blob: 255968f7b3e5f940f2bd9da479a8617558e931d4 [file] [log] [blame]
<h1>Tiles Simple Tests</h1>
These tests allow quick checking of
Tiles behaviors and Tiles instalation. </P>
<P>It is possible to run each test separately, or all in one. In this later
case, test results and test codes are displayed in the same page. You can
compare the resulting page with the quick overview page from main site to check
if all is ok.</P>
<P>To run tests, follow the "all in one" link. If there is a problem, try
each separate test in turn to localize which one fail.</P>
<LI><A href="testAll.jsp">All in one</A> (main code + test results)
<LI><A href="testBasic.jsp">basic tests</A>(no definitions)
<LI><A href="testIgnore.jsp">Test 'ignore' attribute, and basic errors processing</A>
<LI><A href="testList.jsp">test lists</A>
<LI><A href="testDefinitions.jsp">test definitions</A>
<LI><A href="testRole.jsp">test role (With Tomcat, use 'tomcat' as userid and password)</A>
<LI><A href="testStrutsAction.jsp">test struts action integration and behavior</A>
<LI><A href="testController.jsp">test tile controller calls</A>