blob: 762bafc5b68b79b337eab52e23dc15918fcb0814 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.struts2.components;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.ValueStack;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.struts2.views.annotations.StrutsTag;
import org.apache.struts2.views.annotations.StrutsTagAttribute;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* <!-- START SNIPPET: javadoc -->
* <p>
* Create a input transfer select component which is basically an text input
* and &lt;select ...&gt; tag with buttons in the middle of them allowing text
* to be added to the transfer select. Will auto-select all its
* elements upon its containing form submission.
* </p>
* <!-- END SNIPPET: javadoc -->
* <!-- START SNIPPET: notice -->
* <p>
* NOTE: The id and doubleId need not be supplied as they will generated provided
* that the inputtransferselect tag is being used in a form tag. The generated id
* and doubleId will be &lt;form_id&gt;_&lt;inputtransferselect_doubleName&gt; and
* &lt;form_id&gt;_&lt;inputtransferselect_doubleName&gt; respectively.
* </p>
* <!-- END SNIPPET: notice -->
* <pre>
* <!-- START SNIPPET: example -->
* &lt;-- minimum configuration --&gt;
* &lt;s:inputtransferselect
* label="Favourite Cartoons Characters"
* name="cartoons"
* list="{'Popeye', 'He-Man', 'Spiderman'}"
* /&gt;
* <!-- END SNIPPET: example -->
* </pre>
@StrutsTag(name="inputtransferselect", tldTagClass="org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.InputTransferSelectTag", description="Renders an input form")
public class InputTransferSelect extends ListUIBean {
private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(InputTransferSelect.class);
private static final String TEMPLATE = "inputtransferselect";
protected String size;
protected String multiple;
protected String allowRemoveAll;
protected String allowUpDown;
protected String leftTitle;
protected String rightTitle;
protected String buttonCssClass;
protected String buttonCssStyle;
protected String addLabel;
protected String removeLabel;
protected String removeAllLabel;
protected String upLabel;
protected String downLabel;
protected String headerKey;
protected String headerValue;
public InputTransferSelect(ValueStack stack, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
super(stack, request, response);
protected String getDefaultTemplate() {
return TEMPLATE;
public void evaluateExtraParams() {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(size)) {
addParameter("size", "5");
if (StringUtils.isBlank(multiple)) {
addParameter("multiple", Boolean.TRUE);
// allowUpDown
addParameter("allowUpDown", allowUpDown != null ? findValue(allowUpDown, Boolean.class) : Boolean.TRUE);
// allowRemoveAll
addParameter("allowRemoveAll", allowRemoveAll != null ? findValue(allowRemoveAll, Boolean.class) : Boolean.TRUE);
// leftTitle
if (leftTitle != null) {
addParameter("leftTitle", findValue(leftTitle, String.class));
// rightTitle
if (rightTitle != null) {
addParameter("rightTitle", findValue(rightTitle, String.class));
// buttonCssClass
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(buttonCssClass)) {
addParameter("buttonCssClass", buttonCssClass);
// buttonCssStyle
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(buttonCssStyle)) {
addParameter("buttonCssStyle", buttonCssStyle);
// addLabel
addParameter("addLabel", addLabel != null ? findValue(addLabel, String.class) : "->" );
// removeLabel
addParameter("removeLabel", removeLabel != null ? findValue(removeLabel, String.class) : "<-");
// removeAllLabel
addParameter("removeAllLabel", removeAllLabel != null ? findValue(removeAllLabel, String.class) : "<<--");
// upLabel
addParameter("upLabel", upLabel != null ? findValue(upLabel, String.class) : "^");
// leftDownLabel
addParameter("downLabel", downLabel != null ? findValue(downLabel, String.class) : "v");
if ((headerKey != null) && (headerValue != null)) {
addParameter("headerKey", findString(headerKey));
addParameter("headerValue", findString(headerValue));
// inform the form component our select tag infos, so they know how to select
// its elements upon onSubmit
Form formAncestor = (Form) findAncestor(Form.class);
if (formAncestor != null) {
// inform ancestor form that we are having a customOnSubmit (see form-close.ftl [simple theme])
// key -> select tag id, value -> headerKey (if exists)
Map formInputtransferselectIds = (Map) formAncestor.getParameters().get("inputtransferselectIds");
// init lists
if (formInputtransferselectIds == null) {
formInputtransferselectIds = new LinkedHashMap();
// id
String tmpId = (String) getParameters().get("id");
String tmpHeaderKey = (String) getParameters().get("headerKey");
if (tmpId != null && (! formInputtransferselectIds.containsKey(tmpId))) {
formInputtransferselectIds.put(tmpId, tmpHeaderKey);
formAncestor.getParameters().put("inputtransferselectIds", formInputtransferselectIds);
else {
if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
LOG.warn("form enclosing inputtransferselect "+this+" not found, auto select upon form submit of inputtransferselect will not work");
public String getSize() {
return size;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the size of the select box")
public void setSize(String size) {
this.size = size;
public String getMultiple() {
return multiple;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Determine whether or not multiple entries are shown")
public void setMultiple(String multiple) {
this.multiple = multiple;
public String getAllowRemoveAll() {
return allowRemoveAll;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Determine whether the remove all button will display")
public void setAllowRemoveAll(String allowRemoveAll) {
this.allowRemoveAll = allowRemoveAll;
public String getAllowUpDown() {
return allowUpDown;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="Determine whether items in the list can be reordered")
public void setAllowUpDown(String allowUpDown) {
this.allowUpDown = allowUpDown;
public String getLeftTitle() {
return leftTitle;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the left hand title")
public void setLeftTitle(String leftTitle) {
this.leftTitle = leftTitle;
public String getRightTitle() {
return rightTitle;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the right hand title")
public void setRightTitle(String rightTitle) {
this.rightTitle = rightTitle;
public String getButtonCssClass() {
return buttonCssClass;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the css class used for rendering buttons")
public void setButtonCssClass(String buttonCssClass) {
this.buttonCssClass = buttonCssClass;
public String getButtonCssStyle() {
return buttonCssStyle;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the css style used for rendering buttons")
public void setButtonCssStyle(String buttonCssStyle) {
this.buttonCssStyle = buttonCssStyle;
public String getAddLabel() {
return addLabel;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the label used for the add button")
public void setAddLabel(String addLabel) {
this.addLabel = addLabel;
public String getRemoveLabel() {
return removeLabel;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the label used for the remove button")
public void setRemoveLabel(String removeLabel) {
this.removeLabel = removeLabel;
public String getRemoveAllLabel() {
return removeAllLabel;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the label used for the remove all button")
public void setRemoveAllLabel(String removeAllLabel) {
this.removeAllLabel = removeAllLabel;
public String getUpLabel() {
return upLabel;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the label used for the up button")
public void setUpLabel(String upLabel) {
this.upLabel = upLabel;
public String getDownLabel() {
return downLabel;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the label used for the down button")
public void setDownLabel(String downLabel) {
this.downLabel = downLabel;
public String getHeaderKey() {
return headerKey;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the header key of the select box")
public void setHeaderKey(String headerKey) {
this.headerKey = headerKey;
public String getHeaderValue() {
return headerValue;
@StrutsTagAttribute(description="the header value of the select box")
public void setHeaderValue(String headerValue) {
this.headerValue = headerValue;