blob: fa614b2fa7294d9754ae860758b17891c8689a1d [file] [log] [blame]
using System.Text;
using Nexus.Core.Validators;
namespace PhoneBook.Core
/// <summary>
/// Remove punctuation on input and insert punctuation on output.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks><p>
/// Null input or output is passed thorugh as null.
/// Non-null input or output must be strings.
/// Output is formatted for local or long distane US telephone numbers.
/// Output strings that are too short or too long are passed through.
/// </p></remarks>
public class TelephoneProcessor : Processor
public override bool ConvertInput(IProcessorContext incoming)
object source = incoming.Source;
if (source == null) return true;
string input = source as string;
if (input == null) return false;
char[] marks = {'-'};
string[] splits = input.Split(marks);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input.Length);
foreach (string s in splits)
incoming.Target = sb.ToString();
return true;
public override bool FormatOutput(IProcessorContext outgoing)
object source = outgoing.Source;
if (source == null) return true;
string output = source as string;
if (output == null) return false;
string mark = "-";
if (output == null) return false;
string buffer = null;
if (output.Length == 10)
// 012-345-6789
string buffer1 = output.Insert(6, mark);
buffer = buffer1.Insert(3, mark);
else if (output.Length == 7)
// 012-3456
buffer = output.Insert(3, mark);
else buffer = output;
outgoing.Target = buffer;
return true;