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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<document url="./index.xml" authors="false">
<author>Ted Husted</author>
<title>FAQs and Howtos - Apache Struts</title>
<section name="Struts FAQs">
<a href="kickstart.html">Kickstart FAQ</a> (read me first)
<a href="newbie.html">Newbie FAQ</a>
<a href="helping.html">How to Help FAQ</a>
<a href="works.html">How does Struts work?</a>
<section name="Howto Guides">
<a href="actionForm.html">Building an Action Form</a>
<a href="apps.html">Building Applications</a>
<a href="database.html">Accessing a Database</a>
<a href="indexedprops.html">Indexed Properties, Mapped Properties, and Indexed Tags</a>
<a href="ssl.html">Using the SSL protocol</a>
<a href="struts-el.html">Struts EL Extension</a>
<section name="IDE Guides">
<a href="eclipse.html">Installing the Eclipse IDE</a>
<a href="netbeans.html">Installing the Netbeans IDE</a>
<section name="External FAQs and Howtos">
<a href=" ">Apache Struts Wiki</a>
<a href="">jGuru FAQ</a>
<a href="">Struts Tips</a> by Ted Husted
<a href="">Unit Testing with Struts TestCase</a> by Deryl Seale
<a href="">Struts Validator: Validating Two Fields Match</a> by Matt Raible