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JPA MailReader
Quality Grade: test-build only.
The JPA MailReader is a best-practices example of using Struts 2 with
the Java Persistence API with a standard SQL database.
The example descends from the original MailReader Demonstration
Application and uses a modified version of the MailReader JPA package
developed for the Apache Shale Example.
The application uses the Struts 2 CodeBehind plugin that eliminates
documenting Actions in XML. The Action classes and pages are linked
together using convention over configuration. In some cases,
Result annotations are used to move between workflows.
This implementation expresses the business classes in an "entity"
package. (Business classes are also referred to as "domain" classes
or "model" classes.)
The business classes are designed from the ground-up to be used with
the JPA. Sufficient annotation is provided with the entity
implementations so that a SQL database schema can be generated from
the entity classes, just by running the application, or a unit test.
(See the entity.BootStrapDataTest for an example.)
The persistence logic is contained in a "Service" class that is
associated with each entity class. The service classes are backed by
a static, singleton EntityManagerHelper class that provides the
service implementations with "data access object" functionality.
The inter-object and inter-layer logic is also contained in the
Service classes. Any code that is not dependant on a Struts Action is
pushed to the service layer, where it is easier to test and reuse.
Each business class also has an XWork type converter. Most often,
the converters use a substitute key for the conversion ID, rather than
the primary key. (Exposing the primary key to the user interface layer
is considered a bad practice in DBA circles.)
The type converters do make use of the services to perform database
lookups, as needed. An EntityInterceptor opens and closes a transaction
for each request (OpenSessionInView), and the type converters share
that transaction and a persistence context with the Actions. (The
retrieved object is not detached.)
To provide maximum portability, the internal primary keys are UUIDs.
The entities are based on a mapper superclass which provides shared
code for creating and managing the primary keys.
The business class, manager, and type converter are all stored in
a sub-package named for each business class. Essentially, the
sub-package is a resource container that encapsulates all of the
entity's data and behavior.
An interface and default implementation is provided for each
entity and service. Since all of these are one-off implementations,
the interface is not strictly needed, but interfaces are
still useful containers for JavaDocs, and encourage correct thinking.
The Action packaging follows a similar strategy, but also creates
a resource heirarchy from the entities. The "root" action package
contains the "welcome" resources. The "action.user" package encapsulates
the "user" resources, and the "action.user.subscription" package
encapsulates the "subscription" resources. The nesting of subscription
within user reflects the one-to-many relationship between a user
resource and and its subscriptions.
Essentially, each package/namespace represents a distinct "resource"
from the REST perspective.
Each package/namespace has an Index Action, which is usually the
superclass for other Actions in the same package. The Index Actions
utilize the services to access business logic and persistent data.
The default constructor for an Action instantiates the default
service, but an alternate constructor is provided that could be
used to pass in a mock or alternate service.
Action aliases are not used. Each action has it's own Action
class, which subclass an Index Action. The execute methods are
intentionally anemic, and implementation details are encapsulated
on helper methods in the Index Action.
The Actions provide request-scope User and Subscription objects
that represent the resources being edited in the current request.
The pages record the User and/or Subscription resource as a hidden
field. The type converters fetch the appropriate entity from the
persistence unit, so that it can be set as the current User or
Subscription object.
Of course, the hidden field can also be expressed as a GET
attribute, and this technique is used to restore the current User
after a redirect. Overall, the design is intended to be "RESTful"
or at least REST-like.
The logged-in user is maintained in a session-scope "Profile".
Since the CodeBehind package is being utilized, the folder structure
for the JSP templates follows the package structure.
* No POM is provided. Dependencies include
** commons-logging-1.0.4
** derbyclient
** freemarker-2.3.8
** ognl-2.6.11
** struts-codebehind-plugin-2.0.10
** struts-core-2.0.10
** toplink-essentials
** toplink-agent-essentials
** xwork-2.0.4
* Toplink could be replaced with OpenJPA as a default provider.
* Other providers, like Hibernate, could also be swapped in.
* Need a routine to autocreate the Derby database at installation,
perhaps by running a test suite.
* The index.html is not redirecting to the index action.
* Global error handling and logging is either not working or not
handling 500 errors.
* There is no access security. Anyone can access any user resource.
* Despite the scope of the application, the example could include
a demonstration of handling optimistic locking
* The services could be exposed as Web Services (XFire/CFX) using
an EntityFilter, once the A&A is sorted out.
* With the application structure in place, work is now focussed on
creating a unit test suit against the data access logic.