blob: 1c6c3b20fb21787882c367df393270379ee3cbae [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# under the License.
# Find places in our code that are part of control statements
# i.e. "for", "if" and "while". That output is then easily
# searched for various interesting / complex pattern.
import sys
header_shown = False
last_line_num = None
def print_line(fname, line_num, line):
""" Print LINE of number LINE_NUM in file FNAME.
Show FNAME only once per file and LINE_NUM only for
non-consecutive lines.
global header_shown
global last_line_num
if not header_shown:
header_shown = True
if last_line_num and (last_line_num + 1 == line_num):
print(" %s" % line),
print('%5d:%s' % (line_num, line)),
last_line_num = line_num
def is_control(line, index, word):
""" Return whether LINE[INDEX] is actual the start position of
control statement WORD. It must be followed by an opening
parantheses and only whitespace in between WORD and the '('.
if index > 0:
if not (line[index-1] in [' ', '\t', ';']):
return False
index = index + len(word)
parantheses_index = line.find('(', index)
if parantheses_index == -1:
return False
while index < parantheses_index:
if not (line[index] in [' ', '\t',]):
return False
index += 1
return True
def find_specific_control(line, control):
""" Return the first offset of the control statement CONTROL
in LINE, or -1 if it can't be found.
current = 0
while current != -1:
index = line.find(control, current)
if index == -1:
if is_control(line, index, control):
return index
current = index + len(control);
return -1
def find_control(line):
""" Return the offset of the first control in LINE or -1
if there is none.
current = 0
for_index = find_specific_control(line, "for")
if_index = find_specific_control(line, "if")
while_index = find_specific_control(line, "while")
first = len(line)
if for_index >= 0 and first > for_index:
first = for_index
if if_index >= 0 and first > if_index:
first = if_index
if while_index >= 0 and first > while_index:
first = while_index
if first == len(line):
return -1
return first
def parantheses_delta(line):
""" Return the number of opening minus the number of closing
parantheses in LINE. Don't count those inside strings or chars.
escaped = False
in_squote = False
in_dquote = False
delta = 0
for c in line:
if escaped:
escaped = False
elif in_dquote:
if c == '\\':
escaped = True
elif c == '"':
in_dquote = False
elif in_squote:
if c == '\\':
escaped = True
elif c == "'":
in_squote = False
elif c == '(':
delta += 1
elif c == ')':
delta -= 1
elif c == '"':
in_dquote = True
elif c == "'":
in_squote -= True
return delta
def scan_file(fname):
lines = open(fname).readlines()
line_num = 1
parantheses_level = 0
for line in lines:
if parantheses_level > 0:
index = 0
index = find_control(line)
if index >= 0:
print_line(fname, line_num, line)
parantheses_level += parantheses_delta(line[index:])
line_num += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
for fname in sys.argv[1:]:
header_shown = False
last_line_num = None