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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document url="./todo-1.1.xml">
<author>Craig R. McClanahan</author>
<title>The Struts Project TODO List for Version 1.1</title>
<section name="Introduction" href="Intro">
<p>Application frameworks, like the applications we build with them,
never seem to be completed. The following major areas of improvement
are being considered for implementation in version <strong>1.1</strong>
of Struts, with work to begin as soon as version 1.0 is released.</p>
<p>An external development that is likely to affect the development of
Struts 1.1 will be the emerging Standard Tag Library, being produced under
the Java Community Process (see JSR #52 for more information), at
<a href=""></a>. The existing
Struts tags will certainly be used as input to the standardization process,
but in the case where standard tags with similar functionality are adopted,
we should migrate Struts tags to maintain maximum compatibility with the
new standard library.</p>
<p>The TODO list tasks are divided into functional areas that correspond
to the major components of the Struts Framework. References in square
brackets are the Java package containing the corresponding source code.</p>
<task-list name="Struts Documentation" href="Docs">
<p>Omnibus task list for items related to the Struts Documentation,
which do not have direct relationships with code bases.</p>
<task-list name="Struts Example Application" href="Example">
<p>An example web application utilizing the Struts framework and
custom tag library.</p>
<task name="Better Database Support">
<p>Use a "real" database of some sort (while still making Struts
easy to install.</p>
<a href="">Ted Husted</a>
<task name="Locale Switching">
<p>Add support for switching Locales on the fly to the Struts
example application.</p>
<a href="">Ted Husted</a>
<task-list name="MVC Framework [org.apache.struts.action]" href="MVC">
<p>This is the core controller servlet, with support for the developer's
action and form bean classes, plus the supporting data structures.</p>
<task name="Remove Deprecations">
<p>Clean out all 1.0 deprecated classes and files, framework-wide.</p>
<task name="ActionForms With Dynamic Properties">
<p>Create mechanisms to support ActionForm implementations where the
set of properties to be included is dynamically calculated, in addition
to the current support for properties that are accessed through the
Java Reflection APIs and are therefore fixed.</p>
<task name="Workflow Processing">
<p>Create a mechanism by which business logic (now encoded in
<code>Action</code> classes) can be subdivided into individual work
<code>Tasks</code> that are combined according to configuration
information (including flow control and iteration support) in the
<code>struts-config.xml</code> file. Support for workflow processing
would be provided by a set of standard <code>Actions</code>, and
will offer an alternative mechanism (not a replacement of Actions)
to organizing your business logic.</p>
<a href="">Craig Tataryn</a>,
<a href="">Nic Hobbs</a>
<task name="Standard Validations">
<p>Add the ability to configure standard validations on particular
properties to be enforced by the controller servlet automatically.
Where feasible, client-side JavaScript validations may also be
generated based on the same configuration rules.</p>
<a href="">Nic Hobbs</a>,
<a href="">Dave Winterfeldt</a>
<task name="PropertyEditor Support">
<p>Add support for JavaBeans that include a <code>PropertyEditor</code>
class for conversion to and from the string representation used in an
HTML input field. This support should operate in a manner consistent
with the way that standard JSP tags do in JSP 1.2.</p>
<task name="Event and Listener Model">
<p>Retrofit the Struts controller framework with supports for event
generation (and the corresponding registration of listeners) for all
interesting events created by the framework. The list of interesting
events will undoubtedly be influenced by changes related to other
work items on this list (such as workflow processing and standard
validations), so work on this should be coordinated with those
[STRUTS-DEV, Robert Leland, 10/10/2000]
[STRUTS-DEV, David Geary, 12/20/2000]
[STRUTS-USER, Ted Husted, 12/23/2000]
<task name="EJB Design Patterns">
<p>Begin adding design patterns and support for easy integration with
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs) for encapsulation of business logic and
application data.</p>
<a href="">Nic Hobbs</a>
<a href="">Mike Schachter</a>
<task name="HTML No-Cache Support">
<p>Improve the current Struts support for generating no-cache headers
to provide finer-grained, configurable control on a per-page basis.
