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* @copyright
* ====================================================================
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
* ====================================================================
* @endcopyright
* @file svn_auth.h
* @brief Subversion's authentication system
#ifndef SVN_AUTH_H
#define SVN_AUTH_H
#include <apr.h>
#include <apr_pools.h>
#include <apr_hash.h>
#include <apr_tables.h>
#include "svn_types.h"
#include "svn_config.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/** Overview of the svn authentication system.
* We define an authentication "provider" as a module that is able to
* return a specific set of credentials. (e.g. username/password,
* certificate, etc.) Each provider implements a vtable that
* - can fetch initial credentials
* - can retry the fetch (or try to fetch something different)
* - can store the credentials for future use
* For any given type of credentials, there can exist any number of
* separate providers -- each provider has a different method of
* fetching. (i.e. from a disk store, by prompting the user, etc.)
* The application begins by creating an auth baton object, and
* "registers" some number of providers with the auth baton, in a
* specific order. (For example, it may first register a
* username/password provider that looks in disk store, then register
* a username/password provider that prompts the user.)
* Later on, when any svn library is challenged, it asks the auth
* baton for the specific credentials. If the initial credentials
* fail to authenticate, the caller keeps requesting new credentials.
* Under the hood, libsvn_auth effectively "walks" over each provider
* (in order of registry), one at a time, until all the providers have
* exhausted all their retry options.
* This system allows an application to flexibly define authentication
* behaviors (by changing registration order), and very easily write
* new authentication providers.
* An auth_baton also contains an internal hashtable of run-time
* parameters; any provider or library layer can set these run-time
* parameters at any time, so that the provider has access to the
* data. (For example, certain run-time data may not be available
* until an authentication challenge is made.) Each credential type
* must document the run-time parameters that are made available to
* its providers.
* @defgroup auth_fns Authentication functions
* @{
/** The type of a Subversion authentication object */
typedef struct svn_auth_baton_t svn_auth_baton_t;
/** The type of a Subversion authentication-iteration object */
typedef struct svn_auth_iterstate_t svn_auth_iterstate_t;
/** The main authentication "provider" vtable. */
typedef struct svn_auth_provider_t
/** The kind of credentials this provider knows how to retrieve. */
const char *cred_kind;
/** Get an initial set of credentials.
* Set @a *credentials to a set of valid credentials within @a
* realmstring, or NULL if no credentials are available. Set @a
* *iter_baton to context that allows a subsequent call to @c
* next_credentials, in case the first credentials fail to
* authenticate. @a provider_baton is general context for the
* vtable, @a parameters contains any run-time data that the
* provider may need, and @a realmstring comes from the
* svn_auth_first_credentials() call.
svn_error_t * (*first_credentials)(void **credentials,
void **iter_baton,
void *provider_baton,
apr_hash_t *parameters,
const char *realmstring,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Get a different set of credentials.
* Set @a *credentials to another set of valid credentials (using @a
* iter_baton as the context from previous call to first_credentials
* or next_credentials). If no more credentials are available, set
* @a *credentials to NULL. If the provider only has one set of
* credentials, this function pointer should simply be NULL. @a
* provider_baton is general context for the vtable, @a parameters
* contains any run-time data that the provider may need, and @a
* realmstring comes from the svn_auth_first_credentials() call.
svn_error_t * (*next_credentials)(void **credentials,
void *iter_baton,
void *provider_baton,
apr_hash_t *parameters,
const char *realmstring,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Save credentials.
* Store @a credentials for future use. @a provider_baton is
* general context for the vtable, and @a parameters contains any
* run-time data the provider may need. Set @a *saved to TRUE if
* the save happened, or FALSE if not. The provider is not required
* to save; if it refuses or is unable to save for non-fatal
* reasons, return FALSE. If the provider never saves data, then
* this function pointer should simply be NULL. @a realmstring comes
* from the svn_auth_first_credentials() call.
svn_error_t * (*save_credentials)(svn_boolean_t *saved,
void *credentials,
void *provider_baton,
apr_hash_t *parameters,
const char *realmstring,
apr_pool_t *pool);
} svn_auth_provider_t;
/** A provider object, ready to be put into an array and given to
svn_auth_open(). */
typedef struct svn_auth_provider_object_t
const svn_auth_provider_t *vtable;
void *provider_baton;
} svn_auth_provider_object_t;
/** The type of function returning authentication provider. */
typedef void (*svn_auth_simple_provider_func_t)(
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Specific types of credentials **/
/** Simple username/password pair credential kind.
