blob: cc4743e393e3acef6e2dc0ce42e84f094cd9430c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# testing the local move tracking
# Subversion is a tool for revision control.
# See for more information.
# ====================================================================
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# General modules
import os, re, logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
# Our testing module
import svntest
from svntest import wc, actions, verify
# (abbreviation)
Skip = svntest.testcase.Skip_deco
SkipUnless = svntest.testcase.SkipUnless_deco
XFail = svntest.testcase.XFail_deco
Issues = svntest.testcase.Issues_deco
Issue = svntest.testcase.Issue_deco
Wimp = svntest.testcase.Wimp_deco
Item = svntest.wc.StateItem
exp_noop_up_out = svntest.actions.expected_noop_update_output
def build_incoming_changes_file(sbox, source, dest):
"Build up revs to receive incoming changes over our local file move"
# r1 = greek tree sandbox
# r2 = Modify source of moved file
sbox.simple_append(source, "modified\n")
sbox.simple_commit(message="Modify source of moved file")
# r3 = Delete source of moved file
sbox.simple_commit(message="Delete source of moved file")
# r4 = Replace source of moved file
# To get a replace update from r2 to r4.
sbox.simple_add_text("This is the replaced file.\n", source)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Replace source of moved file")
# r5 = Add destination of moved file
sbox.simple_add_text("This is the destination file.\n", dest)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Add destination of moved file")
# r6 = Modify destination of moved file
sbox.simple_append(dest, "modified\n")
sbox.simple_commit(message="Modify destination of moved file")
# r7 = Delete destination of moved file
sbox.simple_commit(message="Delete destination of moved file")
# r8 = Copy destination of moved file
sbox.simple_copy('A/mu', dest)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Copy destination of moved file")
# r9 = Replace destination of moved file
sbox.simple_add_text("This is the destination file.\n", dest)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Replace destination of moved file")
# r10 = Add property on destination of moved file.
sbox.simple_propset("foo", "bar", dest)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Add property on destination of moved file")
# r11 = Modify property on destination of moved file.
sbox.simple_propset("foo", "baz", dest)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Modify property on destination of moved file")
# r12 = Delete property on destination of moved file.
sbox.simple_propdel("foo", dest)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Delete property on destination of moved file")
# r13 = Remove destination again (not needed for any test just cleanup).
sbox.simple_commit(message="Remove destination (cleanup)")
# r14 = Add property on source of moved file.
sbox.simple_propset("foo", "bar", source)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Add property on source of moved file")
# r15 = Modify property on source of moved file.
sbox.simple_propset("foo", "baz", source)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Modify property on source of moved file")
# r16 = Delete property on source of moved file.
sbox.simple_propdel("foo", source)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Delete property on source of moved file")
# r17 = Move that is identical to our local move.
sbox.simple_move(source, dest)
sbox.simple_commit(message="Identical move to our local move")
def move_file_test(sbox, source, dest, move_func, test):
"""Execute a series of actions to test local move tracking. sbox is the
sandbox we're working in, source is the source of the move, dest is the
destination for the move and tests is various other parameters of the move
testing. In particular:
start_rev: revision to update to before starting
start_output: validate the output of the start update against this.
start_disk: validate the on disk state after the start update against this.
start_status: validate the wc status after the start update against this.
end_rev: revision to update to, bringing in some update you want to test.
up_output: validate the output of the end update agianst this.
up_disk: validate the on disk state after the end update against this.
up_status: validate the wc status after the end update against this.
revert_paths: validate the paths reverted.
resolves: A directory of resolve accept arguments to test, the whole test will
be run for each. The value is a directory with the following keys:
output: validate the output of the resolve command against this.
error: validate the error of the resolve command against this.
status: validate the wc status after the resolve against this.
revert_paths: override the paths reverted check in the test."""
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
source_path = sbox.ospath(source)
dest_path = sbox.ospath(dest)
# Deal with if there's no resolves key, as in we're not going to
# do a resolve.
if not 'resolves' in test or not test['resolves']:
test['resolves'] = {None: None}
# Do the test for every type of resolve provided.
for resolve_accept in test['resolves'].keys():
# update to start_rev
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_update(wc_dir, test['start_output'],
test['start_disk'], test['start_status'],
[], False,
'-r', test['start_rev'], wc_dir)
# execute the move
# update to end_rev, which will create a conflict
# TODO: Limit the property checks to only when we're doing something with
# properties.
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_update(wc_dir, test['up_output'],
test['up_disk'], test['up_status'],
[], True,
'-r', test['end_rev'], wc_dir)
revert_paths = None
if 'revert_paths' in test:
revert_paths = test['revert_paths']
# resolve the conflict
# TODO: Switch to using run_and_verify_resolve, can't use it right now because
# it's not friendly with the output of resolutions right now.
if resolve_accept:
resolve = test['resolves'][resolve_accept]
if not 'output' in resolve:
resolve['output'] = None
if not 'error' in resolve:
resolve['error'] = []
if not 'disk' in resolve:
resolve['disk'] = None
if 'revert_paths' in resolve:
revert_paths = resolve['revert_paths']
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(resolve['output'], resolve['error'],
'resolve', '--accept', resolve_accept,
'-R', wc_dir)
