How To Release Apache Submarine

This document is for Apache Submarine Release Manager to do a new release.

1. Preparation

If you have not already done so, generate your PGP key and append your signing key to the KEYS file. Once you commit your changes (ask for PMC‘s help if you cannot), they will automatically be propagated to the website. Also upload your key to a public key server if you haven’t. End users use the KEYS file to validate that releases were done by an Apache Committer.

# generate key and send keys to a keyserver
gpg --gen-key
gpg --list-sigs <your name>
gpg --keyserver --send-keys <your publish key RSA string like B3097AC in the above cmd output>
gpg --refresh-keys --keyserver

# ask for PMC’s help to sign the key and add your key to the submarine KEYS (Only PMCs has permission). The PMC should do
gpg --keyserver --recv-key <the release manager's public key id like B3097AC >
gpg --sign-key <the release manager's public key id>
svn co --depth immediates apache-dist
cd apache-dist
svn update --set-depth immediates release/submarine
cd release/submarine
gpg --list-sigs <your name> >> KEYS
gpg --armor --export <your name> >> KEYS
svn ci -m "Add <your name>'s key"

2. Send Release Plan

It's better to send a release plan email informing code freeze date and release date.

3. Clean up the JIRA

Bulk update JIRA to move out non-blocker issues by setting the target version to the new release. Assuming we‘re releasing version X, use below advanced filter in submarine issue page. For instance, if we’re releasing 0.3.0.

project in ("Apache Submarine") AND  "Target Version" = 0.3.0 AND statusCategory != Done

Click “tools”-> “bulk update” to edit all issues:

  1. Change the target version to X+1. Here it is 0.4.0 (If it doesn‘t exist, ask for the PMC’s help to access administer-versions to add the new version).
  2. Add a comment to inform contributors. Like this. Bulk update due to releasing 0.3.0. Please change it back if you think this is a blocker.

Do a double-check to confirm that there are no issues found with the above filter. And send mail to the developer list informing that we should mark “Target version” to 0.4.0 when creating new JIRAs.

4. Tagging

Once the JIRA is cleaned up, we can tag the candidate release with below steps:

export version=0.3.0
export cversion=$version-RC0
export tag=release-$cversion

git tag -s $tag -m "Release candidate - $version"
# Verify the tag is signed with your GPG key
git tag -v $tag
# Push the tag to apache repo
git push origin $tag

5. Build Artifacts

The submarine artifacts consists of GPG signed source code tarball, binary tarball and docker images.

cd dev-support/cicd/
./ $version $tag
# Move the artifacts to a folder instead of /tmp/
mv /tmp/submarine-release ~/

Note: In here we use the version not the cversion.

6. Upload Artifacts For Vote

Before the uploading, we need to do some basic testing for the release candidates. For instance, build from the source tarball and run feature test using the binary tarball.

6.1 Staging Source and Binary Tarball to self FTP server

cd ~/submarine-release
# if not exits, please mkdir
cd public_html
mkdir submarine-$cversion && cd $_
put -r .

6.2 Staging Docker Images

When doing release, the release manager might needs to package an artifact candidates in this docker image and public the image candidate for a vote. In this scenario, we can do this:

Put submarine candidate artifacts to a folder like “~/releases/submarine-release”

$ ls $release_candidates_path
submarine-dist-0.3.0-hadoop-2.9.tar.gz        submarine-dist-0.3.0-src.tar.gz.asc
submarine-dist-0.3.0-hadoop-2.9.tar.gz.asc    submarine-dist-0.3.0-src.tar.gz.sha512
submarine-dist-0.3.0-hadoop-2.9.tar.gz.sha512 submarine-dist-0.3.0-src.tar.gz
export submarine_version=0.3.0
export release_candidates_path=~/releases/submarine-release
#docker run -it -h submarine-dev --net=bridge --privileged -P local/mini-submarine:0.3.0 /bin/bash
docker tag local/mini-submarine:0.3.0 apache/submarine:mini-0.3.0-RC0

In the container, we can verify that the submarine jar version is the expected 0.3.0. Then we can upload this image with a “RC” tag for a vote.

Note: if you don't have permission to push image to docker hub, create a jira ticket to request the push permission.

Refer to

docker push apache/submarine:mini-0.3.0-RC0

TODO: build the other images by manual.

6.3 Publish Jars To Apache Maven Staging Repository

export GPG_PASSPHRASE=yourPassphase
export ASF_USERID=yourApacheId
export ASF_PASSWORD=yourApachePwd
./ $version $tag

Then to view the staging repo, we can login the with the apache id. Click the “Staging Repositories” in the left side of the web page. And click “orgapachesubmarine-1001”, then you will see the details of the repo including the URI. The URI is like this: “

6.4 Call A Vote For The Release Candidate

After the artifacts and images are staged, we can send a vote email to the community. It's recommended that we paste the URI of RC tag, RC release artifacts, docker images, maven staging repository and the KEYS. Refer to here for an example.

7. Release

In several days if the vote passes, we can publish the release. If the vote fails, then we need to start another RC from cleanup to the staging.

  1. Access submarine project version page. Click the version to be released, and then click the “Release” button. It will request the release date. We can fill it with the end-of-vote date.

  2. Tag the release

# please replace the version to the right version
export version=0.3.0
export tag=rel/release-$version
git tag -s $tag -m "Submarine ${version} release"
git push origin $tag
  1. Copy release artifacts to apache dist server
svn co --depth immediates apache-dist
cd apache-dist
svn update --set-depth infinity dev/submarine
svn update --set-depth infinity release/submarine
cd dev/submarine
mkdir submarine-$version
cp ~/submarine-release/*  submarine-$version/
svn add submarine-$version
svn ci -m "Publishing the bits for submarine release ${version} to apache dist dev folder"
cd ../../
svn mv dev/submarine/submarine-$version release/submarine/
svn ci -m "Publishing the bits for submarine release ${version}"

Usually binary tarball becomes larger than 300MB, so it cannot be directly uploaded to the distribution directory. We can use the dev directory ( first and then move it to the distribution directory by svn move

  1. In Nexus, effect the release of artifacts by selecting the staged repository and then clicking Release. If there were multiple RCs, simply drop the staging repositories corresponding to failed RCs.

  2. Upload the docker images

docker tag apache/submarine:mini-0.3.0-RC0 apache/submarine:mini-0.3.0
docker push apache/submarine:mini-0.3.0
  1. Update the version in pom.xml
# if the new version a point release
mvn versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=X.(Y+1).Z-SNAPSHOT
git commit -a -m "Preparing for X.(Y+1).Z development"
  1. Wait 24 hours for release to propagate to mirrors.

  2. Update the website. The guide is here

git clone
cd submarine-site
git checkout master
# Edit to add the new release content
# The url of the binary and source tarball should be like
# ""
# due to it will find a mirror server for different region.
# The url of the signature and checksum should be like
# ""
# due to they're not mirrored from apache dist server.
# For the release note web page, we need to create a MD file under "releases" directory
# like "". The count of issues can be found
# from JIRA like "".
# And the details of issues can also get from "Release Notes" in that page.
cp release/ release/submarine-release-<new version>.md
vim release/submarine-release-<new version>.md
cd ..
docker run -it -p 4000:4000 -v $PWD/submarine-site:/submarine-site hadoopsubmarine/submarine-website:1.0.0 bash
cd /submarine-site
bundle exec jekyll serve --watch --host=
# Open another terminal, you can edit MD files and refresh the webpage to see changes instantly.
  1. Send announcements to the user and developer lists once the site changes are visible.