blob: 1a6bd2bab212624293a94a4a06240af1c2178d7d [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document url="./struts-form.xml">
<author>Mike Schachter</author>
<title>DEPRECATED: The Struts Framework Project - Form Tags</title>
<display-name>DEPRECATED: Form Construction Tags</display-name>
DEPRECATED: This taglib has been deprecated, use of the
struts-html.tld file is recommended in place of it, which
contains all of this taglib's functionality. All tags in
org.apache.struts.taglib.form have been moved to
org.apache.struts.taglib.html. All tags in this file
point to the new classes in org.apache.struts.taglib.html.
This taglib contains tags used to create struts
input forms, as well as other tags generally useful
in the creation of HTML-based user interfaces.
<summary>Render an HTML &lt;base&gt; Element</summary>
<p>Renders an HTML <code>&lt;base&gt;</code> element with an
<code>href</code> attribute pointing to the absolute location of
the enclosing JSP page. This tag is valid only when nested inside
an HTML <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> element. There are no attributes
associated with this tag.</p>
<p>This tag is useful because it allows you to use relative URL
references in the page that are calculated based on the URL of the
page itself, rather than the URL to which the most recent submit
took place (which is where the browser would normally resolve
relative references against).</p>
Render A Button Input Field
Renders an HTML &lt;input&gt; element of type button, populated
from the specified value or the content of this tag body. This
tag is only valid when nested inside a form tag body.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the
mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under
the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
Name of the request parameter that will be included with this
submission, set to the specified value.
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.
Value of the label to be placed on this button. This value will
also be submitted as the value of the specified request parameter.
[Body of this tag (if any), or "Click"]
Render a Cancel Button
Renders an HTML &lt;input&gt; element of type submit. This tag is only
valid when nested inside a form tag body. Pressing of this submit
button causes the action servlet to bypass calling the associated
form bean validate() method. The action is called normally.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the
mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under
the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
Name of the request parameter that will be included with this
submission, set to the specified value.
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.
Value of the label to be placed on this button. This value will
also be submitted as the value of the specified request parameter.
[Body of this tag (if any), or "Cancel"]
Render A Checkbox Input Field
Renders an HTML &lt;input&gt; element of type checkbox, populated
from the specified value or the specified property of the bean
associated with our current form. This tag is only valid when
nested inside a form tag body.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted when
rendering the current value of this input field. If not specified,
the bean associated with the form tag we are nested within is utilized.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the
mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under
the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
Name of the request parameter that will be included with this
submission, set to the specified value.
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.
Value of the label to be placed on this button. This value will
also be submitted as the value of the specified request parameter.
[Body of this tag (if any), or "Cancel"]
Conditionally display a set of accumulated error messages.
<p>Displays a set of error messages prepared by a business
logic component and stored as an <code>ActionErrors</code>
object, a String, or a String array in request scope. If
such a bean is not found, nothing will be rendered.</p>
<p>In order to use this tag successfully, you must have
defined an application scope <code>MessageResources</code>
bean under the default attribute name, with at least the
following message keys:</p>
<li><strong>errors.header</strong> - Text that will be rendered
before the error messages list. Typically, this message text
will end with <code>&lt;ul&gt;</code> to start the
error messages list.</li>
<li><strong>errors.footer</strong> - Text that will be rendered
after the error messages list. Typically, this message text
will begin with <code>&lt;/ul&gt;</code> to end the error
messages list.</li>
Name of the request scope bean under which our error messages
have been stored. If not present, the name specified by the
<code>Action.ERROR_KEY</code> constant string will be used.
Render A File Select Input Field
Renders an HTML &lt;input&gt; element of type file, defaulting to
the specified value or the specified property of the bean
associated with our current form. This tag is only valid when
nested inside a form tag body.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
Comma-delimited set of content types that the server you submit to
knows how to process. This list can be used by the client browser
to limit the set of file options that is made available for selection.
If not specified, no content type list will be sent.