# TODO: This should be moved into the run_and_verify_resolve mentioned
# above.
if resolve['status']:
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, resolve['status'])
# TODO: This should be moved into the run_and_verify_resolve mentioned
# above.
if resolve['disk']:
svntest.actions.verify_disk(wc_dir, resolve['disk'], True)
# revert to preprare for the next test
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_revert(revert_paths, '-R', wc_dir)
# tests is an array of test dictionaries that move_file_test above will take
def move_file_tests(sbox, source, dest, move_func, tests):
for test in tests:
move_file_test(sbox, source, dest, move_func, test)
def build_simple_file_move_tests(sbox, source, dest):
"""Given a sandbox, source and destination build the array of tests for
a file move"""
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
source_path = sbox.ospath(source)
dest_path = sbox.ospath(dest)
# Build the tests list
tests = []
# move and update with incoming change to source (r1-2).
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 1
test['end_rev'] = 2
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
source : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the file 'lambda'.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest,
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
mc = {}
mc['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path, match_all=False
mc['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
mc['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
mc['status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk'].copy()
mc['disk'].tweak(dest, contents="This is the file 'lambda'.\nmodified\n")
# working breaks the move
working = {}
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Breaking move with source path '%s'\n" % source_path,
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path,
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ')
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming deletion of source (r2-3)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 2
test['end_rev'] = 3
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
source : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the file 'lambda'.\nmodified\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='! ', treeconflict='C', wc_rev=None)
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
# mine-conflict doesn't work.
mc = {}
mc['error'] = svntest.verify.RegexOutput(".*: .*: W195024:.*", match_all=False)
mc['status'] = test['up_status']
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working = {}
# XXX: Doesn't say it broke the move it should.
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path, match_all=False
# move is broken now
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working['revert_paths'] = [dest_path]
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [dest_path, source_path]
# move and update with incoming replacement of source (r2-4)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 2
test['end_rev'] = 4
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
source : Item(status=' ', prev_status=' ', treeconflict='A',
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the file 'lambda'.\nmodified\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
# XXX: Is entry_status=' ' really right here?
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='! ', treeconflict='C', entry_status=' ')
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
# mine-conflict doesn't work.
mc = {}
mc['error'] = svntest.verify.RegexOutput(".*: .*: W195024:.*", match_all=False)
mc['status'] = test['up_status']
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working = {}
# XXX: Broke the move but doesn't notify that it does.
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path, match_all=False
# XXX: Not sure this status is really correct here
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='! ')
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming add of dest (r4-5)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 4
test['end_rev'] = 5
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
dest : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', copied='+', treeconflict='C',
wc_rev='-', moved_from=source)})
# mine-conflict doesn't work.
mc = {}
mc['error'] = svntest.verify.RegexOutput(".*: .*: W195024:.*", match_all=False)
mc['status'] = test['up_status']
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working = {}
# XXX: Doesn't say what it did.
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % dest_path, match_all=False
# working converts the move into a replacement
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming add of dest (r4-6)
# we're going 4-6 because we're not testing a replacement move
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 4
test['end_rev'] = 6
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
dest : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', copied='+', treeconflict='C',
wc_rev='-', moved_from=source)})
# mine-conflict doesn't work.
mc = {}
mc['error'] = svntest.verify.RegexOutput(".*: .*: W195024:.*", match_all=False)
mc['status'] = test['up_status']
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working = {}
working['accept'] = 'working'
# XXX: Doesn't say what it did.
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % dest_path, match_all=False
# working converts the move into a replacement
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming delete of dest (r4-7)
# Since we're not testing a replacement move the incoming delete has to
# be done starting from a rev where the file doesn't exist. So it ends
# up being a no-op update. So this test might be rather pointless.
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 4
test['end_rev'] = 7
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, { })
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+',
wc_rev='-', moved_from=source)})
# no conflict so no resolve.
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming copy to dest (r7-8)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 7
test['end_rev'] = 8
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
dest : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', copied='+', treeconflict='C',
wc_rev='-', moved_from=source)})
# mine-conflict doesn't work.
mc = {}
mc['error'] = svntest.verify.RegexOutput(".*: .*: W195024:.*", match_all=False)
mc['status'] = test['up_status']
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working = {}
# XXX: Doesn't say what it did.
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % dest_path, match_all=False
# working converts the move into a replacement
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming replace to dest (r7-9)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 7
test['end_rev'] = 9
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
dest : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', copied='+', treeconflict='C',
wc_rev='-', moved_from=source)})
# mine-conflict doesn't work.
mc = {}
mc['error'] = svntest.verify.RegexOutput(".*: .*: W195024:.*", match_all=False)
mc['status'] = test['up_status']
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working = {}
# XXX: Doesn't say what it did.
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % dest_path, match_all=False
# working converts the move into a replacement
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming property addition to dest (r7-10)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 7
test['end_rev'] = 10
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
dest : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', copied='+', treeconflict='C',
wc_rev='-', moved_from=source)})
# mine-conflict doesn't work.
mc = {}
mc['error'] = svntest.verify.RegexOutput(".*: .*: W195024:.*", match_all=False)
mc['status'] = test['up_status']