* The following auth parameters are available to the providers:
* The following auth parameters may be available to the providers:
* - @c SVN_AUTH_PARAM_NO_AUTH_CACHE (@c void*)
#define SVN_AUTH_CRED_SIMPLE "svn.simple"
/** @c SVN_AUTH_CRED_SIMPLE credentials. */
typedef struct svn_auth_cred_simple_t
/** Username */
const char *username;
/** Password */
const char *password;
/** Indicates if the credentials may be saved (to disk). For example, a
* GUI prompt implementation with a remember password checkbox shall set
* @a may_save to TRUE if the checkbox is checked.
svn_boolean_t may_save;
} svn_auth_cred_simple_t;
/** Username credential kind.
* The following optional auth parameters are relevant to the providers:
* - @c SVN_AUTH_PARAM_NO_AUTH_CACHE (@c void*)
#define SVN_AUTH_CRED_USERNAME "svn.username"
/** @c SVN_AUTH_CRED_USERNAME credentials. */
typedef struct svn_auth_cred_username_t
/** Username */
const char *username;
/** Indicates if the credentials may be saved (to disk). For example, a
* GUI prompt implementation with a remember username checkbox shall set
* @a may_save to TRUE if the checkbox is checked.
svn_boolean_t may_save;
} svn_auth_cred_username_t;
/** SSL client certificate credential type.
* The following auth parameters are available to the providers:
* The following optional auth parameters are relevant to the providers:
* - @c SVN_AUTH_PARAM_NO_AUTH_CACHE (@c void*)
#define SVN_AUTH_CRED_SSL_CLIENT_CERT "svn.ssl.client-cert"
/** @c SVN_AUTH_CRED_SSL_CLIENT_CERT credentials. */
typedef struct svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_t
/** Absolute path to the certificate file */
const char *cert_file;
/** Indicates if the credentials may be saved (to disk). For example, a
* GUI prompt implementation with a remember certificate checkbox shall
* set @a may_save to TRUE if the checkbox is checked.
svn_boolean_t may_save;
} svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_t;
/** A function returning an SSL client certificate passphrase provider. */
typedef void (*svn_auth_ssl_client_cert_pw_provider_func_t)(
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** SSL client certificate passphrase credential type.
* @note The realmstring used with this credential type must be a name that
* makes it possible for the user to identify the certificate.
* The following auth parameters are available to the providers:
* The following optional auth parameters are relevant to the providers:
* - @c SVN_AUTH_PARAM_NO_AUTH_CACHE (@c void*)
#define SVN_AUTH_CRED_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_PW "svn.ssl.client-passphrase"
/** @c SVN_AUTH_CRED_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_PW credentials. */
typedef struct svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_pw_t
/** Certificate password */
const char *password;
/** Indicates if the credentials may be saved (to disk). For example, a
* GUI prompt implementation with a remember password checkbox shall set
* @a may_save to TRUE if the checkbox is checked.
svn_boolean_t may_save;
} svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_pw_t;
/** SSL server verification credential type.
* The following auth parameters are available to the providers:
* - @c SVN_AUTH_PARAM_SSL_SERVER_FAILURES (@c apr_uint32_t*)
* (@c svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_t*)
* The following optional auth parameters are relevant to the providers:
* - @c SVN_AUTH_PARAM_NO_AUTH_CACHE (@c void*)
#define SVN_AUTH_CRED_SSL_SERVER_TRUST "svn.ssl.server"
/** SSL server certificate information used by @c
typedef struct svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_t
/** Primary CN */
const char *hostname;
/** ASCII fingerprint */
const char *fingerprint;
/** ASCII date from which the certificate is valid */
const char *valid_from;
/** ASCII date until which the certificate is valid */
const char *valid_until;
/** DN of the certificate issuer */
const char *issuer_dname;
/** Base-64 encoded DER certificate representation */
const char *ascii_cert;
} svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_t;
* Return a deep copy of @a info, allocated in @a pool.