Maximum number of input characters to accept. [No limit]
The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted when
rendering the current value of this input field. If not specified,
the bean associated with the form tag we are nested within is utilized.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the
mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under
the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
Name of the request parameter that will be included with this
submission, set to the specified value.
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.
Value of the label to be placed on this button. This value will
also be submitted as the value of the specified request parameter.
[Body of this tag (if any), or "Cancel"]
Define An Input Form
Renders an HTML &lt;form&gt; element whose contents are described
by the body content of this tag. The form implicitly interacts
with the specified request scope or session scope bean to populate
the input fields with the current property values from the bean.
The URL to which this form will be submitted. Typically, this will
match a mapping for the ActionServlet managing this application.
URL rewriting will automatically be performed on this URL, to
maintain session state in the absence of cookies. [Form will be
submitted to this page itself]
The content encoding to be used to submit this form, if the method
is POST. This must be set to "multipart/form-data" if you are using
the file tag to enable file upload. If not specified, the browser
default (normally "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") is used.
The field name (among the fields on this form) to which initial
focus will be assigned with a JavaScript function. If not specified,
no special JavaScript for this purpose will be rendered.
The HTTP method that will be used to submit this request
Name of the request scope or session scope bean (as defined by
the scope attribute) whose properties will be used to populate
input field values. If no such bean is found, a new bean will
be created (and added to the appropriate scope), using the Java
class name specified by the type attribute.
JavaScript event handler executed if the form is reset.
JavaScript event handler executed if the form is submitted.
JSP scope within which the associated bean will be accessed
or created (request, session). [session]
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
Window target to which this form is submitted, such as
for use in framed presentations.
Fully qualified Java class name of the bean to be created
if no bean is found for the specified name and scope. To
be used successfully with the Struts ActionServlet, this class
must implement the org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm interface.
[Runtime error if bean creation is attempted]
Render A Checkbox Input Field
Renders an HTML &lt;input&gt; element of type hidden, populated
from the specified value or the specified property of the bean
associated with our current form. This tag is only valid when
nested inside a form tag body.
The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted
when rendering the current value of this input field. If not
specified, the bean associated with the form tag we are nested
within is utilized.
Name of this input field, and the name of the corresponding bean
property if value is not specified. The corresponding bean property
(if any) must be of type String.
Value to which this field should be initialized. [Use the
corresponding bean property value]
<summary>Render an HTML &lt;html&gt; Element</summary>
<p>Renders an HTML <code>&lt;html&gt;</code> element with
language attributes extracted from the user's current Locale
object, if there is one.</p>
<p>Set to <code>true</code> in order to record a Locale based on
the current request's <code>Accept-Language</code> header (if
any) if none has currently been set.</p>
<p>Set to <code>true</code> in order to render an
<code>xml:lang</code> attribute on the generated
<code>html</code> element.</p>
Renders an input of type "image"
This tag renders an input of type "image". Use the "src" attribute
in conjunction with a non-null "isKey" attribute to retrieve a
property value from a resource bundle. Use the "path"
attribute to specify a direct path to the image. See info on
the "property" attribute if you would like to obtain the coordinates
of the mouse click submitted with the request.
The locale to use to retrieve the key specified by "src".
The servlet context attribute key for the MessageResources
instance to use.
The name of this image tag. The parameter names for the request
will appear as "property.x" and "property.y", the x and y
representing the coordinates of the mouse click for the image.
A way of retrieving these values through a form bean is to
define getX(), getY(), setX(), and setY() methods, and specify
your propery as a blank string (property="").
The "src" attribute of the input tag, or if "isKey" is not null,
the key of the bundle value to use for this attribute.
The path of image for image button.
Whether or not the "src" attribute represents a ResourceBundle key.
