ld into '%s':\n" \
% (from_foreign_phrase, revstart, revend, target_re)
def summary_of_conflicts(text_conflicts=0,
"""Return a list of lines corresponding to the summary of conflicts and
skipped paths that is printed by merge and update and switch. If all
parameters are zero, return an empty list.
lines = []
if (text_conflicts or prop_conflicts or tree_conflicts
or text_resolved or prop_resolved or tree_resolved
or skipped_paths):
lines.append("Summary of conflicts:\n")
if text_conflicts or text_resolved:
if text_resolved == 0:
lines.append(" Text conflicts: %d\n" % text_conflicts)
lines.append(" Text conflicts: %d remaining (and %d already resolved)\n"
% (text_conflicts, text_resolved))
if prop_conflicts or prop_resolved:
if prop_resolved == 0:
lines.append(" Property conflicts: %d\n" % prop_conflicts)
lines.append(" Property conflicts: %d remaining (and %d already resolved)\n"
% (prop_conflicts, prop_resolved))
if tree_conflicts or tree_resolved:
if tree_resolved == 0:
lines.append(" Tree conflicts: %d\n" % tree_conflicts)
lines.append(" Tree conflicts: %d remaining (and %d already resolved)\n"
% (tree_conflicts, tree_resolved))
if skipped_paths:
lines.append(" Skipped paths: %d\n" % skipped_paths)
if as_regex:
lines = map(re.escape, lines)
return lines
def make_log_msg():
"Conjure up a log message based on the calling test."
for idx in range(1, 100):
frame = sys._getframe(idx)
# If this frame isn't from a function in *, then skip it.
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
if not filename.endswith(''):
# There should be a test_list in this module.
test_list = frame.f_globals.get('test_list')
if test_list is None:
# If the function is not in the test_list, then skip it.
func_name = frame.f_code.co_name
func_ob = frame.f_globals.get(func_name)
if func_ob not in test_list:
# Make the log message look like a line from a traceback.
# Well...close. We use single quotes to avoid interfering with the
# double-quote quoting performed on Windows
return "File '%s', line %d, in %s" % (filename, frame.f_lineno, func_name)
# Functions which check the test configuration
# (useful for conditional XFails)
def tests_use_prepackaged_repository():
return options.fsfs_version is not None
def tests_verify_dump_load_cross_check():
return options.dump_load_cross_check
def is_ra_type_dav():
return options.test_area_url.startswith('http')
def is_ra_type_dav_neon():
"""Return True iff running tests over RA-Neon.
CAUTION: Result is only valid if svn was built to support both."""
return options.test_area_url.startswith('http') and \
(options.http_library == "neon")
def is_ra_type_dav_serf():
"""Return True iff running tests over RA-Serf.
CAUTION: Result is only valid if svn was built to support both."""
return options.test_area_url.startswith('http') and \
(options.http_library == "serf")
def is_ra_type_svn():
"""Return True iff running tests over RA-svn."""
return options.test_area_url.startswith('svn')
def is_ra_type_file():
"""Return True iff running tests over RA-local."""
return options.test_area_url.startswith('file')
def is_fs_type_fsfs():