* @since New in 1.3.
svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_t *
svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_dup(const svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_t *info,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** @c SVN_AUTH_CRED_SSL_SERVER_TRUST credentials. */
typedef struct svn_auth_cred_ssl_server_trust_t
/** Indicates if the credentials may be saved (to disk). For example, a
* GUI prompt implementation with a checkbox to accept the certificate
* permanently shall set @a may_save to TRUE if the checkbox is checked.
svn_boolean_t may_save;
/** Bit mask of the accepted failures */
apr_uint32_t accepted_failures;
} svn_auth_cred_ssl_server_trust_t;
/** Credential-constructing prompt functions. **/
/** These exist so that different client applications can use
* different prompt mechanisms to supply the same credentials. For
* example, if authentication requires a username and password, a
* command-line client's prompting function might prompt first for the
* username and then for the password, whereas a GUI client's would
* present a single dialog box asking for both, and a telepathic
* client's would read all the information directly from the user's
* mind. All these prompting functions return the same type of
* credential, but the information used to construct the credential is
* gathered in an interface-specific way in each case.
/** Set @a *cred by prompting the user, allocating @a *cred in @a pool.
* @a baton is an implementation-specific closure.
* If @a realm is non-NULL, maybe use it in the prompt string.
* If @a username is non-NULL, then the user might be prompted only
* for a password, but @a *cred would still be filled with both
* username and password. For example, a typical usage would be to
* pass @a username on the first call, but then leave it NULL for
* subsequent calls, on the theory that if credentials failed, it's
* as likely to be due to incorrect username as incorrect password.
* If @a may_save is FALSE, the auth system does not allow the credentials
* to be saved (to disk). A prompt function shall not ask the user if the
* credentials shall be saved if @a may_save is FALSE. For example, a GUI
* client with a remember password checkbox would grey out the checkbox if
* @a may_save is FALSE.
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_auth_simple_prompt_func_t)(
svn_auth_cred_simple_t **cred,
void *baton,
const char *realm,
const char *username,
svn_boolean_t may_save,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *cred by prompting the user, allocating @a *cred in @a pool.
* @a baton is an implementation-specific closure.
* If @a realm is non-NULL, maybe use it in the prompt string.
* If @a may_save is FALSE, the auth system does not allow the credentials
* to be saved (to disk). A prompt function shall not ask the user if the
* credentials shall be saved if @a may_save is FALSE. For example, a GUI
* client with a remember username checkbox would grey out the checkbox if
* @a may_save is FALSE.
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_auth_username_prompt_func_t)(
svn_auth_cred_username_t **cred,
void *baton,
const char *realm,
svn_boolean_t may_save,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** @name SSL server certificate failure bits
* @note These values are stored in the on disk auth cache by the SSL
* server certificate auth provider, so the meaning of these bits must
* not be changed.
* @{
/** Certificate is not yet valid. */
#define SVN_AUTH_SSL_NOTYETVALID 0x00000001
/** Certificate has expired. */
#define SVN_AUTH_SSL_EXPIRED 0x00000002
/** Certificate's CN (hostname) does not match the remote hostname. */
#define SVN_AUTH_SSL_CNMISMATCH 0x00000004
/** @brief Certificate authority is unknown (i.e. not trusted) */
#define SVN_AUTH_SSL_UNKNOWNCA 0x00000008
/** @brief Other failure. This can happen if an unknown failure occurs
* that we do not handle yet. */
#define SVN_AUTH_SSL_OTHER 0x40000000
/** @} */
/** Set @a *cred by prompting the user, allocating @a *cred in @a pool.
* @a baton is an implementation-specific closure.
* @a cert_info is a structure describing the server cert that was
* presented to the client, and @a failures is a bitmask that
* describes exactly why the cert could not be automatically validated,
* composed from the constants SVN_AUTH_SSL_* (@c SVN_AUTH_SSL_NOTYETVALID
* etc.). @a realm is a string that can be used in the prompt string.
* If @a may_save is FALSE, the auth system does not allow the credentials
* to be saved (to disk). A prompt function shall not ask the user if the
* credentials shall be saved if @a may_save is FALSE. For example, a GUI
* client with a trust permanently checkbox would grey out the checkbox if
* @a may_save is FALSE.
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_auth_ssl_server_trust_prompt_func_t)(
svn_auth_cred_ssl_server_trust_t **cred,
void *baton,
const char *realm,
apr_uint32_t failures,
const svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_t *cert_info,
svn_boolean_t may_save,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *cred by prompting the user, allocating @a *cred in @a pool.
* @a baton is an implementation-specific closure. @a realm is a string
* that can be used in the prompt string.