<summary>Render an HTML anchor or hyperlink</summary>
<p>Renders an HTML <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> element as an
anchor definition (if "linkName" is specified) or as a
hyperlink to the specified URL. URL rewriting will be
applied automatically, to maintain session state in the
absence of cookies. The content displayed for this
hyperlink will be taken from the body of this tag.</p>
<p>The base URL for this hyperlink is calculated based on
which of the following attributes you specify (you must
specify exactly one of them):</p>
<li><em>forward</em> - Use the value of this attribute as the
name of a global <code>ActionForward</code> to be looked
up, and use the context-relative URI found there.</li>
<li><em>href</em> - Use the value of this attribute unchanged.
<li><em>page</em> - Use the value of this attribute as a
context-relative URI, and generate a server-relative URI
by including the context path.</li>
<p>Normally, the hyperlink you specify with one of the
attributes described in the previous paragraph will be left
unchanged (other than URL rewriting if necessary). However,
there are two ways you can append one or more dynamically
defined query parameters to the hyperlink -- specify a single
parameter with the <code>paramId</code> attribute (and its
associated attributes to select the value), or specify the
<code>name</code> (and optional <code>property</code>)
attributes to select a <code>java.util.Map</code> bean that
contains one or more parameter ids and corresponding values.
<p>To specify a single parameter, use the <code>paramId</code>
attribute to define the name of the request parameter to be
submitted. To specify the corresponding value, use one of the
following approaches:</p>
<li><em>Specify only the <code>paramName</code> attribute</em>
- The named JSP bean (optionally scoped by the value of the
<code>paramScope</code> attribute) must identify a value
that can be converted to a String.</li>
<li><em>Specify both the <code>paramName</code> and
<code>paramProperty</code> attributes</em> - The specified
property getter method will be called on the JSP bean
identified by the <code>paramName</code> (and optional
<code>paramScope</code>) attributes, in order to select
a value that can be converted to a String.</li>
<p>If you prefer to specify a <code>java.util.Map</code> that
contains all of the request parameters to be added to the
hyperlink, use one of the following techniques:</p>
<li><em>Specify only the <code>name</code> attribute</em> -
The named JSP bean (optionally scoped by the value of
the <code>scope</code> attribute) must identify a
<code>java.util.Map</code> containing the parameters.</li>
<li><em>Specify both <code>name</code> and
<code>property</code> attributes</em> - The specified
property getter method will be called on the bean
identified by the <code>name</code> (and optional
<code>scope</code>) attributes, in order to return the
<code>java.util.Map</code> containing the parameters.</li>
<p>As the <code>Map</code> is processed, the keys are assumed
to be the names of query parameters to be appended to the
hyperlink. The value associated with each key must be either
a String or a String array representing the parameter value(s).
If a String array is specified, more than one value for the
same query parameter name will be created.</p>
<p>The keyboard character used to move focus immediately
to this element.</p>
<p>Logical name of a global <code>ActionForward</code> that
contains the actual content-relative URI of the destination
of this transfer. This hyperlink may be dynamically
modified by the inclusion of query parameters, as described
in the tag description. You <strong>must</strong> specify
exactly one of the <code>forward</code> attribute, the
<code>href</code> attribute, the <code>linkName</code>
attribute, or the <code>page</code> attribute.</p>
<p>The URL to which this hyperlink will transfer control
if activated. This hyperlink may be dynamically modified
by the inclusion of query parameters, as described in the
tag description. You <strong>must</strong> specify
exactly one of the <code>forward</code> attribute, the
<code>href</code> attribute, the <code>linkName</code>
attribute, or the <code>page</code> attribute.</p>
<p>The anchor name to be defined within this page, so that
you can reference it with intra-page hyperlinks. In other
words, the value specified here will render a "name" element
in the generated anchor tag.</p>
<p>The name of a JSP bean that contains a <code>Map</code>
representing the query parameters (if <code>property</code>
is not specified), or a JSP bean whose property getter is
called to return a <code>Map</code> (if <code>property</code>
