blob: c241d086d9486afa26a97730b5d87bf0abb73263 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>
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<description>submarine cluster address list, e.g. ip1:port1;ip2:port2;ip3:port3</description>
<description>Server address</description>
<description>Server port.</description>
<description>Should SSL be used by the submarine server?</description>
<description>Server ssl port. (used when ssl property is set to true)</description>
<description>Should client authentication be used for SSL connections?</description>
<description>Path to keystore relative to submarine configuration directory</description>
<description>The format of the given keystore (e.g. JKS or PKCS12)</description>
<value>change me</value>
<description>Keystore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool</description>
<value>change me</value>
<description>Key Manager password. Defaults to keystore password. Can be obfuscated.</description>
<description>Path to truststore relative to submarine configuration directory. Defaults to the keystore path</description>
<description>The format of the given truststore (e.g. JKS or PKCS12). Defaults to the same type as the keystore type</description>
<value>change me</value>
<description>Truststore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool. Defaults to the keystore password</description>
<description>Submarine workbench web war file path.</description>
<description>RuntimeFactory for Submarine jobs</description>
<description>Run jobs using rpc server.</description>
<description>Rpc server port</description>
<description>The submitter which you want used in the server. Build-in k8s</description>