blob: 7555d37fe2cf0e88596edda7808ac79f28dbcd73 [file] [log] [blame]
How to parse Subversion XML streams
Presumably, you have an xml stream which represents a tree-delta. You
want to apply this tree-delta to a "source tree" and thereby create a
"target" tree.
Here's how to use the API provided in xml_parse.c.
1. Fetch an `editor' structure using some sort of get_editor()
routine. You will also receive an `edit_baton' this way. (Both
libsvn_wc and libsvn_ra provide their own versions of these
routines, depending on whether you want to edit a working copy
or a repository filesystem.)
2. Create a customized xml parser by calling svn_make_xml_parser().
You will need to specify important parameters, such as:
- the editor and edit_baton the parser should use
- the "base" path and version of the source tree (for deriving
default ancestry when none is specified in the xml stream)
3. Now push chunks of the xml stream to the parser by calling
svn_xml_parsebytes(). As the parser traverses the xml, it will
make appropriate calls into the editor.
4. When you're *finished*:
- call svn_xml_parsebytes() with a TRUE value in the `isFinal'
field. This allows both expat and svn to clean up. (It's
okay to specify a length of 0 on the final call.)
- free the parser object with svn_free_xml_parser().
Step 1 is mandatory, but all the other steps can be automated by
This routine requires a pointer to a POSIX-like `read' routine. It
will *pull* the xml from the read-routine and parse it, until the
stream runs dry.
This method is convenient if you don't mind relinquishing control of
your xml stream.