is specified).</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element loses input focus.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives a mouse click.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives a mouse double click.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives input focus.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives a key down event.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives a key press event.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives a key up event.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives a mouse down event.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives a mouse move event.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives a mouse out event.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives a mouse over event.</p>
<p>JavaScript event handler that is executed when
this element receives a mouse up event.</p>
<p>The context-relative path (beginning with a "/"
character) to which this hyperlink will transfer control
if activated. This hyperlink may be dynamically modified
by the inclusion of query parameters, as described in the
tag description. You <strong>must</strong> specify exactly
one of the <code>forward</code> attribute, the
<code>href</code> attribute, the <code>linkName</code>
attribute, or the <code>page</code> attribute.</p>
<p>The name of the request parameter that will be dynamically
added to the generated hyperlink. The corresponding value is
defined by the <code>paramName</code> and (optional)
<code>paramProperty</code> attributes, optionally scoped by
the <code>paramScope</code> attributel</p>
<p>The name of a JSP bean that is a String containing the
value for the request parameter named by <code>paramId</code>
(if <code>paramProperty</code> is not specified), or a JSP
bean whose property getter is called to return a String
(if <code>paramProperty</code> is specified). The JSP bean
is constrained to the bean scope specified by the
<code>paramScope</code> property, if it is specified.</p>
<p>The name of a property of the bean specified by the
<code>paramName</code> attribute, whose return value must
be a String containing the value of the request parameter
(named by the <code>paramId</code> attribute) that will be
dynamically added to this hyperlink.</p>
<p>The scope within which to search for the bean specified
by the <code>paramName</code> attribute. If not specified,
all scopes are searched.</p>
<p>The name of a property of the bean specified by the
<code>name</code> attribute, whose return value must be
a <code>java.util.Map</code> containing the query parameters
to be added to the hyperlink. You <strong>must</strong>
specify the <code>name</code> attribute if you specify
this attribute.</p>
<p>The scope within which to search for the bean specified
by the <code>name</code> attribute. If not specified, all
scopes are searched.</p>
<p>CSS styles to be applied to this element.</p>
<p>CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this element.</p>
<p>The tab order (ascending positive integers) for
this element.</p>
<p>The window target in which the resource requested by this
hyperlink will be displayed, for example in a framed
Render A Checkbox Input Field
Renders an HTML &lt;input&gt; element of type checkbox, whose "checked"
status is initialized based on whether the specified value matches
one of the elements of the underlying property's array of current
values. This element is useful when you have large numbers of
checkboxes, and prefer to combine the values into a single
array-valued property instead of multiple boolean properties.
This tag is only valid when nested inside a form tag body.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted when
rendering the current value of this input field. If not specified,
the bean associated with the form tag we are nested within is utilized.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the
mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under
the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
Name of the request parameter that will be included with this
submission, set to the specified value.
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.
Value of the label to be placed on this button. This value will
also be submitted as the value of the specified request parameter.
[Body of this tag (if any), or "Cancel"]
Render A Select Option
Renders an HTML &lt;option&gt; element, representing one of the choices
for a &lt;select&gt; element. The text displayed to the user comes from
the body of this tag. If the value of the corresponding bean
property matches the specified value, this option will be marked
selected. This tag is only valid when nested inside a select tag
Value to be submitted for this field if this option is selected by
the user.