# This assumes that fsfs is the default fs implementation.
return options.fs_type == 'fsfs' or options.fs_type is None
def is_fs_type_fsx():
return options.fs_type == 'fsx'
def is_fs_type_bdb():
return options.fs_type == 'bdb'
def is_fs_log_addressing():
return is_fs_type_fsx() or \
(is_fs_type_fsfs() and options.server_minor_version >= 9)
def fs_has_sha1():
return fs_has_rep_sharing()
def fs_has_rep_sharing():
return options.server_minor_version >= 6
def fs_has_pack():
return is_fs_type_fsx() or \
(is_fs_type_fsfs() and options.server_minor_version >= 6)
def fs_has_unique_freeze():
return (is_fs_type_fsfs() and options.server_minor_version >= 9
or is_fs_type_bdb())
def is_os_windows():
return == 'nt'
def is_windows_type_dav():
return is_os_windows() and is_ra_type_dav()
def is_posix_os():
return == 'posix'
def is_os_darwin():
return sys.platform == 'darwin'
def is_fs_case_insensitive():
return (is_os_darwin() or is_os_windows())
def is_threaded_python():
return True
def server_has_mergeinfo():
return options.server_minor_version >= 5
def server_has_revprop_commit():
return options.server_caps.has_revprop_commit
def server_authz_has_aliases():
return options.server_caps.authz_has_aliases
def server_gets_client_capabilities():
return options.server_caps.gets_client_capabilities
def server_has_partial_replay():
return options.server_caps.has_partial_replay
def server_enforces_UTF8_fspaths_in_verify():
return options.server_caps.enforces_UTF8_fspaths_in_verify
def server_enforces_date_syntax():
return options.server_caps.enforces_date_syntax
def server_has_atomic_revprop():
return options.server_caps.has_atomic_revprop
def server_has_reverse_get_file_revs():
return options.server_caps.has_reverse_get_file_revs
def python_sqlite_can_read_our_wc_db():
"""Check if the Python builtin is capable enough to peek into wc.db"""
# Currently enough (1.7-1.9)
return svntest.sqlite3.sqlite_version_info >= (3, 6, 18)
def python_sqlite_can_read_without_rowid():
"""Check if the Python builtin is capable enough to read new rep-cache"""
return svntest.sqlite3.sqlite_version_info >= (3, 8, 2)
def is_plaintext_password_storage_disabled():
predicate = re.compile("^WARNING: Plaintext password storage is enabled!")
code, out, err = run_svn(False, "--version")
for line in out:
if predicate.match(line):
return False
return False
return True
__mod_dav_url_quoting_broken_versions = frozenset([
def is_mod_dav_url_quoting_broken():
if is_ra_type_dav() and options.httpd_version != options.httpd_whitelist:
return (options.httpd_version in __mod_dav_url_quoting_broken_versions)
return None
def is_httpd_authz_provider_enabled():
if is_ra_type_dav():
v = options.httpd_version.split('.')
return (v[0] == '2' and int(v[1]) >= 3) or int(v[0]) > 2
return None
def is_remote_http_connection_allowed():
return options.allow_remote_http_connection
def wc_format(ver=None):
"""Return the WC format number used by Subversion version VER.
VER should be a version string such as '1.15' or '1.15.0' or '1.15.0-beta2'.
If omitted, the format number of new working copies, as expected to be
created by 'svn checkout' without '--compatible-version', is returned.
if not ver:
ver = (options.wc_format_version or DEFAULT_COMPATIBLE_VERSION)
minor = int(ver.split('.')[1])
if minor >= 15 and minor <= SVN_VER_MINOR:
return 32
if minor >= 8 and minor <= 14:
return 31
raise Exception("Unrecognized version number '%s'" % (ver,))
class TestSpawningThread(threading.Thread):
"""A thread that runs test cases in their own processes.
Receives test numbers to run from the queue, and saves results into
the results field."""
def __init__(self, queue, progress_func, tests_total):
self.queue = queue
self.results = []
self.progress_func = progress_func
self.tests_total = tests_total
def run(self):
while True:
next_index = self.queue.get_nowait()
except queue.Empty:
# signal progress
if self.progress_func:
self.progress_func(self.tests_total - self.queue.qsize(),
def run_one(self, index):
command = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
args = []
args.append('--set-log-level=%s' % logger.getEffectiveLevel())
# add some startup arguments from this process
if options.fs_type:
args.append('--fs-type=' + options.fs_type)
if options.test_area_url:
args.append('--url=' + options.test_area_url)
if options.cleanup:
if options.enable_sasl:
if options.http_library:
args.append('--http-library=' + options.http_library)
if options.server_minor_version:
args.append('--server-minor-version=' + str(options.server_minor_version))
if options.wc_format_version:
args.append('--wc-format-version=' + options.wc_format_version)
if options.mode_filter:
args.append('--mode-filter=' + options.mode_filter)
if options.milestone_filter:
args.append('--milestone-filter=' + options.milestone_filter)
if options.ssl_cert:
args.append('--ssl-cert=' + options.ssl_cert)
if options.http_proxy:
args.append('--http-proxy=' + options.http_proxy)
if options.http_proxy_username:
args.append('--http-proxy-username=' + options.http_proxy_username)
if options.http_proxy_password:
args.append('--http-proxy-password=' + options.http_proxy_password)
if options.httpd_version:
args.append('--httpd-version=' + options.httpd_version)
if options.httpd_whitelist:
args.append('--httpd-whitelist=' + options.httpd_whitelist)
if options.exclusive_wc_locks:
if options.memcached_server:
args.append('--memcached-server=' + options.memcached_server)
if options.fsfs_sharding:
args.append('--fsfs-sharding=' + str(options.fsfs_sharding))
if options.fsfs_packing:
if options.fsfs_version:
args.append('--fsfs-version=' + str(options.fsfs_version))
if options.dump_load_cross_check:
if options.fsfs_compression:
args.append('--fsfs-compression=' + options.fsfs_compression)
if options.fsfs_dir_deltification:
args.append('--fsfs-dir-deltification=' + options.fsfs_dir_deltification)
if options.allow_remote_http_connection:
if options.svn_bin:
args.append('--bin=' + options.svn_bin)
if options.store_pristine:
args.append('--store-pristine=' + options.store_pristine)
if options.valgrind:
args.append('--valgrind=' + options.valgrind)
if options.valgrind_opts:
args.append('--valgrind-opts=' + options.valgrind_opts)
result, stdout_lines, stderr_lines = spawn_process(command, 0, False, None,
self.results.append((index, result, stdout_lines, stderr_lines))
class TestRunner:
"""Encapsulate a single test case (predicate), including logic for
running the test and test list output."""
