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| <h1 id="mailing-lists">Mailing Lists</h1> |
| <p>A mailing list is an electronic discussion forum that anyone can subscribe to. When someone sends an email message |
| to the mailing list, a copy of that message is broadcast to everyone who is subscribed to that mailing list. Mailing |
| lists are the primary means of communication for people working within the Apache Struts Project.</p> |
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| <p><strong>HEADS UP!</strong></p> |
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| <p class="alert alert-block alert-error">A message sent to a public mailing list cannot be unpublished. Although we might be able to modify our own mail archives, |
| the message is mirrored to a lot of other archiving systems which we do not have under control. Therefore almost 100% |
| of all delete requests are denied. Please make sure you <strong>do not send any potential sensitive information to the mailing list</strong>, |
| including passwords, server names, ips and so on.</p> |
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| <h2 id="subscribing">Subscribing</h2> |
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| <table> |
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| <th>Name</th> |
| <th>Subscribe</th> |
| <th>Unsubscribe</th> |
| <th>Description</th> |
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| <td><a href="https://lists.apache.org/list.html?announcements@struts.apache.org">Struts-Announcements</a></td> |
| <td><a href="mailto:announcements-subscribe@struts.apache.org?subject=subscribe&body=subscribe">announcements-subscribe@struts.apache.org</a></td> |
| <td><a href="mailto:announcements-unsubscribe@struts.apache.org?subject=unsubscribe&body=unsubscribe">announcements-unsubscribe@struts.apache.org</a></td> |
| <td>Major Announcements, low-volume, read only</td> |
| </tr> |
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| <td><a href="https://lists.apache.org/list.html?user@struts.apache.org">Struts-User</a></td> |
| <td><a href="mailto:user-subscribe@struts.apache.org?subject=subscribe&body=subscribe">user-subscribe@struts.apache.org</a></td> |
| <td><a href="mailto:user-unsubscribe@struts.apache.org?subject=unsubscribe&body=unsubscribe">user-unsubscribe@struts.apache.org</a></td> |
| <td>Contact to other Struts-users and ask questions on installation or features</td> |
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| <td>Users Digest</td> |
| <td><a href="mailto:user-digest-subscribe@struts.apache.org?subject=subscribe&body=subscribe">user-digest-subscribe@struts.apache.org</a></td> |
| <td><a href="mailto:user-digest-unsubscribe@struts.apache.org?subject=unsubscribe&body=unsubscribe">user-digest-unsubscribe@struts.apache.org</a></td> |
| <td>Get a daily digest of the Struts Users list</td> |
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| <p class="alert alert-success">You can use a web interface as well if you want to post a question <a href="https://lists.apache.org/list.html?user@struts.apache.org">https://lists.apache.org/</a></p> |
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| <p>You can read the <a href="http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/struts-user">ASF Mail</a> or the <a href="http://markmail.org/list/org.apache.struts.users">Mark Mail</a> |
| Archives if you are looking for older discussions. There are many other archives out there as well.</p> |
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| <p class="alert alert-success">If you want to <strong>discuss patches or contribute to Struts</strong> you should subscribe to the <a href="dev-mail.html">developers list</a>.</p> |
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| <h2 id="guidelines">Guidelines</h2> |
| |
| <p>Mailing lists provide a simple and effective communication mechanism. With potentially thousands of subscribers, there |
| is a common set of etiquette guidelines that you should observe. Please keep on reading.</p> |
| |
| <p><strong>Join the lists that are appropriate for your discussion.</strong></p> |
| |
| <p class="alert alert-box alert-error">Please make sure that you are joining the list that is appropriate for the topic or product that you would like to discuss. |
| For example, please do not join the Struts mailing list and ask questions about Tomcat. Instead, you should join the Tomcat |
| User list and ask your questions there.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="respect-the-mailing-list-type">Respect the mailing list type</h3> |
| |
| <p>The “User” list is where you can send questions and comments about configuration, setup, usage and other “user” |
| types of questions. The focus of the user list should be one “how” to do something with the framework we have today. |
| The focus of the dev list is how we want to do something with a future version of the framework.</p> |
| |
| <p>The “Developer” (or “Dev”) list is where you can send questions and comments about the actual software source code |
| and general “development” types of questions. Questions about the “future” of Struts are best addressed to the dev list.</p> |
| |
| <p>Some questions may seem appropriate for posting on both the “user” and the “developer” lists. In this case, pick one |
| and only one. Do not cross post, unless a Committer asks that the thread be moved to the other list.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="do-not-cross-post-messages">Do not cross post messages.</h3> |
| |
| <p>In other words, pick a mailing list and send your messages to that mailing list only. Do not send your messages to multiple |
| mailing lists. The reason is that people may be subscribed to one list and not to the other. Therefore, some people will |
| only see part of the conversation.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="watch-where-you-are-sending-email">Watch where you are sending email.</h3> |
| |
| <p>The majority of our mailing lists have set the Reply-To to go back to the list. That means that when you Reply to a message, |
| it will go to the list and not to the original author directly. The reason is because it helps facilitate discussion |
| on the list for everyone to benefit from. Be careful of this as sometimes you may intend to reply to a message directly |
| to someone instead of the entire list.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="do-not-send-htmlemails-to-the-list">Do not send HTML emails to the list.</h3> |
| |
| <p>If you are using Outlook or Outlook Express or Eudora, chances are that you are sending HTML email by default. There is |
| usually a setting that will allow you to send “Plain Text” email.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="keep-your-email-short-and-to-the-point">Keep your email short and to the point.</h3> |
| |
| <p>If your email is more than about a page of text, chances are that it won’t get read by very many people. It is much better |
| to try to pack a lot of informative information (see above about asking smart questions) into as small of an email as possible. |
| If you are replying to a previous email, it is a good idea to only quote the parts that you are replying to and to remove |
| the unnecessary bits. This makes it easier for people to follow a thread as well as making the email archives easier |
| to search and read.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="dont-feed-the-trolls">Don’t feed the trolls.</h3> |
| |
| <blockquote> |
| <p>“In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who posts rude or offensive messages on the Internet, such as in online |
| discussion forums, to disrupt discussion or to upset its participants (see Anonymous Internet posting). “Troll” can |
| also mean the message itself or be a verb meaning to post such messages. “Trolling” is also commonly used to describe |
| the activity.”</p> |
| |
| <p>For more, see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_trolls">Internet Trolls</a> in the Wikipedia.</p> |
| </blockquote> |
| |
| <p>If someone makes an off-topic post that offends you, our best advice is to filter posts from that person to the trash. |
| When subscribers do choose to respond, sometimes a thread will feed on itself, and grow out of control. When that happens, |
| our best advice is to filter the entire thread to the trash.</p> |
| |
| <p>Our spam filters will catch most types of commercial spam, but troll spam is a hard for software to spot. The best defense |
| is to withhold from the troll what he or she wants most: A response.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="ask-smart-questions">Ask smart questions.</h3> |
| |
| <p>Every volunteer project obtains its strength from the people involved in it. You are welcome to join any of our mailing |
| lists. You can choose to lurk, or actively participate; it’s up to you. The level of community responsiveness to specific |
| questions is generally directly proportional to the amount of effort you spend formulating your question. Eric Raymond |
| and Rick Moen have even written an essay entitled <a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html">Asking Smart Questions</a> |
| precisely on this topic. Please read the essay, follow its advice, and then post your smart questions to the appropriate list.</p> |
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