Render a Collection of Select Options
<p>Renders a set of HTML <code>&lt;option&gt;</code> elements,
representing possible choices for a <code>&lt;select&gt;</code>
element. This tag can be used multiple times within a single
<code>&lt;form:select&gt;</code> element, either in conjunction
with or instead of one or more <code>&lt;form:option&gt;</code>
<p>This tag operates in one of two major modes, depending on
whether or not the <code>collection</code> attribute is
specified. If the <code>collection</code> attribute is
included, the following rules apply:</p>
<li>The <strong>collection</strong> attribute is interpreted
as the name of a JSP bean, in some scope, that itself
represents a collection of individual beans, one per option
value to be rendered.</li>
<li>The <strong>property</strong> attribute is interpreted as
the name of a property of the individual beans included in
the collection, and is used to retrieve the value that will
be returned to the server if this option is selected.</li>
<li>The <strong>labelProperty</strong> attribute is interpreted
as the name of a property of the individual beans included
in the collection, and is used to retrieve the label that
will be displayed to the user for this option. If the
<code>labelProperty</code> attribute is not specified, the
property named by the <code>property</code> attribute will
be used to select both the value returned to the server and
the label displayed to the user for this option.</li>
<p>If the <code>collection</code> attribute is not specified,
the rules described in the remainder of this section apply.</p>
<p>The collection of values actually selected depends on the presence or
absence of the <code>name</code> and <code>property</code> attributes. The
following combinations are allowed:</p>
<li><i>Only <code>name</code> is specified</i> - The value of this attribute
is the name of a JSP bean in some scope that is the
<li><i>Only <code>property</code> is specified</i> - The value of this
attribute is the name of a property of the ActionForm bean associated
with our form, which will return the collection.</li>
<li><i>Both <code>name</code> and <code>property</code> are specified</i> -
The value of the <code>name</code> attribute identifies a JSP bean
in some scope. The value of the <code>property</code> attribute is the
name of some property of that bean which will return the collection.</li>
<p>The collection of labels displayed to the user can be the same as the
option values themselves, or can be different, depending on the presence or
absence of the <code>labelName</code> and <code>labelProperty</code>
attributes. If this feature is used, the collection of labels must contain
the same number of elements as the corresponding collection of values.
The following combinations are allowed:</p>
<li><i>Neither <code>labelName</code> nor <code>labelProperty</code> is
specified</i> - The labels will be the same as the option values
<li><i>Only <code>labelName</code> is specified</i> - The value of this
attribute is the name of a JSP bean in some scope that is the
<li><i>Only <code>labelProperty</code> is specified</i> - The value of this
attribute is the name of a property of the ActionForm bean associated
with our form, which will return the collection.</li>
<li><i>Both <code>labelName</code> and <code>labelProperty</code> are
specified</i> - The value of the <code>labelName</code> attribute
identifies a JSP bean in some scope. The value of the
<code>labelProperty</code> attribute is the name of some property of
that bean which will return the collection.</li>
Name of the JSP bean (in some scope) which is itself a
Collection of other beans, each of which has properties
named by the "property" and "labelProperty" attributes
that are used to retrieve the value and label for each
option, respectively.
Name of the JSP bean (in some scope) containing the collection of labels to
be displayed to the user for these options.
Property of the form bean, or the bean specified by the labelName
attribute, that will return the collection of labels to be displayed
to the user for these options.
Name of the JSP bean (in some scope) containing the collection of
values to be returned to the server for these options. If not
specified, the form bean associated with our form is assumed.
Property of the form bean, or the bean specified by the name
attribute, that will return the collection of values to returned
to the server for these options.
Render A Password Input Field
Renders an HTML &lt;input&gt; element of type password, populated
from the specified value or the specified property of the bean
associated with our current form. This tag is only valid when
nested inside a form tag body.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
Maximum number of input characters to accept. [No limit]
The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted when
rendering the current value of this input field. If not specified,
the bean associated with the form tag we are nested within is utilized.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the
mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under
the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
Name of the request parameter that will be included with this
submission, set to the specified value.
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
Number of character positions to allocate. [Browser default]
The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.
Value of the label to be placed on this button. This value will
also be submitted as the value of the specified request parameter.
[Body of this tag (if any), or "Cancel"]
Render A Radio Button Input Field
Renders an HTML &lt;input&gt; element of type radio, populated from
the specified property of the bean associated with our current form.
This tag is only valid when nested inside a form tag body.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted when
rendering the current value of this input field. If not specified,
the bean associated with the form tag we are nested within is utilized.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
The corresponding bean property for this radio tag.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
The value of the radio tag.
Render A Reset Button Input Field
Renders an HTML &lt;input&gt; element of type reset.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the
mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under
the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.
