blob: 958223fd56de327e5e5440db4891f82689b52813 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.spark.sql.AuthzUtils._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTable
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.NamedExpression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Command, LogicalPlan, Project}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{InsertIntoDataSourceCommand, InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand, LogicalRelation}
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution.CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField
import org.apache.submarine.spark.compatible.{CompatibleFunc, PersistedViewCompatible}
import org.apache.submarine.spark.compatible.CompatibleCommand.SetDatabaseCommandCompatible
import{SparkPrivilegeObject, SparkPrivilegeObjectType, SparkPrivObjectActionType}
* [[LogicalPlan]] -> list of [[SparkPrivilegeObject]]s
private[sql] object PrivilegesBuilder {
* Build input and output privilege objects from a Spark's [[LogicalPlan]]
* For [[ExplainCommand]]s, build its child.
* For [[RunnableCommand]]s, build outputs if it has an target to write, build inputs for the
* inside query if exists.
* For other queries, build inputs.
* @param plan A Spark [[LogicalPlan]]
def build(plan: LogicalPlan): (Seq[SparkPrivilegeObject], Seq[SparkPrivilegeObject]) = {
def doBuild(plan: LogicalPlan): (Seq[SparkPrivilegeObject], Seq[SparkPrivilegeObject]) = {
val inputObjs = new ArrayBuffer[SparkPrivilegeObject]
val outputObjs = new ArrayBuffer[SparkPrivilegeObject]
plan match {
// RunnableCommand
case cmd: Command => buildCommand(cmd, inputObjs, outputObjs)
// Queries
case _ => buildQuery(plan, inputObjs)
(inputObjs, outputObjs)
plan match {
case e: ExplainCommand => doBuild(e.logicalPlan)
case p => doBuild(p)
* Build SparkPrivilegeObjects from Spark LogicalPlan
* @param plan a Spark LogicalPlan used to generate SparkPrivilegeObjects
* @param privilegeObjects input or output spark privilege object list
* @param projectionList Projection list after pruning
private def buildQuery(
plan: LogicalPlan,
privilegeObjects: ArrayBuffer[SparkPrivilegeObject],
projectionList: Seq[NamedExpression] = Nil): Unit = {
* Columns in Projection take priority for column level privilege checking
* @param table catalogTable of a given relation
def mergeProjection(table: CatalogTable): Unit = {
if (projectionList.isEmpty) {
} else {
plan match {
case p: Project => buildQuery(p.child, privilegeObjects, p.projectList)
case h if h.nodeName == "HiveTableRelation" =>
mergeProjection(getFieldVal(h, "tableMeta").asInstanceOf[CatalogTable])
case m if m.nodeName == "MetastoreRelation" =>
mergeProjection(getFieldVal(m, "catalogTable").asInstanceOf[CatalogTable])
case l: LogicalRelation if l.catalogTable.nonEmpty => mergeProjection(l.catalogTable.get)
case u: UnresolvedRelation =>
// Normally, we shouldn't meet UnresolvedRelation here in an optimized plan.
// Unfortunately, the real world is always a place where miracles happen.
// We check the privileges directly without resolving the plan and leave everything
// to spark to do.
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(CompatibleFunc.tableIdentifier(u), privilegeObjects)
case p =>
for (child <- p.children) {
buildQuery(child, privilegeObjects, projectionList)
* Build SparkPrivilegeObjects from Spark LogicalPlan
* @param plan a Spark LogicalPlan used to generate SparkPrivilegeObjects
* @param inputObjs input spark privilege object list
* @param outputObjs output spark privilege object list
private def buildCommand(
plan: LogicalPlan,
inputObjs: ArrayBuffer[SparkPrivilegeObject],
outputObjs: ArrayBuffer[SparkPrivilegeObject]): Unit = {
plan match {
case a: AlterDatabasePropertiesCommand => addDbLevelObjs(a.databaseName, outputObjs)
case a if a.nodeName == "AlterTableAddColumnsCommand" =>
getFieldVal(a, "table").asInstanceOf[TableIdentifier],
columns = getFieldVal(a, "colsToAdd").asInstanceOf[Seq[StructField]].map(
getFieldVal(a, "table").asInstanceOf[TableIdentifier],
columns = getFieldVal(a, "colsToAdd").asInstanceOf[Seq[StructField]].map(
case a: AlterTableAddPartitionCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, inputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, outputObjs)
case a if a.nodeName == "AlterTableChangeColumnCommand" =>
getFieldVal(a, "tableName").asInstanceOf[TableIdentifier],
columns = Seq(getFieldVal(a, "columnName").asInstanceOf[String]))
case a: AlterTableDropPartitionCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, inputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, outputObjs)
case a: AlterTableRecoverPartitionsCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, inputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, outputObjs)
case a: AlterTableRenameCommand if !a.isView || a.oldName.database.nonEmpty =>
