blob: dfd205d41b4de87d0964d28964da3badd3933207 [file] [log] [blame]
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Getting Subversion
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To install Subversion for the first time, you may be able to get a
pre-built binary package for your operating system; visit the <a
href="project_packages.html">Packaged Distributions</a> page to see if
this option is available for you. If not, or if you prefer to build
from a source release, then:
<li><p>Download the latest tarball distribution from the <a
href="">Source Releases Area</a>.</p></li>
<li><p>Build and install it according to the instructions in the
<a href="">INSTALL</a>
file in the top level of the distribution. You will end up with a
'svn' binary in the subversion/clients/cmdline/ directory (or
installed in /usr/local/bin/, if you ran 'make install'.)</p></li>
<p> Now you have the latest released version of Subversion installed.
Read the <a href="">Subversion Book</a> to
learn how to use Subversion, and to see how it differs from CVS.
<p>If you want stability, you can stop here, and just upgrade as new
releases come out. If you prefer to stay current with Subversion
development, then use your newly-installed Subversion client to check
out a working copy of the master sources:</p>
$ svn co subversion
<p>That will get you a new working copy directory named
<code>subversion/</code>, containing the latest sources. (If you're
behind a proxy or have problems with the checkout, see the <a
href="project_faq.html#proxy">proxy faq</a>.) Read the <a
href="">INSTALL</a> file
for instructions on building in the working copy, which differs
slightly from building a released tarball.
<p>See the <a
href="">Warnings and
Inconveniences Page</a> for the most annoying bugs and their
workarounds; see the <a
Tracker</a> for a complete list of known bugs, and instructions on
filing new bugs.</p>
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Contributing To The Project
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<p>To contribute to Subversion:</p>
<li><p>Join the developer community mailing lists: (see the <a
href="/servlets/ProjectMailingListList">Mailing Lists</a>
<li><p>The Subversion project more-or-less abides by the <a
href="">guidelines</a> used
by the Apache <a href="">APR project</a>.
Please review these.</p></li>
<li><p>After checking out a copy of the source as described
above, read the file <a
HACKING</a> at the top of the tree. It describes coding and
logging conventions, as well as how to build from a working