blob: 1bd0937897f84422926f90c102806bf8f5610fec [file] [log] [blame]
Root Cause of Errata: schema limitation
Library(s) Affected: libsvn_wc
Function(s) Affected: svn_wc_ensure_adm3
New Behavior in: 1.7
Related Issues: n/a
== Details of Previous Behavior ==
These functions were documented to allow passing NULL for the REPOS or
the UUID parameters. The working copy library would construct an entry
for the directory, recording the node's URL in the repository and
(potentially) empty values for REPOS ("repos_root_url") and UUID
In normal usage, immediately following the call to svn_wc_ensure_adm(),
the client code would perform an "update". This sequence is used to
perform a checkout. The checkout process only needs the target URL,
and doesn't really worry about the repository root or the uuid. These
values will be filled in later, as part of the checkout/update process.
== Details of New Behavior ==
If NULL is passed for REPOS or UUID, then SVN_ERR_BAD_URL or
SVN_ERR_BAD_UUID will be returned.
== Rationale for Change ==
Our schema does not allow NULL for either of these values (see the
REPOSITORY table in wc-metadata.sql). There is really no way to
support this particular scenario without relaxing these constraints.
== Impact on API Users ==
Clients typically never call these functions. If they *do*, then they
should pass all values, or be subject to an error return.
Using Google Code Search, I found only two callers: our client code
(which passes non-NULL values), and the KDESVN project which appears
to also pass non-NULL values.