blob: 727939d7afe16bda0fc88f489163245f81c773ff [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
backport.status - library for parsing and unparsing STATUS files
# Recipe for interactive testing:
# % python3
# >>> import backport.status
# >>> sf = backport.status.StatusFile(open('STATUS'))
# >>> entries = [p.entry() for p in sf.entries_paras()]
# >>> entries[0]
# <backport.status.StatusEntry object at 0x1b88f90>
# >>>
import collections
import hashlib
import io
import logging
import re
import unittest
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ParseException(Exception):
class _ParagraphsIterator:
"A paragraph-based iterator for file-like objects."
def __init__(self, stream):
# KISS implementation, since STATUS files are small. = stream
self.paragraphs = re.compile(r'\n\s*?\n+').split(
def __iter__(self):
# Ensure there is exactly one trailing newline.
return iter(para.rstrip('\n') + "\n" for para in self.paragraphs)
class Test_ParagraphsIterator(unittest.TestCase):
"Unit test for _ParagraphsIterator."
def test_basic(self):
stream = io.StringIO('foo\nfoo2\n\n\nbar\n')
paragraphs = _ParagraphsIterator(stream)
self.assertEqual(list(paragraphs), ['foo\nfoo2\n', 'bar\n'])
class Kind:
"The kind of a single physical paragraph of STATUS. See 'Paragraph'."
preamble = object()
section_header = object()
nomination = object()
unknown = object()
# TODO: can avoid the repetition by using the 'enum' module of Python 3.4
# That will also make repr() useful.
def exists(cls, kind):
return kind in (cls.preamble, cls.section_header,
cls.nomination, cls.unknown)
class Paragraph:
"""A single physical paragraph of STATUS, which may be either a nomination
or something else."""
def __init__(self, kind, text, entry, containing_section):
KIND is one of the Kind.* enumerators.
TEXT is the physical text in the file, used by unparsing.
ENTRY is the StatusEntry object, if Kind.nomination, else None.
CONTAINING_SECTION is the text of the section header this paragraph appears
within. (If this paragraph is a section header, this refers to itself.)
assert Kind.exists(kind)
assert (entry is not None) == (kind is Kind.nomination)
self.kind = kind
self.text = text
self._entry = entry
self._containing_section = containing_section
# Private for _paragraph_is_header()
_re_equals_line = re.compile(r'^=+$')
def is_header(cls, para_text):
"""PARA_TEXT is a single physical paragraph, as a bare multiline string.
If PARA_TEXT is a section header, return the header text; else, return
lines = para_text.split('\n', 2)
valid = (len(lines) == 3
and lines[0].endswith(':')
and cls._re_equals_line.match(lines[1])
and lines[2] == '')
if valid:
header = lines[0].rstrip(':')
if header:
return header
return False
def entry(self):
"Validating accessor for ENTRY."
assert self.kind is Kind.nomination
return self._entry
def section(self):
"Validating accessor for CONTAINING_SECTION."
assert self.kind is not Kind.preamble
return self._containing_section
def approved(self):
"TRUE if this paragraph is in the approved section, false otherwise."
assert self.kind
# ### used to check just .startswith() here.
return self.section() == "Approved changes"
def unparse(self, stream):
"Write this paragraph to STREAM, an open file-like object."
if self.kind in (Kind.preamble, Kind.section_header, Kind.unknown):
stream.write(self.text + "\n")
elif self.kind is Kind.nomination:
assert False, "Unknown paragraph kind"
def __repr__(self):
return "<Paragraph({!r}, {!r}, {!r}, {!r})>".format(
self.kind, self.text, self._entry, self._containing_section
class StatusFile:
"Encapsulates the STATUS file."
def __init__(self, status_fp):
"Constructor. STATUS_FP is an open file-like object to parse."
self.validate_unique_entry_ids() # Use-case for making this optional?
self._project_root_url = '^/subversion'
def branch_url(self, branch_basename):
"""Return the URL of a branch with a given basename, of 'Branch:' headers
that specify a basename only.
The returned URL may be an ^/foo short URL."""
return (self._project_root_url + "/branches/" + branch_basename)
def trunk_url(self):
"""Return the URL to trunk. Trunk is used as the default merge source.
