blob: f2fe370c234b50c61bb28f1997b2ac40e0db56c5 [file] [log] [blame]
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="tiles" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="html" %>
Render a page allowing user to customize its menu.
@param choiceItems Available menu entries proposed as choice
@param userItems Actual user menu entries
<script language="javaScript1.2">
function selectAll( )
for( j=0; j<selectAll.arguments.length; j++ )
col1 = selectAll.arguments[j];
for(i=0; i<col1.options.length; i++ )
col1.options[ i ].selected = true;
} // end loop
return true;
function move( col1, col2)
toMove = col1.options[ col1.selectedIndex ];
opt = new Option( toMove.text, toMove.value, false, false );
col1.options[col1.selectedIndex ] = null;
col2.options[col2.length] = opt;
col2.selectedIndex = col2.length-1;
return true;
function remove( col1)
col1.options[ col1.selectedIndex ] = null;
return true;
function up( col1 )
index = col1.selectedIndex;
if( index <= 0 )
return true;
toMoveX = col1.options[ index -1 ];
toMoveY = col1.options[ index ];
optX = new Option( toMoveX.text, toMoveX.value, false, false );
optY = new Option( toMoveY.text, toMoveY.value, false, false );
col1.options[index] = optX;
col1.options[index-1] = optY;
col1.selectedIndex = index-1;
return true;
function down( col1 )
index = col1.selectedIndex;
if( index+1 >= col1.options.length )
return true;
toMoveX = col1.options[ index ];
toMoveY = col1.options[ index + 1 ];
optX = new Option( toMoveX.text, toMoveX.value, false, false );
optY = new Option( toMoveY.text, toMoveY.value, false, false );
col1.options[index] = optY;
col1.options[index+1] = optX;
col1.selectedIndex = index+1;
return true;
<tiles:importAttribute name="catalog" />
<tiles:importAttribute name="userItems" />
<html:form action="/" >
<li>Choose an item from "Items Choice" colomn, and add it to "my Items" using the '>' button.</li>
<li>You can also rearange your Menu by using appropriate buttons : '^', 'V' and 'delete'</li>
<li>Validate your menu by clicking on 'validate' button. Load any page and check your menu !</li>
<table align="center">
<td align="right">
Items Choice
<html:select property="selectedChoices" multiple="true" >
<html:options collection="catalog" property="link" labelProperty="value"/>
<html:button property=">" value=">" onclick="move(selectedChoices,selected);return true;"/>
<td align="left">
My Items
<html:select property="selected" multiple="true" size="10">
<html:options collection="userItems" property="link" labelProperty="value"/>
<div align="center">
<html:button property="right" value="^" onclick="up(selected);return true;"/>
<html:button property="right" value="del" onclick="remove(selected);return true;"/>
<html:button property="right" value="v" onclick="down(selected);return true;"/>
<html:submit property="validate" value="validate" onclick="selectAll(selected);return true;"/></div>