def __init__(self, func, index):
self.pred = svntest.testcase.create_test_case(func)
self.index = index
def list(self, milestones_dict=None):
"""Print test doc strings. MILESTONES_DICT is an optional mapping
of issue numbers to an list containing target milestones and who
the issue is assigned to."""
if options.mode_filter.upper() == 'ALL' \
or options.mode_filter.upper() == self.pred.list_mode().upper() \
or (options.mode_filter.upper() == 'PASS' \
and self.pred.list_mode() == ''):
issues = []
tail = ''
if self.pred.issues:
if not options.milestone_filter or milestones_dict is None:
issues = self.pred.issues
tail += " [%s]" % ','.join(['#%s' % str(i) for i in issues])
else: # Limit listing by requested target milestone(s).
filter_issues = []
matches_filter = False
# Get the milestones for all the issues associated with this test.
# If any one of them matches the MILESTONE_FILTER then we'll print
# them all.
for issue in self.pred.issues:
# Some safe starting assumptions.
milestone = 'unknown'
assigned_to = 'unknown'
if milestones_dict:
if milestones_dict.has_key(str(issue)):
milestone = milestones_dict[str(issue)][0]
assigned_to = milestones_dict[str(issue)][1]
str(issue) + '(' + milestone + '/' + assigned_to + ')')
pattern = re.compile(options.milestone_filter)
if pattern.match(milestone):
matches_filter = True
# Did at least one of the associated issues meet our filter?
if matches_filter:
issues = filter_issues
# Wrap the issue#/target-milestone/assigned-to string
# to the next line and add a line break to enhance
# readability.
tail += "\n %s" % '\n '.join(
['#%s' % str(i) for i in issues])
tail += '\n'
# If there is no filter or this test made if through
# the filter then print it!
if options.milestone_filter is None or len(issues):
if self.pred.inprogress:
tail += " [[%s]]" % self.pred.inprogress
print(" %3d %-5s %s%s" % (self.index,
def get_mode(self):
return self.pred.list_mode()
def get_issues(self):
return self.pred.issues
def get_function_name(self):
return self.pred.get_function_name()
def _print_name(self, prefix):
if self.pred.inprogress:
print("%s %s %s: %s [[WIMP: %s]]" % (prefix,
print("%s %s %s: %s" % (prefix,
def run(self):
"""Run self.pred and return the result. The return value is
- 0 if the test was successful
- 1 if it errored in a way that indicates test failure
- 2 if the test skipped
sbox_name = self.pred.get_sandbox_name()
if sbox_name:
sandbox = svntest.sandbox.Sandbox(sbox_name, self.index)
sandbox = None
# Explicitly set this so that commands that commit but don't supply a
# log message will fail rather than invoke an editor.
# Tests that want to use an editor should invoke svntest.main.use_editor.
os.environ['SVN_EDITOR'] = ''
os.environ['SVNTEST_EDITOR_FUNC'] = ''
if options.use_jsvn:
# Set this SVNKit specific variable to the current test (test name plus
# its index) being run so that SVNKit daemon could use this test name
# for its separate log file
os.environ['SVN_CURRENT_TEST'] = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + "_" + \
saved_dir = os.getcwd()
rc =
if rc is not None:
self._print_name('STYLE ERROR in')
print('Test driver returned a status code.')