The returned URL may be an ^/foo short URL."""
return self._project_root_url + '/trunk'
def _parse(self, status_fp):
"Parse self.status_fp into self.paragraphs."
self.paragraphs = []
last_header = None
for para_text in _ParagraphsIterator(status_fp):
kind = None
entry = None
header = Paragraph.is_header(para_text)
if para_text.isspace():
elif header:
kind = Kind.section_header
last_header = header
elif last_header is not None:
entry = StatusEntry(para_text, status_file=self)
kind = Kind.nomination
except ParseException:
kind = Kind.unknown
logger.warning("Failed to parse entry {!r} in {!r}".format(
para_text, status_fp))
kind = Kind.preamble
self.paragraphs.append(Paragraph(kind, para_text, entry, last_header))
def entries_paras(self):
"Return an iterator over entries"
return filter(lambda para: para.kind is Kind.nomination,
def validate_unique_entry_ids(self):
# TODO: what about [r42, r43] and [r41, r43] entry pairs?
"""Check if two entries have the same id. If so, mark them both
# Build an auxiliary data structure.
id2entry = collections.defaultdict(list)
for para in self.entries_paras():
entry = para.entry()
# Examine it for problems.
for entry_id, entry_paras in id2entry.items():
if len(entry_paras) != 1:
# Found a problem.
# Warn about it, and ignore all involved entries.
logger.warning("There is more than one {} entry; ignoring them in "
"further processing".format(entry_id))
for para in entry_paras:
para.kind = Kind.unknown
def remove(self, entry):
"Remove ENTRY from SELF."
for para in self.entries_paras():
if para.entry() is entry:
assert False, "Attempted to remove non-existent entry"
def unparse(self, stream):
"Write the STATUS file to STREAM, an open file-like object."
for para in self.paragraphs:
class Test_StatusFile(unittest.TestCase):
def test__paragraph_is_header(self):
self.assertFalse(Paragraph.is_header("Status of 1.9.12:\n"))
def test_parse_unparse(self):
s = (
"*** This release stream is used for testing. ***\n"
"Candidate changes:\n"
" * r42\n"
" Bump version number to 1.0.\n"
" Votes:\n"
" +1: jrandom\n"
"Approved changes:\n"
"This paragraph will trigger an exception.\n"
" * r43\n"
" Bump version number to 1.0.\n"
" Votes:\n"
" +1: jrandom\n"
test_file = io.StringIO(s)
with test_file:
with self.assertLogs() as cm:
sf = StatusFile(test_file)
self.assertRegex(cm.output[0], "Failed to parse.*'.*will trigger.*'")
tuple(para.kind for para in sf.paragraphs),
Kind.section_header, Kind.nomination,
Kind.section_header, Kind.unknown, Kind.nomination)
self.assertFalse(sf.paragraphs[1].approved()) # header
self.assertFalse(sf.paragraphs[2].approved()) # nomination
self.assertTrue(sf.paragraphs[3].approved()) # header
self.assertTrue(sf.paragraphs[4].approved()) # unknown
self.assertIs(sf.paragraphs[2].entry().status_file, sf)
output_file = io.StringIO()
self.assertEqual(s, output_file.getvalue())
def test_double_nomination(self):
"Test two nominations of the same group"
test_file = io.StringIO(
"Approved changes:\n"
" * r42\n"
" First time.\n"
" * r42\n"
" Second time.\n"
with test_file:
with self.assertLogs() as cm:
sf = StatusFile(test_file)
self.assertRegex(cm.output[0], "There is more than one r42 entry")
self.assertIs(sf.paragraphs[1].kind, Kind.unknown)
self.assertIs(sf.paragraphs[2].kind, Kind.unknown)
class StatusEntry:
"""Encapsulates a single nomination.
An Entry has the following attributes:
branch - the backport branch's basename, or None.
revisions - the revisions to nominated, as iterable of int.
logsummary - the text before the justification, as an array of lines.
depends - true if a "Depends:" entry was found, False otherwise.
accept - the value to pass to 'svn merge --accept=%s', or None.
votes_str - everything after the "Votes:" subheader. An unparsed string.
def __init__(self, para_text, status_file=None):
"""Parse an entry from PARA_TEXT, and add it to SELF. PARA_TEXT must
contain exactly one entry, as a single multiline string.