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working = {}
# XXX: Didn't tell us what it did.
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % dest_path, match_all=False
# working converts the move into a replacement
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming property modification to dest (r7-11)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 7
test['end_rev'] = 11
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
dest : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', copied='+', treeconflict='C',
wc_rev='-', moved_from=source)})
# mine-conflict doesn't work.
mc = {}
mc['error'] = svntest.verify.RegexOutput(".*: .*: W195024:.*", match_all=False)
mc['status'] = test['up_status']
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working = {}
# XXX: Doesn't tell you what it did.
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % dest_path, match_all=False
# working converts the move into a replacement
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming property deletion to dest (r7-12)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 7
test['end_rev'] = 12
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
dest : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', copied='+', treeconflict='C',
wc_rev='-', moved_from=source)})
# mine-conflict doesn't work.
mc = {}
mc['error'] = svntest.verify.RegexOutput(".*: .*: W195024:.*", match_all=False)
mc['status'] = test['up_status']
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working = {}
# XXX: Doesn't tell you what it did.
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % dest_path, match_all=False
# working converts the move into a replacement
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming property addition to source (r13-14)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 13
test['end_rev'] = 14
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
source : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest, treeconflict='C')
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-',
mc = {}
# TODO: Should check that the output includes that the update was applied to
# the destination
mc['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path, match_all=False
mc['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
mc['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
mc['status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk'].copy()
mc['disk'].tweak(dest, props={u'foo': u'bar'})
working = {}
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Breaking move with source path '%s'\n" % source_path,
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path
# XXX: working breaks the move? Is that right?
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ')
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming property modification to source (r14-15)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 14
test['end_rev'] = 15
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
source : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n", props={u'foo': u'bar'})
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest, treeconflict='C')
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-',
mc = {}
# TODO: Should check that the output includes that the update was applied to
# the destination
mc['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path, match_all=False
mc['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
mc['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
mc['status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk'].copy()
mc['disk'].tweak(dest, props={u'foo': u'baz'})
working = {}
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Breaking move with source path '%s'\n" % source_path,
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path
# XXX: working breaks the move? Is that right?
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ')
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming property deletion to source (r15-16)
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 15
test['end_rev'] = 16
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
source : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n", props={'foo': 'baz'})
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest, treeconflict='C')
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-',
mc = {}
# TODO: Should check that the output includes that the update was applied to
# the destination
mc['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path, match_all=False
mc['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
mc['status'].tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
mc['status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk'].copy()
mc['disk'].tweak(dest, props={})
working = {}
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Breaking move with source path '%s'\n" % source_path,
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path
# XXX: working breaks the move? Is that right?
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].tweak(source, status='D ')
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [source_path, dest_path]
# move and update with incoming identical move (r16-17)
# XXX: It'd be really nice if we actually recognized this and the wc
# showed no conflict at all on udpate.
test = {}
test['start_rev'] = 16
test['end_rev'] = 17
test['start_output'] = None
test['start_disk'] = None
test['start_status'] = None
test['up_output'] = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
source : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
dest : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
test['up_disk'] = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
dest: Item("This is the replaced file.\n")
test['up_status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
test['up_status'].tweak(source, status='! ', treeconflict='C', wc_rev=None)
test['up_status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', copied='+', wc_rev='-',
# mine-conflict doesn't work.
mc = {}
mc['error'] = svntest.verify.RegexOutput(".*: .*: W195024:.*", match_all=False)
mc['status'] = test['up_status']
mc['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working = {}
working['output'] = svntest.verify.ExpectedOutput(
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % source_path, match_all=False
# move is broken now
working['status'] = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, test['end_rev'])
working['status'].add({dest: Item(status='R ', copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
working['disk'] = test['up_disk']
working['revert_paths'] = [dest_path]
test['resolves'] = {'mine-conflict': mc,
'working': working}
test['revert_paths'] = [dest_path, source_path]
return tests
def build_simple_file_move_func(sbox, source, dest):
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
source_path = sbox.ospath(source)
dest_path = sbox.ospath(dest)
# Setup the move function
def move_func(rev):
# execute the move
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [], "move",
source_path, dest_path)
if move_func.extra_mv_tests:
mv_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, rev)
mv_status.tweak(source, status='D ', moved_to=dest)
mv_status.add({dest: Item(status='A ', moved_from=source,
copied='+', wc_rev='-')})
mv_info_src = [
'Path' : re.escape(source_path),
'Moved To' : re.escape(sbox.ospath(dest)),
mv_info_dst = [
'Path' : re.escape(dest_path),
'Moved From' : re.escape(sbox.ospath(source)),
# check the status output.
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, mv_status)
# check the info output
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_info(mv_info_src, source_path)
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_info(mv_info_dst, dest_path)
