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Parser for CVE/CAN advisories and patches.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import re
import ast
import base64
import quopri
class Notification(object):
The complete security notification, containing multiple advisories.
class Metadata(object):
The metadata for one advisory, with the following properties:
tracking_id - the CVE/CAN number
title - a short description of the issue
culprit - server, client or both
advisory - a Text object with the text of the advisory
patches - a list of Patch objects, sorted in descending
order by the base version
def __init__(self, basedir, tracking_id,
title, culprit, advisory, patches):
if culprit not in self.__CULPRITS:
raise ValueError('Culprit should be one of: '
+ ', '.join(repr(x) for x in self.__CULPRITS))
if not isinstance(culprit, tuple):
culprit = (culprit,)
self.__tracking_id = tracking_id
self.__title = title
self.__culprit = frozenset(culprit)
self.__advisory = Text(os.path.join(basedir, advisory))
self.__patches = []
for base_version, patchfile in patches.items():
patch = Patch(base_version, os.path.join(basedir, patchfile))
self.__patches.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.base_version_key)
def tracking_id(self):
return self.__tracking_id
def title(self):
return self.__title
def culprit(self):
return self.__culprit
def advisory(self):
return self.__advisory
def patches(self):
return tuple(self.__patches)
def __init__(self, rootdir, *tracking_ids):
Create the security notification for all TRACKING_IDS.
The advisories and patches for each tracking ID must be
in the appropreiately named subdirectory of ROOTDIR.
The notification text assumes that RELEASE_VERSIONS will
be published on RELEASE_DATE and that the tarballs are
available in DIST_REVISION of the dist repository.
assert(len(tracking_ids) > 0)
self.__advisories = []
for tid in tracking_ids:
self.__advisories.append(self.__parse_advisory(rootdir, tid))
def __iter__(self):
return self.__advisories.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__advisories)
def __parse_advisory(self, rootdir, tracking_id):
Parse a single advisory named TRACKING_ID in ROOTDIR.
basedir = os.path.join(rootdir, tracking_id)
with open(os.path.join(basedir, 'metadata'), 'rt') as md:
metadata = ast.literal_eval(
return self.Metadata(basedir, tracking_id,
def base_version_keys(self):
Return the set of base-version keys of all the patches.
base_version_keys = set()
for metadata in self:
for patch in metadata.patches:
return base_version_keys
class __Part(object):
def __init__(self, path, text=None):
Create a text object with contents from the file at PATH.
If self.TEXTMODE is True, strip whitespace from the end of
all lines and strip empty lines from the end of the file.
Alternatively, if PATH is None, set the contents to TEXT,
which must be convertible to bytes.
assert (path is None) is not (text is None)
if path:
self.__text = self.__load_file(path)
self.__text = bytes(text)
def __load_file(self, path):
with open(path, 'rb') as src:
if not self.TEXTMODE:
text = []
for line in src:
text.append(line.rstrip() + b'\n')
# Strip trailing empty lines in text mode
while len(text) and not text[-1]:
del text[-1]
return b''.join(text)
def text(self):
Return the raw contents.
return self.__text.decode('UTF-8')
def quoted_printable(self):
Return contents encoded as quoted-printable.
return quopri.encodestring(self.__text).decode('ascii')
def base64(self):
Return multi-line Base64-encoded contents with the lenght
of the lines limited to BASE64_LINE_LENGTH.
text = []
data = base64.standard_b64encode(self.__text)
start = 0
end = self.BASE64_LINE_LENGTH
while end < len(data):
text.append(data[start:end] + b'\n')
start += self.BASE64_LINE_LENGTH
end += self.BASE64_LINE_LENGTH
if start < len(data):
text.append(data[start:] + b'\n')
return b''.join(text).decode('ascii')
class Text(__Part):
In-memory container for the text of the advisory.
class Patch(__Part):
In-memory container for patches.
def __init__(self, base_version, path):
super(Patch, self).__init__(path)
self.__base_version = base_version
self.__base_version_key = self.split_version(base_version)
def base_version(self):
return self.__base_version
def base_version_key(self):
return self.__base_version_key
def quoted_printable(self):
raise NotImplementedError('Quoted-printable patches? Really?')
__SPLIT_VERSION_RX = re.compile(r'^(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?(.+)?$')
def split_version(cls, version):
Splits a version number in the form n.n.n-tag into a tuple
of its components.
def splitv(version):
for s in cls.__SPLIT_VERSION_RX.match(version).groups():
if s is None:
n = int(s)
except ValueError:
n = s
yield n
return tuple(splitv(version))
def join_version(cls, version_tuple):
Joins a version number tuple returned by Patch.split_version
into a string.
def joinv(version_tuple):
prev = None
for n in version_tuple:
if isinstance(n, int) and prev is not None:
yield '.'
prev = n
yield str(n)
return ''.join(joinv(version_tuple))