blob: 0a17aac8406e0854067ee59ec26c66b1ad1e648e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
START SNIPPET: supported-validators
Only the following validators are supported:
* required validator
* requiredstring validator
* stringlength validator
* regex validator
* email validator
* url validator
* int validator
* double validator
END SNIPPET: supported-validators
<#if ((parameters.validate!false == true) && (parameters.performValidation!false == true))>
<script type="text/javascript" <#include "/${parameters.templateDir}/simple/nonce.ftl" /> >
function validateForm_${'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', 'r')}() {
In case of multiselect fields return only the first value.
var getFieldValue = function(field) {
var type = field.type ? field.type : field[0].type;
if (type === 'select-one' || type === 'select-multiple') {
return (field.selectedIndex === -1 ? "" : field.options[field.selectedIndex].value);
} else if (type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') {
if (!field.length) {
field = [field];
for (var i = 0; i < field.length; i++) {
if (field[i].checked) {
return field[i].value;
return "";
return field.value;
form = document.getElementById("${}");
var errors = false;
var continueValidation = true;
<#list parameters.tagNames as tagName>
<#list tag.getValidators("${tagName}") as aValidator>
// field name: ${aValidator.fieldName}
// validator name: ${aValidator.validatorType}
if (form.elements['${aValidator.fieldName}']) {
field = form.elements['${aValidator.fieldName}'];
<#if aValidator.validatorType = "field-visitor">
<#assign validator = aValidator.fieldValidator >
//visitor validator switched to: ${validator.validatorType}
<#assign validator = aValidator >
var error = "${validator.getMessage(action)?js_string}";
var fieldValue = getFieldValue(field);
<#if validator.validatorType = "required">
if (fieldValue === "") {
addError(field, error);
errors = true;
<#if validator.shortCircuit>continueValidation = false;</#if>
<#elseif validator.validatorType = "requiredstring">
if (continueValidation && fieldValue !== null && (fieldValue === "" || fieldValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"").length === 0)) {
addError(field, error);
errors = true;
<#if validator.shortCircuit>continueValidation = false;</#if>
<#elseif validator.validatorType = "stringlength">
if (continueValidation && fieldValue !== null) {
var value = fieldValue;
<#if validator.trim>
//trim field value
while (value.substring(0,1) === ' ')
value = value.substring(1, value.length);
while (value.substring(value.length-1, value.length) === ' ')
value = value.substring(0, value.length-1);
if ((${validator.minLength?c} > -1 && value.length < ${validator.minLength?c}) ||
(${validator.maxLength?c} > -1 && value.length > ${validator.maxLength?c})) {
addError(field, error);
errors = true;
<#if validator.shortCircuit>continueValidation = false;</#if>
<#elseif validator.validatorType = "regex">
if (continueValidation && fieldValue !== null && !fieldValue.match("${validator.regex?js_string}")) {
addError(field, error);
errors = true;
<#if validator.shortCircuit>continueValidation = false;</#if>
<#elseif validator.validatorType = "email" || validator.validatorType = "creditcard">
if (continueValidation && fieldValue !== null && fieldValue.length > 0 && fieldValue.match(/${validator.regex}/i) === null) {
addError(field, error);
errors = true;
<#if validator.shortCircuit>continueValidation = false;</#if>
<#elseif validator.validatorType = "url">
if (continueValidation && fieldValue !== null && fieldValue.length > 0 && fieldValue.match(/${validator.urlRegex}/i) === null) {
addError(field, error);
errors = true;
<#if validator.shortCircuit>continueValidation = false;</#if>
<#elseif validator.validatorType = "int" || validator.validatorType = "short" || validator.validatorType = "long">
if (continueValidation && fieldValue !== null) {
if (<#if validator.min??>parseInt(fieldValue) <
${validator.min?c}<#else>false</#if> ||
<#if validator.max??>parseInt(fieldValue) >
${validator.max?c}<#else>false</#if>) {
addError(field, error);
errors = true;
<#if validator.shortCircuit>continueValidation = false;</#if>
<#elseif validator.validatorType = "double">
if (continueValidation && fieldValue !== null) {
var value = parseFloat(fieldValue);
if (<#if validator.minInclusive??>value < ${validator.minInclusive?c}<#else>false</#if> ||
<#if validator.maxInclusive??>value > ${validator.maxInclusive?c}<#else>false</#if> ||
<#if validator.minExclusive??>value <= ${validator.minExclusive?c}<#else>false</#if> ||
<#if validator.maxExclusive??>value >= ${validator.maxExclusive?c}<#else>false</#if>) {
addError(field, error);
errors = true;
return !errors;