move_func.extra_mv_tests = False
# Do the status and info tests the first time through
# No reason to repeat these tests for each of the variations below
# since the move is exactly the same.
move_func.extra_mv_tests = True
return move_func
# Tests
# Each test must return on success or raise on failure.
# See
def lateral_move_file_test(sbox):
"lateral (rename) move of a file test"
# Plan to test moving A/B/lambda to A/B/lambda-moved
source = 'A/B/lambda'
dest = 'A/B/lambda-moved'
# Build the revisions to do the updates via
build_incoming_changes_file(sbox, source, dest)
# Get function to implement the actual move
move_func = build_simple_file_move_func(sbox, source, dest)
# Get the test plan
tests = build_simple_file_move_tests(sbox, source, dest)
# Actually run the tests
move_file_tests(sbox, source, dest, move_func, tests)
def sibling_move_file_test(sbox):
"sibling move of a file test"
# Plan to test moving A/B/lambda to A/C/lambda
source = 'A/B/lambda'
dest = 'A/C/lambda'
# Build the revisions to do the updates via
build_incoming_changes_file(sbox, source, dest)
# Get function to implement the actual move
move_func = build_simple_file_move_func(sbox, source, dest)
# Get the test plan
tests = build_simple_file_move_tests(sbox, source, dest)
# Actually run the tests
move_file_tests(sbox, source, dest, move_func, tests)
def shallower_move_file_test(sbox):
"shallower move of a file test"
# Plan to test moving A/B/lambda to A/lambda
source = 'A/B/lambda'
dest = 'A/lambda'
# Build the revisions to do the updates via
build_incoming_changes_file(sbox, source, dest)
# Get function to implement the actual move
move_func = build_simple_file_move_func(sbox, source, dest)
# Get the test plan
tests = build_simple_file_move_tests(sbox, source, dest)
# Actually run the tests
move_file_tests(sbox, source, dest, move_func, tests)
def deeper_move_file_test(sbox):
"deeper move of a file test"
# Plan to test moving A/B/lambda to A/B/F/lambda
source = 'A/B/lambda'
dest = 'A/B/F/lambda'
# Build the revisions to do the updates via
build_incoming_changes_file(sbox, source, dest)
# Get function to implement the actual move
move_func = build_simple_file_move_func(sbox, source, dest)
# Get the test plan
tests = build_simple_file_move_tests(sbox, source, dest)
# Actually run the tests
move_file_tests(sbox, source, dest, move_func, tests)
def property_merge(sbox):
"test property merging on move-update"
# pristine local incoming outcome revert
# 1 p1 v2 p2 v2 p1 v2, p2 v2 p2 v2
# 2 p1 v1 p1 v2 p2 v2 p1 v2, p2 v2 p1 v1 p2 v2
# 3 p1 v1 p1 v2 p1 v2 p1 v2 p1 v2
# 4 p1 v2 p1 v3 p1 v2 conflict p1 v3
# 5 p1 v1 p1 v2 p1 v3 p1 v2 conflict p1 v3
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
sbox.simple_add_text('content of f1', 'A/C/f1')
sbox.simple_add_text('content of f2', 'A/C/f2')
sbox.simple_add_text('content of f3', 'A/C/f3')
sbox.simple_add_text('content of f4', 'A/C/f4')
sbox.simple_add_text('content of f5', 'A/C/f5')
sbox.simple_propset('key1', 'value1',
'A/C/D2', 'A/C/D3', 'A/C/D5',
'A/C/f2', 'A/C/f3', 'A/C/f5')
sbox.simple_propset('key2', 'value2',
'A/C/D1', 'A/C/D2',
'A/C/f1', 'A/C/f2')
sbox.simple_propset('key1', 'value2',
sbox.simple_propset('key1', 'value3',
'A/C/D4', 'A/C/D5',
'A/C/f4', 'A/C/f5')
sbox.simple_update('', 2)
sbox.simple_propset('key1', 'value2',
'A/C/D1', 'A/C/D2', 'A/C/D3', 'A/C/D4', 'A/C/D5',
'A/C/f1', 'A/C/f2', 'A/C/f3', 'A/C/f4', 'A/C/f5')
sbox.simple_move('A/C', 'A/C2')
expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 2)
expected_status.tweak('A/C', status='D ', moved_to='A/C2')
'A/C/D1' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev=2),
'A/C/D2' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev=2),
'A/C/D3' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev=2),
'A/C/D4' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev=2),
'A/C/D5' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev=2),
'A/C/f1' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev=2),
'A/C/f2' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev=2),
'A/C/f3' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev=2),
'A/C/f4' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev=2),
'A/C/f5' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev=2),
'A/C2' : Item(status='A ', copied='+', wc_rev='-', moved_from='A/C'),
'A/C2/D1' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/C2/D2' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/C2/D3' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/C2/D4' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/C2/D5' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/C2/f1' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/C2/f2' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/C2/f3' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/C2/f4' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/C2/f5' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status)
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
'A/C2/D1', 'A/C2/D2', 'A/C2/D3', 'A/C2/D4', 'A/C2/D5',
'A/C2/f1', 'A/C2/f2', 'A/C2/f3', 'A/C2/f4', 'A/C2/f5',
status=' ')
expected_status.tweak('A/C2/D4', 'A/C2/D5',
'A/C2/f4', 'A/C2/f5',
status=' C')
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status)
expected_disk = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
'A/C2' : Item(),
'A/C2/D1' : Item(props={'key1' : 'value2', 'key2' : 'value2'}),
'A/C2/D2' : Item(props={'key1' : 'value2', 'key2' : 'value2'}),
'A/C2/D3' : Item(props={'key1' : 'value2'}),
'A/C2/D4' : Item(props={'key1' : 'value2'}),
'A/C2/D5' : Item(props={'key1' : 'value2'}),
'A/C2/f1' : Item(contents='content of f1',
props={'key1' : 'value2', 'key2' : 'value2'}),
'A/C2/f2' : Item(contents='content of f2',
props={'key1' : 'value2', 'key2' : 'value2'}),
'A/C2/f3' : Item(contents='content of f3',
props={'key1' : 'value2'}),
'A/C2/f4' : Item(contents='content of f4',
props={'key1' : 'value2'}),
'A/C2/f5' : Item(contents='content of f5',
props={'key1' : 'value2'}),
'A/C2/D4/dir_conflicts.prej' : Item(contents=
"""Trying to add new property 'key1'
but the property already exists.
