blob: b1b3a2f7666577f09053dbf93093dd895a85a3d8 [file] [log] [blame]
<project name="Generic Webapp" default="compile" basedir=".">
This is a generic build.xml file for Ant that can be used to develop
any web application that conforms to the following requirements:
- Web sources appear in the directory specified by the "webapp.web"
property, in exactly the hierarchy to be present in the created
web application archive.
- Java sources (if any) appear in the directory specified by the
"webapp.src" property, which will be compiled into the
"WEB-INF/classes" directory of the resulting web application.
- You must specify a "servlet.jar" property that defines the path
of the servlet API classes you will compile against.
- If you want to copy Struts libraries and TLD files to your web
application, set the "struts.libs" property to the pathname of a
directory containing struts.jar and the associated *.tld files.
- If you want to copy additional JAR files into the WEB-INF/lib
directory of your web app, set the "webapp.libs" property to the
pathname of a directory containing the JAR files to be copied.
<!-- ========== Prerequisite Properties =================================== -->
These properties MUST be set on the "ant" command line, the "antrc"
properties file in your home directory, or from settings in a superior
build.xml script, if you wish to take advantage of the corresponding
compile.classpath The class path containing external
JAR files and directories required for
compiling this web application. Note
that struts.jar will automatically be
added if "struts.lib" is defined, and
dependent JAR files will be added if
"webapp.libs" is defined.
build.home Base directory into which we are building
the Struts components.
servlet.jar MUST be set to the pathname of the
servlet API classes you wish to
compile against.
struts.libs If specified, must be the pathname of a
directory from which "struts.jar" will be
copied to your WEB-INF/lib directory, and
from which all TLD files will be copied
to your WEB-INF directory. Also, the
struts.jar file will automatically be
added to your compile classpath.
webapp.libs If specified, must be the pathname of a
directory from which all available
"*.jar" files are copied to the web
application's WEB-INF/lib directory.
Also, any JAR files found here will
automatically be added to your compile
classpath. MUST be set to the base name of the web
application archive file that will be
created for this web application.
webapp.suppress Set this property to an arbitrary value
(such as "true") if you do NOT want the
source code for your web application
copied to the WEB-INF/src directory.
webapp.war If specified, overrides the default name
of the web application archive file to be
created for this webapp. Default value
is "struts-${}.war".
<property name="build.home" value="target" />
<property name="servlet.jar" value="../jakarta-servletapi/lib/servlet.jar"/>
<!-- ========== Initialization Properties ================================= -->
These property values may optionally be overridden with property
settings from an "ant" command line, the "antrc" properties file
in your home directory, or from settings in a superior build.xml
<!-- Should Java compilations set the debug compiler option? -->
<property name="compile.debug" value="true" />
<!-- Should Java compilations set the deprecation compiler option? -->
<property name="compile.deprecation" value="false" />
<!-- Should Java compilations set the optimize compiler option? -->
<property name="compile.optimize" value="true" />
<!-- The base directory for distribution targets -->
<property name="dist.home" value="dist" />
<!-- The source directory for Java compilations related to this webapp -->
<property name="webapp.src" value="src/${}" />
<!-- The version number of this particular web application -->
<property name="webapp.version" value="1.0.2" />
<!-- The name of the web application archive file to be produced -->
<property name="webapp.war" value="${}.war" />
<!-- The source directory for copying static web resources and files -->
<property name="webapp.web" value="web/${}" />
<!-- ========== Derived Properties ======================================== -->
These property values are derived from values defined above, and
generally should NOT be overridden by command line settings
<!-- The target directory for building the packed web application -->
<property name="webapp.dist" value="${dist.home}/webapps" />
<!-- The target directory for building the unpacked web application -->
<property name="" value="${build.home}/${}" />
<!-- The class path used for compiling this library -->
<path id="classpath">
<pathelement location="${jdbc20ext.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${servlet.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${struts.libs}/struts.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${webapp.libs}"/>
<pathelement path="${compile.classpath}"/>
<!-- ========== Executable Targets ======================================== -->
The "init" target evaluates "available" expressions as necessary
to modify the behavior of this script.
<target name="init">
<echo message="Processing webapp ${}"/>
<!-- Do we need to copy dependent libraries? -->
<available property="copy.libs" file="${webapp.libs}" />
<!-- Do we need to compile the Java sources for this web application? -->
<available property="webapp.compile" file="${webapp.src}" />
<!-- Should we copy Struts library and TLD files? -->
<available property="webapp.struts" file="${struts.libs}" />
The "prepare" target creates a directory structure in the build target
area for the unpacked files associated with this web application
<target name="prepare" depends="init"
description="Prepare target directory">
<echo message="Processing webapp ${}"/>
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<mkdir dir="${}/WEB-INF" />
<mkdir dir="${}/WEB-INF/classes" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
The "libs" target copies specified library JAR files (if any) from the
"${webapp.libs} directory into the WEB-INF/lib directory of this app.
<target name="libs" depends="prepare" if="copy.libs"
description="Copy dependent libraries">
<echo message="Processing webapp ${}"/>
<mkdir dir="${}/WEB-INF/lib" />
<copy todir="${}/WEB-INF/lib">
<fileset dir="${webapp.libs}" includes="*.jar"/>
The "source" target copies the Java source code of your web application
into the build target area, IF AND ONLY IF the "webapp.source"
property has been set to an arbitrary value.
<target name="source" depends="prepare" if="webapp.compile"
description="Copy Java sources">
<echo message="Processing webapp ${}"/>
<mkdir dir="${}/WEB-INF/src"/>
<copy todir="${}/WEB-INF/src">
<fileset dir="${webapp.src}"/>
The "struts" target copies the Struts library JAR file and TLDs
into the build target area.
<target name="struts" depends="prepare" if="webapp.struts"
description="Copy Struts library and TLD files">
<echo message="Processing webapp ${}"/>
<copy todir="${}/WEB-INF">
<fileset dir="${struts.libs}" includes="*.tld"/>
<mkdir dir="${}/WEB-INF/lib"/>
<copy todir="${}/WEB-INF/lib">
<fileset dir="${struts.libs}" includes="struts.jar"/>
The "static" target copies the static web resources portion of your
web application source into the build target area.
<target name="static" depends="prepare,source,libs,struts"
description="Copy static files">
<echo message="Processing webapp ${}"/>
<copy todir="${}">
<fileset dir="${webapp.web}"/>
The "compile" target compiles the Java source code of your web
application, if and only if the specified source directory
actually exists.
<target name="compile" depends="static" if="webapp.compile"
description="Compile Java sources">
<echo message="Processing webapp ${}"/>
<javac srcdir="${webapp.src}"
<classpath refid="classpath"/>
<copy todir="${}/WEB-INF/classes">
<fileset dir="${webapp.src}">
<exclude name="**/*.java"/>
The "dist" target creates a web application archive containing
your completed web application, suitable for deployment on any
compatible servlet container.
<target name="dist" depends="compile"
description="Create web application archive">
<echo message="Processing webapp ${}"/>
<jar jarfile="${webapp.dist}/${webapp.war}"
The "clean" task deletes any created directories that have resulted
from running any of the other targets in this script.
<target name="clean"
description="Clean build and distribution directories">
<echo message="Processing webapp ${}"/>
<delete dir="${}" />
<delete file="${webapp.dist}/${webapp.war}"/>