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<document url="ListExtensions.html">
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<title>java.util.List Extensions</title>
<section href="summary" name="java.util.List Extensions">
<p>Adds various function extensions to java.util.List implementations.</p>
<table width="100%">
<th colspan="2">Function Summary</th>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_asImmutable">asImmutable()</a>
<dd>Returns an immutable version of this list.</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_asSynchronized">asSynchronized()</a>
<dd>Returns a synchronized version of this list.</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_pop">pop()</a>
<dd>Pops the last item off the list.</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_sort">sort()</a>
<dd>Sorts the list according to the natural order.</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_sortEach">sortEach(Function func)</a>
<dd>Sorts the list using the passed function to determine order.</dd>
<section name="Functions">
<section href="fn_asImmutable" name="asImmutable">
<pre>java.util.List asImmutable()</pre>
<p>Returns an immutable version of this list.</p>
<strong>Example: </strong>
<pre>frozenList = list.asImmutable()</pre>
<section href="fn_asSynchronized" name="asSynchronized">
<pre>java.util.List asSynchronized()</pre>
<p>Returns a synchronized version of this list.</p>
<strong>Example: </strong>
<pre>multiThreadList = list.asSynchronized()</pre>
<section href="fn_pop" name="pop">
<pre>Object pop()</pre>
<p>Pops the last item off the list. The last item will be returned and removed from the list.</p>
<strong>Example: </strong>
<pre>lastItem = list.pop()</pre>
<section href="fn_sort" name="sort">
<pre>java.util.List sort()</pre>
<p>Sorts the list according to the natural order.</p>
<strong>Example: </strong>
<pre>sortedList = list.sort()</pre>
<section href="fn_sortEach" name="sortEach">
<pre>java.util.List sortEach(Function func)</pre>
<p>Sorts the list using the passed function to determine order. The function will receive two parameters, and should return &gt; 0 if the first is greater, &lt; 0 if the first is less, and 0 if equal.</p>
<strong>Example: </strong>
<pre>sortedList = list.sort(function(val1, val2) { return val1.compareTo(val2) })</pre>