// rename tables / permanent views
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.oldName, inputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.newName, outputObjs)
case a: AlterTableRenamePartitionCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, inputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, outputObjs)
case a: AlterTableSerDePropertiesCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, inputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, outputObjs)
case a: AlterTableSetLocationCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, inputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, outputObjs)
case a: AlterTableSetPropertiesCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, inputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, outputObjs)
case a: AlterTableUnsetPropertiesCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, inputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableName, outputObjs)
case a: AlterViewAsCommand =>
if ( {
// it's a permanent view
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(, outputObjs)
buildQuery(a.query, inputObjs)
case a: AnalyzeColumnCommand =>
a.tableIdent, inputObjs, columns = CompatibleFunc.analyzeColumnName(a))
a.tableIdent, outputObjs, columns = CompatibleFunc.analyzeColumnName(a))
case a if a.nodeName == "AnalyzePartitionCommand" =>
getFieldVal(a, "tableIdent").asInstanceOf[TableIdentifier], inputObjs)
getFieldVal(a, "tableIdent").asInstanceOf[TableIdentifier], outputObjs)
case a: AnalyzeTableCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableIdent, inputObjs, columns = Seq("RAW__DATA__SIZE"))
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(a.tableIdent, outputObjs)
case c: CacheTableCommand => c.plan.foreach {
buildQuery(_, inputObjs)
case c: CreateDatabaseCommand => addDbLevelObjs(c.databaseName, outputObjs)
case c: CreateDataSourceTableAsSelectCommand =>
addDbLevelObjs(c.table.identifier, outputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(c.table.identifier, outputObjs, mode = c.mode)
buildQuery(c.query, inputObjs)
case c: CreateDataSourceTableCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(c.table.identifier, outputObjs)
case c: CreateFunctionCommand if !c.isTemp =>
addDbLevelObjs(c.databaseName, outputObjs)
addFunctionLevelObjs(c.databaseName, c.functionName, outputObjs)
case c: CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand =>
addDbLevelObjs(c.tableDesc.identifier, outputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(c.tableDesc.identifier, outputObjs)
buildQuery(c.query, inputObjs)
case c: CreateTableCommand => addTableOrViewLevelObjs(c.table.identifier, outputObjs)
case c: CreateTableLikeCommand =>
addDbLevelObjs(c.targetTable, outputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(c.targetTable, outputObjs)
// hive don't handle source table's privileges, we should not obey that, because
// it will cause meta information leak
addDbLevelObjs(c.sourceTable, inputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(c.sourceTable, inputObjs)
case c: CreateViewCommand =>
c.viewType match {
case PersistedViewCompatible.obj =>
// PersistedView will be tied to a database
addDbLevelObjs(, outputObjs)
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(, outputObjs)
case _ =>
buildQuery(c.child, inputObjs)
case d if d.nodeName == "DescribeColumnCommand" =>
getFieldVal(d, "table").asInstanceOf[TableIdentifier],
columns = getFieldVal(d, "colNameParts").asInstanceOf[Seq[String]])
case d: DescribeDatabaseCommand =>
addDbLevelObjs(d.databaseName, inputObjs)
case d: DescribeFunctionCommand =>
addFunctionLevelObjs(d.functionName.database, d.functionName.funcName, inputObjs)
case d: DescribeTableCommand => addTableOrViewLevelObjs(d.table, inputObjs)
case d: DropDatabaseCommand =>
// outputObjs are enough for privilege check, adding inputObjs for consistency with hive
// behaviour in case of some unexpected issues.
addDbLevelObjs(d.databaseName, inputObjs)
addDbLevelObjs(d.databaseName, outputObjs)
case d: DropFunctionCommand =>
addFunctionLevelObjs(d.databaseName, d.functionName, outputObjs)
case d: DropTableCommand => addTableOrViewLevelObjs(d.tableName, outputObjs)
case i: InsertIntoDataSourceCommand =>
i.logicalRelation.catalogTable.foreach { table =>
buildQuery(i.query, inputObjs)
case i if i.nodeName =="InsertIntoDataSourceDirCommand" =>
buildQuery(getFieldVal(i, "query").asInstanceOf[LogicalPlan], inputObjs)
case i: InsertIntoHadoopFsRelationCommand =>
// we are able to get the override mode here, but ctas for hive table with text/orc
// format and parquet with spark.sql.hive.convertMetastoreParquet=false can success
// with privilege checking without claiming for UPDATE privilege of target table,
// which seems to be same with Hive behaviour.
