Mirror of Apache Struts

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  1. 04e5f36 Merge pull request #394 from apache/dependabot/maven/org.jfree-jfreechart-1.5.5 by Lukasz Lenart · 2 weeks ago master
  2. 356a256 Merge pull request #393 from apache/dependabot/maven/jakarta.el-jakarta.el-api-6.0.1 by Lukasz Lenart · 2 weeks ago
  3. 76704a7 Merge pull request #392 from apache/dependabot/maven/org.springframework-spring-web-6.2.0 by Lukasz Lenart · 2 weeks ago
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  5. 7698956 Merge pull request #390 from apache/dependabot/maven/net.sf.jasperreports-jasperreports-7.0.1 by Lukasz Lenart · 2 weeks ago

Struts Examples

Build Status @ ASF Build Status @ GH Actions License

This Maven multi-module project contains all the Struts 2 example applications that are part of the Getting Started Struts 2 tutorials at http://struts.apache.org.

To build all the example applications run the Maven command:

mvn -e clean package

In the project's root folder, Maven will build each module and create a .war file in the target sub-folder of each module.

You can then copy the .war files to your Servlet container (e.g. Tomcat, Jetty, GlassFish, etc).

There is a README file in each module with instructions and the URL to view that application.