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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document url="release-notes-1.0.2.html">
<author>Craig R. McClanahan</author>
<author>Robert Leland</author>
<author>Ted Husted</author>
<author>Martin Cooper</author>
<title>Struts Release Notes (Version 1.0.2)</title>
<section name="Introduction" href="Introduction">
<p>This document contains the release notes for
<strong>Version 1.0.2</strong> of the Struts Framework,
and covers changes that have taken place since
<a href="release-notes-1.0.1.html">Version 1.0.1</a>
was released. The following sections cover
<a href="#New">New Features</a> and <a href="#Changes">Changes</a>
to Struts.</p>
<p>This version covers bug-fixes only; no new functionality.</p>
<section name="What's Included?" href="Included">
<p>The binary distribution of this release includes the following
files relevant to Struts 1.0.2:</p>
<li><code>INSTALL</code> - Brief installation instructions. See
the <code>Struts Documentation Application</code>, or online at
<a href=""></a>
for more information.</li>
<li><code>LICENSE</code> - The Apache Software Foundation license that
defines the terms under which you can use Struts (and other software
licensed by Apache).</li>
<li><code>README</code> - A brief introduction to Struts.</li>
<li><code>lib/</code> - Directory containing files you will need in
your own applications. The individual files of interest are:
<li><code>struts.jar</code> - JAR file that contains the compiled
Java classes for version 1.0.2 of Struts. You must
place this file in the <code>/WEB-INF/lib</code> directory of
your web application.</li>
<li><code>struts-xxxxx.tld</code> - The tag library descriptor files
for the Struts 1.0.2 tag libraries (bean, html, logic, and
template). You must place these files in the <code>/WEB-INF</code>
directory of your web application, and reference them with
appropriate <code>&lt;taglib&gt;</code> directives in your
web.xml file.</li>
<li><code>jdbc2_0-stdext.jar</code> - The JDBC 2.0 Optional Package
API classes (package <code>javax.sql</code>). You will need to
include this file in the <code>/WEB-INF/lib</code> directory
of your application, if it is not already made visible to web
applications by your servlet container.</li>
<li><code>struts-config_1_0.dtd</code> - The document type descriptor
(DTD) for the Struts configuration file (which is typically named
<code>/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml</code>. Your configuration file
will be validated against an internal copy of this DTD -- this
copy is available for reference purposes only.</li>
<li><code>web-app_2_2.dtd</code> - The document type descriptor (DTD)
for web.xml files conforming to the Servlet 2.2 specification.
This copy is for reference purposes only.</li>
<li><code>web-app_2_3.dtd</code> - The document type descriptor (DTD)
for web.xml files conforming to the Servlet 2.3 specification.
This copy is for reference purposes only.</li>
<li><code>webapps/</code> - Web Application Archive (WAR) files for the
web applications that are included with Struts.</li>
<p>The struts 0.5 milestone API release is no longer supported,
and will be removed as of Struts 1.1.</p>
<section name="What's New?" href="New">
<p>No new features have been added in this release.</p>
<section name="Changes and Bug Fixes" href="Changes">
<p>The following changes and bug fixes have occurred in the basic
controller framework (package <code>org.apache.struts.action</code>):</p>
<li>The <code>ActionForm.getMultipartRequestHandler()</code> method is now
public rather than protected, to restore compatibility with the Tiles