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Subversion Filesystem History
(a love song for libsvn_fs, by C. Michael Pilato)
The Subversion filesystem can be your best friend, or your worst
enemy, usually depending on which side of the public API you are
working on. Callers of the libsvn_fs interfaces do their work in a
world pleasantly addressed by roots (the name given to a revision or
transaction snapshot of the versioned directory tree) and paths under
those roots. But once you swim beneath the surface, you quickly
realize that there is a beast both beautiful and dangerous lying in
wait. What looks to the outside world as a sort of coordinate system
with axes for "Time" and "Location" is, in fact, a complicated DAG
subsystem, with nodes that represent revisions of versioned locations
all interconnected in various relationships with each other.
The goal of this document is straightforward: to relay knowledge about
how to untangle that DAG subsystem -- knowledge which likely lives
only in the minds of a few developers -- so that the Few might become
the Many.
Node-Revisions: The Nodes of the DAG
When working outside the filesystem API, people generally talk about
their versioned resources in terms of the paths of those resources,
and the global revisions (or revisions-to-be) in which those paths
are located. But inside the filesystem, paths are broken down and
stored as a hierarchical linked-list of path components. Each of
these path components has its own historical lineage (because
Subversion versions directories, too!), and each revision of that
lineage is referred to as a "node-revision". It is these
node-revisions which are the nodes of the DAG subsystem, or "DAG
DAG nodes are identified by unique keys called "node-revision IDs",
and are inter-connected in a variety of ways. A DAG node that
represents a directory stores information about which other DAG nodes
represent the children of that directory. A DAG node contains
information about which other DAG node is its historical predecessor.
By tracing these links from node to node, we can effectively traverse
both space and time, both the geography and the chronology of the
filesystem landscape.
For example, the path "/trunk/src/main.c" in revision 4 of the
filesystem consumes four DAG nodes: one for "/", one for "/trunk", one
for "/trunk/src", and one for "/trunk/src/main.c". The DAG node for
"/" contains a list of the names and node-revision IDs of its
children, among which is the node-revision ID for the child named
"trunk". Similar links are found in "/trunk" (for "src") and
"/trunk/src" (for "main.c"). Additionally, if these paths existed in
different forms in previous revisions of the filesystem, their DAG
nodes would store the node-revision IDs of their respective
predecessor nodes.
Whenever someone uses the public API to query for information about a
versioned path under a particular root, the typical course of action
under-the-hood is as follows:
1. The root refers to a particular snapshot of the DAG node tree,
and from this we can learn the node-revision ID of the node
which represents the root directory ("/") as it appears in that
snapshot. Given this node-revision ID, it's all DAG from here.
2. The path is split into components and traversed, beginning with
the root node, and walking down toward the full path. Each
intermediate node-revision is read, its entries list parsed, and
the next component looked up in that entries list to find the
next node-revision ID along the traversal path.
3. Finally, we wind up with a node-revision ID for our original
path. We use it and its associated node-revision to answer the
Seems pretty easy, doesn't it? Keep reading.
All About Node-Revision IDs
As previously mentioned, each node-revision in the filesystem has a
unique key, referred to as the node-revision ID. This key is
typically represented as a string which looks like a period-separated
list of its three components:
1. node ID: This key is unique to the members of a single
historical lineage. Differing versions of the same versioned
resource, irrespective of the paths and revision in which those
versions are located, all share this ID. If two node-revisions
have different node IDs, their are historically unrelated.
2. copy ID: This key uniquely identifies a copy operation, and is
sometimes referred to (or at least thought of) as a "branch ID."
If two node-revisions have the same copy ID, they are said to be
on the same branch. The only exception to this is in the key
"0", a special key that means "not branched".
3. txn ID: This key uniquely identifies the Subversion transaction
in which this node-revision came into existence.
Whenever someone uses the public API to *modify* a versioned resource,
these actions are much the same as those used when querying. But
there are important differences.
1. The path is traversed in the same manner is described in the
previous section. The result is an in-memory linked-list of
information about the node-revisions which comprise the
components of the path.
2. But before any changes can be made to a path, its node-revision
and those of its parent directories must first be cloned so that
changes to them don't affect previous incarnations of those
node-revisions. This process is called "making the path
mutable". If previous operations under this transaction caused
one or more of the parent directories to be made mutable
already, they are not again cloned.
3. Once the path and all its parents are mutable, the desired
changes can be made to the cloned node-revision, and they in no
way affect prior history.
To clone a node-revision means to literally make a duplicate of it
which is granted its own unique node-revision ID. The new
node-revision ID consists of the same node ID as the node-revision
that was cloned (since this is just another point along the historical
lineage of this versioned resource), a copy ID (which will be
discussed later), and the txn ID in which this modification is
There are some cool things we can read between the lines above. Since
the only time a node-revision comes into existence is when it is brand
new or a fresh clone, and we never do cloning except during a
modification, then we can use the txn ID as a sort of mutability flag.