<<<<<<< (local property value)
value2||||||| (incoming 'changed from' value)
value3>>>>>>> (incoming 'changed to' value)
'A/C2/D5/dir_conflicts.prej' : Item(contents=
"""Trying to change property 'key1'
but the property has already been locally changed to a different value.
<<<<<<< (local property value)
value2||||||| (incoming 'changed from' value)
value3>>>>>>> (incoming 'changed to' value)
'A/C2/f4.prej' : Item(contents=
"""Trying to add new property 'key1'
but the property already exists.
<<<<<<< (local property value)
value2||||||| (incoming 'changed from' value)
value3>>>>>>> (incoming 'changed to' value)
'A/C2/f5.prej' : Item(contents=
"""Trying to change property 'key1'
but the property has already been locally changed to a different value.
<<<<<<< (local property value)
value2||||||| (incoming 'changed from' value)
value3>>>>>>> (incoming 'changed to' value)
svntest.actions.verify_disk(wc_dir, expected_disk, True)
sbox.simple_revert('A/C2/D1', 'A/C2/D2', 'A/C2/D4', 'A/C2/D5',
'A/C2/f1', 'A/C2/f2', 'A/C2/f4', 'A/C2/f5')
expected_status.tweak('A/C2/D1', 'A/C2/D2', 'A/C2/D4', 'A/C2/D5',
'A/C2/f1', 'A/C2/f2', 'A/C2/f4', 'A/C2/f5',
status=' ')
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status)
props={'key2' : 'value2'})
props={'key1' : 'value1', 'key2' : 'value2'})
expected_disk.tweak('A/C2/D4', 'A/C2/D5',
'A/C2/f4', 'A/C2/f5',
props={'key1' : 'value3'})
svntest.actions.verify_disk(wc_dir, expected_disk, True)
def move_missing(sbox):
"move a missing directory"
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
expected_err = '.*Can\'t move \'.*G\' to \'.*R\':.*'
# This move currently fails halfway between adding the dest and
# deleting the source
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, expected_err,
'mv', sbox.ospath('A/D/G'),
expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
expected_status.tweak('A/D/G', 'A/D/G/tau', 'A/D/G/pi', 'A/D/G/rho',
status='! ', entry_status=' ')
# Verify that the status processing doesn't crash
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status)
# The issue is a crash when the destination is present
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status)
def nested_replaces(sbox):
"nested replaces", empty=True)
repo_url = sbox.repo_url
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
ospath = sbox.ospath
## r1: setup
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svnmucc(None, [],
'-U', repo_url,
'-m', 'r1: create tree',
'mkdir', 'A', 'mkdir', 'A/B', 'mkdir', 'A/B/C',
'mkdir', 'X', 'mkdir', 'X/Y', 'mkdir', 'X/Y/Z',
# sentinel files
'put', os.devnull, 'A/a',
'put', os.devnull, 'A/B/b',
'put', os.devnull, 'A/B/C/c',
'put', os.devnull, 'X/x',
'put', os.devnull, 'X/Y/y',
'put', os.devnull, 'X/Y/Z/z')
svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'checkout', '-q', repo_url, wc_dir)
r1_status = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
'' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'A' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'A/B' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'A/B/C' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'X' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'X/Y' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'X/Y/Z' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'A/a' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'A/B/b' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'A/B/C/c' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'X/x' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'X/Y/y' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'X/Y/Z/z' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, r1_status)
## r2: juggling
moves = [
('A', 'A2'),
('X', 'X2'),
('A2/B/C', 'X'),
('X2/Y/Z', 'A'),
('A2/B', 'A/B'),
('X2/Y', 'X/Y'),
('A2', 'X/Y/Z'),
('X2', 'A/B/C'),
for src, dst in moves:
svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'mv', ospath(src), ospath(dst))
r2_status = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
'' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='1'),
'A' : Item(status='R ', copied='+', moved_from='X/Y/Z', moved_to='X/Y/Z', wc_rev='-'),
'A/B' : Item(status='A ', copied='+', moved_from='X/Y/Z/B', wc_rev='-', entry_status='R '),
'A/B/C' : Item(status='R ', copied='+', moved_from='X', moved_to='X', wc_rev='-'),
'A/B/C/Y' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-', moved_to='X/Y'),
'A/B/C/Y/y' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/B/C/Y/Z' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/B/C/Y/Z/z':Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'X' : Item(status='R ', copied='+', moved_from='A/B/C', moved_to='A/B/C', wc_rev='-'),
'X/Y' : Item(status='A ', copied='+', moved_from='A/B/C/Y', wc_rev='-', entry_status='R '),
'X/Y/Z' : Item(status='R ', copied='+', moved_from='A', moved_to='A', wc_rev='-'),
'X/Y/Z/B' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-', moved_to='A/B'),
'X/Y/Z/B/b' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'X/Y/Z/B/C' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'X/Y/Z/B/C/c':Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/a' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='1'),
'A/B/b' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='1'),
'A/B/C/c' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'X/x' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='1'),
'X/Y/y' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='1'),
'X/Y/Z/z' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'X/c' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/z' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/B/b' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'X/Y/y' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'X/Y/Z/a' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A/B/C/x' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, r2_status)
svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'commit', '-m', 'r2: juggle the tree', wc_dir)
escaped = svntest.main.ensure_list(map(re.escape, [
' R /A (from /X/Y/Z:1)',
' A /A/B (from /A/B:1)',
' R /A/B/C (from /X:1)',
' R /X (from /A/B/C:1)',
' A /X/Y (from /X/Y:1)',
' R /X/Y/Z (from /A:1)',
' D /X/Y/Z/B',
' D /A/B/C/Y',
expected_output = svntest.verify.UnorderedRegexListOutput(escaped
+ [ '^-', '^r2', '^-', '^Changed paths:', ])
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
'log', '-qvr2', repo_url)