* If @a may_save is FALSE, the auth system does not allow the credentials
* to be saved (to disk). A prompt function shall not ask the user if the
* credentials shall be saved if @a may_save is FALSE. For example, a GUI
* client with a remember certificate checkbox would grey out the checkbox
* if @a may_save is FALSE.
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_auth_ssl_client_cert_prompt_func_t)(
svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_t **cred,
void *baton,
const char *realm,
svn_boolean_t may_save,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *cred by prompting the user, allocating @a *cred in @a pool.
* @a baton is an implementation-specific closure. @a realm is a string
* identifying the certificate, and can be used in the prompt string.
* If @a may_save is FALSE, the auth system does not allow the credentials
* to be saved (to disk). A prompt function shall not ask the user if the
* credentials shall be saved if @a may_save is FALSE. For example, a GUI
* client with a remember password checkbox would grey out the checkbox if
* @a may_save is FALSE.
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_auth_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt_func_t)(
svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_pw_t **cred,
void *baton,
const char *realm,
svn_boolean_t may_save,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** A type of callback function for asking whether storing a password to
* disk in plaintext is allowed.
* In this callback, the client should ask the user whether storing
* a password for the realm identified by @a realmstring to disk
* in plaintext is allowed.
* The answer is returned in @a *may_save_plaintext.
* @a baton is an implementation-specific closure.
* All allocations should be done in @a pool.
* @since New in 1.6
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_auth_plaintext_prompt_func_t)(
svn_boolean_t *may_save_plaintext,
const char *realmstring,
void *baton,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** A type of callback function for asking whether storing a passphrase to
* disk in plaintext is allowed.
* In this callback, the client should ask the user whether storing
* a passphrase for the realm identified by @a realmstring to disk
* in plaintext is allowed.
* The answer is returned in @a *may_save_plaintext.
* @a baton is an implementation-specific closure.
* All allocations should be done in @a pool.
* @since New in 1.6
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_auth_plaintext_passphrase_prompt_func_t)(
svn_boolean_t *may_save_plaintext,
const char *realmstring,
void *baton,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Initialize an authentication system.
* Return an authentication object in @a *auth_baton (allocated in @a
* pool) that represents a particular instance of the svn
* authentication system. @a providers is an array of @c
* svn_auth_provider_object_t pointers, already allocated in @a pool
* and intentionally ordered. These pointers will be stored within @a
* *auth_baton, grouped by credential type, and searched in this exact
* order.
svn_auth_open(svn_auth_baton_t **auth_baton,
const apr_array_header_t *providers,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set an authentication run-time parameter.
* Store @a name / @a value pair as a run-time parameter in @a
* auth_baton, making the data accessible to all providers. @a name
* and @a value will NOT be duplicated into the auth_baton's pool.
* To delete a run-time parameter, pass NULL for @a value.
svn_auth_set_parameter(svn_auth_baton_t *auth_baton,
const char *name,
const void *value);
/** Get an authentication run-time parameter.
* Return a value for run-time parameter @a name from @a auth_baton.
* Return NULL if the parameter doesn't exist.
const void *
svn_auth_get_parameter(svn_auth_baton_t *auth_baton,
const char *name);
/** Universal run-time parameters, made available to all providers.
If you are writing a new provider, then to be a "good citizen",
you should notice these global parameters! Note that these
run-time params should be treated as read-only by providers; the
application is responsible for placing them into the auth_baton
hash. */
/** The auth-hash prefix indicating that the parameter is global. */
#define SVN_AUTH_PARAM_PREFIX "svn:auth:"
* @name Default credentials defines
* Property values are const char *.
* @{ */
/** Default username provided by the application itself (e.g. --username) */
/** Default password provided by the application itself (e.g. --password) */
/** @} */
/** @brief The application doesn't want any providers to prompt
* users. Property value is irrelevant; only property's existence
* matters. */
/** @brief The application doesn't want any providers to save passwords
* to disk. Property value is irrelevant; only property's existence
* matters. */
/** @brief Indicates whether providers may save passwords to disk in
* plaintext. Property value can be either SVN_CONFIG_TRUE,
* @since New in 1.6.
/** @brief The application doesn't want any providers to save passphrase
* to disk. Property value is irrelevant; only property's existence
* matters.
* @since New in 1.6.
SVN_AUTH_PARAM_PREFIX "dont-store-ssl-client-cert-pp"
/** @brief Indicates whether providers may save passphrase to disk in
* plaintext. Property value can be either SVN_CONFIG_TRUE,
* @since New in 1.6.
