WW-5321 Extends description of maxStringLength
diff --git a/source/core-developers/file-upload.md b/source/core-developers/file-upload.md
index f4eed69..a16ba1a 100644
--- a/source/core-developers/file-upload.md
+++ b/source/core-developers/file-upload.md
@@ -302,6 +302,28 @@
+### Normal Field Size Limit
+Since Struts a new option has been introduced to limit the size of a normal string field in the multipart request.
+The defeault limit is set to 4096 bytes:
+This options prevents attacks, which consists of multiple large objects in the multipart request. Such attack can exhaust 
+the available memory and finally produce `OutOfMemoryException`. If the limit is too low you can increase it but defining
+the following constant in `struts.xml`:
+    <constant name="struts.multipart.maxStringLength" value="10000"/>
+    <action name="doUpload" class="com.example.UploadAction">
+          ...
+    </action>
 ### File Types