[STRUTS-DEV, Hou Yunfeng, 10/07/2000]
[STRUTS-DEV, Matthias Kerkhoff, 11/18/2000]
<task name="Role-Based Action Execution">
<p>Add the ability to require the current user to be in a particular
security role before they can execute a particular action.
[STRUTS-DEV, James W., 01/23/2001]
<a href="">Nic Hobbs</a>
<task-list name="XML Digester [org.apache.struts.digester]" href="Digester">
<p>The Digester package supports scripted firing of "rules" based on
matching a particular pattern of nested XML tags. Among the predefined
rules that can be utilized are rules to create new objects, set bean
properties from the contents of attributes, or call arbitrary methods
with arguments based on the XML content being parsed. A common
use for this technology (illustrated in the Struts ActionServlet), is
parsing configuration files and building corresponding object trees.</p>
<task name="Developer Documentation">
<p>Create more detailed documentation of how the Digester package
can be utilized by application developers.</p>
<task name="Refactor Dependencies">
<p>Refactor import dependencies, here and within the utilities package,
with the goal of being able to use the Digester package in standalone
applications without having to import the servlet API classes.</p>
[STRUTS-USER, Martin Cooper, 01/02/2001]
<task-list name="Bean Tag Library [org.apache.struts.taglib.bean]"
<p>This tag library contains basic tags useful in manipulating JavaBeans
and their properties. It includes support for getting and setting bean
properties using simple, nested, and subscripted accessor expressions.
<task name="XPath Support">
<p>Update all of the relevant tags to include property accessor support
using the syntax specified by the XPath standard (</p>
<a href="">Dave Bettin</a>
<task name="XML DOM Support">
<p>Update all of the relevant tags to get and set attributes from a
Java object that implements the XML Document Object Model, as well as
from the current tree of JavaBean objects. How the underlying data
object is stored should be transparent to page writers using these
<a href="">Dave Bettin</a>
<task name="JDBC RowSet Support">
<p>Update all of the relevant tags to get and set attributes from a
JDBC RowSet (or ResultSet) object, as well as from XML DOM objects and
the current tree of JavaBean objects. How the underlying data object
is stored should be transparent to page writers using these tags.
<a href="">Dave Bettin</a>
<task name="Formatting Support">
<p>Add the ability to use formatting patterns (suitably localized) for
presenting numbers, dates, times, timestamps, and so on via formatted
[STRUTS-DEV, Oleg Alexeev, 10/27/2000]
[STRUTS-USER, Ned Seagoon, 12/11/2000]
[STRUTS-DEV, Ned Seagoon, 12/13/2000]
[STRUTS-USER, Ned Seagoon, 01/04/2001]
<a href="">Dave Bettin</a>
<task-list name="HTML Tag Library [org.apache.struts.taglib.html]"
<p>This tag library contains tags useful in preparing web applications that
use HTML forms as their primary mechanism for user data entry, as well as
support for internationalized and localized applications.</p>
<task name="Client Side Validation">
<p>Add the ability to automatically generate optional JavaScript code
to perform client-side validations for things like required fields,
numeric fields, dates/times/timestamps, and so on. The required
validation should mesh with validation enhancements provided in the
controller servlet itself.</p>
[STRUTS-DEV, David Winterfeldt, 07/27/2000]
<a href="">Ted Husted</a>,
<a href="">Nic Hobbs</a>,
<a href="">Dave Winterfeldt</a>,
<a href="">Spencer Smith</a>
<task name="Radio Button Groups">
<p>Add a new tag that supports generation of groups of radio buttons.
