blob: 9d7fcb427563edc2e2f6e121f6170d8c6ac90fa0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<document url="dev_html.html">
<author>Craig R. McClanahan</author>
<author>Ted Husted</author>
<author>Martin Cooper</author>
<author>Mike Schachter</author>
<title>The Struts User's Guide - HTML Taglib Guide</title>
<chapter name="HTML Taglib Guide">
<section href="html" name="The HTML Taglib">
The tags in the Struts HTML library form a bridge between a JSP view and the other components of a Web application.
Since a dynamic Web application often depends on gathering data from a user, input forms play an important role in
the Struts framework. Consequently, the majority of the HTML tags involve HTML forms.
The HTML taglib contains tags used to create Struts input forms, as well as other tags generally useful
in the creation of HTML-based user interfaces. The output is HTML 4.01 compliant or XHTML 1.0 when in XHTML mode.
<section href="resources" name="HTML Tag Resources">
<li><a href="../api/org/apache/struts/taglib/html/package-summary.html#package_description">HTML Taglib Package Description</a></li>
<li><a href="struts-html.html">HTML Taglib API Reference</a></li>