result = svntest.testcase.RESULT_OK
except Skip as ex:
result = svntest.testcase.RESULT_SKIP
except Failure as ex:
result = svntest.testcase.RESULT_FAIL
msg = ''
# We captured Failure and its subclasses. We don't want to print
# anything for plain old Failure since that just indicates test
# failure, rather than relevant information. However, if there
# *is* information in the exception's arguments, then print it.
if ex.__class__ != Failure or ex.args:
ex_args = str(ex)
logger.warn('CWD: %s' % os.getcwd())
if ex_args:
msg = 'EXCEPTION: %s: %s' % (ex.__class__.__name__, ex_args)
msg = 'EXCEPTION: %s' % ex.__class__.__name__
logger.warn(msg, exc_info=True)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except SystemExit as ex:
logger.error('EXCEPTION: SystemExit(%d), skipping cleanup' % ex.code)
self._print_name(ex.code and 'FAIL: ' or 'PASS: ')
result = svntest.testcase.RESULT_FAIL
logger.warn('CWD: %s' % os.getcwd(), exc_info=True)
exit_code, result_text, result_benignity = self.pred.results(result)
if not (options.quiet and result_benignity):
if sandbox is not None and exit_code != 1 and options.cleanup:
return exit_code
# Main testing functions
# These two functions each take a TEST_LIST as input. The TEST_LIST
# should be a list of test functions; each test function should take
# no arguments and return a 0 on success, non-zero on failure.
# Ideally, each test should also have a short, one-line docstring (so
# it can be displayed by the 'list' command.)
# Func to run one test in the list.
def run_one_test(n, test_list, finished_tests = None):
"""Run the Nth client test in TEST_LIST, return the result.
If we're running the tests in parallel spawn the test in a new process.
# allow N to be negative, so './ -- -1' works
num_tests = len(test_list) - 1
if (n == 0) or (abs(n) > num_tests):
print("There is no test %s.\n" % n)
return 1
if n < 0:
n += 1+num_tests
test_mode = TestRunner(test_list[n], n).get_mode().upper()
if options.mode_filter.upper() == 'ALL' \
or options.mode_filter.upper() == test_mode \
or (options.mode_filter.upper() == 'PASS' and test_mode == ''):
# Run the test.
exit_code = TestRunner(test_list[n], n).run()
return exit_code
return 0
def _internal_run_tests(test_list, testnums, parallel, srcdir, progress_func):
"""Run the tests from TEST_LIST whose indices are listed in TESTNUMS.
If we're running the tests in parallel spawn as much parallel processes
as requested and gather the results in a temp. buffer when a child
process is finished.
exit_code = 0
finished_tests = []
tests_started = 0
# Some of the tests use sys.argv[0] to locate their test data
# directory. Perhaps we should just be passing srcdir to the tests?
if srcdir:
sys.argv[0] = os.path.join(srcdir, 'subversion', 'tests', 'cmdline',
if not parallel:
for i, testnum in enumerate(testnums):
if run_one_test(testnum, test_list) == 1:
exit_code = 1
# signal progress
if progress_func:
progress_func(i+1, len(testnums))
number_queue = queue.Queue()
for num in testnums:
threads = [ TestSpawningThread(number_queue, progress_func,
len(testnums)) for i in range(parallel) ]
for t in threads:
for t in threads:
# list of (index, result, stdout, stderr)
results = []
for t in threads:
results += t.results
# all tests are finished, find out the result and print the logs.
for (index, result, stdout_lines, stderr_lines) in results:
if stdout_lines:
for line in stdout_lines:
if stderr_lines:
for line in stderr_lines:
if result == 1:
exit_code = 1
return exit_code
class AbbreviatedFormatter(logging.Formatter):
"""A formatter with abbreviated loglevel indicators in the output.
Use %(levelshort)s in the format string to get a single character
representing the loglevel..
