blob: bddc11a3156421f1949307a39c992e76c783ffc2 [file] [log] [blame]
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<document url="JSLog.html">
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<title>Variable 'log'</title>
<section href="summary" name="Variable 'log'">
<p>JavaScript interface to the log facility.</p>
<table width="100%">
<th colspan="2">Function Summary</th>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_debug">debug(java.lang.String message)</a>
<dd>Logs a debug message</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_info">info(java.lang.String message)</a>
<dd>Logs an info message</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_warn">warn(java.lang.String message)</a>
<dd>Logs a warn message</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_error">error(java.lang.String message)</a>
<dd>Logs an error message</dd>
<section name="Functions">
<section href="fn_debug" name="debug">
<pre>void debug(java.lang.String message)</pre>
<p>Logs a debug message</p>
<code>message</code> -
Description of the Parameter</dd>
<section href="fn_info" name="info">
<pre>void info(java.lang.String message)</pre>
<p>Logs an info message</p>
<code>message</code> -
Description of the Parameter</dd>
<section href="fn_warn" name="warn">
<pre>void warn(java.lang.String message)</pre>
<p>Logs a warn message</p>
<code>message</code> -
Description of the Parameter</dd>
<section href="fn_error" name="error">
<pre>void error(java.lang.String message)</pre>
<p>Logs an error message</p>
<code>message</code> -
Description of the Parameter</dd>