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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document url="./database.xml">
<author>Craig R. McClanahan</author>
<author>Mike Schachter</author>
<author>Ted Husted</author>
<author>Martin Cooper</author>
<author>Ed Burns</author>
<author>Anthony Kay</author>
<title>Accessing a Database</title>
<section href="actionForm" name="How to Access a Database"/>
<section name="Accessing a Database" href="database">
The best thing is use the Action as a thin adaptor between the
web/presentation-tier and your business classes (including those that
access a database).
So you first design a business API that uses plain Java classes.
The best thing is to use objects that take ordinary Java types and return
a JavaBean or collection of JavaBeans.
The Action then calls these objects and passes the result back to the
web/presentation tier.
A common approach is to create an Action class for each of the business
API methods/classes that you need to call.
Ideally, all the database access code should be encapsulated in the
business API classes, so Struts doesn't know what persistent layer you
are using (or even if there is a persistence layer).
It just passes a key or search String and gets back a bean or collection
of beans.
This lets you use the same business API classes in other environments,
and also to run unit tests against your business API outside of Struts or
a HTTP environment.
To get started, it's simplest to setup a 1:1 correspondence between the
Actions and the entry-points to your business API.
As you gain experience, you will find ways to combine your Actions, say
by using the DispatchAction.
It's even possible to use a single "framework" Action to call all of your
business classes, as is done with Scaffold ProcessAction in the contrib
Using fewer Actions does require a deeper understanding of how Struts and
MVC frameworks operate.
Don't hesitate to err on the side of creating more Actions at first.
The Struts configuration makes it easy to refactor your Actions later,
since you can change the Action type without changing anything else in the
Ideally, the business logic layer should encapsulate the data access
details, including acquiring a database connection.
However, some application designs expect that the caller be able to provide a
database connection or DataSource instance.
When this is the case, the Struts DataSource manager can make it easy for
your Action to produce these resources on demand.
The Struts DataSource manager is configured as an element in the
<a href="../userGuide/configuration.html#data-source_config">
Struts configuration file</a> (struts-config.xml).
The manager can be used to deploy any connection pool that implements the
<code>javax.sql.DataSource</code> interface and is configurable totally
from JavaBean properties.
If your DBMS or container provides a connection pool that meets these
requirements, then that component might be your first choice.
The Jakarta Commons dbcp's BasicDataSource
[<code>org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource</code>] also works well
with the DataSource manager, if a native component is not available.
<strong>Note:</strong> The Generic DataSource which was included with previous
versions of Struts has been removed as of release 1.2.0 in favor of
plugging in the BasicDataSource, or another DataSource implementation.
This is how you would specify a DBCP BasicDataSource for your application:
<!-- configuration for commons BasicDataSource -->
<data-source type="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
value="org.postgresql.Driver" />
value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydatabase" />
value="me" />
value="test" />
value="10" />
value="5000" />
value="false" />
value="false" />
value="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM market" />
Note that you can define as many datasource objects as your application
requires and refer to each using a logical name.
This can be useful in providing better security or scalability, or even
to test datasource implementations against each other.
After a DataSource is defined, here is an example of using the
manager to establish a connection from within an Action's
<code>execute</code> method.
public ActionForward
execute(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
javax.sql.DataSource dataSource;
java.sql.Connection myConnection;
try {
dataSource = getDataSource(request);
myConnection = dataSource.getConnection();
// do what you wish with myConnection
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
getServlet().log("Connection.process", sqle);
} finally {
//enclose this in a finally block to make
//sure the connection is closed
try {
} catch (SQLException e) {
getServlet().log("Connection.close", e);
<em>Note: If you use the Commons BasicDataSource with Struts,
the query you provide for the pingQuery attribute (if you choose to
include it) must return at least one row.</em>
<strong>Example:</strong> <code>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM VALIDTABLE</code>
Just be sure you to replace "VALIDTABLE" with the name of a valid table
in your database.
<section name="Using Multiple Datasources" href="multi_dsrc">
If you need more than one data source in a module, you can include a key
attribute in the data-source element:
<data-source key="A" type="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
... properties as before ...
<data-source key="B" type="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
... properties as before ...
Which can then be accessed by including the key ("A" in this case) as an
additional parameter to the Action.getDataSource() method.
try {
dataSourceA = getDataSource(request, "A");
dataSourceB = getDataSource(request, "B");
Each module can have as many data sources as it needs. The keys only
need to be unique within a module since the struts module system maintains
a name space for the items in each module to protect you from name
<section href="more" name="See Also">
<a href=""></a><br/>
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Transformation/Data Transfer<br/>
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<section href="DynaResultSet" name="Rendering a dynamic result set">
The result of most queries will map to the ActionForms you are already using,
and so you can render the ResultSet as a collection of ActionForms.
But sometimes there are columns in a ResultSet that are not properties of an ActionForm,
or even known in advance.
Happily, the Struts tags don't care what type of bean you use with them.
You could even output a ResultSet directly.
But a ResultSet retains a connection to the database, and passing "all that" directly to a JSP gets messy.
So what's a developer to do?
Since Struts 1.1, the simplest option is to use a
<a href="">ResultSetDynaClass</a>
to transfer the ResultSet into an ArrayList of DynaBeans.
The Struts custom tags can use DynaBean properties as easily as they use conventional JavaBean properties.
(See <strong>DynaActionForm classes</strong> in the Struts User Guide for details.)
Since this is in the BeanUtils jar, you already have it on board, and just need to implement the transfer routine
(see the ResultSetDynaClass link).