<summary>Render an URI</summary>
<p>Renders a request URI based on exactly the same rules
as the <code><a href="#link">link</a></code> tag does,
but without creating
the <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> hyperlink. This value is useful
when you want to generate a string constant for use by
a JavaScript procedure.</p>
<p>Logical name of a global <code>ActionForward</code> that
contains the actual content-relative URI of the destination
of this transfer. This hyperlink may be dynamically
modified by the inclusion of query parameters, as described
in the tag description. You <strong>must</strong> specify
exactly one of the <code>forward</code> attribute, the
<code>href</code> attribute, or the <code>page</code>
<p>The URL to which this hyperlink will transfer control
if activated. This hyperlink may be dynamically modified
by the inclusion of query parameters, as described in the
tag description. You <strong>must</strong> specify
exactly one of the <code>forward</code> attribute, the
<code>href</code> attribute, or the <code>page</code>
<p>The context-relative path (beginning with a "/"
character) to which this hyperlink will transfer control
if activated. This hyperlink may be dynamically modified
by the inclusion of query parameters, as described in the
tag description. You <strong>must</strong> specify exactly
one of the <code>forward</code> attribute, the
<code>href</code> attribute, or the <code>page</code>
<p>The name of a JSP bean that contains a <code>Map</code>
representing the query parameters (if <code>property</code>
is not specified), or a JSP bean whose property getter is
called to return a <code>Map</code> (if <code>property</code>
is specified).</p>
<p>The name of a property of the bean specified by the
<code>name</code> attribute, whose return value must be
a <code>java.util.Map</code> containing the query parameters
to be added to the hyperlink. You <strong>must</strong>
specify the <code>name</code> attribute if you specify
this attribute.</p>
<p>The scope within which to search for the bean specified
by the <code>name</code> attribute. If not specified, all
scopes are searched.</p>
Render A Select Element
Custom tag that represents an HTML select element, associated with a
bean property specified by our attributes. This tag must be nested
inside a form tag.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
If set to any arbitrary value, the rendered
select element will support
multiple selections.
The attribute name to use in determining which option
should be pre-selected when rendering this input field.
If not specified, the bean associated with the
form tag we are nested within is utilized.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the
mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under
the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
Name of the request parameter that will be included with this
submission, set to the specified value.
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.
The number of available options displayed at one time.
The value to compare with for marking an option selected.
Render A Submit Button
Render an input button of type submit.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the
mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under
the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
Name of the request parameter that will be included with this
submission, set to the specified value.
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.
The value of the button label.
Render An Input Field of Type text
Render an input button of type text.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted
when rendering the current value of this input field. If not
specified, the bean associated with the form tag we are nested
within is utilized.
Name of this input field, and the name of the corresponding bean
property if value is not specified. The corresponding bean property
(if any) must be of type String.
Value to which this field should be initialized. [Use the
corresponding bean property value]
Maximum number of input characters to accept. [No limit]
Number of character positions to allocate. [Browser default]
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element loses input
focus and its value has changed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives a
mouse double click.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element receives input
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is depressed and released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element has focus and a
key is released.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the mouse
pointer and a mouse button is depressed.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and the pointer is moved.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was under the
mouse pointer but the pointer was moved outside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element was not under
the mouse pointer but the pointer is moved inside the element.
JavaScript event handler executed when this element is under the
mouse pointer and a mouse button is released.
CSS styles to be applied to this HTML element.
CSS stylesheet class to be applied to this HTML element.
The tab order (ascending positive integers) for this element.
Render A Textarea
Render a textarea element.
The keyboard character used to move focus immediately to this
The number of columns to display.
The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted
when rendering the current value of this input field. If not
specified, the bean associated with the form tag we are nested
within is utilized.
Name of this input field, and the name of the corresponding bean
property if value is not specified. The corresponding bean property
(if any) must be of type String.
Value to which this field should be initialized. [Use the
corresponding bean property value]