CICD Introduction

Please note that cicd is a tool provided to submarine committers for PR merging and release. Only submarine committers have permission to execute.

This cicd directory contains several scripts to ease code and release management. For how-to-release, check here

To use them more easily, we provide a Docker image to help committer to handle tasks like committing code and release build.

Docker mode



cd <path-to-submarine-home>/dev-support/cicd
docker build -t submarine-cicd .
docker run -it --rm submarine-cicd

Jira username, password, apache id and apache username are required in the docker container. You can add them to the local environment variable.

vi ~/.bash_profile
export JIRA_USERNAME='Your jira username'
export JIRA_PASSWORD='Your jira password'
export APACHE_ID='Your apache id' # Your apache email prefix
export APACHE_NAME='Your apache name'

And you'll see output like below and then you can decide what to accomplish.

$ docker run -it -e JIRA_USERNAME="${JIRA_USERNAME}" -e JIRA_PASSWORD="${JIRA_PASSWORD}" -e APACHE_ID="${APACHE_ID}" -e APACHE_NAME="${APACHE_NAME}" -p 4000:4000 --rm submarine-cicd

The screen outputs the following information:

	1. Merge PR
	2. Update Submarine Website
Enter Menu ID:

As you can see, the Docker mode support several features like merging PR and updating the web site. Choose the task you need to do and follow the popup tip to go on.

Manual mode (Not Recommended)

First, You need install python 2.7.13 and pip insall jira

The Procedure of Merging PR

  1. mkdir ${work_dir}
  2. cd ${work_dir}
  3. git clone
  4. cd submarine
  5. git remote rename origin apache
  6. git remote add apache-github
  7. optional: git config --local --add {name}
  8. optional: git config --local --add {username}
  9. optional: echo -e “JIRA_USERNAME={jira_username}\nJIRA_PASSWORD={jira_password}” >> ~/.bashrc
  10. optional: source ~/.bashrc
  11. dev-support/cicd/