SVN_AUTH_PARAM_PREFIX "store-ssl-client-cert-pp-plaintext"
/** @brief The application doesn't want any providers to save credentials
* to disk. Property value is irrelevant; only property's existence
* matters. */
/** @brief The following property is for SSL server cert providers. This
* provides a pointer to an @c apr_uint32_t containing the failures
* detected by the certificate validator. */
/** @brief The following property is for SSL server cert providers. This
* provides the cert info (svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_t). */
/** This provides a pointer to a @c svn_config_t containting the config
* category. */
/** This provides a pointer to a @c svn_config_t containting the servers
* category. */
/** @deprecated Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.5 API. */
/** The current server group. */
/** @brief A configuration directory that overrides the default
* ~/.subversion. */
/** Get an initial set of credentials.
* Ask @a auth_baton to set @a *credentials to a set of credentials
* defined by @a cred_kind and valid within @a realmstring, or NULL if
* no credentials are available. Otherwise, return an iteration state
* in @a *state, so that the caller can call
* svn_auth_next_credentials(), in case the first set of credentials
* fails to authenticate.
* Use @a pool to allocate @a *state, and for temporary allocation.
* Note that @a *credentials will be allocated in @a auth_baton's pool.
svn_error_t *
svn_auth_first_credentials(void **credentials,
svn_auth_iterstate_t **state,
const char *cred_kind,
const char *realmstring,
svn_auth_baton_t *auth_baton,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Get another set of credentials, assuming previous ones failed to
* authenticate.
* Use @a state to fetch a different set of @a *credentials, as a
* follow-up to svn_auth_first_credentials() or
* svn_auth_next_credentials(). If no more credentials are available,
* set @a *credentials to NULL.
* Note that @a *credentials will be allocated in @c auth_baton's pool.
svn_error_t *
svn_auth_next_credentials(void **credentials,
svn_auth_iterstate_t *state,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Save a set of credentials.
* Ask @a state to store the most recently returned credentials,
* presumably because they successfully authenticated.
* All allocations should be done in @a pool.
* If no credentials were ever returned, do nothing.
svn_error_t *
svn_auth_save_credentials(svn_auth_iterstate_t *state,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Forget a set (or all) memory-cached credentials.
* Remove references (if any) in @a auth_baton to credentials cached
* therein. If @a cred_kind and @a realmstring are non-NULL, forget
* only the credentials associated with those credential types and
* realm. Otherwise @a cred_kind and @a realmstring must both be
* NULL, and this function will forget all credentials cached within
* @a auth_baton.
* @note This function does not affect persisted authentication
* credential storage at all. It is merely a way to cause Subversion
* to forget about credentials already fetched from a provider,
* forcing them to be fetched again later should they be required.
* @since New in 1.8.
svn_error_t *
svn_auth_forget_credentials(svn_auth_baton_t *auth_baton,
const char *cred_kind,
const char *realmstring,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** @} */
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type
* svn_auth_cred_simple_t that gets information by prompting the user
* with @a prompt_func and @a prompt_baton. Allocate @a *provider in
* @a pool.
* @c SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_PASSWORD are defined as runtime
* parameters in the @c auth_baton, then @a *provider will return the
* default arguments when svn_auth_first_credentials() is called. If
* svn_auth_first_credentials() fails, then @a *provider will
* re-prompt @a retry_limit times (via svn_auth_next_credentials()).
* For infinite retries, set @a retry_limit to value less than 0.
* @since New in 1.4.
svn_auth_get_simple_prompt_provider(svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
svn_auth_simple_prompt_func_t prompt_func,
void *prompt_baton,
int retry_limit,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_username_t that gets information by prompting the
* user with @a prompt_func and @a prompt_baton. Allocate @a *provider
* in @a pool.
* If @c SVN_AUTH_PARAM_DEFAULT_USERNAME is defined as a runtime
* parameter in the @c auth_baton, then @a *provider will return the
* default argument when svn_auth_first_credentials() is called. If
* svn_auth_first_credentials() fails, then @a *provider will
* re-prompt @a retry_limit times (via svn_auth_next_credentials()).
* For infinite retries, set @a retry_limit to value less than 0.
* @since New in 1.4.
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
svn_auth_username_prompt_func_t prompt_func,
void *prompt_baton,
int retry_limit,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_simple_t that gets/sets information from the user's
* ~/.subversion configuration directory.