_level_short = {
logging.CRITICAL : 'C',
logging.ERROR : 'E',
logging.WARNING : 'W',
logging.INFO : 'I',
logging.DEBUG : 'D',
logging.NOTSET : '-',
def format(self, record):
record.levelshort = self._level_short[record.levelno]
return logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
class LoggingStdoutHandler(logging.StreamHandler):
The handler is always writing using sys.stdout at call time rather than the
value of sys.stdout at construction time.
Inspired by logging._StderrHandler on Python 3.
def __init__(self, level=logging.NOTSET):
logging.Handler.__init__(self, level)
def stream(self):
return sys.stdout
def _create_parser(usage=None):
"""Return a parser for our test suite."""
global logger
# Initialize the LOGGER global variable so the option parsing can set
# its loglevel, as appropriate.
logger = logging.getLogger()
# Did some chucklehead log something before we configured it? If they
# did, then a default handler/formatter would get installed. We want
# to be the one to install the first (and only) handler.
for handler in logger.handlers:
if not isinstance(handler.formatter, AbbreviatedFormatter):
raise Exception('Logging occurred before configuration. Some code'
' path needs to be fixed. Examine the log output'
' to find what/where logged something.')
# Set a sane default log level
if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.NOTSET:
def set_log_level(option, opt, value, parser, level=None):
if level:
# called from --verbose
# called from --set-log-level
logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, value, None) or int(value))
# Set up the parser.
# If you add new options, consider adding them in
# .../build/
# and handling them in
# .../build/
_default_http_library = 'serf'
if usage is None:
usage = 'usage: %prog [options] [<test> ...]'
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option('-l', '--list', action='store_true', dest='list_tests',
help='Print test doc strings instead of running them')
parser.add_option('--milestone-filter', action='store', dest='milestone_filter',
help='Limit --list to those with target milestone specified')
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='callback',
callback=set_log_level, callback_args=(logging.DEBUG, ),
help='Print binary command-lines (same as ' +
'"--set-log-level logging.DEBUG")')
parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
help='Print only unexpected results (not with --verbose)')
parser.add_option('-p', '--parallel', action='store_const',
const=default_num_threads, dest='parallel',
help='Run the tests in parallel')
parser.add_option('--parallel-instances', action='store',
type='int', dest='parallel',
help='Run the given number of tests in parallel')
parser.add_option('-c', action='store_true', dest='is_child_process',
help='Flag if we are running this python test as a ' +
'child process; used by build/')
parser.add_option('--mode-filter', action='store', dest='mode_filter',
help='Limit tests to those with type specified (e.g. XFAIL)')
parser.add_option('--url', action='store',
help='Base url to the repos (e.g. svn://localhost)')
parser.add_option('--fs-type', action='store',
help='Subversion file system type (fsfs, bdb or fsx)')
parser.add_option('--cleanup', action='store_true',
help='Whether to clean up')
parser.add_option('--enable-sasl', action='store_true',
help='Whether to enable SASL authentication')
parser.add_option('--bin', action='store', dest='svn_bin',
help='Use the svn binaries installed in this path')
parser.add_option('--use-jsvn', action='store_true',
help="Use the jsvn (SVNKit based) binaries. Can be " +
"combined with --bin to point to a specific path")
parser.add_option('--http-library', action='store',
help="Make svn use this DAV library (neon or serf) if " +
"it supports both, else assume it's using this " +
"one; the default is " + _default_http_library)
parser.add_option('--server-minor-version', type='int', action='store',
help="Set the minor version for the server ('3'..'%d')."
parser.add_option('--wc-format-version', action='store',
help="Set the WC format version for all tests ('%s'..'%s')."
% (svn_wc__min_supported_format_version(),
parser.add_option('--fsfs-packing', action='store_true',
help="Run 'svnadmin pack' automatically")
parser.add_option('--fsfs-sharding', action='store', type='int',
help='Default shard size (for fsfs)')
parser.add_option('--fsfs-version', type='int', action='store',
help='FSFS version (fsfs)')
parser.add_option('--dump-load-cross-check', action='store_true',
help="After every test, run a series of dump and load " +
"tests with svnadmin, svnrdump and svndumpfilter " +
" on the testcase repositories to cross-check " +
" dump file compatibility.")
parser.add_option('--config-file', action='store',
help="Configuration file for tests.")
parser.add_option('--set-log-level', action='callback', type='str',
help="Set log level (numerically or symbolically). " +
"Symbolic levels are: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, " +
parser.add_option('--log-with-timestamps', action='store_true',
help="Show timestamps in test log.")
