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layout: main-page
title: Welcome to the Apache Struts project
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<h1>Apache Struts</h1>
<p>Apache Struts is a free, open-source, MVC framework for creating elegant,
modern Java web applications. It favors convention over configuration, is
extensible using a plugin architecture, and ships with plugins to support
<a href="download.cgi#struts{{ site.current_version_short }}" class="btn btn-primary btn-large">
<img src="img/download-icon.svg" alt="Download"> Download
<a href="primer.html" class="btn btn-info btn-large">
<img src="img/primer-icon.svg" alt="Technology Primer"> Technology Primer
<div class="container important-notes">
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<div class="column col-md-4">
<h2>Apache Struts {{ site.current_version }} GA</h2>
Apache Struts {{ site.current_version }} GA has been released<br/>on {{ site.release_date }}.
Read more in <a href="announce-2023#a{{ site.release_date_short }}">Announcement</a> or in
<a href="{{ site.wiki_url }}/Version+Notes+{{ site.current_version }}">Version notes</a>
<div class="column col-md-4">
<h2>Apache Struts {{ site.prev_version }} GA</h2>
Apache Struts {{ site.prev_version }} GA has been released<br/>on {{ site.prev_release_date }}.
Read more in <a href="announce-2023#a{{ site.prev_release_date_short }}">Announcement</a> or in
<a href="{{ site.wiki_url }}/Version+Notes+{{ site.prev_version }}">Version notes</a>
<div class="column col-md-4">
<h2>Apache Struts {{ site.prev_25_version }} GA</h2>
Apache Struts {{ site.prev_25_version }} GA has been released<br/>on {{ site.prev_25_release_date }}.
Read more in <a href="announce-2023#a{{ site.prev_25_release_date_short }}">Announcement</a> or in
<a href="{{ site.wiki_url }}/Version+Notes+{{ site.prev_25_version }}">Version notes</a>
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<h2>Google's Patch Reward program</h2>
<p>During <a href="">SFHTML5</a> Google announced that
they extend their program to cover the Apache Struts project as well. Now you can earn
money preparing patches for us!
<a href="submitting-patches.html#googles-patch-reward-program">read more</a>
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<h2>Apache Struts 2.3.x EOL</h2>
The Apache Struts Team informs about discontinuing support for Struts 2.3.x branch, we recommend migration
to the latest version of Struts,
<a href="announce-2019#a20190912">Announcement</a>
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<h5>Keep in touch: </h5>
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<a href="" data-show-count="false" data-lang="en" data-width="240px" data-align="left" class="twitter-follow-button">Follow @TheApacheStruts</a>