* If the provider is going to save the password unencrypted, it calls @a
* plaintext_prompt_func, passing @a prompt_baton, before saving the
* password.
* If @a plaintext_prompt_func is NULL it is not called and the answer is
* assumed to be TRUE. This matches the deprecated behaviour of storing
* unencrypted passwords by default, and is only done this way for backward
* compatibility reasons.
* Client developers are highly encouraged to provide this callback
* to ensure their users are made aware of the fact that their password
* is going to be stored unencrypted. In the future, providers may
* default to not storing the password unencrypted if this callback is NULL.
* Clients can however set the callback to NULL and set
* SVN_CONFIG_TRUE to enforce a certain behaviour.
* Allocate @a *provider in @a pool.
* If a default username or password is available, @a *provider will
* honor them as well, and return them when
* svn_auth_first_credentials() is called. (see @c
* @since New in 1.6.
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
svn_auth_plaintext_prompt_func_t plaintext_prompt_func,
void *prompt_baton,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Like svn_auth_get_simple_provider2, but without the ability to
* call the svn_auth_plaintext_prompt_func_t callback, and the provider
* always assumes that it is allowed to store the password in plaintext.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.5 API.
* @since New in 1.4.
svn_auth_get_simple_provider(svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_provider_object_t, or return @c NULL if the provider is not
* available for the requested platform or the requested provider is unknown.
* Valid @a provider_name values are: "gnome_keyring", "keychain", "kwallet",
* "gpg_agent", and "windows".
* Valid @a provider_type values are: "simple", "ssl_client_cert_pw" and
* "ssl_server_trust".
* Allocate @a *provider in @a pool.
* What actually happens is we invoke the appropriate provider function to
* supply the @a provider, like so:
* svn_auth_get_<name>_<type>_provider(@a provider, @a pool);
* @since New in 1.6.
svn_error_t *
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
const char *provider_name,
const char *provider_type,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *providers to an array of <tt>svn_auth_provider_object_t *</tt>
* objects.
* Only client authentication providers available for the current platform are
* returned. Order of the platform-specific authentication providers is
* determined by the 'password-stores' configuration option which is retrieved
* from @a config. @a config can be NULL.
* Create and allocate @a *providers in @a pool.
* Default order of the platform-specific authentication providers:
* 1. gnome-keyring
* 2. kwallet
* 3. keychain
* 4. gpg-agent
* 5. windows-cryptoapi
* @since New in 1.6.
svn_error_t *
apr_array_header_t **providers,
svn_config_t *config,
apr_pool_t *pool);
#if (defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)) || defined(DOXYGEN)
* Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_simple_t that gets/sets information from the user's
* ~/.subversion configuration directory. Allocate @a *provider in
* @a pool.
* This is like svn_auth_get_simple_provider(), except that, when
* running on Window 2000 or newer (or any other Windows version that
* includes the CryptoAPI), the provider encrypts the password before
* storing it to disk. On earlier versions of Windows, the provider
* does nothing.
* @since New in 1.4.
* @note This function is only available on Windows.
* @note An administrative password reset may invalidate the account's
* secret key. This function will detect that situation and behave as
* if the password were not cached at all.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.8 API. Use
* svn_auth_get_platform_specific_provider with provider_name of "windows"
* and provider_type of "simple".
svn_auth_get_windows_simple_provider(svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
* Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_pw_t that gets/sets information from the
* user's ~/.subversion configuration directory. Allocate @a *provider in
* @a pool.
* This is like svn_auth_get_ssl_client_cert_pw_file_provider(), except that
* when running on Window 2000 or newer, the provider encrypts the password
* before storing it to disk. On earlier versions of Windows, the provider
* does nothing.
* @since New in 1.6
* @note This function is only available on Windows.
* @note An administrative password reset may invalidate the account's
* secret key. This function will detect that situation and behave as
* if the password were not cached at all.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.8 API.
* Use svn_auth_get_platform_specific_provider with provider_name
* of "windows" and provider_type of "ssl_client_cert_pw".
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
* Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_server_trust_t, allocated in @a pool.
* This provider automatically validates ssl server certificates with
* the CryptoApi, like Internet Explorer and the Windows network API do.
* This allows the rollout of root certificates via Windows Domain
* policies, instead of Subversion specific configuration.
* @since New in 1.5.
* @note This function is only available on Windows.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.8 API.