## Test updating to r1.
svntest.main.run_svn(None, 'update', '-r1', wc_dir)
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, r1_status)
def setup_move_many(sbox):
"helper function which creates a wc with node A/A/A which is moved 3 times"
sbox.simple_rm('A', 'iota')
sbox.simple_move('A/A/A', 'AAA_1')
sbox.simple_move('B', 'A')
sbox.simple_move('A/A/A', 'AAA_2')
sbox.simple_move('C/A', 'A/A')
sbox.simple_move('A/A/A', 'AAA_3')
def move_many_status(wc_dir):
"obtain standard status after setup_move_many"
return svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
'' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='2'),
'AAA_1' : Item(status='A ', copied='+', moved_from='A/A/A', wc_rev='-'),
'AAA_1/A' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'AAA_2' : Item(status='A ', copied='+', moved_from='A/A/A', wc_rev='-'),
'AAA_2/A' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'AAA_3' : Item(status='A ', copied='+', moved_from='A/A/A', wc_rev='-'),
'AAA_3/A' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'A' : Item(status='R ', copied='+', moved_from='B', wc_rev='-'),
'A/A' : Item(status='R ', copied='+', moved_from='C/A', wc_rev='-'),
'A/A/A' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-', moved_to='AAA_3'),
'A/A/A/A' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'B' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='2', moved_to='A'),
'B/A' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='2'),
'B/A/A' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='2'),
'B/A/A/A' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='2'),
'C' : Item(status=' ', wc_rev='2'),
'C/A' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='2', moved_to='A/A'),
'C/A/A' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='2'),
'C/A/A/A' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='2'),
def move_many_update_delete(sbox):
"move many and delete-on-update"
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
# Verify start situation
expected_status = move_many_status(wc_dir)
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status)
# And now create a tree conflict
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
'rm', sbox.repo_url + '/B',
'-m', '')
expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
'B' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
expected_status.tweak('', 'C', 'C/A', 'C/A/A', 'C/A/A/A', wc_rev='3')
expected_status.tweak('A', moved_from=None)
expected_status.remove('B/A', 'B/A/A', 'B/A/A/A')
expected_status.tweak('B', status='! ', treeconflict='C', wc_rev=None, moved_to=None)
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_update(wc_dir, expected_output, None,
# Would be nice if we could run the resolver as a separate step,
# but 'svn resolve' just fails for any value but working
def move_many_update_add(sbox):
"move many and add-on-update"
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
# Verify start situation
expected_status = move_many_status(wc_dir)
#svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status)
# And now create a tree conflict
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
'mkdir', sbox.repo_url + '/B/A/A/BB',
'-m', '')
expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
'B' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
'B/A' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='U'),
'B/A/A' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='U'),
'B/A/A/BB' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='A'),
# And while resolving
'A/A' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C')
'B', 'B/A', 'B/A/A', 'B/A/A/A',
'C', 'C/A', 'C/A/A', 'C/A/A/A',
expected_status.tweak('A/A', treeconflict='C')
'A/A/A/BB' : Item(status='D ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'B/A/A/BB' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='3'),
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_update(wc_dir, expected_output, None,
[], False,
wc_dir, '--accept', 'mine-conflict')
# And another one
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
'mkdir', sbox.repo_url + '/C/A/A/BB',
'-m', '')
'B', 'B/A', 'B/A/A', 'B/A/A/A',
'C', 'C/A', 'C/A/A', 'C/A/A/A',
'C/A/A/BB' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='4'),
expected_status.tweak('A/A/A', treeconflict='C')
expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
'A/A/A' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
'C/A' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
'C/A/A' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='U'),
'C/A/A/BB' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='A'),
# This currently triggers an assertion failure
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_update(wc_dir, expected_output, None,
[], False,
wc_dir, '--accept', 'mine-conflict')
def move_del_moved(sbox):
"delete moved node, still a move"
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
sbox.simple_move('A/mu', 'A/NEW/mu')
expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 1)
expected_status.tweak('A/mu', status='D ')
'A/NEW' : Item(status='A ', wc_rev='-')
