blob: c2b335786efef348def3d6e67248df9540023407 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.tiles.xmlDefinition;
import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Parse an XML definitions file.
* @author Cedric Dumoulin
* @author David Geary
public class XmlParser {
/** Associated digester. */
protected Digester digester;
* Should we use a validating XML parser to read the configuration file.
* Default is <code>false</code>.
protected boolean validating = false;
* The set of public identifiers, and corresponding resource names for
* the versions of the configuration file DTDs we know about. There
* <strong>MUST</strong> be an even number of Strings in this list!
protected String registrations[] = {
// pre 1.1
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration//EN",
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Components Configuration//EN",
// version 1.1
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 1.1//EN",
// version 1.2
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Tiles Configuration 1.2//EN",
* Constructor.
* Creates a digester parser and initializes syntax rules.
public XmlParser()
digester = new Digester();
// Register our local copy of the DTDs that we can find
for (int i = 0; i < registrations.length; i += 2) {
URL url = this.getClass().getResource(registrations[i+1]);
if (url != null)
digester.register(registrations[i], url.toString());
// Init syntax rules
initDigester( digester );
* Set digester validating flag.
public void setValidating( boolean validating )
digester.setValidating( validating);
* Init digester for components syntax.
* This is an old set of rules, left for backward compatibility.
* @param digester Digester instance to use.
private void initDigesterForComponentsDefinitionsSyntax( Digester digester )
// Common constants
String PACKAGE_NAME = "org.apache.tiles.xmlDefinition";
String DEFINITION_TAG = "component-definitions/definition";
String definitionHandlerClass = PACKAGE_NAME + ".XmlDefinition";
String PUT_TAG = DEFINITION_TAG + "/put";
String putAttributeHandlerClass = PACKAGE_NAME + ".XmlAttribute";
String LIST_TAG = DEFINITION_TAG + "/putList";
String listHandlerClass = PACKAGE_NAME + ".XmlListAttribute";
String ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG = LIST_TAG + "/add";
// syntax rules
digester.addObjectCreate( DEFINITION_TAG, definitionHandlerClass );
digester.addSetProperties( DEFINITION_TAG);
digester.addSetNext( DEFINITION_TAG, "putDefinition", definitionHandlerClass);
// put / putAttribute rules
digester.addObjectCreate( PUT_TAG, putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetNext( PUT_TAG, "addAttribute", putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( PUT_TAG);
digester.addCallMethod( PUT_TAG, "setBody", 0);
// list rules
digester.addObjectCreate( LIST_TAG, listHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( LIST_TAG);
digester.addSetNext( LIST_TAG, "addAttribute", putAttributeHandlerClass);
// list elements rules
// We use Attribute class to avoid rewriting a new class.
// Name part can't be used in listElement attribute.
digester.addObjectCreate( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG, putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetNext( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG, "add", putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG);
digester.addCallMethod( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG, "setBody", 0);
* Init digester for Tiles syntax.
* Same as components, but with first element = tiles-definitions
* @param digester Digester instance to use.
private void initDigesterForTilesDefinitionsSyntax( Digester digester )
// Common constants
String PACKAGE_NAME = "org.apache.tiles.xmlDefinition";
String DEFINITION_TAG = "tiles-definitions/definition";
String definitionHandlerClass = PACKAGE_NAME + ".XmlDefinition";
String PUT_TAG = DEFINITION_TAG + "/put";
String putAttributeHandlerClass = PACKAGE_NAME + ".XmlAttribute";
//String LIST_TAG = DEFINITION_TAG + "/putList";
// List tag value
String LIST_TAG = "putList";
String listHandlerClass = PACKAGE_NAME + ".XmlListAttribute";
// Tag value for adding an element in a list
String ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG = "*/" + LIST_TAG + "/add";
// syntax rules
digester.addObjectCreate( DEFINITION_TAG, definitionHandlerClass );
digester.addSetProperties( DEFINITION_TAG);
digester.addSetNext( DEFINITION_TAG, "putDefinition", definitionHandlerClass);
// put / putAttribute rules
// Rules for a same pattern are called in order, but rule.end() are called
// in reverse order.
// SetNext and CallMethod use rule.end() method. So, placing SetNext in
// first position ensure it will be called last (sic).
digester.addObjectCreate( PUT_TAG, putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetNext( PUT_TAG, "addAttribute", putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( PUT_TAG);
digester.addCallMethod( PUT_TAG, "setBody", 0);
// Definition level list rules
// This is rules for lists nested in a definition
digester.addObjectCreate( DEF_LIST_TAG, listHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( DEF_LIST_TAG);
digester.addSetNext( DEF_LIST_TAG, "addAttribute", putAttributeHandlerClass);
// list elements rules
// We use Attribute class to avoid rewriting a new class.
// Name part can't be used in listElement attribute.
digester.addObjectCreate( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG, putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetNext( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG, "add", putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG);
digester.addCallMethod( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG, "setBody", 0);
// nested list elements rules
// Create a list handler, and add it to parent list
String NESTED_LIST = "*/" + LIST_TAG + "/" + LIST_TAG;
digester.addObjectCreate( NESTED_LIST, listHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( NESTED_LIST);
digester.addSetNext( NESTED_LIST, "add", putAttributeHandlerClass);
// item elements rules
// We use Attribute class to avoid rewriting a new class.
