blob: daf5b0c36f9d8bac298f196cef349baf7f61a764 [file] [log] [blame]
/* fs-sequential-test.c --- tests for the filesystem
* ====================================================================
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* ====================================================================
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_thread_proc.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../svn_test.h"
#include "svn_hash.h"
#include "svn_pools.h"
#include "svn_time.h"
#include "svn_string.h"
#include "svn_fs.h"
#include "svn_checksum.h"
#include "svn_mergeinfo.h"
#include "svn_props.h"
#include "svn_version.h"
#include "svn_private_config.h"
#include "private/svn_fs_util.h"
#include "private/svn_fs_private.h"
#include "private/svn_fspath.h"
#include "../svn_test_fs.h"
#include "../../libsvn_delta/delta.h"
#include "../../libsvn_fs/fs-loader.h"
#define SET_STR(ps, s) ((ps)->data = (s), (ps)->len = strlen(s))
/** The actual fs-sequential-tests called by `make check` **/
/* Helper: commit TXN, expecting either success or failure:
* If EXPECTED_CONFLICT is null, then the commit is expected to
* succeed. If it does succeed, set *NEW_REV to the new revision;
* else return error.
* If EXPECTED_CONFLICT is non-null, it is either the empty string or
* the expected path of the conflict. If it is the empty string, any
* conflict is acceptable. If it is a non-empty string, the commit
* must fail due to conflict, and the conflict path must match
* EXPECTED_CONFLICT. If they don't match, return error.
* If a conflict is expected but the commit succeeds anyway, return
* error. If the commit fails but does not provide an error, return
* error.
static svn_error_t *
test_commit_txn(svn_revnum_t *new_rev,
svn_fs_txn_t *txn,
const char *expected_conflict,
apr_pool_t *pool)
const char *conflict;
svn_error_t *err;
err = svn_fs_commit_txn(&conflict, new_rev, txn, pool);
if (err && (err->apr_err == SVN_ERR_FS_CONFLICT))
if (! expected_conflict)
return svn_error_createf
"commit conflicted at '%s', but no conflict expected",
conflict ? conflict : "(missing conflict info!)");
else if (conflict == NULL)
return svn_error_createf
"commit conflicted as expected, "
"but no conflict path was returned ('%s' expected)",
else if ((strcmp(expected_conflict, "") != 0)
&& (strcmp(conflict, expected_conflict) != 0))
return svn_error_createf
"commit conflicted at '%s', but expected conflict at '%s')",
conflict, expected_conflict);
/* The svn_fs_commit_txn() API promises to set *NEW_REV to an
invalid revision number in the case of a conflict. */
if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(*new_rev))
return svn_error_createf
"conflicting commit returned valid new revision");
else if (err) /* commit may have succeeded, but always report an error */
if (SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(*new_rev))
return svn_error_quick_wrap
(err, "commit succeeded but something else failed");
return svn_error_quick_wrap
(err, "commit failed due to something other than a conflict");
else /* err == NULL, commit should have succeeded */
if (! SVN_IS_VALID_REVNUM(*new_rev))
return svn_error_create
"commit failed but no error was returned");
if (expected_conflict)
return svn_error_createf
"commit succeeded that was expected to fail at '%s'",
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
struct reopen_modify_baton_t {
const char *fs_path;
const char *txn_name;
apr_pool_t *pool;
svn_error_t *err;
static void * APR_THREAD_FUNC
reopen_modify_child(apr_thread_t *tid, void *data)
struct reopen_modify_baton_t *baton = data;
svn_fs_t *fs;
svn_fs_txn_t *txn;
svn_fs_root_t *root;
baton->err = svn_fs_open(&fs, baton->fs_path, NULL, baton->pool);
if (!baton->err)
baton->err = svn_fs_open_txn(&txn, fs, baton->txn_name, baton->pool);
if (!baton->err)
baton->err = svn_fs_txn_root(&root, txn, baton->pool);
if (!baton->err)
baton->err = svn_fs_change_node_prop(root, "A", "name",
apr_thread_exit(tid, 0);
return NULL;
static svn_error_t *
reopen_modify(const svn_test_opts_t *opts,
apr_pool_t *pool)
svn_fs_t *fs;
svn_revnum_t head_rev = 0;
svn_fs_root_t *root;
svn_fs_txn_t *txn;
const char *fs_path, *txn_name;
svn_string_t *value;
struct reopen_modify_baton_t baton;
apr_status_t status, child_status;
apr_threadattr_t *tattr;
apr_thread_t *tid;
/* Create test repository with greek tree. */
fs_path = "test-reopen-modify";
SVN_ERR(svn_test__create_fs(&fs, fs_path, opts, pool));
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_begin_txn(&txn, fs, head_rev, pool));
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_txn_root(&root, txn, pool));
SVN_ERR(svn_test__create_greek_tree(root, pool));
SVN_ERR(test_commit_txn(&head_rev, txn, NULL, pool));
/* Create txn with changes. */
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_begin_txn(&txn, fs, head_rev, pool));
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_txn_name(&txn_name, txn, pool));
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_txn_root(&root, txn, pool));
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_make_dir(root, "X", pool));
/* In another thread: reopen fs and txn, and add more changes. This
works in BDB and FSX but in FSFS the txn_dir_cache becomes
out-of-date and the thread's changes don't reach the revision. */
baton.fs_path = fs_path;
baton.txn_name = txn_name;
baton.pool = svn_pool_create(pool);
status = apr_threadattr_create(&tattr, pool);
if (status)
return svn_error_wrap_apr(status, _("Can't create threadattr"));
status = apr_thread_create(&tid, tattr, reopen_modify_child, &baton, pool);
if (status)
return svn_error_wrap_apr(status, _("Can't create thread"));
status = apr_thread_join(&child_status, tid);
if (status)
return svn_error_wrap_apr(status, _("Can't join thread"));
if (baton.err)
return svn_error_trace(baton.err);
/* Commit */
SVN_ERR(test_commit_txn(&head_rev, txn, NULL, pool));
/* Check for change made by thread. */
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_revision_root(&root, fs, head_rev, pool));
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_node_prop(&value, root, "A", "name", pool));
SVN_TEST_ASSERT(value && !strcmp(value->data, "value"));
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_TEST_SKIPPED, NULL, "no thread support");
/* Convenience wrapper around svn_fs_change_rev_prop2. */
static svn_error_t *
set_revprop(svn_fs_t *fs,
svn_revnum_t revision,
const char *value,
apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
svn_string_t *content = svn_string_create(value, scratch_pool);