STATUS_FILE is the StatusFile object containing this entry, if any.
self.branch = None
self.revisions = []
self.logsummary = []
self.depends = False
self.accept = None
self.votes_str = None
self.status_file = status_file
self.raw = para_text
_re_entry_indentation = re.compile(r'^( *\* )')
_re_revisions_line = re.compile(r'^(?:r?\d+[,; ]*)+$')
lines = para_text.rstrip().split('\n')
# Strip indentation and trailing whitespace.
match = _re_entry_indentation.match(lines[0])
if not match:
raise ParseException("Entry found with no ' * ' line")
indentation = len(
lines = (line[indentation:] for line in lines)
lines = (line.rstrip() for line in lines)
# Consume the generator.
lines = list(lines)
# Parse the revisions lines.
match = re.compile(r'(\S*) branch|branches/(\S*)').search(lines[0])
if match:
# Parse whichever group matched.
self.branch = self.parse_branch( or
while _re_revisions_line.match(lines[0]):
self.revisions.extend(map(int, re.compile(r'(\d+)').findall(lines[0])))
lines = lines[1:]
# Validate it now, since later exceptions rely on it.
if not(self.branch or self.revisions):
raise ParseException("Entry found with neither branch nor revisions")
# Parse the logsummary.
while lines and not self._is_subheader(lines[0]):
lines = lines[1:]
# Parse votes.
if "Votes:" in lines:
index = lines.index("Votes:")
self.votes_str = '\n'.join(lines[index+1:]) + '\n'
lines = lines[:index]
del index
self.votes_str = None
# depends, branch, notes
while lines:
if lines[0].strip().startswith('Depends:'):
self.depends = True
lines = lines[1:]
if lines[0].strip().startswith('Branch:'):
maybe_value = lines[0].strip().split(':', 1)[1]
if maybe_value.strip():
# Value on same line as header
self.branch = self.parse_branch(maybe_value)
lines = lines[1:]
# Value should be on next line
if len(lines) == 1:
raise ParseException("'Branch:' header found without value")
self.branch = self.parse_branch(lines[1])
lines = lines[2:]
if lines[0].strip().startswith('Notes:'):
notes = lines[0].strip().split(':', 1)[1] + "\n"
lines = lines[1:]
# Consume the indented body of the "Notes" field.
while lines and not lines[0][0].isalnum():
notes += lines[0] + "\n"
lines = lines[1:]
# Look for possible --accept directives.
matches = re.compile(r'--accept[ =]([a-z-]+)').findall(notes)
if len(matches) > 1:
raise ParseException("Too many --accept values at %s" % (self,))
elif len(matches) == 1:
self.accept = matches[0]
# else
lines = lines[1:]
# Some sanity checks.
if self.branch and self.accept:
raise ParseException("Entry %s has both --accept and branch" % (self,))
if not self.logsummary:
raise ParseException("No logsummary at %s" % (self,))
def digest(self):
"""Return a unique digest of this entry, with the following property: any
change to the entry will cause the digest value to change."""
# Digest the raw text, canonicalizing the number of trailing newlines.
# There is no particular reason to use md5 over anything else, except for
# compatibility with existing .backports1 files in people's working copies.
return hashlib.md5(self.raw.rstrip('\n').encode('UTF-8')
+ b"\n\n").hexdigest()
def parse_branch(string):
"Extract a branch name from STRING."
return string.strip().rstrip('/').split('/')[-1]
def valid(self):
"Test the invariants."
return all([
self.branch or self.revisions,
not(self.branch and self.accept),
def id(self):
"Return the first revision or branch's name."
# Assert a minimal invariant, since this is used by error paths.
assert self.branch or self.revisions
if self.branch is not None:
return self.branch
return "r{:d}".format(self.revisions[0])
def noun(self, start_of_sentence=False):
"""Return a noun phrase describing this entry.
START_OF_SENTENCE is used to correctly capitalize the result."""
# Assert a minimal invariant, since this is used by error paths.
assert self.branch or self.revisions
if start_of_sentence:
the = "The"
the = "the"
if self.branch is not None:
return "{} {} branch".format(the, self.branch)
elif len(self.revisions) == 1:
return "r{:d}".format(self.revisions[0])
return "{} r{:d} group".format(the, self.revisions[0])
def logsummarysummary(self):
"Return a one-line summary of the changeset."
assert self.valid()
suffix = "" if len(self.logsummary) == 1 else " [...]"
return self.logsummary[0] + suffix
# Private for is_vetoed()
_re_vetoed = re.compile(r'^\s*(-1:|-1\s*[()])', re.MULTILINE)
def is_vetoed(self):
"Return TRUE iff a -1 vote has been cast."
def _is_subheader(string):
"""Given a single line from an entry, is that line a subheader (such as
"Justification:" or "Notes:")?"""
# TODO: maybe change the 'subheader' heuristic? Perhaps "line starts with
# an uppercase letter and ends with a colon".
# This is currently only used for finding the end of logsummary, and all
# explicitly special-cased headers (e.g., "Depends:") match this, though.
return re.compile(r'^\s*[A-Z]\w*:').match(string)
def unparse(self, stream):
"Write this entry to STREAM, an open file-like object."