Mutability of a node-revision is determined by comparing the txn ID of
the node-revision with the ID of the Subversion transaction being used
to modify the filesystem -- if, and only if, they are the same, the node
is allowed to be changed inside that transaction.
So, we know how txn IDs come into existence now. And the origin of
node IDs hardly warrants its own paragraph: brand new lines of history
(introduced with svn_fs_make_file() and svn_fs_make_dir()) get new
unique node IDs, and every other node-revision that is created simply
keeps the same node ID as the node-revision on which it is based.
So what about those copy IDs?
Copy IDs are assigned to nodes-revisions to denote on which "branch"
of a line of history that node-revision resides. (They are called
copy IDs for political reasons, really -- Subversion doesn't expose a
branching API per se, instead promoting the idea that branches are
just forks in the development of a line of history that can just as
easily be represented using path semantics.) New copy IDs are
allocated whenever a branching operation occurs. New node-revisions
can inherit the copy IDs of their predecessors (in the trivial cloning
case), inherit the copy-IDs of one of their parents (by nature of
their parent being copied), or inherit new copy-IDs. In the absence
of any branching, node-revisions are assigned the special copy ID "0".
Copies and Copy IDs
Currently there are two kinds of copy operation. The first is a
"real" copy, and is the direct result of a call to svn_fs_copy().
When a real copy is made, the node-revision of the copy source is
cloned, and earns its own brand new unique node-revision ID. This
node-revision ID is constructed from the original node ID, a brand new
copy ID, and (as always) the txn ID of the transaction in which the
copy is being made.
The Subversion filesystem uses a "cheap copy/lazy migration" model.
This means that when a directory node-revision is copied via
svn_fs_copy(), only the node-revision of the top of the copied "tree"
is cloned (again, earning a new copy ID), not every child of that
tree. This makes the svn_fs_copy() operation quite fast, at least
compared to the alternative. From that point, any children of the
copy target are lazily migrated. The first time they are themselves
modified after the original copy, they are cloned from their original
source location into the new target location. This lazy migration
procedure costs about the same as a regular cloning operation, which
keeps the "cheap copy" cheap, even the morning after.
Copies of files behave no differently than copies of directories. But
files never have children, so effectively the "tree" being copied is
exactly one node-revision. This node-revision is explicitly cloned at
the time of the copy, and there is nothing to lazily migrate
The second type of copy operation is a "soft" copy. These types of
copies are not explicitly triggered via the filesystem API, but are
implementation artifacts of other filesystem operations. A soft copy
happens whenever a node-revision exists in a different branch than
that of its parent, and the parent is again branched. Huh?! Let's
see if an example will help explain this a bit.
Say you have a directory, "/trunk". Now, into "/trunk" you copy a
file "README" from some other part of the tree. You have now
effectively branched the original "README"'s history -- part of it
will live on in the original location, but part of it now thrives in
its new "/trunk/README" location. The copy operation assigned a brand
new copy ID to the new node-revision for "/trunk/README", which is
necessarily different from the copy ID assigned to the node-revision
for "/trunk".
Later, you decide to copy "/trunk" to "/branches/mine". So the new
"/branches/mine" also gets a brand new copy ID, since it is now a
historical branch of "/trunk". But what happens when
"/branches/mine/README" is cloned later as part of some edits you are
making? What copy ID does the new clone get? Because "/trunk/README"
was on a different historical branch than "/trunk", our copy of
"/trunk" causes (in "README") a branch of a branch. So
"/branches/mine/README" gets a brand new copy ID, and the filesystem
remembers that the copy operation associated with that ID was a soft
[### Right about here, C-Mike's memory starts getting fuzzy ###]
The following is the copy ID inheritance algorithm, used to calculate
what copy ID a node revision will use when cloned for mutability.
Remember that a node revision is never cloned until its parent is
first cloned.
1. If the node revision is already mutable, its copy ID never
2. If the node revision has a copy ID of "0" (which is to say, it's
never been itself copied or cloned as a child of a copied
parent), then it inherits whatever copy ID its parent winds up
3. If the node revision is on the same branch as its parent before
cloning, it will remain on the same branch as its parent after
cloning. A node revision can be said to be on the same branch
as its parent if:
a) their copy IDs are the same, or
b) the node revision is not a branch point (meaning, it was
not the node revision created by the copy associated with
its copy ID), or
c) the node revision is a branch point which being accessed via
its copy destination path.
4. If, however, the node revision is *not* on the same branch as
its parent before cloning, it cannot be on the same branch as
its parent after cloning. This breaks down to two cases:
a) If the node revision was the target of the copy operation
whose ID it holds, then it gets to keep its same copy ID.
b) Otherwise, the node revision is the unedited child of some
parent that was copied, and wasn't on the same branch as
that parent before the copy. In this special case, the
cloned node revision will get a brand new copy ID which
points to one of those "soft copy" things we've been
talking about.
The initial root directory's node revision, created when the
filesystem is initialized, begins life with a magical "0" copy ID.
Afterward, any new nodes (as in, freshly created files and
directories) begin life with the same copy ID as their parent.
Traversing History
### todo: put the history harvesting algorithm here