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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<document url="FileExtensions.html">
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<title> Extensions</title>
<section href="summary" name=" Extensions">
<p>Adds various functions to</p>
<table width="100%">
<th colspan="2">Function Summary</th>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_append">append(String text)</a>
<dd>Appends text to the file.</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_getText">getText()</a>
<dd>Gets the contents of the file as a String.</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_eachLine">eachLine(Function func)</a>
<dd>Passes each line to the provided function.</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_getLines">getLines()</a>
<dd>Collects the contents of the file as an array of lines.</dd>
<td width="5%">
<a href="#fn_remove">remove()</a>
<dd>Removes a file.</dd>
<section name="Functions">
<section href="fn_append" name="append">
<pre> append(String text)</pre>
<p>Appends text to the file.</p>
<strong>Example: </strong>
<pre>file.append("added text")</pre>
<section href="fn_getText" name="getText">
<pre>String getText()</pre>
<p>Gets the contents of the file as a String.</p>
<strong>Example: </strong>
<pre>text = file.getText()</pre>
<section href="fn_eachLine" name="eachLine">
<pre>void eachLine(Function func)</pre>
<p>Passes each line to the provided function. The file is opened, and interpreted as a text file using the default encoding. Each line is read and passed to the provided function.</p>
<strong>Example: </strong>
<pre>file.eachLine(function(line) { print(line) })</pre>
<section href="fn_getLines" name="getLines">
<pre>String[] getLines()</pre>
<p>Collects the contents of the file as an array of lines. The file is opened, and interpreted as a text file using the default encoding.</p>
<strong>Example: </strong>
<pre>linesArray = file.getLines()</pre>
<section href="fn_remove" name="remove">
<pre>boolean remove()</pre>
<p>Removes a file. Used to get around the problem of the reserved word 'delete'.</p>
<strong>Example: </strong>
<pre>isRemoved = file.remove()</pre>