Fixes duplicated bold forma
diff --git a/source/tag-developers/ b/source/tag-developers/
index a3b80ab..4fa4aa6 100644
--- a/source/tag-developers/
+++ b/source/tag-developers/
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
 ## value is an Object!
 Most often, the `value` attribute is set automatically, since `name` attribute usually tells the framework which 
-property to call to set the `value`. But, if there is a reason to set the `value` directly, be advised that `value`
-**is an Object****_NOT_ ****a String**.
+property to call to set the `value`. But, if there is a reason to set the `value` directly, be advised that `value` 
+**is an Object _NOT_ a String**.
 > NOTE: Since `value` is not a String, whatever is passed to `value` is evaluated as an expression - **NOT** a String literal.