# A/mu still reports that it is moved to A/NEW/mu, while it is already
# deleted there.
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status)
def copy_move_commit(sbox):
"copy, move and commit"
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
# Prepare
# - Create folder aaa
# - Add file bbb.sql
# create table bbb (Id int not null)
# - Commit
# Repro Issue 2
# - Copy folder aaa under same parent folder (i.e. as a sibling). (using Ctrl drag/drop).
# Creates Copy of aaa
# - Rename Copy of aaa to eee
# - Commit
# Get error need to update
# - Update
# - Commit
# Get error need to update
sbox.simple_copy('A/D/G', 'A/D/GG')
sbox.simple_move('A/D/GG', 'A/D/GG-moved')
def move_to_from_external(sbox):
"move to and from an external"
sbox.simple_propset('svn:externals', '^/A/D/G GG', '')
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(None, [],
'ci', '-m', 'Commit both',
def revert_del_root_of_move(sbox):
"revert delete root of move"
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
sbox.simple_copy('A/mu', 'A/B/E/mu')
sbox.simple_copy('A/mu', 'A/B/F/mu')
sbox.simple_update('', 1)
sbox.simple_move('A/B/E', 'E')
expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
'A/B' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='C'),
'A/B/E' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='U'),
'A/B/E/mu' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='A'),
'A/B/F' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='U'),
'A/B/F/mu' : Item(status=' ', treeconflict='A'),
expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 2)
expected_status.tweak('A/B', status='D ', treeconflict='C')
expected_status.tweak('A/B/E', status='D ', moved_to='E')
expected_status.tweak('A/B/F', 'A/B/lambda', 'A/B/E/alpha', 'A/B/E/beta',
status='D ')
'A/B/F/mu' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='2'),
'A/B/E/mu' : Item(status='D ', wc_rev='2'),
'E' : Item(status='A ', copied='+', moved_from='A/B/E', wc_rev='-'),
'E/beta' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'E/alpha' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_update(wc_dir, expected_output, None,
expected_output = [
"Reverted '%s'\n" % sbox.ospath('A/B'), # Reverted
" C %s\n" % sbox.ospath('A/B/E') # New tree conflict
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
'revert', sbox.ospath('A/B'),
'--depth', 'empty')
expected_status.tweak('A/B', status=' ', treeconflict=None)
expected_status.tweak('A/B/E', treeconflict='C')
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status)
def move_conflict_details(sbox):
"move conflict details"
sbox.simple_append('A/B/E/new', 'new\n')
sbox.simple_append('A/B/E/alpha', '\nextra\nlines\n')
sbox.simple_rm('A/B/E/beta', 'A/B/F')
sbox.simple_propset('key', 'VAL', 'A/B/E', 'A/B')
sbox.simple_update('', 1)
sbox.simple_move('A/B', 'B')
sbox.simple_update('', 2)
expected_info = [
"Moved To": re.escape(sbox.ospath("B")),
"Tree conflict": re.escape(
'local dir moved away, incoming dir edit upon update' +
' Source left: (dir) ^/A/B@1' +
' Source right: (dir) ^/A/B@2')
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_info(expected_info, sbox.ospath('A/B'))
sbox.simple_propset('key', 'vAl', 'B')
sbox.simple_move('B/E/beta', 'beta')
sbox.simple_propset('a', 'b', 'B/F', 'B/lambda')
sbox.simple_append('B/E/alpha', 'other\nnew\nlines')
sbox.simple_append('B/E/new-dir2', 'something')
sbox.simple_append('B/E/new-dir3', 'something')
expected_output = [
" C %s\n" % sbox.ospath('B'), # Property conflicted
" U %s\n" % sbox.ospath('B/E'), # Just updated
"C %s\n" % sbox.ospath('B/E/alpha'), # Text conflicted
" C %s\n" % sbox.ospath('B/E/beta'),
" C %s\n" % sbox.ospath('B/E/new'),
" C %s\n" % sbox.ospath('B/E/new-dir1'),
" C %s\n" % sbox.ospath('B/E/new-dir2'),
" C %s\n" % sbox.ospath('B/E/new-dir3'),
" C %s\n" % sbox.ospath('B/F'),
" C %s\n" % sbox.ospath('B/lambda'),
"Updated to revision 2.\n",
"Tree conflict at '%s' marked as resolved.\n" % sbox.ospath('A/B')
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_svn(expected_output, [],
'resolve', sbox.ospath('A/B'),
'--depth', 'empty',
'--accept', 'mine-conflict')
expected_info = [
"Path" : re.escape(sbox.ospath('B')),
"Conflicted Properties" : "key",
"Conflict Details": re.escape(
'incoming dir edit upon update' +
' Source left: (dir) ^/A/B@1' +