// Name part can't be used in listElement attribute.
//String ADD_WILDCARD = LIST_TAG + "/addItem";
// non String ADD_WILDCARD = LIST_TAG + "/addx*";
String ADD_WILDCARD = "*/item";
String menuItemDefaultClass = "org.apache.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem";
digester.addObjectCreate( ADD_WILDCARD, menuItemDefaultClass, "classtype");
digester.addSetNext( ADD_WILDCARD, "add", "java.lang.Object");
digester.addSetProperties( ADD_WILDCARD);
// bean elements rules
String BEAN_TAG = "*/bean";
String beanDefaultClass = "org.apache.tiles.beans.SimpleMenuItem";
digester.addObjectCreate( BEAN_TAG, beanDefaultClass, "classtype");
digester.addSetNext( BEAN_TAG, "add", "java.lang.Object");
digester.addSetProperties( BEAN_TAG);
// Set properties to surrounding element
digester.addSetProperty(BEAN_TAG+ "/set-property", "property", "value");
* Init digester in order to parse instances definition file syntax.
* Instances is an old name for "definition". This method is left for
* backwards compatibility.
* @param digester Digester instance to use.
private void initDigesterForInstancesSyntax( Digester digester )
// Build a digester to process our configuration resource
String PACKAGE_NAME = "org.apache.tiles.xmlDefinition";
String INSTANCE_TAG = "component-instances/instance";
String instanceHandlerClass = PACKAGE_NAME + ".XmlDefinition";
String PUT_TAG = INSTANCE_TAG + "/put";
String PUTATTRIBUTE_TAG = INSTANCE_TAG + "/putAttribute";
String putAttributeHandlerClass = PACKAGE_NAME + ".XmlAttribute";
String LIST_TAG = INSTANCE_TAG + "/putList";
String listHandlerClass = PACKAGE_NAME + ".XmlListAttribute";
String ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG = LIST_TAG + "/add";
// component instance rules
digester.addObjectCreate( INSTANCE_TAG, instanceHandlerClass );
digester.addSetProperties( INSTANCE_TAG);
digester.addSetNext( INSTANCE_TAG, "putDefinition", instanceHandlerClass);
// put / putAttribute rules
digester.addObjectCreate( PUTATTRIBUTE_TAG, putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( PUTATTRIBUTE_TAG);
digester.addSetNext( PUTATTRIBUTE_TAG, "addAttribute", putAttributeHandlerClass);
// put / putAttribute rules
digester.addObjectCreate( PUT_TAG, putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( PUT_TAG);
digester.addSetNext( PUT_TAG, "addAttribute", putAttributeHandlerClass);
// list rules
digester.addObjectCreate( LIST_TAG, listHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( LIST_TAG);
digester.addSetNext( LIST_TAG, "addAttribute", putAttributeHandlerClass);
// list elements rules
// We use Attribute class to avoid rewriting a new class.
// Name part can't be used in listElement attribute.
digester.addObjectCreate( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG, putAttributeHandlerClass);
digester.addSetProperties( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG);
digester.addSetNext( ADD_LIST_ELE_TAG, "add", putAttributeHandlerClass);
* Init digester.
* @param digester Digester instance to use.
protected void initDigester( Digester digester )
initDigesterForTilesDefinitionsSyntax( digester );
initDigesterForComponentsDefinitionsSyntax( digester );
initDigesterForInstancesSyntax( digester );
* Parse input reader and add encountered definitions to definitions set.
* @param in Input stream.
* @param definitions Xml Definitions set to which encountered definition are added.
* @throws IOException On errors during file parsing.
* @throws SAXException On errors parsing XML.
public void parse( InputStream in, XmlDefinitionsSet definitions ) throws IOException, SAXException
// set first object in stack
// parse
catch (SAXException e)
//throw new ServletException( "Error while parsing " + mappingConfig, e);
throw e;
* Main method to check file syntax.
public static void main(String[] args)
//String filename = "E:/programs/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/wtiles-struts/WEB-INF/tiles-examples-defs.xml";
String filename = "E:/programs/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3/webapps/wtiles-struts/WEB-INF/tiles-examples-defs.xml";
//String filename = "E:/programs/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/wtiles-struts/WEB-INF/tilesDefinitions.xml";
//String filename = "E:/programs/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/wtiles-channel/WEB-INF/componentDefinitions.xml";
//String filename2 = "E:/programs/jakarta-tomcat/webapps/wtiles-tutorial/WEB-INF/componentDefinitions.xml";
if( args.length > 1 )
filename = args[1];
} // end if
System.out.println( "Read file '" + filename +"'" );
InputStream input = null;
// InputStream input2 = null;
// Open file
input = new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream( filename) );
// input2 = new BufferedInputStream(
// new FileInputStream( filename2) );
catch( IOException ex )
System.out.println( "can't open file '" + filename + "' : " + ex.getMessage() );
// Check file syntax
XmlParser parser = new XmlParser();
XmlDefinitionsSet definitions = new XmlDefinitionsSet();
System.out.println( " Parse file" );
parser.parse( input, definitions);
// System.out.println( " Check file 2" );
//parser.parse( input2, definitions);
System.out.println( " done." );
System.out.println( " Result : " + definitions.toString() );
catch( Exception ex )
System.out.println( "Error during parsing '" + filename + "' : " + ex.getMessage() );