[STRUTS-DEV, Wellington Silva, 08/28/2000]
<task name="Improve Options Tag">
<p>Improve the mechanism by which you define values and corresponding
labels for <code>&lt;html:options&gt;</code>.</p>
[STRUTS-DEV, David Winterfeldt, 07/27/2000]
[STRUTS-DEV, David Winterfeldt, 08/02/2000]
[STRUTS-DEV, Andy Boyko, 11/15/2000]
[STRUTS-DEV, Andy Boyko, 12/07/2000]
<task name="Improve Error Reporting">
<p>Improve the ability of the <code>&lt;html:errors&gt;</code> tag
to present error messages, especially property-specific messages.
[STRUTS-DEV, Oleg Alexeev, 10/23/2000]
[STRUTS-DEV, Oleg Alexeev, 11/15/2000]
[STRUTS-DEV, Oleg Alexeev, 01/01/2001]
<task name="Additional Attributes">
<p>Support additional HTML 4.0.1 attributes (such as "disabled",
"readonly", "wrap" on textarea)
where appropriate.</p>
[STRUTS-USER, , 08/23/2000]
<task name="Improved Iteration Support">
<p>Improve the ability to use the <code>&lt;logic:iterate&gt;</code>
tag over a collection, and generate a set of input fields for each
member of the collection (perhaps auto-generating a subscript?).
A significant use case is master-detail relationships (say, a
customer and their current orders) where you allow editing of any
and all fields.</p>
[STRUTS-USER, Lars, 12/06/2000]
[STRUTS-USER, Chandan Kulkarni, 12/26/2000]
<task name="Multi-Page Form Support">
<p>Create design patterns and improved internal support for forms that
span multiple pages.</p>
<a href="">Nic Hobbs</a>
<task-list name="JDBC Tag Library [org.apache.struts.taglib.jdbc]"
<p>This tag library will provide mechanisms to acquire information from
a database that is useful in the presentation logic of an application
(such as populating the values shown in an HTML <code>select</code>
element). They will interact with a data source object created and
initialized by the controller servlet.</p>
<task name="Create Tag Library">
<p>Create the initial tag library and documentation.</p>
<task-list name="Logic Tag Library [org.apache.struts.taglib.logic]"
<p>This tag library provides mechanisms to conditionally process
nested body content based on a variety of logical conditions.</p>
<task name="'Else' and 'Else If' Capability">
<p>Add "else" and "else if" constructs to the existing conditional
tags, in some reasonable format.</p>
[STRUTS-DEV, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart, 06/14/2000]
[STRUTS-DEV, Frank Nestel, 06/26/2000]
<task name="Other Conditional Structures">
<p>Add conditional tags that emulate the "case" or "switch"
capability of many programming languages.</p>
<task name="Iterating Parallel Collections">
<p>Enhance <code>&lt;logic:iterate&gt;</code>, or provide a new
tag, to iterate over multiple collections in parallel.</p>
[STRUTS-DEV, Jeff R., 08/03/2000]
<task name="Enhance Role Checking">
<p>Enhance <code>&lt;logic:present&gt;</code> to accept a comma
delimited list of roles in the <code>role</code> attribute, and
process the nested body content if <em>any</em> of the listed roles
where owned by the current user. A corresponding change to
<code>&lt;logic:notPresent&gt;</code> would process the nested body
content only if <em>none</em> of the listed roles were owned by
the present user.</p>
[STRUTS-USER, David Winterfeldt, 01/03/2001]
<task-list name="WML Tag Library [org.apache.struts.taglib.wml]"
<p>This tag library will contain tags useful in preparing web applications
similar to those supported by the HTML tag library, but render output that
is well-formed XML in accordance with WML specifications.</p>
<task-list name="XFORMS Tag Library [org.apache.struts.taglib.xforms]"
<p>This potential new tag library provides access to facilities in the
emerging XForms standards.</p>
<task name="Generalized Form Handling">
<p>Consider how to support more generalized definitions of forms and
their fields, perhaps based on emerging XForms standards.</p>
<task-list name="XHTML Tag Library [org.apache.struts.taglib.xhtml]"