* Use svn_auth_get_platform_specific_provider with provider_name
* of "windows" and provider_type of "ssl_server_trust".
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
#endif /* WIN32 && !__MINGW32__ || DOXYGEN */
#if defined(DARWIN) || defined(DOXYGEN)
* Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_simple_t that gets/sets information from the user's
* ~/.subversion configuration directory. Allocate @a *provider in
* @a pool.
* This is like svn_auth_get_simple_provider(), except that the
* password is stored in the Mac OS KeyChain.
* @since New in 1.4
* @note This function is only available on Mac OS 10.2 and higher.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.8 API.
* Use svn_auth_get_platform_specific_provider with provider_name
* of "keychain" and provider_type of "simple".
svn_auth_get_keychain_simple_provider(svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
* Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_pw_t that gets/sets information from the
* user's ~/.subversion configuration directory. Allocate @a *provider in
* @a pool.
* This is like svn_auth_get_ssl_client_cert_pw_file_provider(), except
* that the password is stored in the Mac OS KeyChain.
* @since New in 1.6
* @note This function is only available on Mac OS 10.2 and higher.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.8 API.
* Use svn_auth_get_platform_specific_provider with provider_name
* of "keychain" and provider_type of "ssl_client_cert_pw".
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
#endif /* DARWIN || DOXYGEN */
/* Note that the gnome keyring unlock prompt related items below must be
* declared for all platforms in order to allow SWIG interfaces to be
* used regardless of the platform. */
/** A type of callback function for obtaining the GNOME Keyring password.
* In this callback, the client should ask the user for default keyring
* @a keyring_name password.
* The answer is returned in @a *keyring_password.
* @a baton is an implementation-specific closure.
* All allocations should be done in @a pool.
* @since New in 1.6
typedef svn_error_t *(*svn_auth_gnome_keyring_unlock_prompt_func_t)(
char **keyring_password,
const char *keyring_name,
void *baton,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring-specific run-time parameters. */
/** @brief The pointer to function which prompts user for GNOME Keyring
* password.
* The type of this pointer should be svn_auth_gnome_keyring_unlock_prompt_func_t. */
#define SVN_AUTH_PARAM_GNOME_KEYRING_UNLOCK_PROMPT_FUNC "gnome-keyring-unlock-prompt-func"
/** @brief The baton which is passed to
#define SVN_AUTH_PARAM_GNOME_KEYRING_UNLOCK_PROMPT_BATON "gnome-keyring-unlock-prompt-baton"
#if (!defined(DARWIN) && !defined(WIN32)) || defined(DOXYGEN)
* Get libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring version information.
* @since New in 1.6
const svn_version_t *
* Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_simple_t that gets/sets information from the user's
* ~/.subversion configuration directory.
* This is like svn_client_get_simple_provider(), except that the
* password is stored in GNOME Keyring.
* If the GNOME Keyring is locked the provider calls
* the keyring.
* Allocate @a *provider in @a pool.
* @since New in 1.6
* @note This function actually works only on systems with
* libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring and GNOME Keyring installed.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.8 API.
* Use svn_auth_get_platform_specific_provider with provider_name
* of "gnome_keyring" and provider_type of "simple".
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
* Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_pw_t that gets/sets information from the
* user's ~/.subversion configuration directory.
* This is like svn_client_get_ssl_client_cert_pw_file_provider(), except
* that the password is stored in GNOME Keyring.
* If the GNOME Keyring is locked the provider calls
* the keyring.
* Allocate @a *provider in @a pool.
* @since New in 1.6
* @note This function actually works only on systems with
* libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring and GNOME Keyring installed.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.8 API.
* Use svn_auth_get_platform_specific_provider with provider_name
* of "gnome_keyring" and provider_type of "ssl_client_cert_pw".
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
* Get libsvn_auth_kwallet version information.
* @since New in 1.6
const svn_version_t *
* Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_simple_t that gets/sets information from the user's
* ~/.subversion configuration directory. Allocate @a *provider in
* @a pool.
* This is like svn_client_get_simple_provider(), except that the
* password is stored in KWallet.
* @since New in 1.6
* @note This function actually works only on systems with libsvn_auth_kwallet
* and KWallet installed.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.8 API.
* Use svn_auth_get_platform_specific_provider with provider_name
* of "kwallet" and provider_type of "simple".
svn_auth_get_kwallet_simple_provider(svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
* Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_pw_t that gets/sets information from the
* user's ~/.subversion configuration directory. Allocate @a *provider in
* @a pool.
