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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document url="installation-ipas.html">
<author>John Ueltzhoeffer</author>
<title>The Struts Framework Project - Installation - iPortal Application Server</title>
<chapter name="5.2 Installation" href="installation">
<section name="Installing Struts with your servlet container" href="Containers">
<a name="ipas13">iPortal Application Server 1.3</a>
<strong>Tested with: Windows 2000</strong>
<h4>Important Note:</h4>
<p>At the moment, iPAS 1.3 is not fully compliant with the JSP 1.1/1.2
specification. </p>
<p>Specifically, the automatic type conversions for custom tag parameters
specified in "Issue 7" of the JSP 1.1 Errata and in the JSP 1.2 Proposed
Final Draft have not yet been implemented.</p>
<p>As it stands, JSP pages that make use of Struts taglibs whose parameters
require conversion (such as booleans) will not compile under JRun. This
includes the Struts Example Application. Attempting to run the example
application will result in an exception similar to the following being
Compilation failed [IT_Builder:1000]
at com.iona.j2ee.builder.EarBuilder.main(
ocale(boolean) in org.apache.struts.taglib.html.HtmlTag
cannot be applied to (java.lang.String)
1 error
<p>(For more details see refer to:<br/>
<a href=""></a>
<p>The following instructions describe how to install the Struts Example
Application under iPAS 1.3. A subsequent section describes how the Struts
Example Application can be patched to work with Struts.</p>
<p>The following instructions assume the following:</p>
<li>iPortal Application Server 1.3 has been installed.</li>
<li>Both the Strut and XML Parser libraries are in your classpath.</li>
<h4>Installing the struts example application</h4>
<li>Start iPAS Services by clicking on the [Start iPAS Services] menu item. </li>
<li>Start the iPortal Application Server by clicking on the [iPortal Application Server] menu item. </li>
<li>Start a command shell. Change to the <code>$INSTALLDIR\IONA</code> and run the
setenvs.bat file.</li>
<li>Create a directory called jars.</li>
<p>Now run the EARSCO tool. Type <code>java iportal.earsco</code> and at the prompts do:</p>
<li>Type in the application name of <code>struts-example</code> then click next.</li>
<li>In step three click the check box and enter the name of the
WAR <code>struts-example</code>.Then click next.</li>
<li>Click on Finish.</li>
<p>Now you must copy the contents of the struts-example war into the EARSCO
directory structure as follows: </p>
<p>Under <code>$INSTALLDIR\IONA\jars\struts-examples\src\struts-example.war</code> you
copy contents into the following directories: etc, lib, src and web.</p>
<li>Copy all files in the root directory <br/>
into the earsco directory<br/>
Do not copy in the classes or lib directories.</li>
<li>Copy the directory <br/>
into the earsco directory<br/>
<li>Copy the directory <br/>
into the earsco directory<br/>
<li>Copy the directory <br/>
<code>$INSTALLDIR\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\webapps\struts-example </code>
into the earsco directory <br/>
<li>Next modify the application.xml in the <br/>
<code>$INSTALLDIR\IONA\jars\struts-examples\etc</code> directory to this: </li>
&lt;!-- Add display name -->
&lt;display-name>Struts Example&lt;/display-name>
<li>Last update the cc.xml in the <br/>
<code>$INSTALLDIR\IONA\jars\struts-examples directory as follows:</code>
<p>Now you are ready to compile and deploy the struts-example.</p>
<p>To compile the source from the $INSTALLDIR\IONA\jars\struts-examples type </p>
<p>Next, type</p>
<code>java iportal.deploy</code>
<p>The first time you deploy you will be prompted by a Deploy wizard and asked to
supply both locations of the struts-example.ear file and of the cc.xml file.
Once both elements have been satisfied continue until the finish button and
click it. The EAR file should deploy successfully.</p>
<p>Test the sample application by using the following URL in the browser:</p>
<p>The <code>struts-documentation.war</code> can be installed using the same procedure.</p>
<h4>Patching the struts example application</h4>
<p>As mentioned at the beginning of these notes, the Struts Example Application
will not run under iPAS 1.3 without modification. The following changes will
need to be made:</p>
<li>index.jsp, logon.jsp: Change &lt;html:html locale="true"> to <br/>&lt;html:html locale=&lt;%= true %>></li>
<li>registration.jsp, subscription.jsp: Change all instances of filter="true" to <br/>filter=&lt;%= true %></li>
<p>Back to <a href="installation.html#Containers">Installation</a>