# For now, this is simple.. until we add interactive editing.
stream.write(self.raw + "\n")
class Test_StatusEntry(unittest.TestCase):
def test___init__(self):
"Test the entry parser"
# All these entries actually have a "four spaces" line as their last line,
# but the parser doesn't care.
s = """\
* r42, r43,
This is the logsummary.
+1: jrandom
entry = StatusEntry(s)
self.assertEqual(entry.branch, "1.8.x-rfourty-two")
self.assertEqual(entry.revisions, [42, 43, 44])
self.assertEqual(entry.logsummary, ["This is the logsummary."])
self.assertEqual(entry.logsummarysummary(), "This is the logsummary.")
self.assertIn("+1: jrandom", entry.votes_str)
self.assertEqual(, "1.8.x-rfourty-two")
self.assertEqual(entry.noun(True), "The 1.8.x-rfourty-two branch")
self.assertEqual(entry.noun(), "the 1.8.x-rfourty-two branch")
s = """\
* r42
This is the logsummary.
It has multiple lines.
Depends: must be merged before the r43 entry"
Merge with --accept=theirs-conflict.
+1: jrandom
-1: jconstant
entry = StatusEntry(s)
self.assertEqual(entry.revisions, [42])
["This is the logsummary.",
"It has multiple lines."])
"This is the logsummary. [...]")
self.assertEqual(entry.accept, "theirs-conflict")
self.assertRegex(entry.votes_str, "(?s)jrandom.*jconstant") # re.DOTALL
self.assertEqual(, "r42")
self.assertEqual(entry.noun(), "r42")
s = """\
* ^/subversion/branches/1.8.x-fixes
This is the logsummary.
+1: jrandom
-1 (see <message-id>): jconstant
entry = StatusEntry(s)
self.assertEqual(entry.branch, "1.8.x-fixes")
self.assertEqual(entry.revisions, [])
s = """\
* r42
This is the logsummary.
Branch: ^/subversion/branches/on-the-same-line
+1: jrandom
entry = StatusEntry(s)
self.assertEqual(entry.branch, "on-the-same-line")
self.assertEqual(entry.revisions, [42])
self.assertTrue(str(entry)) # tests __str__
self.assertEqual(entry.raw, s)
s = """\
* The 1.8.x-fixes branch
This is the logsummary.
+1: jrandom
entry = StatusEntry(s)
self.assertEqual(entry.branch, "1.8.x-fixes")
s = """\
* The 1.8.x-fixes branch
This is the logsummary.
Notes: merge with --accept=tc.
+1: jrandom
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ParseException, "both.*accept.*branch"):
entry = StatusEntry(s)
s = """\
* r42
+1: jrandom
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ParseException, "No logsummary"):
entry = StatusEntry(s)
s = """\
* r42
This is the logsummary.
Notes: merge with --accept=mc.
This tests multi-line notes.
Merge with --accept=tc.
+1: jrandom
with self.assertRaisesRegex(ParseException, "Too many.*--accept"):
entry = StatusEntry(s)
# logsummary that resembles a subheader
s = """\
* r42
svnversion: Fix typo in output.
Fixes output that scripts depend on.
+1: jrandom
entry = StatusEntry(s)
self.assertEqual(entry.revisions, [42])
self.assertEqual(entry.logsummary, ["svnversion: Fix typo in output."])
def test_digest(self):
s = """\
* r42
Fix a bug.
+1: jrandom\n"""
digest = '92812e1f36a33f7d51670f89134ad2ee'
entry = StatusEntry(s)
self.assertEqual(entry.digest(), digest)
entry = StatusEntry(s + "\n\n\n")
self.assertEqual(entry.digest(), digest)
entry = StatusEntry(s.replace('Fix', 'Introduce'))
self.assertNotEqual(entry.digest(), digest)
def test_parse_branch(self):
inputs = (
for string in inputs:
self.assertEqual(StatusEntry.parse_branch(string), "1.8.x-r42")
def test__is_subheader(self):
"Test that all explicitly-special-cased headers are detected as subheaders."
subheaders = "Justification: Notes: Depends: Branch: Votes:".split()
for subheader in subheaders:
self.assertTrue(StatusEntry._is_subheader(subheader + " with value"))
def setUpModule():
"Set-up function, invoked by 'python -m unittest'."
# Suppress warnings generated by the test data.
# TODO: some test functions assume .assertLogs is available, they fail with
# AttributeError if it's absent (e.g., on python < 3.4).
except AttributeError:
if __name__ == '__main__':