parser.add_option('--keep-local-tmp', action='store_true',
help="Don't remove svn-test-work/local_tmp after test " +
"run is complete. Useful for debugging failures.")
parser.add_option('--development', action='store_true',
help='Test development mode: provides more detailed ' +
'test output and ignores all exceptions in the ' +
'run_and_verify* functions. This option is only ' +
'useful during test development!')
parser.add_option('--srcdir', action='store', dest='srcdir',
help='Source directory.')
parser.add_option('--ssl-cert', action='store',
help='Path to SSL server certificate.')
parser.add_option('--http-proxy', action='store',
help='Use the HTTP Proxy at hostname:port.')
parser.add_option('--http-proxy-username', action='store',
help='Username for the HTTP Proxy.')
parser.add_option('--http-proxy-password', action='store',
help='Password for the HTTP Proxy.')
parser.add_option('--httpd-version', action='store',
help='Assume HTTPD is this version.')
parser.add_option('--httpd-whitelist', action='store',
help='httpd whitelist version.')
parser.add_option('--tools-bin', action='store', dest='tools_bin',
help='Use the svn tools installed in this path')
parser.add_option('--exclusive-wc-locks', action='store_true',
help='Use sqlite exclusive locking for working copies')
parser.add_option('--memcached-server', action='store',
help='Use memcached server at specified URL (FSFS only)')
parser.add_option('--fsfs-compression', action='store', type='str',
help='Set compression type (for fsfs)')
parser.add_option('--fsfs-dir-deltification', action='store', type='str',
help='Set directory deltification option (for fsfs)')
parser.add_option('--allow-remote-http-connection', action='store_true',
help='Run tests that connect to remote HTTP(S) servers')
parser.add_option('--store-pristine', action='store', type='str',
help='Set the WC pristine mode')
parser.add_option('--valgrind', action='store',
help='programs to run under valgrind')
parser.add_option('--valgrind-opts', action='store',
help='options to pass to valgrind')
# most of the defaults are None, but some are other values, set them here
url=file_scheme_prefix + \
os.getcwd()).replace(os.path.sep, '/')),
return parser
class ServerCaps():
"""A simple struct that contains the actual server capabilities that don't
depend on other settings like FS versions."""
def __init__(self, options):
self.has_revprop_commit = options.server_minor_version >= 5
self.authz_has_aliases = options.server_minor_version >= 5
self.gets_client_capabilities = options.server_minor_version >= 5
self.has_partial_replay = options.server_minor_version >= 5
self.enforces_UTF8_fspaths_in_verify = options.server_minor_version >= 6
self.enforces_date_syntax = options.server_minor_version >= 5
self.has_atomic_revprop = options.server_minor_version >= 7
self.has_reverse_get_file_revs = options.server_minor_version >= 8
def parse_options(arglist=sys.argv[1:], usage=None):
"""Parse the arguments in arg_list, and set the global options object with
the results"""
global options
parser = _create_parser(usage)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(arglist)
# Peg the actual server capabilities.
# We tweak the server_minor_version later to accommodate FS restrictions,
# but we don't want them to interfere with expectations towards the "pure"
# server code.
options.server_caps = ServerCaps(options)
# If there are no logging handlers registered yet, then install our
# own with our custom formatter. (anything currently installed *is*
# our handler as tested above, in _create_parser)
if not logger.handlers:
# Now that we have some options, let's get the logger configured before
# doing anything more
if options.log_with_timestamps:
formatter = AbbreviatedFormatter('%(levelshort)s:'
' [%(asctime)s] %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
formatter = AbbreviatedFormatter('%(levelshort)s: %(message)s')
handler = LoggingStdoutHandler()
# Normalize url to have no trailing slash
if options.url:
if options.url[-1:] == '/':
options.test_area_url = options.url[:-1]
options.test_area_url = options.url
# Some sanity checking
if options.fsfs_packing and not options.fsfs_sharding:
parser.error("--fsfs-packing requires --fsfs-sharding")
if options.server_minor_version not in range(3, SVN_VER_MINOR+1):
parser.error("test harness only supports server minor versions 3-%d"
if not (options.wc_format_version is None or
parser.error("test harness only supports WC formats %s to %s, not '%s'"
% (svn_wc__min_supported_format_version(),
return (parser, args)
def tweak_options_for_precooked_repos():
"""Make sure the server-minor-version matches the fsfs-version parameter
for pre-cooked repositories."""
