blob: cc1447e033459aabd504a6958cae4f0e9dfc25db [file] [log] [blame]
using System;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Agility.Core
/// <summary>
/// Test suite for the various Test*Commands.
/// </summary>
public class CommandTest
public void ModifyCommand()
const string VALUE = TestInputCommand.VALUE;
TestContext context = new TestContext();
context.Add(context.InputKey, VALUE);
ICommand command = new TestModifyCommand();
string output = context[context.OutputKey] as string;
Assert.IsNotNull(output, "Expected output");
Assert.IsFalse(VALUE.Equals(output), "Expected modified output");
string input = context[context.InputKey] as string;
Assert.IsTrue(VALUE.Equals(input), "Expected " + VALUE + " but found " + input);
public void NotImplementedCommand()
TestContext context = new TestContext();
ICommand command = new TestNotImplementedCommand();
Assert.Fail("Expected exception");
catch (NotImplementedException expected)
Assert.IsNotNull(expected, "Expected exception");
public void NowCommand()
TestContext context = new TestContext();
ICommand command = new TestNowCommand();
DateTime then = (DateTime) context[context.OutputKey];
int greater = DateTime.Now.CompareTo(then);
Assert.IsTrue(greater >= 0, "Expected now to be past");
public void RemoveCommand()
ICommand command = new TestRemoveCommand();
const string VALUE = TestInputCommand.VALUE;
TestContext context = new TestContext();
context.Add(context.InputKey, VALUE);
string input = context[context.InputKey] as string;
Assert.IsNull(input, "Expected input to be removed");
string output = context[context.OutputKey] as string;
Assert.IsNotNull(output, "Expected non-null output");
Assert.IsTrue(VALUE.Equals(output), "Expected " + VALUE + " but found " + output);