// So, here we ignore the overwrite mode for such a consistency.
i.catalogTable foreach { t =>
buildQuery(i.query, inputObjs)
case i if i.nodeName == "InsertIntoHiveDirCommand" =>
buildQuery(getFieldVal(i, "query").asInstanceOf[LogicalPlan], inputObjs)
case i if i.nodeName == "InsertIntoHiveTable" =>
getFieldVal(i, "table").asInstanceOf[CatalogTable].identifier, outputObjs)
buildQuery(getFieldVal(i, "query").asInstanceOf[LogicalPlan], inputObjs)
case l: LoadDataCommand =>
addTableOrViewLevelObjs(l.table, outputObjs)
if (!l.isLocal) {
inputObjs += new SparkPrivilegeObject(SparkPrivilegeObjectType.DFS_URI, l.path, l.path)
case s if s.nodeName == "SaveIntoDataSourceCommand" =>
buildQuery(getFieldVal(s, "query").asInstanceOf[LogicalPlan], outputObjs)
case s: SetDatabaseCommandCompatible =>
addDbLevelObjs(CompatibleFunc.getCatLogName(s), inputObjs)
case s: ShowColumnsCommand => addTableOrViewLevelObjs(s.tableName, inputObjs)
case s: ShowCreateTableCommand => addTableOrViewLevelObjs(s.table, inputObjs)
case s: ShowFunctionsCommand => s.db.foreach(addDbLevelObjs(_, inputObjs))
case s: ShowPartitionsCommand => addTableOrViewLevelObjs(s.tableName, inputObjs)
case s: ShowTablePropertiesCommand => addTableOrViewLevelObjs(s.table, inputObjs)
case s: ShowTablesCommand => addDbLevelObjs(s.databaseName, inputObjs)
case s: TruncateTableCommand => addTableOrViewLevelObjs(s.tableName, outputObjs)
case _ =>
// AddFileCommand
// AddJarCommand
// AnalyzeColumnCommand
// ClearCacheCommand
// CreateTempViewUsing
// ListFilesCommand
// ListJarsCommand
// RefreshTable
// RefreshTable
// ResetCommand
// SetCommand
// ShowDatabasesCommand
// StreamingExplainCommand
// UncacheTableCommand
* Add database level spark privilege objects to input or output list
* @param dbName database name as spark privilege object
* @param privilegeObjects input or output list
private def addDbLevelObjs(
dbName: String,
privilegeObjects: ArrayBuffer[SparkPrivilegeObject]): Unit = {
privilegeObjects += new SparkPrivilegeObject(SparkPrivilegeObjectType.DATABASE, dbName, dbName)
* Add database level spark privilege objects to input or output list
* @param dbOption an option of database name as spark privilege object
* @param privilegeObjects input or output spark privilege object list
private def addDbLevelObjs(
dbOption: Option[String],
privilegeObjects: ArrayBuffer[SparkPrivilegeObject]): Unit = {
dbOption match {
case Some(db) =>
privilegeObjects += new SparkPrivilegeObject(SparkPrivilegeObjectType.DATABASE, db, db)
case _ =>
* Add database level spark privilege objects to input or output list
* @param identifier table identifier contains database name as hive privilege object
* @param privilegeObjects input or output spark privilege object list
private def addDbLevelObjs(
identifier: TableIdentifier,
privilegeObjects: ArrayBuffer[SparkPrivilegeObject]): Unit = {
identifier.database match {
case Some(db) =>
privilegeObjects += new SparkPrivilegeObject(SparkPrivilegeObjectType.DATABASE, db, db)
case _ =>
* Add function level spark privilege objects to input or output list
* @param databaseName database name
* @param functionName function name as spark privilege object
* @param privilegeObjects input or output list
private def addFunctionLevelObjs(
databaseName: Option[String],
functionName: String,
privilegeObjects: ArrayBuffer[SparkPrivilegeObject]): Unit = {
databaseName match {
case Some(db) =>
privilegeObjects += new SparkPrivilegeObject(
SparkPrivilegeObjectType.FUNCTION, db, functionName)
case _ =>
* Add table level spark privilege objects to input or output list
* @param identifier table identifier contains database name, and table name as hive
* privilege object
* @param privilegeObjects input or output list
* @param mode Append or overwrite
private def addTableOrViewLevelObjs(
identifier: TableIdentifier,
privilegeObjects: ArrayBuffer[SparkPrivilegeObject],
partKeys: Seq[String] = Nil,
columns: Seq[String] = Nil, mode: SaveMode = SaveMode.ErrorIfExists): Unit = {
identifier.database match {
case Some(db) =>
val tbName = identifier.table
val actionType = toActionType(mode)
privilegeObjects += new SparkPrivilegeObject(
case _ =>
* SparkPrivObjectActionType INSERT or INSERT_OVERWRITE
* @param mode Append or Overwrite
private def toActionType(mode: SaveMode): SparkPrivObjectActionType = {
mode match {
case SaveMode.Append => SparkPrivObjectActionType.INSERT
case SaveMode.Overwrite => SparkPrivObjectActionType.INSERT_OVERWRITE
case _ => SparkPrivObjectActionType.OTHER