global options
# Server versions that introduced the respective FSFS formats:
introducing_version = { 1:1, 2:4, 3:5, 4:6, 6:8, 7:9 }
if options.fsfs_version:
if options.fsfs_version in introducing_version:
introduced_in = introducing_version[options.fsfs_version]
if options.server_minor_version \
and options.server_minor_version != introduced_in \
and options.server_minor_version != SVN_VER_MINOR:
parser.error("--fsfs-version=%d requires --server-minor-version=%d" \
% (options.fsfs_version, introduced_in))
options.server_minor_version = introduced_in
# ### Add more tweaks here if and when we support pre-cooked versions
# ### of FSFS repositories.
def run_tests(test_list, serial_only = False):
"""Main routine to run all tests in TEST_LIST.
NOTE: this function does not return. It does a sys.exit() with the
appropriate exit code.
sys.exit(execute_tests(test_list, serial_only))
def get_issue_details(issue_numbers):
"""For each issue number in ISSUE_NUMBERS query the issue
tracker and determine what the target milestone is and
who the issue is assigned to. Return this information
as a dictionary mapping issue numbers to a list
[target_milestone, assigned_to]"""
xml_url = ""
issue_dict = {}
if isinstance(issue_numbers, int):
issue_numbers = [str(issue_numbers)]
elif isinstance(issue_numbers, str):
issue_numbers = [issue_numbers]
if issue_numbers is None or len(issue_numbers) == 0:
return issue_dict
for num in issue_numbers:
xml_url += str(num) + ','
issue_dict[str(num)] = 'unknown'
# Parse the xml for ISSUE_NO from the issue tracker into a Document.
issue_xml_f = urllib.urlopen(xml_url)
print("WARNING: Unable to contact issue tracker; " \
"milestones defaulting to 'unknown'.")
return issue_dict
xmldoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(issue_xml_f)
# For each issue: Get the target milestone and who
# the issue is assigned to.
issue_element = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('issue')
for i in issue_element:
issue_id_element = i.getElementsByTagName('issue_id')
issue_id = issue_id_element[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
milestone_element = i.getElementsByTagName('target_milestone')
milestone = milestone_element[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
assignment_element = i.getElementsByTagName('assigned_to')
assignment = assignment_element[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue
issue_dict[issue_id] = [milestone, assignment]
print("ERROR: Unable to parse target milestones from issue tracker")
return issue_dict
# Main func. This is the "entry point" that all the test scripts call
# to run their list of tests.
# This routine parses sys.argv to decide what to do.
def execute_tests(test_list, serial_only = False, test_name = None,
progress_func = None, test_selection = []):
"""Similar to run_tests(), but just returns the exit code, rather than
exiting the process. This function can be used when a caller doesn't
want the process to die."""
global pristine_url
global pristine_greek_repos_url
global pristine_trojan_repos_url
global other_dav_root_url
global non_dav_root_url
global svn_binary
global svnadmin_binary
global svnlook_binary
global svnrdump_binary
global svnsync_binary
global svndumpfilter_binary
global svnversion_binary
global svnmover_binary
global svnmucc_binary
global svnauthz_binary
global svnauthz_validate_binary
global options
if test_name:
sys.argv[0] = test_name
testnums = []
if not options:
# Override which tests to run from the commandline
(parser, args) = parse_options()
test_selection = args
parser = _create_parser()
# parse the positional arguments (test nums, names)
for arg in test_selection:
appended = False
appended = True
except ValueError:
# Do nothing for now.
appended = False
if not appended:
# Check if the argument is a range
numberstrings = arg.split(':');
if len(numberstrings) != 2:
numberstrings = arg.split('-');
if len(numberstrings) != 2:
raise ValueError
left = int(numberstrings[0])
right = int(numberstrings[1])
if left > right:
raise ValueError
for nr in range(left,right+1):
appended = True
except ValueError:
appended = False
if not appended:
# Check if the argument is a function name, and translate
# it to a number if possible
for testnum in list(range(1, len(test_list))):
test_case = TestRunner(test_list[testnum], testnum)
if test_case.get_function_name() == str(arg).rstrip(','):
appended = True
except ValueError:
appended = False
if not appended:
parser.error("invalid test number, range of numbers, " +
"or function '%s'\n" % arg)
