New mailreader (#27)

* Drops mailreader example as deprecated and based on Struts 1

* Re-implements mailreader example to be independent from Struts 1

* Cleans up poms

* Cleans up dependencies

* Re-formats

* Reduces noise in the logs

* Uses proper extension and drops duplicated optiion

* Uses var instead of id in S2 tags

* Puts back .do extension
92 files changed
tree: fbcaf3f0d48f917d07c94d48c9cd6514e962ced8
  1. .mvn/
  2. action-chaining/
  3. annotations/
  4. basic-struts/
  5. bean-validation/
  6. blank/
  7. coding-actions/
  8. control-tags/
  9. crud/
  10. debugging-struts/
  11. exception-handling/
  12. exclude-parameters/
  13. file-upload/
  14. form-processing/
  15. form-tags/
  16. form-validation/
  17. form-xml-validation/
  18. helloworld/
  19. http-session/
  20. interceptors/
  21. json/
  22. json-customize/
  23. mailreader2/
  24. message-resource/
  25. message-store/
  26. portlet/
  27. preparable-interface/
  28. rest-angular/
  29. restful2actionmapper/
  30. shiro-basic/
  31. spring-struts/
  32. src/
  33. text-provider/
  34. themes/
  35. themes-override/
  36. tiles/
  37. type-conversion/
  38. unit-testing/
  39. unknown-handler/
  40. using-tags/
  41. validation-messages/
  42. wildcard-method-selection/
  43. wildcard-regex/
  44. .gitignore
  45. .travis.yml
  46. mvnw
  47. mvnw.cmd
  48. pom.xml

Struts Examples

Build Status @ Jenkins Build Status @ Travis License

This Maven multi-module project contains all the Struts 2 example applications that are part of the Getting Started Struts 2 tutorials at

To build all the example applications run the Maven command:

mvn -e clean package

In the project's root folder, Maven will build each module and create a .war file in the target sub-folder of each module.

You can then copy the .war files to your Servlet container (e.g. Tomcat, Jetty, GlassFish, etc).

There is a README file in each module with instructions and the URL to view that application.