blob: 8672ebdfb1c3374593774c35055ed29886eae883 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Rest } from '@submarine/interfaces';
import { ExperimentInfo } from '@submarine/interfaces/experiment-info';
import { ExperimentSpec } from '@submarine/interfaces/experiment-spec';
import { ExperimentTemplate } from '@submarine/interfaces/experiment-template';
import { ExperimentTemplateSubmit } from '@submarine/interfaces/experiment-template-submit';
import { BaseApiService } from '@submarine/services/base-api.service';
import { of, throwError, Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError, map, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
providedIn: 'root',
export class ExperimentService {
communicate between route-outlet and parent
send experiment-id from ExperimentInfo to ExperimentHome
private emitInfoSource = new Subject<string>();
infoEmitted$ = this.emitInfoSource.asObservable();
constructor(private baseApi: BaseApiService, private httpClient: HttpClient) {}
emitInfo(id: string) {;
fetchExperimentList(): Observable<ExperimentInfo[]> {
const apiUrl = this.baseApi.getRestApi('/v1/experiment');
return this.httpClient.get<Rest<ExperimentInfo[]>>(apiUrl).pipe(
switchMap((res) => {
if (res.success) {
return of(res.result);
} else {
throw this.baseApi.createRequestError(res.message, res.code, apiUrl, 'get');
querySpecificExperiment(id: string): Observable<ExperimentInfo> {
const apiUrl = this.baseApi.getRestApi('/v1/experiment/' + id);
return this.httpClient.get<Rest<ExperimentInfo>>(apiUrl).pipe(
switchMap((res) => {
if (res.success) {
return of(res.result);
} else {
throw this.baseApi.createRequestError(res.message, res.code, apiUrl, 'get');
createExperiment(experimentSpec: ExperimentSpec): Observable<ExperimentInfo> {
const apiUrl = this.baseApi.getRestApi('/v1/experiment');
return<Rest<ExperimentInfo>>(apiUrl, experimentSpec).pipe(
map((res) => res.result), // return result directly if succeeding
catchError((e) => {
let message: string;
if (e.error instanceof ErrorEvent) {
// client side error
message = 'Something went wrong with network or workbench';
} else {
if (e.status === 409) {
message = 'You might have a duplicate experiment name';
} else if (e.status >= 500) {
message = `${e.message}`;
} else {
message = e.error.message;
return throwError(message);
updateExperiment(id: string, experimentSpec: ExperimentSpec): Observable<ExperimentInfo> {
const apiUrl = this.baseApi.getRestApi(`/v1/experiment/${id}`);
return this.httpClient.patch<Rest<ExperimentInfo>>(apiUrl, experimentSpec).pipe(
map((res) => res.result),
catchError((e) => {
let message: string;
if (e.error instanceof ErrorEvent) {
// client side error
message = 'Something went wrong with network or workbench';
} else {
if (e.status === 409) {
message = 'You might have a duplicate experiment name';
} else if (e.status >= 500) {
message = `${e.message}`;
} else {
message = e.error.message;
return throwError(message);
deleteExperiment(id: string): Observable<ExperimentInfo> {
const apiUrl = this.baseApi.getRestApi(`/v1/experiment/${id}`);
return this.httpClient.delete<Rest<any>>(apiUrl).pipe(
switchMap((res) => {
if (res.success) {
return of(res.result);
} else {
throw this.baseApi.createRequestError(res.message, res.code, apiUrl, 'delete', id);
getExperimentLog(id: string): Observable<any> {
const apiUrl = this.baseApi.getRestApi('/v1/experiment/logs/' + id);
return this.httpClient.get<Rest<any>>(apiUrl).pipe(
switchMap((res) => {
if (res.success) {
return of(res.result);
} else {
throw this.baseApi.createRequestError(res.message, res.code, apiUrl, 'get', id);
getExperimentParam(param: object): Observable<any> {
const apiUrl = this.baseApi.getRestApi('/param/selective');
return<any>(apiUrl, param).pipe(
switchMap((res) => {
if (res.success) {
return of(res.result);
} else {
throw this.baseApi.createRequestError(res.message, res.code, apiUrl, 'post', param);
getExperimentMetric(param: object): Observable<any> {
const apiUrl = this.baseApi.getRestApi('/metric/selective');
return<any>(apiUrl, param).pipe(
switchMap((res) => {
if (res.success) {
return of(res.result);
} else {
throw this.baseApi.createRequestError(res.message, res.code, apiUrl, 'post', param);
fetchExperimentTemplateList(): Observable<ExperimentTemplate[]> {
const apiUrl = this.baseApi.getRestApi('/v1/template');
return this.httpClient.get<Rest<ExperimentTemplate[]>>(apiUrl).pipe(
map((res) => {
if (res.success) {
return res.result;
} else {
throw this.baseApi.createRequestError(res.message, res.code, apiUrl, 'get');
experimentSpec: ExperimentTemplateSubmit,
templateName: string
): Observable<ExperimentInfo> {
const apiUrl = this.baseApi.getRestApi(`/v1/experiment/${templateName}`);
return<Rest<ExperimentInfo>>(apiUrl, experimentSpec).pipe(
map((res) => res.result),
catchError((e) => {
let message: string;
if (e.error instanceof ErrorEvent) {
// client side error
message = 'Something went wrong with network or workbench';
} else {
if (e.status === 409) {
message = 'You might have a duplicate experiment name';
} else if (e.status >= 500) {
message = `${e.message}`;
} else {
message = e.error.message;
return throwError(message);
durationHandle(secs: number) {
const hr = Math.floor(secs / 3600);
const min = Math.floor((secs - hr * 3600) / 60);
const sec = Math.round(secs) - hr * 3600 - min * 60;
let showHr;
let showMin;
let showSec;
if (hr < 10) {
showHr = '0' + hr;
} else {
showHr = hr.toString();
if (min < 10) {
showMin = '0' + min;
} else {
showMin = min.toString();
if (sec < 10) {
showSec = '0' + sec;
} else {
showSec = sec.toString();
return `${showHr}:${showMin}:${showSec}`;