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_change_rev_prop2(fs, revision, "prop", NULL, content,
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* Call svn_fs_revision_prop2 and verify that the property value matches
static svn_error_t *
check_revprop(svn_fs_t *fs,
svn_revnum_t revision,
svn_boolean_t refresh,
const char *expected,
apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
svn_string_t *actual;
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_revision_prop2(&actual, fs, revision, "prop", refresh,
scratch_pool, scratch_pool));
SVN_TEST_STRING_ASSERT(actual->data, expected);
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
static svn_error_t *
revprop_refresh(const svn_test_opts_t *opts,
apr_pool_t *pool)
svn_fs_t *fs, *fs2;
int i;
apr_pool_t *iterpool = svn_pool_create(pool);
svn_string_t *old_value, *new_value;
apr_hash_t *config;
if (!strcmp(opts->fs_type, "bdb"))
return svn_error_create(SVN_ERR_TEST_SKIPPED, NULL,
"the BDB backend ignores the refresh option");
/* That option is required to make this work with FSX. */
config = apr_hash_make(pool);
svn_hash_sets(config, SVN_FS_CONFIG_FSFS_CACHE_REVPROPS, "1");
/* Build a repository with a few revisions in it. */
SVN_ERR(svn_test__create_fs2(&fs, "test-repo-revprop-refresh", opts,
config, pool));
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_open2(&fs2, "test-repo-revprop-refresh", config, pool,
for (i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
svn_fs_txn_t *txn;
svn_fs_root_t *txn_root;
svn_revnum_t new_rev = 0;
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_begin_txn(&txn, fs, new_rev, iterpool));
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_txn_root(&txn_root, txn, iterpool));
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_make_dir(txn_root, apr_itoa(pool, i), iterpool));
SVN_ERR(test_commit_txn(&new_rev, txn, NULL, iterpool));
/* The initial access sees the latest revprops - even without refresh. */
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 0, "x0", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 1, "x1", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 2, "x2", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, FALSE, "x0", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 1, FALSE, "x1", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 2, FALSE, "x2", pool));
/* With the REFRESH option set, revprop changes are immediately visible. */
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 0, "y0", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 1, "y1", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 2, "y2", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, TRUE, "y0", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 1, TRUE, "y1", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 2, TRUE, "y2", pool));
/* Without the REFRESH option set, revprop changes not always visible.
* Our cache is large enough that we won't see any change.
* But first we have to heat up our cache. */
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, FALSE, "y0", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 1, FALSE, "y1", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 2, FALSE, "y2", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 0, "z0", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 1, "z1", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 2, "z2", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, FALSE, "y0", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 1, FALSE, "y1", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 2, FALSE, "y2", pool));
/* An explicit refresh helps. */
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_refresh_revision_props(fs2, pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, FALSE, "z0", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 1, FALSE, "z1", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 2, FALSE, "z2", pool));
/* A single REFRESH is enough to make *all* recent changes visible. */
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 0, "t0", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 1, "t1", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 2, "t2", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, FALSE, "z0", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 1, TRUE, "t1", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 2, FALSE, "t2", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, FALSE, "t0", pool));
/* A single revprop write is enough to make *all* recent changes visible. */
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 0, "u0", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 1, "u1", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 2, "u2", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, FALSE, "t0", pool));
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs2, 3, "a3", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 1, FALSE, "u1", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 2, FALSE, "u2", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, FALSE, "u0", pool));
/* A revprop write is always visible to the writer. */
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs, 0, FALSE, "u0", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs, 1, FALSE, "u1", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs, 2, FALSE, "u2", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 3, FALSE, "a3", pool));
/* An atomic revprop write will always verify against the on-disk data. */
SVN_ERR(set_revprop(fs, 0, "v0", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs, 0, FALSE, "v0", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, FALSE, "u0", pool));
old_value = svn_string_create("v0", pool);
new_value = svn_string_create("b0", pool);
SVN_ERR(svn_fs_change_rev_prop2(fs2, 0, "prop",
(const svn_string_t * const *)&old_value,
new_value, pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs, 0, FALSE, "v0", pool));
SVN_ERR(check_revprop(fs2, 0, FALSE, "b0", pool));
old_value = svn_string_create("v0", pool);
new_value = svn_string_create("w0", pool);
SVN_TEST_ASSERT_ERROR(svn_fs_change_rev_prop2(fs, 0, "prop",
(const svn_string_t * const *)&old_value,
new_value, pool),
return SVN_NO_ERROR;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* The test table. */
static int max_threads = 1; /* Run tests sequentially. */
static struct svn_test_descriptor_t test_funcs[] =
"test reopen and modify txn"),
"refresh option in FS revprop API"),