# Calculate pristine_greek_repos_url from test_area_url.
pristine_greek_repos_url = options.test_area_url + '/' + \
os.path.sep, '/'))
# Calculate pristine_trojan_repos_url from test_area_url.
pristine_trojan_repos_url = options.test_area_url + '/' + \
os.path.sep, '/'))
other_dav_root_url = options.test_area_url + '/fsdavroot'
non_dav_root_url = options.test_area_url + '/nodavroot'
if options.use_jsvn:
if options.svn_bin is None:
options.svn_bin = ''
svn_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'jsvn' + _bat)
svnadmin_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'jsvnadmin' + _bat)
svnlook_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'jsvnlook' + _bat)
svnsync_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'jsvnsync' + _bat)
svndumpfilter_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin,
'jsvndumpfilter' + _bat)
svnversion_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin,
'jsvnversion' + _bat)
svnmucc_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'jsvnmucc' + _bat)
if options.svn_bin:
svn_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'svn' + _exe)
svnadmin_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'svnadmin' + _exe)
svnlook_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'svnlook' + _exe)
svnrdump_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'svnrdump' + _exe)
svnsync_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'svnsync' + _exe)
svndumpfilter_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin,
'svndumpfilter' + _exe)
svnversion_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'svnversion' + _exe)
svnmucc_binary = os.path.join(options.svn_bin, 'svnmucc' + _exe)
if options.tools_bin:
svnauthz_binary = os.path.join(options.tools_bin, 'svnauthz' + _exe)
svnauthz_validate_binary = os.path.join(options.tools_bin,
'svnauthz-validate' + _exe)
svnmover_binary = os.path.join(options.tools_bin, 'svnmover' + _exe)
# Cleanup: if a previous run crashed or interrupted the python
# interpreter, then `temp_dir' was never removed. This can cause wonkiness.
if not options.is_child_process:
safe_rmtree(temp_dir, 1)
if not testnums:
# If no test numbers were listed explicitly, include all of them:
testnums = list(range(1, len(test_list)))
if options.list_tests:
# If we want to list the target milestones, then get all the issues
# associated with all the individual tests.
milestones_dict = None
if options.milestone_filter:
issues_dict = {}
for testnum in testnums:
issues = TestRunner(test_list[testnum], testnum).get_issues()
test_mode = TestRunner(test_list[testnum], testnum).get_mode().upper()
if issues:
for issue in issues:
if (options.mode_filter.upper() == 'ALL' or
options.mode_filter.upper() == test_mode or
(options.mode_filter.upper() == 'PASS' and test_mode == '')):
milestones_dict = get_issue_details(issues_dict.keys())
header = "Test # Mode Test Description\n"
if options.milestone_filter:
header += " Issue#(Target Mileston/Assigned To)\n"
header += "------ ----- ----------------"
printed_header = False
for testnum in testnums:
test_mode = TestRunner(test_list[testnum], testnum).get_mode().upper()
if options.mode_filter.upper() == 'ALL' \
or options.mode_filter.upper() == test_mode \
or (options.mode_filter.upper() == 'PASS' and test_mode == ''):
if not printed_header:
printed_header = True
TestRunner(test_list[testnum], testnum).list(milestones_dict)
# We are simply listing the tests so always exit with success.
return 0
# don't run tests in parallel when the tests don't support it or
# there are only a few tests to run.
options_parallel = options.parallel
if serial_only or len(testnums) < 2:
options.parallel = 0
if not options.is_child_process:
# Build out the default configuration directory
# Setup the pristine repositories
# Run the tests.
exit_code = _internal_run_tests(test_list, testnums, options.parallel,
options.srcdir, progress_func)
options.parallel = options_parallel
# Remove all scratchwork: the 'pristine' repository, greek tree, etc.
# This ensures that an 'import' will happen the next time we run.
if not options.is_child_process and not options.keep_local_tmp:
safe_rmtree(temp_dir, 1)
logger.error("ERROR: cleanup of '%s' directory failed." % temp_dir)
exit_code = 1
# Cleanup after ourselves.
# Return the appropriate exit code from the tests.
return exit_code