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layout: main-page
title: Welcome to the Apache Struts project
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<h1>Apache Struts</h1>
<p>Apache Struts is a free, open-source, MVC framework for creating elegant,
modern Java web applications. It favors convention over configuration, is
extensible using a plugin architecture, and ships with plugins to support
<a href="download.cgi#struts{{ site.current_version_short }}" class="btn btn-primary btn-large">
<img src="img/download-icon.svg" alt="Download"> Download
<a href="primer.html" class="btn btn-info btn-large">
<img src="img/primer-icon.svg" alt="Technology Primer"> Technology Primer
<div class="container important-notes">
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<h2>Apache Struts {{ site.current_version }} GA</h2>
Apache Struts {{ site.current_version }} GA has been released<br/>on {{ site.release_date }}.
Read more in <a href="announce-2022#a{{ site.release_date_short }}">Announcement</a> or in
<a href="{{ site.wiki_url }}/Version+Notes+{{ site.current_version }}">Version notes</a>
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<h2>Security Advice on Log4j 2.12.4/2.17.1</h2>
The Apache Struts Security team would like to announce that all the users using
the latest Struts 2.5.x series should either upgrade to Apache Struts which
uses Log4j 2.12.4 version which addresses the latest security vulnerabilities in Log4j
or upgrade Log4j to version 2.12.4 (when running on Java 1.7) or 2.17.1 (when running on Java 8+).
Read more in <a href="announce-2022#a20220102">Announcement</a>
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<h2>Google's Patch Reward program</h2>
<p>During <a href="">SFHTML5</a> Google announced that
they extend their program to cover the Apache Struts project as well. Now you can earn
money preparing patches for us!
<a href="submitting-patches.html#googles-patch-reward-program">read more</a>
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<h2>Apache Struts 2.3.x EOL</h2>
The Apache Struts Team informs about discontinuing support for Struts 2.3.x branch, we recommend migration
to the latest version of Struts,
<a href="announce-2019#a20190912">Announcement</a>
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<h5>Keep in touch: </h5>
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<a href="" data-show-count="false" data-lang="en" data-width="240px" data-align="left" class="twitter-follow-button">Follow @TheApacheStruts</a>