<p>This tag library will contain tags useful in preparing web applications
similar to those supported by the HTML tag library, but render output that
is well-formed XML in accordance with the XHTML 1.0 specification.</p>
<task-list name="Tools Support []"
<p>This package contains code generators and other tools that
facilitate the creation of Struts-based applications. Further
subdivision into specialized packages should be performed as
<task name="XML --&gt; ActionForm Code Generator">
<p>Create a tool that takes an XML-based description of the
properties of the form bean, and automatically generates
the corresponding Java class.</p>
[STRUTS-DEV, Mark Wutka, 06/01/2000 and 06/16/2000]
<a href="">Martin Cooper</a>
<task-list name="Utility Classes [org.apache.struts.util]" href="Util">
<p>This package contains a variety of utility classes useful within
Struts as well as in stand-alone applications.</p>
<task name="XmlMessageResources">
<p>Implementation of <code>MessageResources</code> and
<code>MessageResourcesFactory</code> that loads message keys
and strings from one or more XML resources or files.</p>
[STRUTS-DEV, Scott Sayles, 01/07/2000]
<task name="GenericDataSource Improvements">
<p>Improve the connection pool implementation by including checking
for dead connections before a connection is returned. (The means
used for checking needs to be configurable somehow).</p>
[STRUTS-USER, David Winterfeldt, 01/04/2001]
<task name="Enhanced Collections Support">
<p>Improve support in <code>BeanUtils</code>,
<code>ConvertUtils</code>, and <code>PropertyUtils</code> for property
values that implement <code>Collection</code>, <code>List</code>, or
<code>Set</code>, treating them in a manner similar to the way that
indexed or array-valued properties are handled.</p>
[Bugzilla #640]
<task-list name="Unit Test Suites" href="Unit Tests">
<p>Unit test components compatible with the JUnit and Cactus testing
frameworks, to test and validate internal APIs of the Struts framework.
Volunteers will typically agree to develop tests for an entire package
within the Java source code of Struts.
<task name="Action">
<p>Unit tests for the <code>org.apache.struts.action</code> package.</p>
<a href="">Rob Leland</a>
<task name="Actions">
<p>Unit tests for the <code>org.apache.struts.actions</code> package.</p>
<task name="Digester">
<p>Unit tests for the <code>org.apache.struts.digester</code> package.</p>
<task name="Taglib.Bean">
<p>Unit tests for the <code>org.apache.struts.taglib.bean</code> package.</p>
<task name="Taglib.Html">
<p>Unit tests for the <code>org.apache.struts.taglib.html</code> package.</p>
<task name="Taglib.Logic">
<p>Unit tests for the <code>org.apache.struts.taglib.logic</code> package.</p>
<task name="Taglib.Template">
<p>Unit tests for the <code>org.apache.struts.taglib.template</code> package.</p>
<task name="Upload">
<p>Unit tests for the <code>org.apache.struts.taglib.upload</code> package.</p>
<task name="Util">
<p>Unit tests for the <code>org.apache.struts.util</code> package.</p>
<task-list name="Additional Possibilities" href="Additional">
<p>This section is a catch-all for additional areas of functionality
to be investigated for inclusion into Struts.</p>
<task name="Coarse Grain Components">
[STRUTS-DEV, Cedric Dumoulin, 10/03/2000]
<task name="Multidimensional Properties">
[STRUTS-DEV, Eric, 11/07/2000]
<task name="Portal Components">
[STRUTS-DEV, Phil Grimm, 11/22/2000]
<a href="">Ted Husted</a>
<task name="Storefront Example App">
[STRUTS-DEV, David D'Orto, 12/11/2000]
<task-list name="Contributors Area" href="Contrib">
<p>A portion of the Struts web site, and file system, where individually
contributed add-ons for Struts can be hosted and downloaded.</p>
<task name="Proposal">
<p>Detailed proposal with implementation plan. [STRUTS-USER, Ned Seagoon, 12/22/2000]</p>
<a href="">Ted Husted</a>