' Source right: (dir) ^/A/B@2')
"Path" : re.escape(sbox.ospath('B/E')),
"Path" : re.escape(sbox.ospath('B/E/alpha')),
"Conflict Previous Base File" : '.*alpha.*',
"Conflict Previous Working File" : '.*alpha.*',
"Conflict Current Base File": '.*alpha.*',
"Conflict Details": re.escape(
'incoming file edit upon update' +
' Source left: (file) ^/A/B/E/alpha@1' +
' Source right: (file) ^/A/B/E/alpha@2')
"Path" : re.escape(sbox.ospath('B/E/beta')),
"Tree conflict": re.escape(
'local file moved away, incoming file delete or move upon update' +
' Source left: (file) ^/A/B/E/beta@1' +
' Source right: (none) ^/A/B/E/beta@2')
"Path" : re.escape(sbox.ospath('B/E/new')),
"Tree conflict": re.escape(
'local dir add, incoming file add upon update' +
' Source left: (none) ^/A/B/E/new@1' +
' Source right: (file) ^/A/B/E/new@2')
"Path" : re.escape(sbox.ospath('B/E/new-dir1')),
"Tree conflict": re.escape(
'local dir add, incoming dir add upon update' +
' Source left: (none) ^/A/B/E/new-dir1@1' +
' Source right: (dir) ^/A/B/E/new-dir1@2')
"Path" : re.escape(sbox.ospath('B/E/new-dir2')),
"Tree conflict": re.escape(
'local file unversioned, incoming dir add upon update' +
' Source left: (none) ^/A/B/E/new-dir2@1' +
' Source right: (dir) ^/A/B/E/new-dir2@2')
"Path" : re.escape(sbox.ospath('B/E/new-dir3')),
"Tree conflict": re.escape(
'local file add, incoming dir add upon update' +
' Source left: (none) ^/A/B/E/new-dir3@1' +
' Source right: (dir) ^/A/B/E/new-dir3@2')
"Path" : re.escape(sbox.ospath('B/F')),
"Tree conflict": re.escape(
'local dir edit, incoming dir delete or move upon update' +
' Source left: (dir) ^/A/B/F@1' +
' Source right: (none) ^/A/B/F@2')
"Path" : re.escape(sbox.ospath('B/lambda')),
"Tree conflict": re.escape(
'local file edit, incoming replace with dir upon update' +
' Source left: (file) ^/A/B/lambda@1' +
' Source right: (dir) ^/A/B/lambda@2')
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_info(expected_info, sbox.ospath('B'),
'--depth', 'infinity')
def move_conflict_markers(sbox):
"move conflict markers"
wc_dir = sbox.wc_dir
sbox.simple_propset('key','val', 'iota', 'A/B/E', 'A/B/E/beta')
sbox.simple_update('', 1)
sbox.simple_propset('key','false', 'iota', 'A/B/E', 'A/B/E/beta')
expected_output = svntest.wc.State(wc_dir, {
'A/B/E' : Item(status=' C'),
'A/B/E/beta' : Item(status=' C'),
'iota' : Item(status=' C'),
expected_status = svntest.actions.get_virginal_state(wc_dir, 2)
expected_status.tweak('iota', 'A/B/E', 'A/B/E/beta', status=' C')
expected_disk = svntest.main.greek_state.copy()
'A/B/E/dir_conflicts.prej' : Item(contents=
"Trying to add new property 'key'\n"
"but the property already exists.\n"
"<<<<<<< (local property value)\n"
"false||||||| (incoming 'changed from' value)\n"
"val>>>>>>> (incoming 'changed to' value)\n"),
'A/B/E/beta.prej' : Item(contents=
"Trying to add new property 'key'\n"
"but the property already exists.\n"
"<<<<<<< (local property value)\n"
"false||||||| (incoming 'changed from' value)\n"
"val>>>>>>> (incoming 'changed to' value)\n"),
'iota.prej' : Item(contents=
"Trying to add new property 'key'\n"
"but the property already exists.\n"
"<<<<<<< (local property value)\n"
"false||||||| (incoming 'changed from' value)\n"
"val>>>>>>> (incoming 'changed to' value)\n"),
sbox.simple_move('iota', 'A/iotb')
sbox.simple_move('A/B/E', 'E')
expected_status.tweak('iota', status='D ', moved_to='A/iotb')
expected_status.tweak('A/B/E', status='D ', moved_to='E')
expected_status.tweak('A/B/E/alpha', 'A/B/E/beta', status='D ')
'A/iotb' : Item(status='A ', copied='+', moved_from='iota', wc_rev='-'),
'E' : Item(status='A ', copied='+', moved_from='A/B/E', wc_rev='-'),
'E/beta' : Item(status=' M', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
'E/alpha' : Item(status=' ', copied='+', wc_rev='-'),
expected_disk.remove('iota', 'iota.prej',
'A/B/E', 'A/B/E/alpha', 'A/B/E/beta',
'A/iotb' : Item(contents="This is the file 'iota'.\n"),
'E/beta' : Item(contents="This is the file 'beta'.\n"),
'E/alpha' : Item(contents="This is the file 'alpha'.\n"),
svntest.actions.run_and_verify_status(wc_dir, expected_status)
svntest.actions.verify_disk(wc_dir, expected_disk)
# Run the tests
# list all tests here, starting with None:
test_list = [ None,
if __name__ == '__main__':
### End of file.