* This is like svn_client_get_ssl_client_cert_pw_file_provider(), except
* that the password is stored in KWallet.
* @since New in 1.6
* @note This function actually works only on systems with libsvn_auth_kwallet
* and KWallet installed.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.8 API.
* Use svn_auth_get_platform_specific_provider with provider_name
* of "kwallet" and provider_type of "ssl_client_cert_pw".
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
#endif /* (!DARWIN && !WIN32) || DOXYGEN */
#if !defined(WIN32) || defined(DOXYGEN)
* Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_simple_t that gets/sets information from the user's
* ~/.subversion configuration directory.
* This is like svn_client_get_simple_provider(), except that the
* password is obtained from gpg_agent, which will keep it in
* a memory cache.
* Allocate @a *provider in @a pool.
* @since New in 1.8
* @note This function actually works only on systems with
* GNU Privacy Guard installed.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.8 API.
* Use svn_auth_get_platform_specific_provider with provider_name
* of "gpg_agent" and provider_type of "simple".
(svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
#endif /* !defined(WIN32) || defined(DOXYGEN) */
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_username_t that gets/sets information from a user's
* ~/.subversion configuration directory. Allocate @a *provider in
* @a pool.
* If a default username is available, @a *provider will honor it,
* and return it when svn_auth_first_credentials() is called. (See
* @since New in 1.4.
svn_auth_get_username_provider(svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_server_trust_t, allocated in @a pool.
* @a *provider retrieves its credentials from the configuration
* mechanism. The returned credential is used to override SSL
* security on an error.
* @since New in 1.4.
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_t, allocated in @a pool.
* @a *provider retrieves its credentials from the configuration
* mechanism. The returned credential is used to load the appropriate
* client certificate for authentication when requested by a server.
* @since New in 1.4.
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_pw_t that gets/sets information from the user's
* ~/.subversion configuration directory.
* If the provider is going to save the passphrase unencrypted,
* it calls @a plaintext_passphrase_prompt_func, passing @a
* prompt_baton, before saving the passphrase.
* If @a plaintext_passphrase_prompt_func is NULL it is not called
* and the passphrase is not stored in plaintext.
* Client developers are highly encouraged to provide this callback
* to ensure their users are made aware of the fact that their passphrase
* is going to be stored unencrypted.
* Clients can however set the callback to NULL and set
* SVN_CONFIG_TRUE to enforce a certain behaviour.
* Allocate @a *provider in @a pool.
* @since New in 1.6.
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
svn_auth_plaintext_passphrase_prompt_func_t plaintext_passphrase_prompt_func,
void *prompt_baton,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Like svn_auth_get_ssl_client_cert_pw_file_provider2, but without
* the ability to call the svn_auth_plaintext_passphrase_prompt_func_t
* callback, and the provider always assumes that it is not allowed
* to store the passphrase in plaintext.
* @deprecated Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.5 API.
* @since New in 1.4.
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_server_trust_t, allocated in @a pool.
* @a *provider retrieves its credentials by using the @a prompt_func
* and @a prompt_baton. The returned credential is used to override
* SSL security on an error.
* @since New in 1.4.
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
svn_auth_ssl_server_trust_prompt_func_t prompt_func,
void *prompt_baton,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_t, allocated in @a pool.
* @a *provider retrieves its credentials by using the @a prompt_func
* and @a prompt_baton. The returned credential is used to load the
* appropriate client certificate for authentication when requested by
* a server. The prompt will be retried @a retry_limit times. For
* infinite retries, set @a retry_limit to value less than 0.
* @since New in 1.4.
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
svn_auth_ssl_client_cert_prompt_func_t prompt_func,
void *prompt_baton,
int retry_limit,
apr_pool_t *pool);
/** Set @a *provider to an authentication provider of type @c
* svn_auth_cred_ssl_client_cert_pw_t, allocated in @a pool.
* @a *provider retrieves its credentials by using the @a prompt_func
* and @a prompt_baton. The returned credential is used when a loaded
* client certificate is protected by a passphrase. The prompt will
* be retried @a retry_limit times. For infinite retries, set
* @a retry_limit to value less than 0.
* @since New in 1.4.
svn_auth_provider_object_t **provider,
svn_auth_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt_func_t prompt_func,
void *prompt_baton,
int retry_limit,
apr_pool_t *pool);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* SVN_AUTH_H */